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Questions for reflection:

 What images were formed in your mind while reading the parable?
 What lessons can we derived from this parable?
 How does peace education respond to the concerns shown in the parable?

“You, teacher, gave me a half of loaf” the phrase of a student who has been filled with
so much intelligent but why does he think the teacher imparted him half of everything that
he supposed to know? Thus, images of a boy robbing a store, a thief stealing and breaking
in houses, feud between families, war among nations, people protesting and the
urbanization of rural areas are formed in my mind in which I realized that the student delve
so much not in the field where reality of life was being encountered by everyone daily.

No country can be totally self-sufficient and no human being can be able to lived life
independently cutting of relationships and connections to other people which mean that
there is a need of mutual dependence in order to survive. The parable is emphasizing the
importance of interpersonal and global relationships looking to the bigger structure of life’s
evolution not just in a single country. It is very apparent on the near last stanzas of the
parable that the world will soon developed a more technologically advanced society.
Eventually, this will lead to various effects in human race, people will be inclined to collect
and store material things for themselves neglecting the fact that other people are in the
midst of suffering because of poverty, people will most likely indulge themselves fighting for
power and possessions but these are some possible outcomes that would probably be
occurring. In the end, education is our very weapon to understand this scenario that one
day, these things may come but we will be able to avoid and make difference.

Peace building or peace education as a proactive approach that uses peace education as
a means of creating a more stable and peaceful culture, thereby preventing violent
incidents from occurring. Peace education as the parable has shown is critical to creating a
culture that reduces the need for peacemaking and peacekeeping by developing a
comprehensive program that teaches people how to interact with others and avoid
unnecessary aggression. However, even if much effort will be exerted by the role of peace
education still the violence and hazards cannot be avoided but with peace education the
conflict can be address and minimize. The question on how the peace education responds?
As Peace education seeks to reduce violence and promote peace building these are the
following objectives being used: Appreciate the Concept of Peace, Address Fears, Provide
Information about Security, Understand War Behavior. These are some steps promotes by
the peace education.

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