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Ahl Al Bait university / College of Pharmacy

Histology /First stage

lec.5 Lecturer: Dr. Zainab S. Al-Shimmari

Histology of Urinary System

The kidneys possess a convex and a concave border, the latter of which is known as
the hilum. It is here that arteries enter and the ureter, veins, and lypmh vessels leave the
kidney. Each kidney has a capsule that has two layers, the outer fibrous layer and an
inner, more cellular layer.
• Outer fibrous layer is composed of ( type I and type III collagen and occasional
• The inner layer consists of (types I and III collagen and myofi broblasts)
Each kidney is divided into a cortex and a medulla.
 The cortex is subdivided into the cortical labyrinth and the medullary rays
_ The cortical labyrinth is composed of the renal corpuscles and the convoluted
tubular portions of the nephron.
_ Each medullary ray is an extension of the renal medulla into the cortex, where it
forms the core of a kidney lobule.
 the medulla is composed of 10 to 18 renal pyramids, each of which is said to
constitute a lobe of the kidney.
_ The apex of each pyramid is perforated by 15 to 20 papillary ducts (of Bellini) at the
area cribrosa.
_ The region of the medulla between neighboring renal pyramids is occupied by cortical-
like material known as renal columns (of Bertin).

Ahl Al Bait university / College of Pharmacy
Histology /First stage
lec.5 Lecturer: Dr. Zainab S. Al-Shimmari

Ahl Al Bait university / College of Pharmacy
Histology /First stage
lec.5 Lecturer: Dr. Zainab S. Al-Shimmari

Uriniferous Tubule
The functional unit of the kidney is the uriniferous tubule (see 1), consisting of the

nephron and the collecting tubule, each of which is derived from a different
embryologic primordium.
A- Nephron
There are three types of nephrons, classified by the location of their renal corpuscles in
the kidney cortex:
• juxtamedullary nephrons, possessing long, thin limbs of Henle’s loop,
• cortical (subcapsular) nephrons located just beneath the capsule, and
• midcortical (intermediate) nephrons, whose renal corpuscles are located in the
midcortical region.

There are two parts of a kidney nephron: the renal corpuscle, and the renal tubule.
(1) Renal Corpuscle
Renal corpuscle includes the glomerulus and the Bowman’s capsule. Between these 2
structures is the urinary space.
 Bowman’s capsule lines the urinary space and consists of:
•An outermost layer – simple squamous epithelium (properly referred to as the
parietal layer of Bowman’s capsule).
•An innermost layer – cells known as podocytes (more on next slide), which adhere to
the external surface of the glomerulus (properly referred to as the visceral layer of
Bowman’s capsule (
 Glomerulus is linked with the afferent and efferent arteries. the capillary is covered
by cells called (podocytes)

Ahl Al Bait university / College of Pharmacy
Histology /First stage
lec.5 Lecturer: Dr. Zainab S. Al-Shimmari

**Podocytes: These are specialized cells with foot processes that give off small finger-
like projections, known as pedicels. These projections form interdigitations with other
adjacent podocyte pedicels, which give rise to slit valves (or filtration slits). Together
these slit valves function as a filter. They trap large molecules and particles here in order
to prevent them from entering the urinary space.
The structure between capillary loops in the glomerulus:
Mesangial cells are glomerular cells that are NEITHER podocytes NOR endothelial cells.
They are modified smooth muscle cells.
Mesangial cells
–Have phagocytic properties
–Provide structural support for the glomerulu.

Ahl Al Bait university / College of Pharmacy
Histology /First stage
lec.5 Lecturer: Dr. Zainab S. Al-Shimmari

(2) Renal Tubule

The renal tubule is the part of the kidney nephron into which the glomerular filtrate
passes after it has reached the Bowman's capsule. The part of the renal tubule is
1-The proximal convoluted tubule (PCT)
The PCT can be recognized by several histological characteristics:
- A simple cuboidal epithelium
- A brush border (meaning the cell surface contains microvilli, which add to the
absorptive surface area of the cells)
2- Loop of Henle, which consists of two portions - first the descending limb of Henle,
then the ascending limb of Henle. In order to pass through the Loop of Henle, the water
(and substances dissolved in it) pass from the renal cortex into the renal medulla, then
back to the renal cortex. When this fluid returns to the renal cortex (via the ascending
limb of Henle) it passes into the distal convoluted tubule (DCT)
3- Distal Convoluted Tubule:
• A simple cuboidal epithelium
Ahl Al Bait university / College of Pharmacy
Histology /First stage
lec.5 Lecturer: Dr. Zainab S. Al-Shimmari

