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Serial Topic Page

1 Title of the project

2 Introduction

3 Objective

4 Purpose, Scope and Applicability

5 Survey of technologies

6 Front End User

7 Back End User

8 Software and Hardware Requirements

9 Feasibility

10 Requirements Specification

11 Planning and Scheduling

12 Preliminary Product Description

13 E R Diagram

14 DFD

15 Modules and their Description

16 Data Structures

17 Table Description

18 Data Integrity Design

19 Process Logic

20 Stored Procedure

19 Security Mechanism

20 Test Case Design

21 Implementation And Design

22 Coding Details and Code Efficiency

23 Testing Approach



26 Future Scope and further Enhancement

27 Bibliography

Chapter 2 – Introduction

As the name of the project “on line Examination” suggests, the system/application has to

manage the examination for various department of an academy. So to keep the information

correct and fast, it will manage the status/information of that examination of that examination so

one can get the details of exam as per their program.

Earlier it was a very time consuming and tedious process where both students as well as

university used to perform all tasks manually be it Student Registration, Sqtting Question Papers,

Setting Schedules to finally declaring the result. It was cumbersome since these details were now

generated, managed and kept in computers.It was still not that much simpler Later the process

became a lot easier when computer system were introduced and all for students because they

were stll expected to come in person to register, appear for exam at exam center and for all those


Now we are expected to develop an web application which converts all of these tasks

automized as well as web enabled. There are applications already working in this area like

MCSE, CCNA which conducts their examination online.

We, as a 4th sem student of MCA are making this project by taking help from theses

already working and tested applications as well as making our own set of improvements.

This application is coded in Dot Net. This Software project is very much helpful to

students, Examination department and Exam controller. It stores the information about Students,

Exams, Report, Results, Student‟s details and Fee Status etc. As we know that this software

project is coded in Dot Net programming language, it is user friendly. That means this software

is easy to operate. Even a person having less knowledge of computer can easily operate is, he
will be guided throughout by the software to operate it. This Software is a best effort of changing

in paper work to electronic work. This application is divided into many module, and each

module is related to different part of code. This integration makes the project very user friendly.

Another advantage of this software is the database that is designed very strongly, the current and

previous information is stored in this database and maintain the database very easily.

university used to keep all the details in files manually.

Chapter 3 – Objective

Chapter 3 - Objective

The objective of the project “On Line Examination” is to make evaluation and conduction
of examination massive but simple, cost effective and faster. They are as follows :

 To provide an interface through which student can appear for examination online for

objective as well as subjective type questions.

 To provide registration for students done by themselves.

 To not provide facility of copy and paste while attempting the Subjective questions on the

web page.

 When the student starts the exam the timer will start automatically and show the student

how much time is left.

 The questions will be display randomly from question bank.

 Objective answers will be checked automatically by the system from the database

 For subjective answer manually checking by exam department will take place.

 To provided user name and password facilty and credentials should be checked properly

at the time of login for student,expert, controller and Exam Dept Admin.
 To provide an interface from where controller will create new Expert and Admin for

Exam Dept.

 The authority to modify the criteria is provided to the controller of examination.

 To facilitate Experts to send a collection of questions in Question Bank.

 The Exam Dept will manage the question bank sent by experts.

 To facilitate Exam Dept Admin to make schedule and declare Result.

Chapter 4 - Purpose, Scope and Applicability


Through this package we provide a fully customized web application. This system is an

automated system so that the functional working of it is effective and time saving. In this modern

era time is the most precious thing, so in context of time the new system will be effective to do a

group of task in easy and secure manner.

To appear for an exam in manual system in an university is very time consuming process. Now

the purpose of this system is to overcome the shortfall faced in the previous systems already

working in the area.

The website will have to be secure, and properly working on WAN. It should be speedy

with good interface. The university may conduct examination in various countries and in

different languages. It should support multiple platforms at least those used by people


Methodology of the system is clear that result in the complete and proper working of the

system from the requirements achieved. it contains the working model for the development of

system. A sequential step of model is follwed to develop the system so that it will maintain

various software engineering fetures/parameters.

No need to take leave, visit a different town, city or even states in some cases. People can appear

right from their laptop or home desktop.


To develop this application, we‟ve taken into account some assumptions. They are:

1. University will provide each student a unique student Id during enrollment time. The

purpose of this is so that no one can register on behalf of any other student. and only the

student himself/herself can register for the examination using this id.

2. Student login name will be generated automatically by concatanating student first Name

and Enrollment No.

Like : Pradeep Singh has student id  13P

So, Pradeep‟s student login here will be  Pradeep_P13

3. Expert login name will be generate same as student login name but with small change.

like : Expert Login = (Expert First name +Course Name)

The courses will be fed by hard-coding.


