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He is Nicolás Maduro Moros. He is 57 years old. His hair is black, his eyebrows are full,
his eyes are black, his nose is thick, his skin is white, and he is quite tall and fat.
Mature Nicolas almost does not sleep. When he does, he wakes up at 4:30 in the morning.
And he goes to the garden to listen to the birds and drink coffee. Then he takes a shower
at He has breakfast with his wife and son at 5:30 a.m. and at 6:00 am he goes to the
office and meets with his ministers to schedule the day's business. Sometimes you must
travel to other cities or countries. He loves to do proselytism and summon the people of
Venezuela who follow him to lie about his management. He boasts of being the best
president that Venezuela has after Hugo Chavez and of being a man who fights like his
liberator Simon Bolivar.
His place of work is the Miraflores palace. Nicolás is the president of Venezuela because
of that he lives in the palace. Although he often spends his time on the streets calling on
his followers to protect his regiment and not allow him to be stripped of his power.
Another favorite place of work for him in the dungeons and in Cuba.
Nicolas is currently playing the role of a villain, a tyrant. He is taking Venezuela to ruin.
After being one of the richest countries in America; He turned Venezuela into one of the
poorest. Many people have left their country, either to seek a better quality of life or to
seek asylum because they are persecuted for thinking differently than their regimen.
He often makes fun of those who do not agree with his mandate and always provokes
them by showing him the power he has. Almost always their oppressors are mistreated or
in the worst case killed and disappeared. He should stop so much violence and could
accept to surrender power and submit to a non-violent exit from his mandate or otherwise
Nicolas Maduro and his accomplices are facing a rather black fate.

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