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Microprocessor and Micro controllers



Submitted by:
Ch. Avinash teja(1601-16-735-327)
Durgam Lalith(1601-16-735-329)
B.Kiran kumar(1601-16-735-331)

 The calculator we are going to design is quite basic calculator, it will
only perform 4 tasks, which are as follows:
o When you press the (+) button then it will add the two digits. For
example, you want to add 2 and 3 then you need to press 2 + 2
= these four buttons in sequence and when you press the = button it
will automatically will give you the sum.
o When you press (-) button it will subtract the two digits like 3 – 2
= and it will give you the result.
o When you press (x) button it will multiply the two digits.
o When you press the (/) button it will simply divide the two digits.

 Whenever you press the (=) button, it will give you the output

depending on the function you used before and if you press (=) in the
start then it will give “Wrong Input”.
 Finally, there’s (ON/C) button on the Calculator, when you press this
it will simply reset the code and will clear the LCD.
 So, that’s how this calculator is gonna work. Moreover, it will always
reset when you try to calculate new value.
 As its a simple calculator, so its only limited to 1 digit, means it will
only apply the operation on single digit input like 2+3 but it won’t work on
more than 1 digit like 12 + 13.
 So, now let’s design this calculator, so first we are gonna have a look
at the Proteus simulation of Simple calculator with 8051 Microcontroller.
 After that, we will do the coding part for calculator with 8051
 So, now let’s get started with Proteus Simulation.

Flow chart:

Initialize lcd display ,keyboard to the

Display the home page of calculator

Press the required number key on keyboard

Display error NO Key



Press the required function key

Key =


Press the required number key

NO Key


Press the equal key to get the result

NO Key


Proteus Simulation

 The Proteus Simulation of this Calculator with 8051 Microcontroller is

same as we used for Interfacing of Keypad with 8051 Microcontroller and is
shown in below figure:

 So, you can see we have used the same LCD which is 20×4 and have
used the same keypad.
 You can see this keypad has all the required operations for this project
which are (+), (-), (x) and (/).
 So, now let’s have a look at the programming code for calculator with 8051
Programming Code
#include<string.h> //Define Macros
#define Error 13 // Any value other than 0 to 9 is good

void cct_init(void); //Function declarations

void delay(int);
void lcdinit(void);
void writecmd(int);
void writedata(char);
void writeline(char[]);
void ReturnHome(void);
char READ_SWITCHES(void);
char get_key(void);
int get_num(char);
char get_func(char);
void DispError(int);
void disp_num(int);
void DisplayTitle();

// Define Pins
sbit RowA = P1^0; //RowA
sbit RowB = P1^1; //RowB
sbit RowC = P1^2; //RowC
sbit RowD = P1^3; //RowD

sbit C1 = P1^4; //Column1

sbit C2 = P1^5; //Column2
sbit C3 = P1^6; //Column3
sbit C4 = P1^7; //Column4

sbit E = P3^6; //E pin for LCD

sbit RS = P3^7; //RS pin for LCD

// Main program
int main(void)
char key; //key char for keeping record of pressed key
int num1 = 0; //First number
char func = '+'; //Function to be performed among two num
int num2 = 0; //Second number

cct_init(); //Make input and output pins as required

lcdinit(); //Initilize LCD
//get numb1
key = get_key();
writecmd(0x01); //clear display
writedata(key); //Echo the key pressed to LCD
num1 = get_num(key); //Get int number from char value,
// it checks for wrong input as well
if(num1!=Error) //if correct input then proceed,
//num1==Error means wrong input
//get function
key = get_key();
writedata(key); //Echo the key pressed to LCD
func = get_func(key); //it checks for wrong func

if(func!='e') //if correct input then proceed,

//func=='e' means wrong input
//get numb2
key = get_key();
writedata(key); //Echo the key pressed to LCD
num2 = get_num(key); //Get int number from char
value, it checks for wrong input as well

if(num2!=Error) //if correct input then proceed,

num2==Error means wrong input
//get equal sign
key = get_key();
writedata(key); //Echo the key pressed to LCD

if(key == '=') //if = is pressed then proceed

switch(func) //switch on function
case '+': disp_num(num1+num2); break;
case '-': disp_num(num1-num2); break;
case 'x': disp_num(num1*num2); break;
case '/': disp_num(num1/num2); break;
else //key other then = here means error
wrong input
if(key == 'C') //if clear screen is pressed
then clear screen and reset
writecmd(0x01); //Clear Screen
DispError(0); //Display wrong
input error

void DisplayTitle()
writedata('M'); //write
writedata('P'); //write
writedata('M'); //write
writedata('C'); //write
writedata('_'); //write
writedata('M'); //write
writedata('I'); //write
writedata('N'); //write
writedata('I'); //write
writedata('-'); //write
writedata('P'); //write
writedata('R'); //write
writedata('O'); //write
writedata('J'); //write
writedata('E'); //write
writedata('C'); //write
writedata('T'); //write
writedata('.'); //write


