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The Effect of Climate Change towards Hydrological Cycle.

Hydrological cycle is a continuous cycle where the water movement undergo the basic
continuous cycle such as precipitation, evaporation, transpiration, infiltration and surface runoff.
Furthermore, there are several components of hydrological cycle. One of it is precipitation.
Precipitation is a major component of this cycle. It is also can be defined as any condensation
product of atmospheric vapor whether it is in solid or liquid state that is being deposited on the
earth’s surface at last. The quantity and form of precipitation is being influenced by the actions
of other climatic factors such as temperature, atmospheric pressure and humidity. The state of
precipitation varies in many form such as rain, snow, sleet, drizzle and hail.

Then the cycle goes to the surface runoff. Surface runoff can be used to describe the flow
of water from rain or other sources over the land surface. Surface runoff can be affected by two
factors which are by the physical characteristics and meteorological factors. The physical
characteristics consists of land use, soil type, drainage area, basin type, elevation and topography
especially the land slope while the meteorological factors consists of rainfall intensity, direction
of storm movement and the type of precipitation either it is a rain, snow or sleet. Then it goes to
the groundwater that refers to the water that occupy all the voids within geological stratum.
Other than that, infiltration also occurs when the water flows into the ground through the soil
surface. Water from the surface soaks into the subsurface soils and moves into rocks through the
pore spaces, voids and cracks. The rate of infiltration is being influenced by the timing of the
overland flow inputs to the channel system.

Then, transpiration also can occur after the process of infiltration. Transpiration is a
process where the water being absorbed from plant’s roots and released as water vapor through
their stomata, the pores in their leaves. At the same time, evaporation will also take place as it
transform water from the state of liquid to vapor state. Evaporation can be affected by relative
humidity, sun radiation, wind and temperature. This will lead to the process of
evapotranspiration where it is the sum of evaporation and plant transpiration from the land
surface of earth to the atmosphere. There are two concept for evapotranspiration which are
potential evapotranspiration and actual evapotranspiration. The potential evapotranspiration is an
approach used to measure the atmosphere’s ability in order to remove the water from the surface
by the evaporation and transpiration while assuming that there are no control over the water
supply. On the other hand, the actual evapotranspiration is where a plenty quantity of water
being removed from surface due to the process of transpiration and evaporation. However, all of
this hydrological cycle can be disrupted and affected by the climate change.

Climate change occurs due to several factors. One of it is the emissions of greenhouse
effect. This factor is already being researched that this is the best factor of climate change. Since
1950, the global emissions of carbon dioxide had increased by 400%. This resulted in the higher
concentration of carbon dioxide in the air. It has reaches 400 ppm compared to 280 ppm during
the starting of the Revolution of Industrial in the year of 1750. Other than that, the influence of
solar. Since 1970, there is a slight decrease in the total input of energy from the sun based on the
satellite’s observations. Instead of being more cooling, the sun is more towards being the warmer
over this period. Moreover,

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