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Ann Gildroy

Values and Beliefs:

 Ann’s father taught her that men and women are equal and should have equal opportunities
 Her mother taught her that she can multitask and she has to decide what role to takeup for
 Her brother’s condition taught her humility and made her kinder and persistent
 Her parents gave her a belief that every decision is her own and there is no God
 Her school taught her the importance of service, selflessness and accomodating other’s

Ann’s Big 5 values:

 Openness: Ann has learned to take a lot of risks right from her childhood. She has learned to
accommodate other’s beliefs right from childhood and this shows her borad mindedness. So
she can be rated high on Openness
 Conscientiousness: She said that she developed persistence from her brother. She was very
responsible when it comes to executing her duties. She could even improve her GPA when
the dean of Foreign services school asked her to. She can be rated high on C score
 Extraversion: While at HBS she became socially recluse and spent most of the time with
herself. So she can be rated low on Extraversion
 Agreeability: She had two different instances in her life where in one she heeded to her
parents to join an IB and then she didn’t inform her parents about joining Marine Corps. She
later didn’t heed to her parents words even though they told her that they were unhappy.
So she can be rated average on Agreeability
 Neuroticism: She mentioned that she felt scared, lonely at times and wanted to believe in
God but she didn’t. She was not taken aback completely when she told that she can’t
perform the duites which men can. She was also a part of Marine Corps. The above things
prove that she can be rated low on N score

Ann’s Job attitudes:

Prudential Securities, Warburg Dillon Road:

Organizational Commitment:

 She couldn’t identify herself with the values of the company and values of the people
around her
 She believed in selflessness where the people around her were more interested in making

Job satisfaction:

 She described her time at IB as miserable and this shows that she had no job satisfaction

Psychological Empowerment:
 She was not able to relate the way her job was benefitting companies
 She had very less psychological empowerment

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