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Upton Magna

St. Lucia's Shrewsbury

Church of England Primary School Shropshire
Upton Magna Telephone and fax
01743 709652
Head Teacher – Mrs S. L. Woolley e-mail
MA BA (Hons) QTS NPQH admin@st-

10th July 2020

Dear Parents/Carers,

COVID-19 Full Re-Opening of School and Nursery in September 2020

Arrangements for Nursery children

Following the government’s announcement on 2nd July for all children to return to school in
September, we have been carefully planning the most effective way possible to create a clear and
supportive pathway for all children to return. The start of this return will be from Wednesday 2nd
Throughout lockdown, the school continued to provide key worker provision when it was required
for some of our families. Since early June, St Lucia’s opened to all of the identified year groups
including Reception, Year 1, Year 6 and key workers. From mid-June, we were delighted to be able
to also accommodate the return of children whose parents wished them to attend in Year 2, Year
3, Year 4 and Year 5.

We appreciate that families’ circumstances and the challenges currently being faced through the
COVID-19 pandemic will be variable. It is also recognised that for some children and their families
who have not been able to return to the nursery this term, there could be feelings of worry or
uncertainty from the children themselves and/or from their families. In order to fully support all
children in their return to the nursery in September and to provide reassurance for parents, we
have set out a carefully planned programme to support children’s educational and learning needs
and their mental health and well-being.

The long period of lockdown has resulted in children missing a large part of their nursery
education since March. Even with regular home learning opportunities, many basic learning skills
will need to be revised. All children will be welcomed back to our nursery in September. The
Nursery leader, Miss Jacqui Reacord and the Nursery Assistant, Miss Laura Binnersley will be
assessing children’s current skills and their learning needs through the Early Learning goals.
Next steps can then be taught through play-based and adult led activities.

Nursery aged children will also need to re-establish friendships and social interaction again with
their peers. The Nursery classroom will look a little different too. Children will be front facing
towards adults whenever possible, although it has been recognised how difficult social distancing
is for very young children. The choice and amount of resources and equipment will remain
limited. Increased cleaning at regular intervals throughout the day will also be required. Hand
washing will remain a top priority. Children will not be able to mix with other class groups, or
‘bubbles’-the term used to identify the same group of people where regular contact is kept.

In September, there will be the need for staggered arrival and collection times. Please see the
changes and arrangements below to help support your child when they return to nursery in

When is my child to come to nursery?

St. Lucia’s nursery will be re-opening on Wednesday 2nd September 2020.

 Advanced Nursery bookings are required to secure bookings with advanced payment, or
confirmation of the national early years entitlement of 15 or 30 hours if this has been
applied for.

 Top up/paid sessions will remain at the same costs as before with hourly rates for two
year olds at £5.25 and £4.20 for three and four year olds.

 Please note, some two year old sessions may need to be allocated in line with staffing
capacity due to the higher adult to child ratios and to ensure capacity can also be
arranged for three and four year olds.

 As before, the nursery will run from Mondays to Thursdays, however, if there is enough
interest from parents wishing their child attends for Friday sessions, this is something we
would like to be able to offer.

 Initially from September, we will not be able to provide the Forest School site at
Attingham Park until national guidance changes. Forest School sessions will however be
offered within our school grounds and further details can be provided at the start of the
autumn term.

Arrival at school

 We have arranged staggered arrival times. If travelling to nursery by car, you may use the
bus layby as a drop off area at 9.15am (although not before due to other school groups
arriving for their staggered start times).

 It is really important to keep to these times so that bubbles of children avoid contact with
others and to also help us reduce congestion/contact between parents.

 Please keep to the allocated arrival and collection times and go to the nursery gate when
you arrive and collect your child.

Classes Arrival Collection

Nursery- full day 9.15am at the nursery gate 3.15pm at the nursery gate

Morning session 9.15am at the nursery gate 11.45am at the nursery gate

Morning and Lunch 9.15am at the nursery gate 12.45pm at the nursery gate

 Where possible, only one parent to bring their child to the nursery (exception will be made
for new nursery starters during the first two weeks). This will help to avoid congestion on
the school pathways and limit contact between other parents and with staff.

 Your child will be greeted on their arrival by Miss Reacord or Miss Binnersley.

 We ask that parents please say their goodbyes at the nursery gate before leaving the site
promptly using the one way system to avoid congestion and to allow the nursery staff to
settle the children into the setting.

 From September there will be no requirement to complete temperature checks on arrival.