To develop this package different types of tools and database are used which are as follows:

1.ASP.NET 2005

2.Framwork 2.0

3.Microsoft-sql server 2000

4. Microsoft word processor

ASP.NET 2005:

ASP.NET 2005 is a Microsoft technology for building the web based application and

services.A ASP.NET application consists of forms ,controls,classes and procedures.

Forms are windows upon which you build your user interface are the building blocks of

the user interface. Controls also called activeX conrols, are interface tools , such as labels

,textbox and command buttons, that you use to display information to the user, gather

information from the user, and respond to user actions. Classes are templates from which you

can create your own objects at run time.

Procedures are small routines you write that are callable from anywhere in your

application. These routines will perform a function for you that you write once but can call many

An application is made up of forms, modules and classes. A form is made up of properties,

events and controls. Controls are also made up of properties and events

Some Features Of ASP.NET

 Language interoperability : a one language code is to interact with other language.

 EDP(Event driven programming language): it is a Event Driven Programing language(i.e.

we write code on its event and drive the program).

 Rapid Application Development(RAID).

 Allows the creation of COM components such as activeX controls.

 Includes good debugging facilities.

Framwork 2.0

Dot net framework is a platform that is provided by Microsoft technology in which we can

develop web based application,window based application and console base application with

C#(c sharp),VB and J#(J sharp) and other 22 Language.

Microsoft-sql server 2000

Microsoft SQL Server fulfills these responsibilities :

 Reduction and redundancy :

Centralized control of the dba avoids the unnecessary duplication of data and effectively

Reduces the total amount of data storage required. It also eliminates the extra processing and

of the inconsistencies eg. Same format of grade card for all student.

Sharing data :

Any number of application program of user‟s can share the same database .

For example we can access the list of study centers.

 Data integrity :

Data integrity means that the data contains in the database both accurate and consistent.

 Data security :

In this facility the confidential data must not be accessed by unauthorized person.

 Rapidly Accessing Data :

SQL Server provides rapid access to data by utilizing indexes and storing frequently accessed

data in memory.

 SQL Server Enterprise Manager :

The Enterprise Manager is the central console from which most SQL Server database-

management tasks can be coordinated. SQL Enterprise Manager provides a single interface

from which all servers in a company can be managed.

Subpages (1): SQL Server Enterprise Manager

Chapter 5 - SURVEY OF TECHNOLOGIES Framwork 2.0 >

SQL Server Enterprise Manager

The Enterprise Manager is the central console from which most SQL Server database-management tasks
can be coordinated. SQL Enterprise Manager provides a single interface from which all servers in a
company can be managed.

Chapter 6 - Front End User

The .Net Initiative

Microsoft has introduced the .NET initiative with the intension of bridging the gap in

interoperability between application. It aims at integrating various programming.

The .NET initiative offers a complete suite for developing and deploying applications. This suits

consists of .NET services, and the .NET framework.

 .Net Products :- Microsoft has already introduced Visual Studio .Net, which

 Is tool for developing .Net applications by using programming languages such as Visual

Basic, C# and Visual C++. To ensure interaction between different applications, all .Net

products use Extensible Markup Language (XML) for describing and exchanging data

between application.

 .Net Services :- .Net delivers software as web services. Therefore, User can subscribe to

a web service and use it as long as they need it, regardless of the hardware and software

platform. Microsoft is coming up with its own set of web services, known as my services.

These services are based on the Microsoft Passport Authentication service, in addition to

the web services provided easily with the .Net environment.

The .Net Framework :- it is the foundation on which us design, develop and deploy application.
Its consistent
and simplified programming model makes easier to built applications.

Chapter 7 - Back End User

This is the part of well known software package called as the Microsoft Office. It is designed to built the

various database, and to perform other data work. SQL provides an extremely powerful, easy to use database

that will serve our needs when you required the power of fully relational database. SQL is also helpful create a

variety of database as well as how to enter, edit and final data in existing database.

SQL server 2007 utilities, such as backup and restore, run much faster and have less effect on

server operations. SQL Server 7.0 also includes a variety of new features designed to support

the underlying database architecture and to provide more flexible system management. SQL

Server also include a number of new features designed to reduce database backup and

recovery times. A different backup captures only those data pages that have changed after the

last database backup. Many times differential backup can eliminates much of the time the

server spends rolling transaction forward. With SQL Server 7.0 a portion of the database can

be restored or rolled forward to minimize recovery time in the event of media failure.

Restoring a backup is easy because the restore process automatically creates the database and

all the necessary files. SQL server 7.0 supports backup to same tape media with other

backup, such as those written by the Microsoft Windows NT backup program.

