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Ogle-Lee Retired Teachers’ Association Executive Board Meeting-June 13, 2017

The June 13, 2017 Ogle-Lee retired Teachers’ Association Executive Board Meeting was called to
order by Co-President Jean Whipple at 10:04 a.m. at the Byron Public Library with the following
members present: Jean Whipple, Jean Hoff, Linda Kenney, Carole Sutton, Phil Bratta, Richard
Longfellow, and Diane Kenney.
The minutes from the April 4, 2017 Membership Meeting were accepted by consensus as
The treasurer’s report presented by Linda Kenney was accepted by consensus as printed. The
Checking Account Balance was $7,717.14, the Memorial Fund Balance was $615.81, and the Life
Account Balance was $7,587.37. Total assets were $15,920.32.
Co-President Jean Whipple gave a membership report. Welcome to new member Dr. Susan
Hillison of Rochelle, and good bye and best wishes to members Rick and Jan Cupp who will be
moving to Florida.
Ogle-Lee Retired Teachers’ Association was the recipient of a monetary donation from the
estate of long time member Dick Wood. It was decided that the donation of $1,000.00 would go
to the scholarship fund, as will any and all future monetary donations received by the
Board members Phil Bratta, Diane Kenney, Richard Longfellow, and Carole Sutton attended the
Area I Conference and offered information and materials collected from the conference. The
Ogle-Lee RTA Board pays for members to attend the Area I Conference. However, not all
members who registered for the Area I Conference attended. There was discussion among the
Board members, and it was decided that Jean Hoff would send letters to those who asked to be
registered but who did not attend. They would be asked to pay the $12 registration fee.
The 2017 IRTA State Convention will be held at the Crown Plaza Hotel in Springfield on Oct. 30 &
31. Co-president Jean Whipple stated that up to 12 delegates from our association could attend.
Those wishing to attend may register on line. The registration fee is $45. Dr. Joe Thiele will be
the 2017 Ogle-Lee Unit Honoree for the IRTA State Convention.
Nominations for new officers was discussed. Offices needing to be filled are: President, (or Co-
Presidents), Webmaster, and Legislative Chairperson. Nominations will be taken at the July 11
Suggested Revisions to the Constitution and Bylaws were developed by Secretary Elke Grennan,
presented by Co-President Jean Whipple, and discussed by the Board. Final revision proposals
will be presented at the July 11 meeting.
It was noted by Co-President Jean Whipple that longtime state Senator Tim Bivins was retiring
at the end of his current term. Sen. Bivins is much appreciated for all his work on behalf of
retired teachers. He will be recognized at a future Ogle-Lee RTA meeting.
The next Ogle-Lee RTA meeting will be on Tuesday, July 11, 2017, at the First Presbyterian
Church of Rochelle, 1100 Calvin Rd. Rochelle. The business meeting will begin at 12:00, followed
by lunch at 12:30. Lunch will be catered by Ralphie and Lulu’s. The luncheon fee will be $15.00.
The menu includes: BBQ pork with Vienna bun, 7-layer salad, fresh fruit salad, Mrs. Fischer’s
Potato Chips, mini cherry cheesecakes, iced tea and coffee. After the luncheon, there will be a
time of remembrance led by Loretta Bell. Finally, the featured program “The Road to Cuba!” will
be presented by Ogle-Lee RTA members Dan Graber and Terry Dickow.
Coming meetings:

 Executive Board Meeting will be on Tuesday, September 12, 2017 at 10:00 a.m. at the
Byron Library
 General Meeting, Oct. 10, LOMC, Oregon:
Presentations will be given by Chris Gluck, AMBA Representative and
Gail Beck, Dietician from KSB Hospital
Co-President Jean Whipple adjourned the meeting at 12:10 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Diane Kenney, Acting Secretary

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