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ThePlayer. components.

c_supergodmode ()
minimap = TheSim:FindFirstEntityWithTag("minimap")
TheWorld.minimap.MiniMap:ShowArea (0,0,0,10000)
TheWorld:PushEvent("ms_setseason", "summer")
TheWorld:PushEvent("ms_setseason", "winter")
Go Adventuring
Gives a set of starting items to the player.

Apply a scenario script to the selection and run it.

Set Your Health

Sets your health to a selected percentage. Note: Use fractional numbers 0.90 = 90%.

Set Your Sanity

Sets your sanity to a selected percentage. Note: Use fractional numbers 0.90 = 90%.

Set Your Hunger

Sets your hunger to a selected percentage. Note: Use fractional numbers 0.90 = 90%.

Set Your Moisture

Sets your wetness to a selected percentage. Note: Use fractional numbers 0.90 =

Sets your temperature to a selected percentage. Note: Use fractional numbers 0.90 =

God Mode
It won't drain Sanity, Hunger or Health when attacked anymore. You cannot change
your stats with commands while in godmode. If you are dead, revives you(Reviving
via c_godmode() doesn't put you in godmode once revived). To deactivate God Mode
use the command again.

Super God Mode

Same as God Mode but also sets all your stats to full, even when turning it off.
Similar to c_godmode(), it revives you as well(Reviving via c_supergodmode()
doesn't put you in godmode once revived).To deactivate God Mode use the command

Maintain Your Health

Similar to supergodmode, but constantly regenerates your health. To cancel, enter

Maintain Your Sanity

Similar to supergodmode, but constantly regenerates your sanity. To cancel, enter

Maintain Your Hunger

Similar to supergodmode, but constantly regenerates your hunger. To cancel, enter

Maintain Your Temperature

Similar to supergodmode, but constantly regenerates your temperature. To cancel,
enter c_cancelmaintaintasks(ThePlayer).

Maintain Your Moisture

Similar to supergodmode, but constantly regenerates your moisture. To cancel, enter

Maintain All
Similar to supergodmode, but constantly regenerates all stats. To cancel, enter

Mob Invisibility
Prevents mobs from targeting the player in combat. Does not work in all

Set Your Running Speed

Standard bonus runspeed is 1. 2 makes you twice as fast and with 12 or more you can
easily walk through walls and "over" water.

There's many other commands, but they're hard to use and not very useful.

Player commands
Note: Most of them will not work if you are a client and not an admin sending a
remote control ( switching to remote mode with Ctrl ) .

Action Prediction
Enabled by default, setting it to "false" will exchange rubberbanding for
choppiness, but is often helpful for combat. This only does anything if executed by
a client, hosts do not have prediction.

Creative Mode
You can craft everything. Enter command again to disable creative mode.

Maximum Health
Change the Maximum Health of your character

Maximum Sanity
Change the Maximum Sanity of your character

Maximum Hunger
Change the Maximum Hunger of your character

Pause Hunger
Your character won't starve anymore.

Change the Damage Multiplier

Changes the Damage Multiplier of your character.

Werebeaver Transformations
Turn Woodie into the Werebeaver. Set to 1 to transform to a Werebeaver. Set to 0 if
you want to transform back to Woodie.

Other Player Commands

Note: Many of the following commands that are normally applied to your player,
godmode or health changing commands, can be applied to other players by using
c_select(AllPlayers[number]) first. So you will have the need for a playerlist to
get the player numbers:

List all players with username and player number.

This seems to not work so well anymore. If you don't get a full list try this
command, it will print the player list to the chat.

for i, v in ipairs(AllPlayers) do TheNet:SystemMessage(tostring(i) .. ": " .., false) end
Get a certain player
AllPlayers[1] will get ThePlayer if you are the host. Other players should have
numbers as shown on the scoreboard (In certain situations, the number may be wrong.
You can be more precise by using c_listallplayers() first to see the username and
character for each player number.. Most of ThePlayer commands can be used with
AllPlayers[number] instead of ThePlayer.

Apply a command to all players

for k,v in pairs(AllPlayers) do command end
Replace command with another command, using "v" instead of AllPlayers[number]. For
example, "for k,v in pairs(AllPlayers) do c_move(v) end" will move all players to
the mouse position.

Teleport another player to you

Moves the player to the cursor position.

Kill a player
Kills the player.

Resurrect a player
Resurrects the player.

Give creative mode to a player

Give the creative mode to the player.

Teleport to a player
Teleports you to to the player corresponding to the player number from

Drop a player's inventory items

Drop everything from player's inventory corresponding to the player number from

Despawn a player's character (returns to selection screen for repicking)

This will delete their items, so it is recommended that you kill them first to drop
their items, or let them DropEverything() as shown above.