Chapter 8 - Hardware & Software requirement specification

Software Requirements

For development, software’s used are:

Operating System : Windows-XP Professional Version 2002, service pack-

2, Microsoft IIS 5.0/6.0

Platform : .Net

Technology :

Language : C#(C sharp)

Backend : SQL server 2007

Editor : Microsoft word processor 2000

For Development : visual studio .Net setup tools

For Design : HTML, Visual studio designer

For deployment, software’s used are :

Operating system : Windows-xp


Version 2002, service pack-2

Framework : .Net 2005

IIS : Configured

Backend : sql server 2000

Hardware Requirements

 For Development, Hardware’s used are:

1. Pentium IV(dual core processor operating at 3.6 GHz)

2. 40GB hard disk

3. 1GB RAM

 For Deployment, Hardware’s used are :

1. Pentium III or better processor

2. 10 GB hard disk

3. 256MB RAM

4. 10-100 MBPS of Network card


1. Pentium IV

2. 20GB hard disk

3. 1GB RAM

4. 100-512 MBPS of network card

Chapter 9 Feasibility Study


The feasibility study of any system is mainly intended to study and analyze the proposed system

and to decide whether the system under consideration will be viable or not after implementation.

That is it determines the usability of the project after deployment. To come to result a set of

query is answered keeping the efficiency of the software and its impact on the domain for which

it was developed. It main emphasis is on the following three questions elucidated below as:

What are the user‟s requirements and how does a candidate system meet them?
What resources are available for the proposed systems? Is it worth solving the problem?

What is the likely impact of the proposed system on the organization? I.e. how does the proposed

system fit with in the organization?

Thus since the feasibility study may lead to commitment of large resources, it becomes necessary

that it should be conducted competently and no fundamental errors of judgment are made.

Different types of feasibility study and the way we performed on our project “On Line

Examination” .

Subpages (1): NEXT Technical Feasibility:

NEXT Technical Feasibility:

In technical feasibility, we study all technical issues regarding the proposed system. It is mainly

concerned with the specifications of the equipments and the software, which successfully

satisfies the end-user‟s requirement. The technical needs of the system may vary accordingly but


 The feasibility to produce outputs in a given time.

 Response time under certain conditions.

 Ability to process a certain volume of the transaction at a particular speed.

 Facility to communicate data.

Under this analysis process questions like (i) does the compatible platform exist within our

domain or can we procure it? (ii) Does the proposed equipment have the technical capacity to

hold the data required using the new system?.

Both at the development site and at server where we will be hiring the space for the website, and

also the database would it be possible to upgrade the system after it is developed and

implemented, if necessary? And would the recommended technology guarantee the reliability,

accuracy and data security? This analysis process requires more emphasis on system

configuration given more importance rather than the actual hardware specifications.

. The configuration of the existing systems is:

 Processor : Pentium III, 500 MHz (or above)

 Memory : 128 MB (or above)

 Secondary storage : 20 GB (or above)

For Software there are following alternatives:

Operating System :Window 98,2000,XP,NT

Development tools :ASP.Net ,C# ,HTML,DHTML

Database :Microsoft SQL server 7.0

Documentation tool: MS-Word

Subpage(2):Economical Feasibility

Meaning : re there sufficient benefits in creating the system to make the acceptable? Or are the

costs of not creating the system so great that it is advisable to undertaken the project.

This will include three major costs as described below :

 Cost of Hardware and Software

 Cost of Software to be acquired to build and run the product is a one time cost.

 Buying a back and database is the major part of hardware and Software cost. Comparison

between the oracle database high cost and better features with the SQL server low cost

and better support for the same vendor operating system make this decision need


Benefits in reduced cost, error and saving will be made by reduction of present system expenses,

time saving and increased accuracy.

Cost Avoidance :

Future cost reduction in form of reduction in the number of administrative staff needed and

manual records maintains in organization.

Rise in cost will be avoided.

Operational Feasibility :

Meaning : The system will be used if it is developed well then be resistance from users that

undermine the possible application benefits.

Clients Supports :

Client and user support for present system is there, as the current procedure used takes more time

and effort than proposed system.

No major training and new skills are required as it is based on DBMS model.

It will help in the time saving and fast processing and dispersal of user request and application.

New product will provide all the benefits of present system with better performance such as

improved information, better management and collection of the reports.

User Support :

User involvement in the building of present system is sought to keep in mind the user specific

requirement and needs.

User will have control over own information. Important information such as Test result can be

generated at the click of a button.


Problem Definition

The problem here is to develop a web application which completely automize the examination

process for an university.

To perform this the complete problem has been divided into five sub-problems so that they can

be solved easily and after that can be integrated to make it an integrated working application.

 Online Registration / Enrollment of Student

 Online Login

 Online Schedule

 Online Manage the question bank

 Online Examination

 Online Result declaration

 Online display randomly question.

 The questions will be display randomly from question bank.

At the Login module user name and password facilty and credentials should be checked

properly at the time of login for student,expert, controller and Exam Dept Admin.

In the schedule Module send the exam schedule to the student.

In question bank module for the examination could be changed dynamically.

Automatic checking of objective answers and manual checking of descriptive answers should be

acilitated, if any.
In the Objective answers module will be checked automatically by the system from the database

and the subjective answer manually checking by exam department will take place.

