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Sex Plant Reprod (2001) 14:195–200

DOI 10.1007/s00497-001-0118-0


Tamara N. Naumova · Jessica van der Laak

Jaroslaw Osadtchiy · Fritz Matzk · Alexei Kravtchenko
Jan Bergervoet · Kamisetti S. Ramulu · Kim Boutilier

Reproductive development in apomictic populations

of Arabis holboellii (Brassicaceae)
Received: 25 April 2001 / Accepted: 19 October 2001 / Published online: 16 November 2001
© Springer-Verlag 2001

Abstract Megasporogenesis, megagametogenesis and seed Introduction

formation were analyzed cytologically in populations of
Arabis holboellii originating from North America (Colora- Apomixis in plants is a natural phenomenon whereby
do) and Greenland. The Colorado population contained seeds are produced with embryos that are genotypically
only triploid plants, while the Greenland population con- identical to the maternal parent. Apomictic reproduction
sisted of diploid and triploid plants. The penetrance of the is characterized by the avoidance or modification of
apomictic trait was assessed at the level of embryo sac de- meiosis leading to unreduced gametes, parthenogenetic
velopment. All populations showed facultative apomeiotic embryo development and pseudogamous, or in some
embryo sac development; however the penetrance of this cases, autonomous endosperm development (Nogler
trait differed between the populations. Apomeiotic and 1984; Asker and Jerling 1992).
meiotic embryo sac development were characterized We are using Arabis holboellii as a model to under-
by diplosporous dyad formation (Taraxacum-type) and stand the developmental and molecular regulation of
meiotic tetrad formation (Polygonum-type), respectively. apomixis in plants. A. holboellii is the only reported apo-
Flow cytometric analyses of single mature seeds from all mict among the Brassicaceae; however, a number of
three populations suggest that only unreduced gametes Arabis species have ploidy levels (e.g. 3×) that suggest
participate in viable seed development. Pseudogamy was they also reproduce by apomixis (Mulligan 1995; Koch
the predominant mode of endosperm formation; however, et al. 1999; Sharbel and Mitchell-Olds 2001). Sexual and
autonomous endosperm development was also observed. apomictic development in A. holboellii have been de-
The fertilization of unreduced egg cells with unreduced scribed cytologically in great detail by Böcher (1951).
pollen was observed at a low frequency in the Greenland Evidence for apomixis at the molecular level has also
populations. The mechanisms of apomictic reproduction been described (Roy and Rieseberg 1989; Roy 1995).
in A. holboellii are discussed. A. holboellii has several characteristics that make it
an attractive model system to study apomixis. It is a
Keywords Arabis holboellii · Apomixis · Diplospory · close relative of Arabidopsis thaliana; therefore the ex-
Autonomous endosperm · Pseudogamy tensive molecular genetic resources that exist for A. tha-
liana – including the complete genome sequence and
T.N. Naumova, J. van der Laak and J. Osadtchiy contributed wide range of reproductive mutants – can be used to
equally to this work identify and isolate genes involved in apomictic process-
es in A. holboellii. Further, A. holboellii is a highly poly-
T.N. Naumova · J. van der Laak · J. Osadtchiy · A. Kravtchenko morphic species, including both sexual and apomictic
J. Bergervoet · K.S. Ramulu · K. Boutilier (✉)
Plant Research International, Postbus 16, 6700 AA, Wageningen, forms that vary in ploidy and geographic origin (Rollins
The Netherlands 1941; Böcher 1947, 1954; Sharbel and Mitchell-Olds
e-mail: 2001), providing a source of natural variation for genetic
Tel.: +31-317-477167, Fax: +31-317-423110 studies on the regulation of apomictic development.
T.N. Naumova · J. Osadtchiy As a first step toward developing A. holboellii as a
Komarov Botanical Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia model system, we have used cytological techniques to
F. Matzk characterize megasporogenesis, embryo sac and seed
Institut für Pflanzengenetik und Kulturpflanzenforschung (IPK), development in populations originating from North
Gatersleben, Germany America and Greenland. We confirm the work of Böcher
A. Kravtchenko (1951) by describing A. holboellii as a diplosporous apo-
Institute for Cytology and Genetics, Novosibirsk, Russia mict showing apomixis at both the diploid and triploid

level. Further, we document the occurrence of hybrids EPICS XL-MCL flow cytometer (Miami, Fla.) equipped with an
resulting from unreduced female and male gametes, as argon ion laser at 488 nm. The ploidy of embryo and endosperm
nuclei was determined in single mature seeds using a Partec Flow
well as pseudogamous and autonomous endosperm de- Cytometer PA (Münster, Germany) and the Flow Cytometric Seed
velopment in this species. Screen (FCSS; Matzk et al. 2000, 2001). Pollen viability was esti-
mated by Alexander staining (Alexander 1969).