writedata('E'); //write
writedata('C'); //write
writedata('E'); //write
writedata('-'); //write
writedata('C'); //write
writedata('B'); //write
writedata('I'); //write
writedata('T'); //write
writedata('.'); //write

void cct_init(void)
P0 = 0x00; //not used
P1 = 0xf0; //used for generating outputs and taking inputs from
P2 = 0x00; //used as data port for LCD
P3 = 0x00; //used for RS and E

void delay(int a)
int i;
for(i=0;i<a;i++); //null statement

void writedata(char t)
RS = 1; // This is data
P2 = t; //Data transfer
E = 1; // => E = 1
E = 0; // => E = 0

void writecmd(int z)
RS = 0; // This is command
P2 = z; //Data transfer
E = 1; // => E = 1
E = 0; // => E = 0

void lcdinit(void)
///////////// Reset process from datasheet /////////
writecmd(0x38); //function set
writecmd(0x0c); //display on,cursor off,blink off
writecmd(0x01); //clear display
writecmd(0x06); //entry mode, set increment

void ReturnHome(void) /* Return to 0 cursor location */


void writeline(char Line[])

int i;
writedata(Line[i]); /* Write Character */

ReturnHome(); /* Return to 0 cursor position */


char READ_SWITCHES(void)
RowA = 0; RowB = 1; RowC = 1; RowD = 1; //Test Row A

if (C1 == 0) { delay(10000); while (C1==0); return '7'; }

if (C2 == 0) { delay(10000); while (C2==0); return '8'; }
if (C3 == 0) { delay(10000); while (C3==0); return '9'; }
if (C4 == 0) { delay(10000); while (C4==0); return '/'; }

RowA = 1; RowB = 0; RowC = 1; RowD = 1; //Test Row B

if (C1 == 0) { delay(10000); while (C1==0); return '4'; }

if (C2 == 0) { delay(10000); while (C2==0); return '5'; }
if (C3 == 0) { delay(10000); while (C3==0); return '6'; }
if (C4 == 0) { delay(10000); while (C4==0); return 'x'; }

RowA = 1; RowB = 1; RowC = 0; RowD = 1; //Test Row C

if (C1 == 0) { delay(10000); while (C1==0); return '1'; }

if (C2 == 0) { delay(10000); while (C2==0); return '2'; }
if (C3 == 0) { delay(10000); while (C3==0); return '3'; }
if (C4 == 0) { delay(10000); while (C4==0); return '-'; }
RowA = 1; RowB = 1; RowC = 1; RowD = 0; //Test Row D

if (C1 == 0) { delay(10000); while (C1==0); return 'C'; }

if (C2 == 0) { delay(10000); while (C2==0); return '0'; }
if (C3 == 0) { delay(10000); while (C3==0); return '='; }
if (C4 == 0) { delay(10000); while (C4==0); return '+'; }

return 'n'; // Means no key has been pressed


char get_key(void) //get key from user

char key = 'n'; //assume no key pressed

while(key=='n') //wait untill a key is pressed

key = READ_SWITCHES(); //scan the keys again and

return key; //when key pressed then return its value


int get_num(char ch) //convert char into int

case '0': return 0; break;
case '1': return 1; break;
case '2': return 2; break;
case '3': return 3; break;
case '4': return 4; break;
case '5': return 5; break;
case '6': return 6; break;
case '7': return 7; break;
case '8': return 8; break;
case '9': return 9; break;
case 'C': writecmd(0x01); return Error; break; //this is used
as a clear screen and then reset by setting error
default: DispError(0); return Error; break; //it means wrong
char get_func(char chf) //detects the errors in inputted function
if(chf=='C') //if clear screen then clear the LCD and
writecmd(0x01); //clear display
return 'e';

if( chf!='+' && chf!='-' && chf!='x' && chf!='/' ) //if input is not
from allowed funtions then show error
return 'e';

return chf; //function is correct so return the correct


void DispError(int numb) //displays differet error messages

writecmd(0x01); //clear display
case 0: writeline("Wrong Input"); break;
case 1: writeline("Wrong Function"); break;
default: writeline("Wrong Input"); break;

void disp_num(int numb) //displays number on LCD

unsigned char UnitDigit = 0; //It will contain unit digit of numb
unsigned char TenthDigit = 0; //It will contain 10th position digit
of numb

{ 8
numb = -1*numb; // Make number positive
writedata('-'); // Display a negative sign on LCD

TenthDigit = (numb/10); // Findout Tenth Digit

if( TenthDigit != 0) // If it is zero, then don't display

writedata(TenthDigit+0x30); // Make Char of
TenthDigit and then display it on LCD
UnitDigit = numb - TenthDigit*10;
writedata(UnitDigit+0x30); // Make Char of UnitDigit and then
display it on LCD

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