In the exam module When the student starts the exam the timer will start automatically and

show the student how much time is left.

At result module display the result of each student and send by the exam. Dept.

Subpages (1): Requirement Specification

Requirement Specification

On the basis of system study performed in an organization about all the functions that deals with Online

examination follwing requirements are specified.

Functional Requirements :

The Functional Requirements of the project are as follows:

 To provide the functionality to students to appear for the exam online.

 To provide login interface through which only authorized user can pass by.

 The timer facility should be provide once the student appears in the Exam.

 The web application provide question to the student randomly.

 The system should support WAN so that exam can given from anywhere.

 This system should handle multiple exam at the same time.

 To functionally enable Exam Controllerto define criteria and create Admin and Experts.

 To functionally enable Exam Dept Admin to manage Question Bank

 To functionally enable Exam Dept Admin to declare schedule and Results.

 To functionally enable Expert to send set of Questions.

Non-Functional Requirements

The Non-Functional Requirements of the project are as follows:

 The system should be reliable and robust.

 The system should be Userfriendly.

 The system should be completely Consistent and Secure.

Interface requirements

 Interface should be easy to follow,

 Interface shouldn‟t have very much graphics,

 Interface shouldn‟t have hidden buttons, and

 Interface shouldn produce relevant error message.

 In a complete way, we‟re expected to build a web based application which accommodates

all functionality of an organization that deal with online examination.

 NEXT Chapter 11 Planning and Scheduling

Gantt chart :

Gantt chart are a project control technique that can be used for several purpose including

scheduling and planning. Gantt chart is also known bar chart with each box representing an

Subpages (1): Pert chart

Pert chart

Pert stands for program evalution and review technique. A pert chart is a network of boxes and arrows.

The boxes in the pert chart can be decorated with starting and ending dates for activities.
NEXT Chapter 12 Preliminary Product Description

The system will facilitate online examination and documentation of results. The system can
conduct various examinations for various subjects. All one needs to do is change the database

project deals with registration or enrollment of students, submission of registration forms and

issuing unique id and password to enrolled students

This application has Login module we need the user name and password facilty and credentials

should be checked properly at the time of login for student,expert, controller and Exam Dept


The application has schedule Module send the exam schedule to the student.

The application has question bank module for the examination could be changed dynamically.

The application will facilitate Objective answers module will be checked automatically by the

system from the database and the subjective answer manually checking by exam department will

take place.

This application has exam module When the student starts the exam the timer will start
automatically and show the student how much time is left.

This application has result module display the result of each student and send by the exam. Dept.

Evaluation and printing of students result will be supported Like any other software application

project we need to use good software development practices when faced with working on a web

application. Otherwise, the project would not remain in control and we would face problems with

timeliness, budgets and quality

NEXT Chapter 13 - Entity Relationship Diagram for On Line Examination

Subpages (1): Entity Relationship Diagram for On Line Examination PAGE 2

Entity Relationship Diagram for On Line Examination PAGE 2

Subpages (1): ER Diagram page 3.
NEXT Chapter 15 Modules and their Description

Basic Modules:
In Our Project with the help of „Divide and Conquer theory‟ we can divide overall program in

Five Modules

These five modules are:

 Login Module

 Student Module

 ExamController Module

 Exam Dept Module

 Expert Modul
Login Module :

This is the first module in this project a anyone who want to enter into this

project/application . he/she must have pass through this module, in other word we can say

that this is authentication module because the user authentication with his/her.To

provided user name and password facility and credentials should be checked properly at

the time of login for student,expert, controller and Exam Dept Admin.

Student Login Form :

This is the form in this project a student who want to enter into this project application.

he/she must have pass through this module, in other word we can say that this is

authentication module because the user authentication with his/her.

Registration :

In this module student can get his/her whole information like his name, address fees

detail,program and courses. the user can select only one course at the time.Our student

table will register the student.University will provide each student a unique student Id

during enrollment time. The purpose of this is so that no one can register on behalf of any

other student. and only the student himself/herself can register for the examination using

this id as password. Students only submit his/her documents and fees after the


View Schedule :
In this schedule form student get his/her schedule according to his registration. The

schedule is managed by the exam dept.

Exam process

When the student starts the exam the timer will start automatically and show the student

how much time is left.

Show Result :

In the result form will manage the result(Subjective and Objective questions) and Status

of the student. This table contains the student id from which we will help us in generating

the result.

Subpages (1): ExamController Module :

ExamController Module :

The controller has authority to modify the criteria is provided to the controller of examination
and provide an interface from where controller will create new Expert and Admin for Exam

ManageAdmin :

In this module the controller will Create, Delete and Edit admin for the exam dept with all of

there details.

A Loginname and password has been provided through which the admin can later login to

perform all of there tasks.

In this module the controller will Create,Delete and Edit experts for they can later send question

sets for objective as well as subjective questions which will be asked to solve to students under

exam process.