Materials and methods

Plant material
Arabis holboellii populations
Seeds of A. holboellii were originally collected from plants grow-
ing in natural habitats of North America (Colorado) and Green-
land, and were obtained from Bitty Roy (Swiss Federal Institute of The Colorado population was obtained as bulked seeds
Technology) via Rod Scott (University of Bath) and from Bettina from which 78 plants were grown. All plants showed a
Lehnhardt (Humbolt University), respectively. The plants were uniform and robust phenotype (Fig. 1A). Flowering be-
maintained in the greenhouse and were grown under long-day
conditions on sandy soil mixed with small clay rocks. gan 6 months after sowing, lasted for approximately
6 months, and could be extended to more than 1 year by
removing the main inflorescence stem (Table 1). Both
Ovule and seed development pollen viability, as measured by Alexander staining, and
For the study of ovule and seed development, whole ovaries and
seed set were generally high; however both were low at
siliques were fixed in either FAA or Carnoy’s solution and cleared the beginning and end of the flowering period. Chromo-
as in Naumova et al. (1999). The ovules and seeds from individual some counts and ploidy analysis of 11 plants (Table 1)
ovaries and siliques, respectively, were mounted on separate slides showed that these plants are triploid (2n = 3× = 21;
for further investigation. Multiple ovaries/siliques from different Fig. 1B). This population is referred to hereafter as ‘trip-
branches of the same plant were analyzed for each plant. Cleared
ovules and seeds were investigated with phase contrast and loid Colorado’.
Nomarski optics. Embryo sacs were scored as meiotic or apome- The Greenland population was obtained as eight seed
iotic based on the presence of a tetrad or a dyad with a developing batches among which two phenotypes were observed.
chalazal megaspore, respectively. Semi-thin sections (4 µm) were
prepared from fixed, Technovit (Heraeus Kulzer)-embedded mate-
rial and stained with toluidine blue.
Fig. 1A–E Representative phenotypes and chromosome numbers
of the Arabis holboellii populations. A Triploid Colorado plant.
Ploidy and pollen analysis B Microsporocyte at metaphase I from a triploid Colorado plant.
Note the 21 univalent chromosomes. Triploid plants produce
Chromosome numbers were determined in microsporocytes by mostly unreduced pollen. ×2,200. C Diploid Greenland plant.
staining Carnoy-fixed anthers with DAPI solution. Ploidy levels of D Triploid Greenland plant. E Microsporocyte at metaphase I
leaf cells were determined using flow cytometry. Suspensions of from a diploid Greenland plant showing 14 univalent chromo-
intact leaf nuclei were prepared (Arumuganathan and Earle 1991; somes. Diploid plants produce a mixture of reduced and unre-
Naumova et al. 1999) and analyzed using a Beckman-Coulter duced pollen in a single anther. ×2,200
Table 1 Characteristics of the Arabis holboellii populations used in this study

Population Ploidy (number of Time to flowering Duration of Pollen fertility (%)

plants analysed) (months) flowering (months)
Mean Range

Triploid Colorado 3× (11) 6 6–12 95 50–100

Diploid Greenland 2× (15) 5 3–4 33 0–98
Triploid Greenland 3× (11) 6 6–12 50 0–95

Table 2 Reconstruction of reproductive pathways in A. holboellii ovules and mature seedsa

Population Female gametophyte development Seed development

No. plants No. ovules % Apomeiosis No. plants C values

analyzed analyzed analyzed embryo:endosperm
Average Range (number of seeds)

Triploid Colorado 4 671 98 95–100 4 3C:9C (40)b

3C:6C (5)c
Diploid Greenland 16 462 73 45–89 5 2C:6C (55)b
2C:4C (1)c
4C:6C (1)d
2.6C:6C (1)e
Triploid Greenland 4 513 94 83–98 2 3C:9C (21)b
3C:6C (1)c
6C:9C (1)d
a For female gametophyte development, ovules were cleared and b Unreduced embryo sac, egg cell parthenogenesis and pseudo-
then scored for meiotic (tetrads) or apomeiotic (dyads with a de- gamous endosperm development (fertilization of the central cell
veloping chalazal megaspore) embryo sacs. The ‘% apomeiosis’ with unreduced pollen)
was calculated per plant based on the total number of apomeiotic c Unreduced embryo sac, egg cell parthenogenesis and autono-
and meiotic embryo sacs observed for that plant. The mean was mous endosperm development
calculated as the sum of the per plant ‘% apomeiosis’ values di- d Unreduced embryo sac and double fertilization by unreduced
vided by the total number of plants observed. Reproductive path- pollen
ways in seeds were determined using Flow Cytometric Seed e Unreduced embryo sac (possibly aneuploid), parthenogenesis
Screen (FCSS) analysis on single mature seeds and pseudogamous endosperm (fertilization of the central cell
with unreduced pollen)