As of June 25th, 2016, a new set of commands are introduced to call players. You
can call a player by their player name instead of player number
UserToPlayer('PlayerName'). For example, to kill a player called 'PlayerA' with
player number 5, instead of doing:

This requires you to first run c_listallplayers() and figure out player number.

you can simply do this:

World commands
Teleport to Prefab
After pressing enter, it teleports you to the first numerical instance of the named
prefab. If multiple iterations of the prefab exist, a list of the entity numbers
will be displayed in the console log, and each subsequent execution of the same
command will transport the player from entity to entity in the order they were
generated in the world.

Delete Item Under Mouse

After pressing enter, it deletes the item under your mouse. Use the second command
on dedicated servers, the first command will not work.

Delete All
for k,v in pairs(Ents) do if v.prefab == "prefab" then v:Remove() end end
After pressing enter, it deletes every instance of whatever item prefab is entered.
Useful for long-running servers with lots of clutter.

Reveal Map - Self

minimap = TheSim:FindFirstEntityWithTag("minimap")
TheWorld.minimap.MiniMap:ShowArea (0,0,0,10000)
for x=-1600,1600,35 do
for y=-1600,1600,35 do
This is a local-only command and will not work if you are a client.

Reveal Map - All Players

for k,v in pairs(AllPlayers) do for x=-1600,1600,35 do for y=-1600,1600,35 do
v.player_classified.MapExplorer:RevealArea(x,0,y) end end end
This is a remote-only command and will not work if you are a client.
Reveal Map - As a client
local _x,_y,_z = ConsoleCommandPlayer().Transform:GetWorldPosition(); local size,
step, x, z; size = 800; step = 40; x,z = -size,-size;

local function tp() if x <= size + step then if z <= size + step then z = z + step
else x = x + step; z = -size; end else return true end end;

local function dotp() ConsoleCommandPlayer().Physics:Teleport(x,0,z) if not tp()

then TheWorld:DoTaskInTime( 0.033, dotp ) else
ConsoleCommandPlayer().Physics:Teleport(_x,_y,_z) end end dotp()
This is a local-only command and will work if you are a client.

Skip to the Next Day Cycle

Skip Day
Skip time*30*x)
Skips x days. Change x to skip more days or parts of days (e.g. 16*30*4.5 to skip
4.5 days) WARNING: Too big values may freeze the game. (Depending on computer
speed) - Note that this is here so you can manually change the rate of time skip.
Use c_skip(x) to skip x amount

Skip time units and update

Skips X time units and performs the "LongUpdate" function on world objects

Note: There are 30 time units per segment. To skip a whole day one can either use
LongUpdate(480) or use multiplicative values such as LongUpdate(X*16*30) or
LongUpdate(X*TUNING.TOTAL_DAY_TIME), with X=days to skip.

Speed up simulation
Speed up the simulation of world. some events are determined by time past in game,
and hence can be triggered to happen earlier through this speed up. Skipping would
not bring forward those events.

Set the time scale of the simulation to a specific value X. The normal time scale
corresponds to the value 1. The value 0 pauses the game. Note that console can not
be used while game is paused preventing to remove pause.

Skip phase
Skips the current phase.

Set segments
TheWorld:PushEvent("ms_setclocksegs", {day=x,dusk=y,night=z})
Sets amount of segments. Errors if x + y + z adds up to over 16. Note that this
will get reset the next day.

TheWorld:PushEvent("ms_setclocksegs", {day=14,dusk=1,night=1})
Very long day, very short dusk and night (one segment for dusk and one for night)

Set season segments

TheWorld:PushEvent("ms_setseasonclocksegs", {summer={day=sx,dusk=sy,night=sz},
Sets amount of segments. Errors if x + y + z adds up to over 16. Unlike
setclocksegs, this is permanent.

TheWorld:PushEvent("ms_setseasonclocksegs", {summer={day=14,dusk=1,night=1},
Very long day, very short dusk and night (one segment for dusk and one for night),
with a slightly longer night in winter.

Set season lengths

TheWorld:PushEvent("ms_setseasonlength", {season="summer", length=15})
Sets the lengths of the seasons.

Start Summer
TheWorld:PushEvent("ms_setseason", "summer")
Start summer

Start Winter
TheWorld:PushEvent("ms_setseason", "winter")
Start winter

When the RoG DLC is added, the additional commands will likely be
TheWorld:PushEvent("ms_setseason", "spring") and TheWorld:PushEvent("ms_setseason",

Start Rain
Start rain.