Sane as ManageAdmin module, A Loginname and password has been provided hete too through

which the expert can later login to send questions.

Exam Dept Module :

In the exam dept will manage the question bank sent by experts.and make schedule and declare



In this form the exam dept. managed the schedule and sends to the student with their exam


For this first he see all the details of registered students and allot them date accordingly.

ManageQusBank :

his form manage the subjective and objective question in the question bank sent by the expert

module. The Manage Qustion Bank managed the question will be display randomly from

question bank.

CheckSubQus :
This module checks the subjective question attempted by the student during the exam. subjective

answer manually checking by exam department will take place

Declare result

in this form the exam dept. manage the result and sends to the student when they

complete their exam.

Subpages (1): Expert Module :

Expert Module :

In the expert module the Experts to send a collection of questions(objective and subjective)
in Question Bank

Subjective Question :

SubQus table will contain Subjective question and it‟s right answer. To not provide facility of

copy and paste while attempting the Subjective questions on the web page.Here the iSubQusId is

the primary key.

Objective Question :

ObjQus table will contain objective question and four options and right answer. Objective

answers will be checked automatically by the system from the database. Here the question id is

the primary key.

NEXT Chapter 16 Data Structure

Subpages (1): ExamDept :

ExamDept :
Subpages (1): Expert :

Expert :
Subpages (1): ObjQAttempted :
ObjQus :
Program :
Result :
Student :
SubQus :
Criteria :
NEXT Chapter 17 Table Description

Student :

Our student table will register the student.University will provide each student a unique student

Id during enrollment time. The purpose of this is so that no one can register on behalf of any

other student. and only the student himself/herself can register for the examination using this id

and password. Students only submit his/her documents and fees after the registration.In this

student table store his/her whole information like his name, address fees detail,program and

courses. the user can select only one course at the time.

Subjective Question :
SubQus table will contain Subjective question and it‟s right answer. Here the iSubQusId is the

primary key.

Objective Question :

ObjQus table will contain objective question and four options and right answer. Here the

question id is the primary key.

Result :

result table will contain the result(Subjective and Objective questions) and Status of the student.

This table contains the student id from which we will help us in generating the result.

Schedule :

Exam Dept managed the schedule and it to student while successfully resgistraion.This module

contains information about their exam with their date.

ExamDept :

Our ExamDept table will register the institute or university Examination department

administrator.This ManageAdmin form can access only the controller. the controller has also

controllerId and Password & controllername.. Examdept table will maintain the id and

password of Examdept admin. controller will make admin for different center. The Exam Dept

will manage the question bank sent by experts and evaluated the answer.

Subpages (1): Expert :

Expert :

Our Expert table will register the institute or university Expert administrator. This ManageExpert
form can access only the controller. This module contain the information about expert like his
name & expert in which course.

Subjective Question Attempted :

In this SubQAttempted table will have iSubQAId , iStuId, iSubQusId, And tAns. iStuId will be

the foreign key for the table Student.

Objective Question Attempted :

ObjQAttempted table will have iObjQAId, iStuId, iObjQusId, And cAns. iStuId will be the

foreign key for the table Student.

Course :

In the course table contains the information about the iCouId,cCouName, iSemester and the

iProId. Here the iCouId is the primary key.

Program :

This program table contains the information about the like course iProgId, cProgName, and the

iFessof the program. Here the iProgId is the primary key.


Our Database “OnLEDB” is normalized up to 3 NF.

From starting our Database has been designed while strictly keeping in mind the concept of

Normalization and their positive effect on the complete output product, so we have kept the

tables normalized from the scratch. It means our tables are completely normalized with no

unwanted redundancy. And so we need not to normalize it further.

NEXT Chapter 18 Data Integrity Design:-


Primary key – iStuId

Alternate key – cENo, cFName, cLName, cProgram, iStudyCenCode, vLoginName,


Foreign key –iCouId (for Student table)


Primary key – iCouId

Alternate key – CouCode, CouName, iSemester

Foreign key –iCouId(for Course table)


Primary key – iUserId

Alternate key – vLoginName, vPasswde


Primary key – iExId

Alternate key – cFName, cLname, cCourse, vLoginName, vPasswd


Primary key – iObjQAId

Alternate key – cAns

Foreign key –iObjQusId (for ObjQAttempted table)


Primary key – iObjQusId

Alternate key – tObjQus, cOptionA, cOptionB, cOptionC, cOptionD, cAns, CStatus

Foreign key –iExpertId (for Expert table)


Primary key – iProgId

Alternate key – cProgName, cDuration, iFess


Primary key – iResultId

Alternate key – iMarkOfSub, iMarkOfObj, bStatus

Foreign key– iStuId(for result table )


Primary key – iSchId

Alternate key – dtSDate

Foreign key– iStuId(for Schedule table)


Primary key – iSubQAId

Alternate key –tAns


Primary key – iSubQusId

Foreign key –iSubQusId(for SubQAttempted table)