One group of plants (five seed batches, 39 plants grown) Megasporogenesis and embryo sac development
developed as a slender rosette from which multiple inflo-
rescence stems emerged (Fig. 1C). These plants flowered Megasporogenesis and megagametogenesis were investi-
5 months after sowing, and continued to flower for an gated in all three populations using tissue clearing. The
additional 3–4 months (Table 1). Cutting back the inflo- pathway of embryo sac development (apomeiotic or
rescence stems did not extend the flowering period. Ap- meiotic) was investigated to determine the mode of re-
proximately one third of these plants were completely production and to estimate the percentage of apomeiotic
male and female sterile. The remaining plants showed ovules per plant. The results of these analyses are pre-
variable male and female sterility on separate branches sented below and are summarized in Table 2.
of the same plant. Chromosome counts of 15 of the 39 Embryo sac development began with the differentia-
plants (Table 1) showed that these plants were diploid tion of the archesporial cell, at the stage when the inner
(2n = 2× = 14; Fig. 1E). This group of plants is hereafter and outer integuments began to develop. The archespori-
referred to as ‘diploid Greenland’. al cell followed two different modes of development. In
The second phenotypic group of Greenland plants 70% of all ovules examined, the archesporial cell divid-
(three seed batches, 24 plants grown) developed as a sin- ed to produce a megaspore mother cell (MMC) and a pa-
gle robust rosette carrying one to three inflorescence rietal cell. In the remaining ovules, the archesporial cell
stems (Fig. 1D). Chromosome counts and ploidy analy- developed directly into the MMC (Fig. 2A). The subse-
sis of 11 of the 24 plants showed that these plants were quent development of the MMC differed between the
triploid (2n=3×= 21). This group of plants is referred to meiotic and apomeiotic pathways. In the meiotic path-
as ‘triploid Greenland’. The timing and period of flower- way, the MMC divided twice to form a tetrad of mega-
ing, as well as the pollen fertility and seed set character- spores (Fig. 2F). The three micropylar megaspores of the
istics are as described above for the triploid Colorado tetrad degenerated, while the chalazal megaspore en-
population (Table 1), with the exception that three of the larged and then underwent three mitoses to form an
24 plants were completely sterile. eight-nucleate Polygonum-type embryo sac. In the apo-

Fig. 2A–L Reproductive pathways in triploid and diploid A. hol- meiotic pathway, the MMC divided once to produce a
boellii populations. Images A, E, G, J are from triploid Colorado diplosporous dyad consisting of two unreduced mega-
plants, H, I from triploid Greenland plants and B–D, F, K, L from
diploid Greenland plants. Images A–D and F–K are from cleared spore-like cells (“MS”; Fig. 2B, C). The micropylar
ovules. Images E and L are from sectioned material. A Ovule with “MS” of the diplosporous dyad degenerated, while the
megaspore mother cell (MMC) in a subepidermal position. The in- chalazal “MS” increased in size, underwent vacuoliza-
ner (II) and outer (OI) integuments have almost enclosed the nu- tion (Fig. 2D, E) and three subsequent mitoses to form
cellus (N). ×660. B Ovule with a diplosporous dyad (Dy). ×760.
C As in B, but with a parietal cell (PC) above the dyad. ×900.
an eight-nucleate embryo sac (Taraxacum-type). The ma-
D Ovule with a one-nucleate diplosporous Taraxacum-type em- ture Taraxacum-type embryo sac, which is morphologi-
bryo sac (DES) and remnants of the micropylar megaspore-like cally indistinguishable from a meiotic embryo sac
cell (‘‘MS’’). ×790. E As in D, but with a subepidermal parietal (Fig. 2G). Both meiotic and apomeiotic embryo sac de-
cell (PC). ×1,000. F Tetrad of meiotic megaspores (TMS). The en- velopment were observed in ovules from the same ovary
larged chalazal megaspore is functional (FMS). A parietal cell
(PC) is present. ×670. G Ovule with a fully developed Taraxacum- of diploid Greenland plants. The frequency of apomeio-
type embryo sac showing an egg cell (EC), two synergids (SY) and tic embryo sac formation in diploid Greenland plants
a central cell with two polar nuclei (PN). ×370. H Ovule with em- was estimated to range from 45 to 89% (Table 2).
bryo sac showing the two intact synergids (SY), the egg cell (EC)
and the primary endosperm nucleus (En) formed after fusion of
the polar nuclei. ×360. I Initial steps of free nuclear endosperm
(En, open arrowheads) development. The egg cell (EC) is elongat- Seed development
ed. ×330. J Seed with a globular-stage embryo and multinuclear
endosperm (En). ×150. K Seed with globular stage embryo (E) Apomictic seed development was morphologically simi-
and a restricted amount of endosperm (En). A large hypostase (H)
is visible. ×100. L Cross section of a seed containing an early cot-
lar in all three populations. Soon after anthesis, the apo-
yledon-stage embryo and endosperm. The micropylar endosperm meiotic embryo sac increased greatly in size and the polar
has cellularized, while the chalazal endosperm is still nuclear. ×57 nuclei fused and moved to a central position within the
central cell (Fig. 2H). Nuclear endosperm development
was initiated prior to embryo formation (Fig. 2I). Subse-
quent embryo and endosperm development (Fig. 2J, L),