 Safer distancing will apply for children within the same class/bubble wherever possible.

 Children will be asked to visit the toilet and wash their hands thoroughly on arrival at

 Children will be directed on where to put their coat as they enter the nursery setting.

 Please note, as national guidance states, no parents will be allowed to enter the setting or
school building.

What to bring/wear

 It is advised that children come in comfortable clothes which can easily be easily be
washed and practical shoes or trainers to access outdoor learning.

 Sun cream needs to be applied before arrival.

 A coat, water bottle, sun hat, a snack and lunch (if required in a lunch box) are all the
items your child will need. A school lunch can be provided by the school kitchen and this
should be paid in advance for by cash or cheque for the week the lunches are required.
The cost for a nursery lunch will remain at £1.20 per day.

 Please return any inhalers which are needed.

 Do not bring any other belongings from home unless instructed to by Miss Reacord.

 No face masks, or hand sanitisers should be brought into school.

Structure of the day/Routines

 Young children’s mental health, well-being and their social skills will be a key area of

 Regular opportunities for outdoor learning will be arranged.

 Regular handwashing with soap and water will be essential throughout the day.

 There will be additional cleaning of the hand basins and toilets. Nursery children will use
their own separate toilet.

 Lunchtimes - The children will eat their lunch in the nursery classroom. The school are
expecting to provide new catering provision from September. The costs of a nursery lunch
will initially stay the same at £1.20 per day. Revised menus will be shared on the school’s
website shortly. Please arrange advanced lunch payment at the beginning of each week,
or for the half-term, via cheques to Shropshire Council. Children are welcome to bring
their own packed lunch if preferred.

 Please note, if parents need to contact the nursery, this will need to be made via a phone
call or email to either the school office, or to the
nursery email address

 No parents will be able to enter the school site. The nursery will close at 3.15pm and the
school office will close at 3.30pm to allow for extra cleaning which will be required on site
each day.

Extended Schools Provision

The Sunrise and Sunset Clubs will re-start but only for school aged children initially in
September due to the restrictions we will still be required to work within. If this additional
provision is something you are interested for your child in time, please talk to Miss Reacord.

What happens if anyone in the nursery group becomes unwell?

 The use of bubbles/groups is an important part of the safety measures that the DfE

 Where a suspected case of Covid-19 (persistent cough and/or high temperature with loss
of smell/taste) is found, you will be informed immediately and asked to collect your child
as a matter of urgency.

 Please make sure your contact details are up to date and accessible at all times.

 If a child or adult shows any suspected COVID-19 symptoms, an NHS test must be
completed as soon as possible. If the test shows to be negative, the person can return to
nursery as long as they are feeling well. If the test shows to be positive, the whole group
including, the teacher, teaching assistant, children and their families must all self-isolate
for 14 days.

 If your child or anyone in your home is displaying any symptoms of COVD-19, or is

generally unwell, please do NOT send them to the nursery.

Attendance at nursery

The current national advice is that shielding will cease from 1st August. If your child is not coming
into nursery due to illness, or any other reason, you must let the nursery leader, or school office
know straight away. Please phone and leave a message if we are unable to take your call.
Settings are being asked to complete registers for the DfE, so we will need to know the reason
for absence.

Collection at the end of the day

 We ask that parents socially distance from others when waiting/collecting their child and
that parents leave the school pathway using the one way system as soon as their child
has been collected.

 Please use the red marked pathway and follow the one way route when arriving and
leaving the nursery. The entrance to the new one way system begins from the front school
gate. Then follow the red marked areas and signs along the pathway, passed the school
entrance area, school hall, class 2 building, bins and then via the marked out area of the
car park to exit.

 As with arrival, there will be a staggered allocated minute time slots for collection to
ensure parents can social distance and children are kept apart. The nursery collection
times at the end of a full day is 3.15pm.

Please find attached to this letter:

 Map of the school site showing entrance/collection points and the one way system

Further information will be made available on our school website homepage under a ‘September
Return to School’ tab which will include:

 Term times dates for 2020-21

 Revised behaviour policy

 School lunch survey and autumn term lunch menus (available before September)

We also require your current contact details. Please email the school office via admin@st- before nursery re-opens in September if there have been any changes.

Thank you to all parents who have been supporting their child’s development through home
learning and play opportunities during these challenging times.

We hope you all have an enjoyable summer break and we very much look forward to welcoming
you back to our nursery in September.

Kind regards

Mrs S. L. Woolley


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