Alternate key – tQus,tAns, iMaxMarks, cStatus

Foreign key –iExpertId(for SubQus table)

NEXT Chapter 19 Process Logic

Subpages (1): Exam Dept :-

Exam Dept :-

ObjQus :-


Next Chapter 20 Stored Procedure


@cENo char(10),

@cFName char(10),

@cLName char(10),
@cProgram char(10),

@cCourse char(10),

@iStudyCenCode int,

@vLoginName varchar(40),

@vpasswd varchar(40)


insert into Student values (@cENo,@cFName ,@cLName ,@cProgram ,@cCourse

,@iStudyCenCode ,@vLoginName,@vpasswd )


CREATE PROCEDURE checkStudentLogin

@vLoginName varchar(40),

@vPassword varchar(40),

@Yes_No int OUTPUT,

@iStuId int OUTPUT



select @Yes_No=count(*) from Student where vLoginName=@vLoginName AND

vPassword =@vPassword

select @iStuId=iStuId from Student where vLoginName=@vLoginName AND

vPassword =@vPassword




@cLoginName char(20),

@vPassword varchar(40)


Insert into ExamDept values(@cLoginName ,@vPassword )


Stored Procedure page 2



@vLoginName varchar(40),

@vPassword varchar(40),

@Yes_No int OUTPUT,

@iExamDeptId int OUTPUT


select @Yes_No=count(*) from ExamDept where vLoginName=@vLoginName AND

vPassword =@vPassword

select @iExamDeptId =iExamDeptId from ExamDept where

vLoginName=@vLoginName AND vPassword =@vPassword




@cFName char(20),

@cLname char(20),

@cCourse char(20),

@vLoginName varchar(40),

@vPassword varchar(40)


Insert into Expert values(@cFName, @cLname , @cCourse , @vLoginName,

@vPassword )




@vLoginName varchar(40),

@vPassword varchar(40),

@Yes_No int OUTPUT,

@ExpertId int OUTPUT


select @Yes_No=count(*) from Expert where vLoginName=@vLoginName AND

vPassword =@vPassword

select @ExpertId =iExId from Expert where vLoginName=@vLoginName AND

vPassword =@vPassword




@iStuId int,

@iObjQusId int,

@chAns char(10)


Insert into SubQAttempted values(@iStuId ,@iObjQusId ,@chAns)




@iExId int,

@tObjQus text,

@cOptionA char(10),

@cOptionB char(10),

@cOptionC char(10),

@cOptionD char(10),

@cAns text,

@bStatus bit

insert into ObjQus (iExId, tObjQus, cOptionA, cOptionB, cOptionC, cOptionD, cAns,






@iStuId int,

@iMarkOfSub int,

@iMarkOfObj int,

@chStatus char(10)


Insert into Result(iStuId , iMarkOfSub ,chStatus ) values(@iStuId ,

@iMarkOfSub , @chStatus )



@iStuId int,

@dtSDate datetime


insert into Schedule values( @iStuId ,@dtSDate )



@iStuId int,

@iSubQusId int,

@tAnswer text

Insert into SubQAttempted values(@iStuId ,@iSubQusId ,@tAnswer )




@iExId int,

@tQus text,

@tAns text,

@iMaxMarks int,

@bStatus bit


insert into SubQus (iExId,tQus,tAns,iMaxMarks,bStatus)




@vCriteriaName varchar(50),

@tCriteriaText text


Insert into Criteria values(@vCriteriaName,@tCriteriaText)


NEXT Chapter 21 User Interface Design

NEXT Chapter 22 Security Issues

Security is an important issue for modern IT system. System administrator and security
administrator are responsible for safeguard‟s organization data and computing infrastructure.

Password Encryption: Whatever security measures taken, in any case if anyone with

destructive or malicious mind gets access to the database he can temper the critical data. To

restrict it we‟ve used encrypting algorithm facilitated to us by MicroSoft ASP.Net .

Two algorithms are there

 SHA1- It takes the password and encrypt it in a string of 40 characters

 MD5- It takes the password and encrypt it in a string of 32characters

 The beauty of these algos are that whatever be the length of password the length of

converted string remains same.

 However a question arise here that if this thing is that good then why didn‟t we used it for

storing each and every data????

 The answer lies in the fact that not all data are needed to be encrypted as long as we keep

the critical data(like password encrypted and safe). It will only increase the load on server

and network with no additional advantage. So we‟ve not used this encryption algo on all

data blindly.

 We have implemented different approach related to security issue for our project “Online

Examination” :

 Authorization:

 Super Admin has authorized to give permission to admin for the registration of the


 Authentication:

 Only registered students can appear for the examination. Every registered student has

different and unique UserId.

 Information Integrity:

 Only Super admin has right in the modification of the information. There is no possibility

by the end user or unauthorized user of hacking the information.

