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Assignment: MIDTERM
Section: BBA 2E
Submitted by: AMEER ALI
Roll no: BBHM-F19-253
Submitted to: SIR ADEEL
Superior University Lahore



Suppose you want to buy any product*, ranging from a pencil to a car (small to a large
product). What would be your decision criteria, give the weightage to that criteria and also
explain the other steps involved in decision making. (10)

After completing the above-mentioned activity answer the following questions with

1. What do you think, the decision you made is rational, bounded rational or intuitive? (5)
2. What was your decision-making condition while making this decision? Certainty, Risk or
Uncertainty. (5)
3. Decision you made is a programmed decision or non programmed decision. (5)
4. Do you think your decision-making style is analytical, conceptual, behavioral or
directive? (5)

*Products could be Stationary items like pencil, paper etc, Electronics Items like fan, air
conditioner, micro wave oven, refrigerator etc, Furniture Items like office chair, table, sofa etc,
Gadgets like mobile phone, smart watch, laptop etc, Apparels like shirt, tie, trousers etc,
Automobile items like, bike, car etc.

Question No. 1:-

Suppose you want to buy any product*, ranging from a pencil to a
car (small to a large product). What would be your decision criteria, give the
weightage to that criteria and also explain the other steps involved in decision
making. (10)
These are 8 steps of Decision making
1- Identify a Problem
2- Identifying Decision Criteria
3- Allocating Weights to the Criteria
4- Devolving Alternative
5- Evaluation of Alternative
6- Selecting an Alternative
7- Implement the Alternative
8- Evaluating Decision Effectiveness
Step 1:-
Identify a Problem:-
“I Need New Mobile Phone”
Step 2:-
Identifying Decision Criteria:-
Buy a new Mobile Phone criteria would be
1- Battery Life
2- Ram and Rom
3- Carrying Weight
4- Warranty
5- Display Quality
Step 3:-
Allocating Weights to the Criteria:-

1- Battery Life 10
2- Ram and Rom 8
3- Carrying Weight 6
4- Warranty 4
5- Display Quality 3
Step 4:-
Devolving Alternative:-
List of valuable alternatives that could resolve the problem
a. IPhone
b. Samsung
c. Vivo
d. Huawei
e. Oppo
f. Infinix
g. Lenovo
h. OnePlus
Step 5:-
Evaluation of Alternative:-
Battery Life Ram and Rom Carrying weight Warrant DisplayQuality
IPhone 10 8 8 6 7
Samsung 9 8 5 7 5
Vivo 10 7 8 7 6
Huawei 9 8 7 6 7
Oppo 9 7 6 5 3
Infinix 10 7 5 4 6
Lenovo 8 8 7 5 4
Oneplus 7 5 6 7 8

Step 5:-
Evaluation of Alternative:-
Battery Life Ram and Rom Carrying weight Warrant DisplayQuality T
IPhone 100 64 48 24 21 257
Samsung 90 64 30 28 15 227
Vivo 100 56 48 28 18 250
Huawei 90 64 42 24 21 241
Oppo 90 56 36 20 9 211
Infinix 100 56 30 20 18 224
Lenovo 80 64 42 24 12 222
Oneplus 79 40 36 28 24 207

Step 6:- Selecting an Alternative

The sixth step is the decision making process is choosing the best alternative or
the one that generated the highest total in Step 5. Now we would choose the
IPhone Mobile phone because it scored higher than all other alternatives total
Step 7:-
Implementing the Alternative:-
In seven step implement the decision that i choose in step 6. Now we buy new
IPhone mobile phone.

Step 8:-
Evaluating Decision Effectiveness:-
My decision is Pro-Active and correct decision.

Question No. 2:-

What do you think, the decision you made is rational, bounded
rational or intuitive?
The rational decision maker will be completely objective and logical. The
problem will be clear and unambiguous, and the decision-maker will have a clear
and specific purpose and they will know all possible alternatives and
The decision I made is Rational because my decision making approach is relay in
rational and suitable.
In rational the decision is Comprehensive, Perfect information, Systematic, Step
by step, Logical, Linear
Bounded rational is non linear and iterative Limited ability to be comprehensive
reason is this that I was not chosen this.

Question No. 3:-

What was your decision-making condition while making this decision?
Certainty, Risk or Uncertainty ?
Certainty situation in which a manager can make accurate decisions because
all outcomes are known.
My decision making condition is Certainty because my decision is accurate or all
outcomes are known very well.
In risk very estimate decisions
In uncertainty neither certainty nor reasonable estimates available

Question No 4:-
Decision you made is a programmed decision or non-programmed
decision. ?
I made Programed decision because in programed decisions involves
simple, common and frequently occurring problems for which solutions have
already been determined.
In un-programed involves a complex and unique problem or opportunity with
important consequences for the organization.

Question 5:-
Do you think your decision-making style is analytical, conceptual,
behavioral or directive ?
Analytical decision maker examine much more information before taking
action. This style contrasts with more intuitive leadership styles where managers
make many decisions using intuition or opinion.
My decision making style is Analytical because I collect many information before
taking and implement of decision

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