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Interview questions and answers

1. Cuéntame algo sobre ti.

Tell me something about you.
I am a young entrepreneur, I like challenges and I think that they strengthen the way we go
about day by day; I am responsible, quite dynamic, with a desire to excel, and my goals are
based on the achievement of clear objectives, I learn quickly and I employ appropriately with
punctuality, honesty, and responsibility in the different activities I carry out.
2. ¿Por qué crees que eres la persona adecuada para el puesto?
Why do you think you are the right person for the job?
This work is perfectly suited to my skills. I am fully convinced that your company is the right
one for my interests and abilities
3. ¿Cuál ha sido tu mayor logro profesional?
What has been your greatest professional achievement?
One of my greatest professional achievements was that in the company where I am, I went from
being a resectionist to being an assistant in human management.
4. ¿Por qué quieres cambiar de trabajo?
Why do you want to change jobs?
because I want to learn to do new things, I want to grow in my job and work in different areas
5. ¿Prefieres trabajar solo o en equipo?
Do you prefer to work alone or in a team?
I personally prefer to work as a team since two minds think better than one and so the work
becomes shorter and more effective.
6. ¿Consideras que has tenido éxito en tu carrera?
Do you think you have been successful in your career?
I consider that I have been successful in my career because I have always worked very hard and
I have always been very receptive to any challenge that came my way. I am very enthusiastic
and that has allowed me to work on really interesting projects. For me, success is that
7. ¿Como tomas decisiones?
How do you make decisions?
I take time to assess the situation before deciding what to do. I also try to learn from others. If I
know of anyone who has experience with a similar situation, I will not hesitate to ask for
8. ¿Qué te motiva para ir más allá del deber?
What motivates you to go beyond duty?
I do not consider that there is a line that separates what goes beyond my duty. When I work on a
project, I always give my best, always.
9. ¿Te consideras una persona con iniciativa?
Do you consider yourself a person with initiative?
Definitely. I can't help but detect inefficient processes in every project I collaborate on. I always
suggest improvements and I can say that they have been a success.
10.¿Asumes riesgos o eres una persona cauta?
Do you take risks or are you a cautious person?
I take risks but I always proceed with caution, so I imagine I must be somewhere in between. I
like to weigh what my chances of success are before taking a risk. I also tend to analyze what I
can win and what I can lose. I can say that I am a bold professional but at the same time

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