 Detection:

 Super Admin will have a bank up of the project. Also there is a complex and

alphanumeric password for admin and student. Super admin itself has a complex and
alphanumeric password. There is a option for changing the password by all the admin and

itself after every month.

NEXT Chapter 23 Test Case Design:

Student Login: Appearing for examination, Student must have to be begin through student

login form. There are three field in the student login page and Every field has to filled by student.

Student can not used character in the login id field. Student registration will be cancelled

automatically by the system after appearing in the examination.

Admin Login :- To register the student admin has to login first. The Id field is numeric.

Registration :- Userid and password will be generated by the administrator.


1. In each form, no field which is not nullable should be left blank.

2. All numeric fields should be checked for non-numeric values. Similarly,

text fields like names should not contain any numeric characters.

3. All primary keys should be automatically generated to prevent the user

from entering any existing key.

4. Use of error handling for each Save, Edit, delete and other important


5. Whenever the user Tabs out or Enter from a text box, the data should be

validated and if it is invalid, focus should again be sent to the text box with

proper message.

MODULE NAME: Manage Admin

SNo Test Case Description Test Data Expected Result

1 The Controller leaves the Admin Admin Error message is displayed

Name field blank. Name to the Controller and focus

is set on the text box.

2 The Controller enters incorrect password , Error message “password

different password and confirm confirm and Cofirm password

password password doesn‟t match!!!”.


MODULE NAME: Manage Expert

SNo Test Case Description Test Data Expected Result

1 The Controller leaves the Expert Expert Error message is displayed

Name /Course Name field blank. Name to the user and focus is set

/Course on the text box.


2 The user enters incorrect Any Error message “User Id or

UserName characters Password Not Valid”.

and password

MODULE NAME: Objective Question

SNo Test Case Description Test Data Expected Result

1 All mandatory field will must be N.A Submission will not be

filled, if it is blank then Error will done.Error will generated

generate. “ Must Fill The Field”

2 Marks accept only in integer N.A Error message “invalid

format. character”

. 3 Unaapproved Question should N.A

Error message “Check the
not be come to the student

MODULE NAME: Check Subjective Question

SNo Test Case Description Test Data Expected Result

1 All mandatory field will must be N.A Submission will not be

filled, if it is blank then Error will one.Error will generated “

generate. Must Fill The Field”

2 Marks accept only in integer Marks, Error message “invalid

format. MaxMarks character”

3 Maximum cannot be assign then Marks, Error message “Plese

grater marks. MaxMarks enter the valid marks”

4 Unaapproved Question should N.A Error message “Check the

not be come to the student question”


MODULE NAME: Exam Process

SNo Test Case Description Test Expected Result


1 All mandatory field will must be filled, if it N.A Submission will not be one.Error

is blank then Error will generate. will generated “ Must Fill The


The user leaves the user name or Error message is displayed to the user
password or both blank before clicking
and focus is set on the text box.

The user enters incorrect username and

2 Error message “Invalid User name
incorrect password.
and invalid password “

copy and paste while attempting the

2 N.A Error message “Sorry invalid
Subjective questions on the web page.
3 questions will be display randomly from N.A

question bank

4 the exam the timer will start


5 Unaapproved Question should not be N.A Error message “Check the

come to the student module. question”

MODULE NAME: Registration Module

SNo Test Case Description Test Data Expected Result

1 All mandatory field will must be filled, N.A Submission will not be

if it is blank then Error will generate. done.

Error will generated “

Must Fill The Field”

2 Password and con-password incorrect Password,con- Error message “Wrong

password password”

3 Student LoginName Should not be Error message

same. “Already Exist”

MODULE NAME: show Result

SNo Test Case Description Test Data Expected Result

1 The user leaves the user name or nothing Error message is displayed to the

password or both blank before user and focus is set on the text

clicking O.K box.

2 The user enters incorrect username Any Error message “Invalid User

and incorrect password. characters name and invalid password “


MODULE NAME: View Schedule

SNo Test Case Description Test Expected Result


1 All mandatory field will must be filled, if it is N.A Submission will not be done.

blank then Error will generate.

Error will generated “ Must

Fill The Field”

2 Exam Dept Shold not be provide the below the Error message “Wrong Enter

current date date”

Date Should be in correct format. Error message “check the

2 If the admin fill wrong center code the N.A Error message “Center Code

does not exist”

Error will be generated

MODULE NAME: Registration Module

SNo Test Case Description Test Expected Result


1 All mandatory field will must be filled, if it is N.A Submission will not be done.

blank then Error will generate.

Error will generated “ Must

Fill The Field”

2 If the admin fill wrong center code the N.A Error message “Center Code

does not exist”

Error will be generated

Objective question :

SNo Test Case Description Test Data Expected Result

1 All mandatory field will must be N.A Submission will not be done.

filled, if it is blank then Error will

Error will generated “ Must
Fill The Field”
2 If the expert choose the Correct N.A Error message “Center Code

answer. If not section then Error does not exist”

will be generated


Implementation Approaches-

Implementation is the second-last phase of any SDLC. It takes place after coding is

performed and the system is passed through a strict testing phase and is free against any

development-time error. There are many implementation approaches and based on the

requirement and constraints, the best suitable tech is used.

