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Phase 2: Introduction

PHASE 2: Size & Strength

Welcome to Phase Two of the Movie Star Body Program!

The second phase of the program is designed to build off

phase one. In this phase, we are increasing the training
volume by 20%. This will serve to increase muscle size
and fullness. As well, we are performing new exercises to
spawn incredible strength gains.

You see, when the goal is to get super lean and strong,
the body needs to be challenged each month. If you
perform the same routine, for weeks on end, you
will plateau fast. In some cases, you may even burn out
and become weaker.

The second phase we will be focusing on dumbbell

presses and adding weighted dips into the equation. This
will produce a complete plate of armor chest and thick,
powerful arms.

After completing phase two, you will become leaner,

stronger and more muscular. New veins will appear, abs
will begin to poke through your shirt and you will be
stronger and more powerful.
PHASE 2: Monday Workout
PHASE 2: Size & Strength

DB Shoulder Press: 5-8, 8-10, 8-10 (RPT)

Pull-ups: 2 sets 6, 8 (RPT)

Sternum Pull ups: 2 sets of 8-12 reps (RPT)

Triceps Cable Pushdowns: 6-8, 8-10, 10-12, 10-12


Upright Rows: 4 sets of 10-15 reps (Kino Rep Training)

For this workout we are going to be starting with

dumbbell shoulder presses. This is a great shoulder
exercise to perform. As well, after 4 weeks of heavy
barbell presses, it works well to switch to seated
dumbbell presses. Perform 2-3 warm up sets for
dumbbell shoulder presses. When you can perform the
top end of the rep range for all 3 sets, increase the
weight the next workout. Rest 3 mins between sets.

Next, you will perform weighted pull ups. Perform 2 warm

up sets. Bodyweight for 6 reps. And half of your intended
work set weight for 3 reps. Then you will perform two
sets of weighted pull-ups reverse pyramid style. First set
for 6 reps and second set for 8 reps. Increase both sets
by 2.5 lbs each week. Rest 3 mins between sets.
After completing your two sets of pull-ups, you will
perform sternum pull ups. This is where you do a pull up
but instead you focus on pulling your chest to the bar.
This is a hybrid of a pull up and a row and does an
amazing job at building back thickness and overall
development. You can do both sets bodyweight, or if
you’re very strong, perform these weighted (reverse
pyramid style). Rest 2-3 mins between sets.

Then, we will be performing triceps pushdowns for four

sets reverse pyramid style. Rest 2 minutes between sets.
When you can do the top end of the rep range for all sets,
increase the weight on all sets the following week.

Finally, we will be performing upright rows. Kino rep

training style… Make sure to lean forward to really target
the delts. Perform your first set with a light weight ex:
30’s for 15. Increase the weight each set. Rest just 1-2
minutes between sets. ex: 30’s for 15, 35’s for 15, 40’s for
15, 45’s for 15. When you can do all four sets for 15 reps,
increase the weight the following workout.
PHASE 2: Wednesday
Workout | Legs & Traps
PHASE 2: Size & Strength

Machine Calf Raises: 4 sets of 12-15 reps (Kino Rep


Sumo or Trap Bar Deadlifts: 5 sets of 6 (Kino Rep


Walking Lunges: 3 sets of 8-12 reps per leg (Kino Rep


Leg Curls: 3 sets of 10-12 reps (Kino Rep Training)

One Arm Cable Shrugs: 4 sets of 12-15 (Kino Rep


For this workout we will be starting with machine calf

raises. Either standing machine or on the leg press
machine. Starting with calves is a great way to warm up
and hit your calves when you’re fresh. This is my
preferred strategy for training calves. Perform 4 sets.
Start light and increase the weight each set. Rest just 1-2
minutes. When you can do all 4 sets for 15 reps, increase
the weight the following workout.

Now, we will be performing deadlifts. If you have access

to a trap bar, I recommend doing trap bar deadlifts, which
are safer and hit the quads harder. Make sure to do trap
bar deads with the handle pointed down (for maximum
range of motion). Perform 5 sets, starting light and
building up to a 6 rep max. Lets say you can do 275 lbs
for 6 reps. Here’s how it would look. 135 lbs x 6, 185 lbs x
6, 225 lbs x 6, 250 lbs x 6, 275 lbs x 6! Each workout
increase the weight by 5 lbs total. Rest 2 minutes
between build up sets and 3 minutes before going into
your final set. If you don’t have a trap bar, then perform
sumo deadlifts.

Next, you will perform 3 sets of walking lunges for 8-12

reps per leg. Start light and increase the weight each set.
Ex: 20 lbs x 12 reps per leg, 30 lbs x 12 reps leg, 40 lbs x
8 reps per leg. When you can perform all three sets for 12
reps per leg, increase the weight the following workout.
Rest 2 minutes between sets.

Then, you will perform leg curls. Start light and perform
10-12 reps. Increase the weight each set. Rest just 2
minutes between sets. When you can perform the top
end of the rep range for all three sets, increase the
weight the following workout.

Finally, you will be finishing off with one arm cable

shrugs. Focus on pulling your arm up and in. Start light
and increase the weight each set. Rest 2 minutes
between sets. When you can perform all four sets for 15
reps, increase the weight the following workout.
PHASE 2: Friday Workout |
Chest & Arms
PHASE 2: Size & Strength

Incline DB Press: 5-8, 8-10, 8-10 (RPT)

Weighted Dips: 6, 8 reps (RPT)

Incline Curls: 5-8, 6-8, 8-10 (RPT)

Reverse Ez Curls: 3 sets of 8-12 (kino rep)

Cable Face Pulls: 15-20 + 6-8, 6-8, 6-8 (Rest Pause)

Hanging Straight Leg Raises: 4 sets of 6-12 reps

For this workout we are going to be starting with

dumbbell incline presses. This is a great chest exercise to
perform. As well, after 4 weeks of heavy incline barbell
presses, it works well to switch to dumbbell incline
presses. Perform 2-3 warm up sets for dumbbell
shoulder presses. When you can perform the top end of
the rep range for all 3 sets, increase the weight the next
workout. Rest 3 mins between sets.

Next, you will perform weighted dips. Perform 2 warm up

sets. Bodyweight for 6 reps. And half of your intended
work set weight for 3 reps. Then you will perform two
sets of weighted dips reverse pyramid style. First set for
6 reps and second set for 8 reps. Increase both sets by
2.5 lbs each week. Rest 3 mins between sets.

After completing your two sets of dips you will perform

incline dumbbell curls.Perform your heavy set first for 5-
8 reps. Drop the weight by 5 lbs per arm and perform
another set of 6-8. Drop the weight by 5 lbs per arm and
perform 8-10 reps. When you can do the top end of the
rep range for all three sets, increase the weight the
following workout. Rest 2 mins between sets.

Next for biceps you will be performing reverse ez-curls.

Start light and perform 12 reps. Increase the weight and
perform 10-12 reps. Increase the weight and perform
your final third set for 8-12 reps. Rest 2 mins between

Then we will be performing cable face pulls rest pause

style. Select a weight you can do for 15-20 reps. Then
rest 10 seconds and perform 6-8 reps (same weight).
Rest 10 seconds and perform 6-8. Rest 10 seconds and
perform 6-8. When you can do 20 reps + 8, 8, 8 then
increase the weight the following workout.

Finally, we will be performing hanging leg raises. Perform

four sets of 6-12 reps. Lift your legs up to form a v. Slow
and controlled. Rest 1-2 minutes between sets.

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