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Le présent L’imparfait

il fait beau = the weather is good il faisait beau = the weather was good
il fait mauvais = the weather is bad il faisait mauvais = the weather was bad
il fait chaud = it is hot il faisait chaud = it was hot
il fait froid = it is cold il faisait froid = it was cold
il y a du soleil = it is sunny il y avait du soleil = it was sunny
il y a des nuages = it is cloudy il y avait des nuages = it was cloudy
il y a du vent = it is windy il y avait du vent = it was windy
il y a du brouillard = it is foggy il y avait du brouillard = it was foggy
il y a des orages = it is stormy il y avait des orages = it was stormy
il pleut = it is raining il pleuvait = it was raining
il neige = it is snowing il neigeait = it was snowing
il gèle = it is freezing il gelait = it was freezing

Le temps
le temps = the weather
la météo = weather forecast Le futur
aujourd’hui = today il fera beau = the weather will be good
demain = tomorrow il fera mauvais = the weather will be bad
hier = yesterday il fera chaud = it will be hot
un arc-en-ciel = a rainbow il fera froid = it will be cold
assez = quite il y aura du soleil = it will be sunny
très = very il y aura des nuages = it will be cloudy
au printemps = in spring il y aura du vent = it will be windy
en été = in summer il y aura du brouillard = it will be foggy
en automne = in autumn il y aura des orages = it will be stormy
en hiver = in winter il pleuvra = it will rain
Quand il pleut… = When it rains… il neigera = it will snow
Quand il fait beau… = When the weather is good… il gèlera = it will be freezing
Quel temps fait-il? = What is the weather like?
La température est de 20 degrés = The temperature is 20 degrees


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