For our On-Line Examination System, we have used „Direct Implementation‟ approach. In this
approach the old system which is being used is replaced by the new developed system. . The
advantage of this technique is it is very cost effective and the new system helps in various ways.
As it overcome the all disadvantages of the previous system and maintain reliability.

This system is tested first very carefully. Then after it is being used in any organization.

NEXT CHAPTER 25 Coding Details and Code Efficiency

NEXT CHAPTER 27 Testing Approach

Unit Testing

Unit testing focuses verification error on the smallest unit of software design – the

software component or module. Using the component-level design description as a guide,

important control paths are tested to uncover errors within the boundary of the module. The

relative complexity of tests and the errors those tests uncover is limited by the constrained scope

established for unit testing. The unit test focuses on the internal processing logic can be

conducted in parallels for multiple components

Unit Test Considerations:

Unit Testing

Unit testing focuses verification error on the smallest unit of software design – the

software component or module. Using the component-level design description as a guide,

important control paths are tested to uncover errors within the boundary of the module. The

relative complexity of tests and the errors those tests uncover is limited by the constrained scope

established for unit testing. The unit test focuses on the internal processing logic can be

conducted in parallels for multiple components

Unit Test Considerations:

The tests that occur as part of unit tests are illustrated. The module interface is tested to

ensure that information properly flows into and out of the program unit under test. Local data

structures are examined to ensure that data stored temporarily maintains its integrity during all

control structure are exercised to ensure that all statements in a module have been executed at

least once. Boundary conditions are tested to ensure that the module operates properly at

boundaries established to limit or restrict processing. And finally all error handling paths are


Test of data flow across a module interface are required before any other test is initiated.

If data do not enter and exit properly, all other tests are moot. In addition, local data structures

should be exercised and the local impact on global data should be ascertained during unit testing.

Selective testing of execution paths is an essential task during the unit test.
Among the more common errors in Computations are:

1. Blank test box entries.

2. Misunderstood or incorrect Entries i.e. In Name Fields numeric values are entered.

3. Incorrect Initialization.

4. Incorrect symbolic representation of an expression.

Subpages (1): NEXT Unit Test Procedures:

NEXT Unit Test Procedures:

Unit testing is normally considered as an adjunct to the coding step. The design
of unit tests can be performed before coding begins or after source code has been
generated. Each test case should be coupled with a set of expected results.

Integrated Testing

Integration testing is systematic technique for constructing the software architecture

while at the same time conducting tests to uncover errors associated with interfacing. The

objective is to take unit tested components and build a program structures that has been dictated

by design.

Modifications and Improvements:

In testing phase, beside some small errors we got to know about as serious error which we

didn‟t thought about on.

We didn‟t proper use of “DataSet”. Because of this our site was running slowly. After

proper using of DataSet our site becomes fast, i.e. page loaded very quickly. What we were

doing that for each item we have opened the connection. But at page load we brought all the item

and then start retrieving one by one. This is the very big improvement in our site.


Test Reports

Super Admin Login:

If the id field is filled by character the error generated and shown by “*”. That it should

be numeric.

If the user id or password does exist then error will be generated that “ User Id or

password does not exist.


Required field validator means we have fill the text.

Compare to validate mean the field should match from the previous field.

Student Login:

Appearing for examination, Student must have to be begin through student login form.

There are three field in the student login page and Every field has to filled by student.

Student can not used character in the login id field.

Student registration will be cancelled automatically by the system after appearing in the


Admin Login :-

To register the student admin has to login first. The Id field is numeric.


NEXT Chapter 20 - Future Scope of the Project

The development of this project surely prompts many new areas of investigation. This

project has wide scope to implement it in any University/Institution having multiple paper there.

This project covers all functionalities related to On-Line Examination Hall Hence it can be

implemented any-where else after minute organization level customization

Moreover some parts of the project have remained uncompleted due to some reasons.

First of all limitations of our project, which has been discussed in previous topic make place for

future enhancements. Though that was not the part of objective of our project but it would have

great to implement that provided we‟d enough time.

Some of them are all those which are enumerated in the limitation section like:

 Online Payment

 A module from where entities can communicate

 And a faster process for subjective paper evaluation

NEXT Chapter 21 Bibliography

 “ASP.NET Black Book”

 ”A Programmer‟s Guide to ADO.NET in C#” by Mahesh Chand.

 ”Microsoft ASP.Net 2.0 Step by Step” by George shepherd.

 Microsoft SQL Server 2000-Rebecca Riordan,Andrew J Brust.

 (Official Site of Microsoft)


 Software Engineering, A Practitioner‟s Approach – Roger S. Pressman

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