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Question: [IN C WITH COMMENTS]The binary search algorithm that foll…

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[IN C WITH COMMENTS]The binary search algorithm that follows may be used to search an array when
the elements are sorted. This algorithm is analogous to the following approach for nding a name in a
telephone book. a) Open the book in the middle, and look at the middle name on the page. b) If the
middle name isn’t the one you are looking for, decide wither it comes before or after the name you want.
Take the appropriate half of the section of the book you were looking in and repeat these steps until you
land on the name you want. Algorithm for Binary Search 1. Let bottom be the subscript of the initial array
element. 2. Let top be the subscript of the last array element. 3. Let found be false. 4. Repeat as long as
bottom isn’t greater than top and the target has not been found. (a) Let middle be the subscript of the
element halfway between bottom and top. (b) If the element at middle is the target Set found to true and
index to middle. (c) Else if the element at middle is larger than target Let top be middle - 1 (d) Else Let
bottom be middle + 1. 1. In the main function declare the following array: int my numbers[] = {
2430,4719,2247,1397, 155,2401,3015,2324, 670,2134, 469, 952,3881,3633,3459,4366, 19, 935,1610, 724,
4373,2111,4542,1596,4244,4822,4964,1504, 462, 652, 1561,4557,4791, 387, 522 ,513,4872,4569, 241,2662,
3241,2475,3664,4028,2064,3993, 572, 649, 418,3283, 4347,3207,3349, 100,3651,4194,4725,1276,1244, 722,
2019,1232,3491, 606, 261,2054,3699,3901,1471,4477, 1569, 438,1439,3028,1839,1692,1209,4500,4996,1097,
3565,3068,2911,4416, 579,3994,1291,2914,3728,1023, 868,3652,3458,1461,4763,3904,1822,4594, 900,1763,
1645,1933,4541, 517,2676,4744,1292,4498,3848,3508, 2425, 87,2627,2532,2375,3623,3112,932,1368, 501}; 2.
Sort my numbers array using the sort function you implemented in Question 2 3. Ask the user to enter
the number he is looking for, call the binary search function to determine if the number is in the array and
the number of searches the function took to locate or to determine that the number is not found. Repeat
as long as the user entered a positive number. 3 Sample Run : What value are you seeking enter a
negative number to exit? 76 The value 76 was not found in the list of numbers. It took 7 searches to
determine that the number is not in the sorted array. What value are you seeking enter a negative
number to exit? 100 The value 100 was found in the list of numbers. It took 75 searches to locate that
number in the sorted array. What value are you seeking enter a negative number to exit? -1 Thank you

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#include <stdio.h>
void sort(int input[],int no)
int size,i,j,temp, ag=0; //variable declaration

   for(i=0;i<size && ag==0 ;i++)

           if(input[j]>input[j+1]) // swapping numbers

   searchh(input,no); // calling the binary search function

void searchh(int array[],int search)

int c, rst, last, middle, n; //variable decaration


rst = 0;
last = n - 1;
middle = ( rst+last)/2; //condition check

while ( rst <= last) {

if (array[middle] < search)
rst = middle + 1;
else if (array[middle] == search) {
printf(" The value %d was found in the list of numbers. %d.\n", search, middle+1); //if match found
last = middle - 1;

middle = ( rst + last)/2;

if ( rst > last)
printf("The value %d was found in the list of numbers.\n", search); //if match not found

int main()
int num;
int my_number[] = { 2430,4719,2247,1397, 155,2401,3015,2324, 670,2134, 469, 952,3881,3633,3459,4366, 19,
935,1610, 724, 4373,2111,4542,1596,4244,4822,4964,1504, 462, 652, 1561,4557,4791, 387, 522 ,513,4872,4569,
241,2662, 3241,2475,3664,4028,2064,3993, 572, 649, 418,3283, 4347,3207,3349,
100,3651,4194,4725,1276,1244, 722, 2019,1232,3491, 606, 261,2054,3699,3901,1471,4477, 1569,
438,1439,3028,1839,1692,1209,4500,4996,1097, 3565,3068,2911,4416, 579,3994,1291,2914,3728,1023,
868,3652,3458,1461,4763,3904,1822,4594, 900,1763, 1645,1933,4541, 517,2676,4744,1292,4498,3848,3508,
2425, 87,2627,2532,2375,3623,3112,932,1368, 501};
printf("What value are you seeking enter a negative number to exit? \n");
scanf("%d",&num); // accepting the number from user
sort(my_number,num); //calling the sort function
return 0;


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