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Ministry of Higher Education and

Scientific Research
Al-Rashid University College
Department of Dentistry
Subject: - The Cingulum

Name: - Hadeel Mohammed Alwan

Group C

Date: - 10 / 4 / 2020
- :Cingulum
The Cingulum refers to the Portion of the teeth (anterior teeth (incisors and
Canines)). occurring on the lingual or palatal aspects. forms a convex
Protuberance at the cervical third of the anatomic Crown. It represents the
lingual or Palatal developmental lobe of these teeth, notice the figure.

The Cingulum Varies from tooth to the other in size and shape of the

- Cingulum in the central incisors: in the maxillary central incisors the

cingulum is a Small Convexity near to Cervical line, and in the mandibular
central incisor the cingulum is Convex, Small and Centered.
-Cingulum in the lateral incisors: - In the maxillary lateral incisor the
cingulum is more prominent and clear than the central incisors and almost
centered on the long axis of the root, and in the mandibular the cingulum is
off center to the distal with a barely dicernible lingual fossa. Generally, the
Cingulum in the lateral incisors is larger than the central incisors.
-Cingulum in the Canine: - in the maxillary Canine the cingulum is larger
than that Found in maxillary Central &lateral incisors & in Some Cases is
pointed like a small Cusp. and in the mandibular Canine is less Cingulum

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