• NO brush border

B- Collecting Tubules
Collecting tubules begin at the terminal ends of distal convoluted tubules as either
connecting tubules or arched collecting ducts. Several distal convoluted tubules join
each collecting tubule, a structure composed of a simple cuboidal epithelium whose
lateral cell membranes are evident with the light microscope.
• The cortical collecting tubules descend from the medullary rays of the cortex to enter
the renal pyramids of the medulla.
• As they enter the medulla, they are known as medullary collecting tubules.
• Several medullary collecting tubules merge to form the papillary ducts (ducts of
Bellini), which terminate at the area cribrosa.
The cuboidal cells of the collecting tubule are of two types, the lightly staining principal
cells and the intercalated cells that stain darker.
• Principal cells (light cells)
• Intercalated cells (dark cells)
Urinary bladder:
It stores the urine temporarily, before its exsecretion to the outside. The wall of the
bladder consists of three layers:
1-Mucosa: It is the inner layer, composed of transitional epith. and lamina propria.
In an empty bladder, the transitional epith. is 5-6 cells in thickness, the superficial cells
are rounded and bulge into the lumen, and they are usually polypoid or binucleated.
When bladder is full of urine, the epith. will stretch and cells will become 3-4 only in
thickness and the superficial cells become sequamous.
The bladder contains three orifices; two upper ureteric orifices, and one lower internal
urethral orifice. The triangular region defined by these three orifices is called trigone, is
smooth and has constant thickness, while the rest of the wall of bladder has variable
texture and thickness in relation to the fullness of bladder.

Ahl Al Bait university / College of Pharmacy
Histology /First stage
lec.5 Lecturer: Dr. Zainab S. Al-Shimmari

The trigone originates embryologically from mesonephric ducts, while the rest of bladder
wall originates from cloaca.
The superficial cells of the transitional epithelium have a special membrane of thick
plates separated by narrow bands of thinner membrane that are responsible for the
osmotic barrier between urine and tissue fluids.
When bladder contracts, the membrane folds along the thinner regions, and the thicker
plates invaginate to form cytoplasmic vesicles. These vesicles represent a reservoir of
these thick plates that can be stored in the cytoplasm of the cells of the empty bladder
and used to cover the increased cell surface in the full bladder.
Lamina propria consists of loose connective tissue and diffuse lymphoid tissue.
2-Muscular layer: Thick layer that runs in every direction, without distinct orientation.
At the bladder neck(origin of urethra), the muscular layer will arrange in three layers:
a- Inner longitudinal layer: it will become circular distal to the bladder neck and
surrounds the prostatic urethra in the male, and external meatus of the female, forming
the true involuntary urethral sphincter.
b- Middle circular layer: it ends at the bladder neck.
c- Outer longitudinal layer: continues to the end of the prostate in male, and the external
urethral meatus in female.
3- Adventitia: Loose connective tissue rich in blood vessels, except the upper part of the
bladder which is covered by serosa(because it is an intra peritoneal part).
Renal calyces, renal pelvis, and ureters have the same histological structure. The wall
consists of three layers:
1- Mucosa: similar to that of the urinary bladder.
2- Muscular layer: it has a helical arrangement, then near the bladder, it will become
two layers; an inner longitudinal and outer circular. When the ureter pass through the
wall of the bladder, the muscles will become longitudinal only. The ureter pass obliquely

Ahl Al Bait university / College of Pharmacy
Histology /First stage
lec.5 Lecturer: Dr. Zainab S. Al-Shimmari

through the bladder forming a valve to prevent the back-flow of urine. In addition, there
is a flap of bladder mucosal membrane act as a valve.
3- Adventitia: loose connective tissue.

It is a tube that carries urine to the outside.
Male urethra
It is divided into three parts:
1- Prostatic urethra: represents the initial part, surrounded by the prostate gland,
very close to the bladder. In the dorsal and distal part, there is an elevation;
verumontanum, that protrudes into the interior. The two ejaculatory ducts open on the
sides of the verumontanum, in addition to the prostatic glands. Seminal fluid enter
through these ducts to be stored before ejaculation. Prostatic urethra is lined by
transitional epith.
2- Membranous urethra: about 1cm long, extends from prostatic urethra to the bulb
of corpora cavernosa. It is lined by stratified or pseudostratified columnar epith., and
surrounded by striated muscle; the voluntary urethral sphincter.
3- Penile urethra: include both bulbous and pendulous urethra. Both extend through
the corpus spongiosum of the penis. They are lined by pseudostratified columnar epith.,
or columnar epith. At the distal part, the lumen of urethra dilates forming fossa
navicularis, which is lined by stratified sequamous epith.
The lamina propria of the urethra is composed of loose connective tissue rich in
blood vessels and mucous glands; Littre's gland(mostly at the pendulous part).
Female urethra
Short tube; about 4-5cm long, lined by pseudostratified epith., and near the external
orifice, it becomes stratified sequamous epith. The middle portion is surrounded by the
external voluntary.

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