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Fransico Gavidia
Ingles 01

Candelaria Edelmira Rosa de Chávez

Family and Favorite Place at Home

Amanda Michelle Bolaños Valiente

Third Homework


February 03, 2017

My family
There are 4 people in my family. I have just one brother and I am the younger
one. My dad owns a consulting business
and he does not really have a schedule
as he is the owner he is always
somehow connected with work, he is 48
year old. He married my mom back in
the 80’s. My mom is a housewife she
spends most of her time at home baking
o at the church. She likes baking a lot
she took a course some years ago and
since then she has been really into it. She as well knows how to cook regular
food, she wanted to get like a cafeteria but he never did. Unfortunately my
parents got divorce 6 year ago both my brother and I live with my mom but we
still see our dad form time to time. Now my brother he is 26 years old he is 5
year older than me. He graduated from UCA in Business Administration. He
enjoys going to the gym he is really athletic and he does not like junk food for
the same reason. He has a girlfriend so he speed most of his time on her house
and sometimes she comes to ours. I am 21 years
old and am the little one. I work at a call center
call Convergys on a full time position. I have
boyfriend his name is Luis we have been
together for almost 3 year. Now last but not least
our dog Lucas he has been with us for over 7
Favorite place at home
My favorite place at home I will say it’s the living room because I really enjoy
long talks with my mom and of curse Lucas (my
dog) it always there. I like it as well because it’s
like a common area in the house. My house
has to floor and the living room is in the first
one. The floor is paved with plane orange
bricks. It has the main house door and two big
Windows so is very illuminated and we always
have them open.  In the middle of the room there is a coffee table and around it
there are 3 black and browns sofas as well there is a big
black TV which is on a square cabinet in the same cabinet
we have lots of picture mostly mine and my brothers. At the
back left hand side corner my mom has a medium palm tree.
All the walls are paint in white.

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