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Rotation And Translation

Submitted to:
Mam Maham
Submitted by:
Ifra Ghaffar
MCS Spring 2019-2021
ProveThat Rotation And translation Are
Not Commutative Operations?
We always show to you two forms, one from x to x' and the other the inverse
from x' to x. In many cases, one may need several

The above means that rotates the point (x,y) an angle a about the coordinate
origin and translates the rotated result in the direction of (h,k). However, if
translation (h,k) is applied first followed by a rotation of angle a (about the
coordinate origin), we will have the following:
Therefore, rotation and translation are not commutative!
In the above discussion, we always present two matrices, A and B, one for
transforming x to x' (i.e., x'=Ax) and the other for
transforming x' to x (i.e., x=Bx'). You can verify that the product of A and B is
the identity matrix. In other words, A and B are inverse matrices of each other.
Therefore, if we know one of them, the other is the inverse of the given one.
For example, if you know A that transforms x to x', the matrix that
transforms x' back to x is the inverse of A.
Let R be a transformation matrix sending x' to x: x=Rx'. Plugging this equation
of x into a conic equation gives the following:

Rearranging terms yields

This is the new equation of the given conic after the specified transformation.
Note that the new 3-by-3 symmetric matrix that represents the conic in a new
position is the following:

Now you see the power of matrices in describing the concept of

Translations and Rotations in Space
Translations in space is similar to the plane version:

The above translates points by adding a vector <p, q, r>.

Rotations in space are more complex, because we can either rotate about
the x-axis, the y-axis or the z-axis. When rotating about the z-axis, only
coordinates of x and y will change and the z-coordinate will be the same. In
effect, it is exactly a rotation about the origin in the xy-plane. Therefore, the
rotation equation is

With this set of equations, letting a be 90 degree rotates (1,0,0) to (0,1,0) and
(0,1,0) to (-1,0,0). Therefore, the x-axis rotates to the y-axis and the y-axis
rotates to the negative direction of the original x-axis. This is the effect of
rotating about the z-axis 90 degree.
Based on the same idea, rotating about the x-axis an angle a is the following:

Let us verify the above again with a being 90 degree. This rotates (0,1,0) to
(0,0,1) and (0,0,1) to (0,-1,0). Thus, the y-axis rotates to the z-axis and the z-
axis rotates to the negative direction of the original y-axis.
But, rotating about the y-axis is different! It is because the way of measuring
angles. In a right-handed system, if your right hand holds a coordinate axis
with your thumb pointing in the positive direction, your other four fingers
give the positive direction of angle measuring. More precisely, the positive
direction for measuring angles is from the z-axis to x-axis. However,
traditionally the angle measure is from the x-axis to the z-axis. As a result,
rotating an angle a about the y-axis in the sense of a right-handed system is
equivalent to rotating an angle -a measuring from the x-axis to the z-axis.
Therefore, the rotation equations are

Let us verify the above with rotating about the y-axis 90 degree. This rotates
(1,0,0) to (0,0,-1) and (0,0,1) to (1,0,0). Therefore, the x-axis rotates to the
negative direction of the z-axis and the z-axis rotates to the original x-axis.
A rotation matrix and a translation matrix can be combined into a single
matrix as follows, where the r's in the upper-left 3-by-3 matrix form a
rotation and p, q and r form a translation vector. This matrix represents
rotations followed by a translation.

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