were as described for sexual members of the Brassicaceae Male meiosis is likewise affected in that a low percent-
(Maheshwari 1950; Brown et al. 1999), except that seeds age of pollen mother cells undergo apomeiotic develop-
with a restricted endosperm content were observed in ment (see Fig. 1E), leading to a mixture of reduced
both the Greenland (Fig. 2K) and Colorado populations. and unreduced pollen grains in a single anther (A.
Seeds with a restricted amount of endosperm were ap- Kravtchenko, unpublished results). Our preliminary
proximately the same size as seeds in the same silique FCSS data suggest that in diploid plants only unreduced
with a normal endosperm content. female and male gametes contribute to mature seed for-
We used FCSS (Matzk et al. 2000, 2001) to more pre- mation (in all cases of parthenogenetic and zygotic em-
cisely determine the pathway of embryo and endosperm bryo development, as well as pseudogamous endosperm
development in mature A. holboellii seeds. All three pop- formation). However, analysis of megasporogenesis and
ulations were comparable in their reproductive behavior megagametogenesis in the diploid population indicated a
(Table 2). Pseudogamy (fertilization of the central cell) significant percentage of meiotic embryo sac develop-
was the predominant mode of endosperm formation in ment. Taken together, these results suggest that there is
all three populations; however, autonomous endosperm selection against, or developmental abnormalities associ-
development was occasionally observed. This data is in ated with, haploid gametes. Additional studies on a larg-
agreement with the results of Matzk et al. (2000) who er number of plants and a wider range of populations are
demonstrated both autonomous and pseudogamous endo- clearly required.
sperm development using bulked seeds for the flow cyto- The work described here serves as a basis for future
metric analysis of obligate and facultative A. holboellii studies aimed at the identification and characterization of
apomicts. Fertilization of unreduced egg cells and pseu- the genes controlling apomictic development in A. hol-
dogamous endosperm were also detected in the Green- boellii. A recent analysis demonstrated that Capsella ru-
land populations. Interestingly, preliminary flow cyto- bella, a species in the same clade as A. holboellii, shares
metric analyses of single mature seeds from the diploid extensive genome colinearity and sequence similarity
Greenland population suggest that only unreduced ga- with A. thaliana (Acarkan et al. 2000). Gene sequencing
metes contribute to the formation of mature seeds (ab- efforts in our group indicate that many A. holboelli
sence of 2:3 or 3:5 embryo:endosperm C-values). cDNA sequences show greater than 90% DNA sequence
similarity with those from A. thaliana. This important
characteristic allows us to make use of the wide variety
Discussion of molecular tools developed for A. thaliana to acceler-
ate the mapping and identification of apomictic genes in
Reproductive development in A. holboellii was initially A. holboellii.
described by Böcher (1951). His detailed observations,
based mainly on laborious serial sectioning, attracted our Acknowledgements We thank P. Dijkhuis for technical assis-
attention and served as the starting point for our present tance, R. Scott and B. Lehnhardt for A. holboellii seeds, J. van Oss
for photographic work, T. Sharbel for advice on performing chro-
investigation. Our results are in general agreement with, mosome counts, C.-M. Liu for helpful discussions and two anony-
and extend, Böcher’s early observations (Böcher 1951). mous reviewers for constructive comments on the manuscript. The
The diploid A. holboellii population is exceptional in research was supported by NWO Russian-Dutch Research Coop-
that the majority of reported gametophytic apomicts are eration grant number 047.007.019.
polyploids (Asker and Jerling 1992). A number of hy-
potheses have been put forward to account for the rare
occurrence of apomixis at the diploid level (Nogler References
1984; Mogie 1992; Carman 1997). Carman’s hybridiza-
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