Stop Rain
TheWorld:PushEvent("ms_forceprecipitation", false)
Stop rain. This also includes Frog Rain.

Do Lightning Strike
TheWorld:PushEvent("ms_sendlightningstrike", ConsoleWorldPosition())
Lightning strike on mouse cursor. Will hit lightning rod instead if there is one

Meteor Strike
c_spawn("shadowmeteor", 1)
Meteor strike on mouse cursor. Spawns different kind of rocks randomly.

(Warning it may crash the game)

Activate all Events

for k, v in pairs(SPECIAL_EVENTS) do if v ~= SPECIAL_EVENTS.NONE then local tech =
TECH[k] if tech ~= nil then tech.SCIENCE = 0 end end end function
IsSpecialEventActive(event) return true end
Activates all Events on the same time. Doesnt work if in world gen the events
section is set to Auto.

Measure Distance
Prints the distance between player and object under mouse to the console log
(displayed with Ctrl + L by default).

Network/Server Commands
Kick/Ban a player
Note that this can be accomplished more easily through the scoreboard. The userid
can be obtained from the AllPlayers table. Once you've found the number of the
player you want to kick (as shown above in the Other Player Commands section), you
can use AllPlayers[#].userid.


[1] (KU_aabbccdd) Player1 <wolfgang>

[2] (KU_AABBCCDD) Player2 <wolfgang>

if Player2 is going to be banned from the server, console command can be written as




Temporarily Ban a player

Player can be banned for a short period of time. userid stands for the KU id of the
player to be banned. Once it is obtained it can be put in this format:

TheNet:BanForTime("KU_aabbccdd", 120).

This will ban the player with specified KU id for 120 seconds. This command should
be entered to both servers if server has multi-level option (caves and overworld).

Connect to a server
c_connect("IP address", port, "password")
If connecting conventionally doesn't work, it is possible to connect directly to an
IP address. By default, the port is 10999. If there is no password, you can leave
that part out: c_connect("", 10999)

Reload the world

Reloads the world without saving. This command may crash your game if you are a
client (unless you send it as a remote command).

Regenerate the world

Regenerates specified items in a world.

Regenerate a world shard

Regenerates specified items in a shard.

Save the server

Forces the server to save immediately (servers normally autosave whenever night

Shut down the server

c_shutdown( true / false)
true will save the game, false will exit without saving. c_shutdown() is the same
as c_shutdown(true).
Roll back the server
Rolls back a server by the given number of saves. c_rollback() will roll it back by
one, while c_rollback(3) will roll it back three.

Enable/Disable new player joining

TheNet:SetAllowIncomingConnections( true / false )
Setting it to true is the default behavior (people can join). Setting it to false
prevents anyone from joining.

Make a server announcement (for dedicated server console)

This allows you to announce server shutdowns/restarts so players do not just get
disconnected without warning.

Drop a player's inventory items

Move another player
Despawn a player's character (returns to selection screen for repicking)
Stop a vote
Miscellaneous Commands
Clear the morgue
Clears the morgue. Requires closing and reopening the game for changes to be seen.

Count the number of something in the entire world, and return the value to your
Send the command using remote. This returns the total number of something in the
entire world, and returns the value as though your character is talking.

Count the number of something in the world

When sending the command using local, it returns the number of prefabs in your
active area only. When sending the command using remote, it returns the number of
prefabs in the world; the result is printed on the server console for dedicated

Spawn Wormhole
Sadly no one line command, follow steps instead.
Spawn wormhole 1 using this command: worm1 = c_spawn("wormhole")
Spawn wormhole 2 using this command: worm2 = c_spawn("wormhole")
Create connections forth: worm1.components.teleporter.targetTeleporter = worm2
And back: worm2.components.teleporter.targetTeleporter = worm1
Spawn a Domesticated Beefalo
function spawn_beef(tendency) local beef = c_spawn("beefalo");
beef.components.domesticatable:DeltaTendency(tendency, 1); beef:SetTendency();
beef.components.domesticatable.domestication = 1;
beef.components.domesticatable:BecomeDomesticated(); end
To spawn a Domesticated Beefalo after inputting the above command enter:

To spawn a Beefalo with other tendencies, replace "DEFAULT" with any of the
following: "RIDER", "ORNERY", "PUDGY"

Teleport Items to the player

This command will teleport the nearest flower to player number 1

Alter player size
Alter size of prefab under mouse
Alter player color/transparency
Alter color/transparency of prefab under mouse
Makes prefab under mouse pick-up-able
This command does usually crash the game if mods are enabled

Picking up a player does cause the game to crash for the player being picked up

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