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Reviews Chemie

International Edition: DOI: 10.1002/anie.201605417

Valuable Metals German Edition: DOI: 10.1002/ange.201605417

Valuable Metals—Recovery Processes, Current Trends,

and Recycling Strategies
Peter Frçhlich, Tom Lorenz, Gunther Martin, Beate Brett, and Martin Bertau*

platinum group metals ·
rare earth metals · recycling ·
transition metals ·
valuable metals

2544 T 2017 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2017, 56, 2544 – 2580
Reviews Chemie

This Review provides an overview of valuable metals, the supply of From the Contents
which has been classified as critical for Europe. Starting with
1. Introduction 2545
a description of the current state of the art, novel approaches for their
recovery from primary resources are presented as well as recycling 2. Antimony 2547
processes. The focus lies on developments since 2005. Chemistry
strategies which are used in metal recovery are summarized on the 3. Beryllium 2549
basis of the individual types of deposit and mineral. In addition, the
4. Cobalt 2551
economic importance as well as utilization of the metals is outlined.
5. Gallium 2553

1. Introduction 6. Germanium 2554

It is not only since China announced export limits for their 7. Indium 2556
rare earth metals that we have been dependent on raw
materials. These limitations, however, ceased to be effective 8. Lithium 2557
on 1 May 2015. However, the oil crises of the 1970s and 1980s
have given us an early and strikingly clear picture of these 9. Magnesium 2559
dependences. This was the time when the Chinese leader
Deng Xiao Ping formulated the raw materials doctrine of his 10. Niobium 2562
country for mineral commodities.
In the course of globalization, industrialized countries 11. Platinum Group Metals 2563
compete ever more strongly with the so-called “Emerging
Countries” for raw materials and markets. These countries, 12. Rare Earth Elements 2567
Brazil, Russia, India, Indonesia, China, and South Africa,
often termed the “BRIICS” countries, contribute approx- 13. Tin 2573
imately 25 % (2013) to the global gross domestic product
(GDP). Roughly 40 % of the world population lives in these 13. 4. Recycling Processes 2574
countries, which are driven by the need to secure the
continued existence and livelihoods for no less than 3 billion 14. Summary 2574
This situation results in inherently new challenges emerg-
ing for industrialized nations in terms of securing their supply
of raw materials. Even though economic growth of the
BRIICS countries was weakened in the summer of 2015, and primary product quality exists only to a very limited extent.
even though a gradual relaxation has been observed on the Typically, the vast majority of recycling activities ends up in
raw material markets, the fact must not be ignored that the what is called downcycling. As a consequence, dependences
global population is steadily growing and concomitantly on imports become permanent.
resulting in a steadily growing demand for food and produced However, the situation is much better than is typically
goods. We are experiencing a completely new situation of conceived. For decades, enormous amounts of primary raw
economic uncertainty in Europe, the United States, and materials have been imported. One fraction thereof is
Japan, which is facing the appetite of “Emerging Countries” exported as production goods, that is, refined to a higher
for energy and commodities. The looming economic situation level. This leaves a large fraction that remains in the country
in these countries will cause geopolitical uncertainties, be it and is disposed of at waste-disposal sites. One reason which is
economic recovery or economic decline. In Germany, addi- commonly invoked as justification why these secondary raw
tional risks for industry and consumers are imposed by the so- materials are not exploited is the high diversity of elements,
called energy and raw material shift. Thus, the industrialized paired with a lack of suitable technologies. Of course, there
nations are increasingly caught between political-economical are other issues, legal questions for example, which have to be
challenges on the one hand and technical-scientific ones on solved, but the key problem of technology development is
the other (Figure 1).
In 2014, the European Commission published the most
recent list of critical elements of relevance to the European [*] Dr. P. Frçhlich, T. Lorenz, G. Martin, B. Brett, Prof. Dr. M. Bertau
Institut ffr Technische Chemie
economy.[2] The reason for classifying a commodity as critical
TU Bergakademie Freiberg
are manifold, and they are outlined there in detail. However, Leipziger Strasse 29, 09599 Freiberg (Germany)
industrialized nations which are dependent on the import of E-mail:
raw materials are susceptible to geopolitical imponderabili- Homepage:
ties to some degree. These uncertainties can be countered by Supporting information for this article can be found under:
recycling. However, a real recycling in the sense of restoring

Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2017, 56, 2544 – 2580 T 2017 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim 2545
Reviews Chemie

economical because of the

high dilution of the product.
In addition, alternative
approaches to access raw
materials by recycling or
new process conceptions
must have the ability to be
integrated into existing pro-
cesses to be operated eco-
This complex situation
Figure 1. Securing raw materials in response to political-ecomonomical and scientific and technical experiences additional inter-
challenges (modified from Ref. [1]). play from a massive drop in
the prices of raw materials,
which is not equal for all
clearly a starting point for science, and it is chemistry that has commodities, however. Tin and lithium, for example, have
a pivotal role to play. In fact, it is only chemists who are seen considerable price increases in the first half of 2016,
capable of dealing with the high complexity of polymetallic which in the case of lithium is the consequence of the
mixtures in such a way that their extensive substance knowl- politically aspired electromobility.
edge allows the individual components to be channelled to Thus, there is sufficient cause for making an inventory of
industrial utilization and related disciplines. In this way, the the metals classified as critical. The aim is to give a well-
recovery of secondary raw materials will also lead to balanced and differentiated picture of which technical areas
interesting stimuli for the primary raw material sector.[1] of application are affected by which raw material supply, as
In fact, numerous developments have arisen from process well as how these metals are currently recovered from
optimizations, recycling, and substitution, and have culmi- primary and secondary raw materials. These latter will be
nated in holistic approaches. There has been massive progress compared through novel developments, with a focus on the
in the last few years, particularly in the field of recycling, and time after 2005, where a translation in chemical technology
various recovery concepts exist for many critical raw materi- appears feasible or has been realized.
als. Nevertheless, many of these have not progressed from the
laboratory scale, and others have proved to be too expensive.
In addition, in some cases, recycling is far from being

Martin Bertau received his PhD in organic Gunther Martin graduated in chemistry at
chemistry at the University of Freiburg/Br. in the Technical University of Chemnitz. Since
1997 with Prof. Horst Prinzbach. He then 2012 he has worked as a research assistant
headed the biotechnology department of and PhD student at the Institute of Chem-
Rohner AG (Dynamit-Nobel Group) in ical Technology at Freiberg University of
Basle, Switzerland. In 2000 he moved to TU Mining and Technology with Prof. Martin
Dresden, where in 2005 he received his Bertau. His PhD thesis focuses on extraction
venia legendi in biochemistry and organic techniques for lithium from primary raw
chemistry. Since 2006 he has headed the materials. He is also part of a start-up
Institute of Chemical Technology at Freiberg company within the frame of the EXIST-
University of Mining and Technology. He is Transfer-of-Research program.
a member of the Saxonian Academy of
Science and in 2012 was awarded the
Resources Efficiency Prize of the German Federal Minister of Economy as
well as in 2014 the wissen.schaft.arbeit Prize.

Beate Brett graduated in chemistry with Peter Frçhlich received his PhD in 2012 at
a thesis on “The self-association of carbohy- Freiberg University of Mining and Technol-
drates in the presence of lipophilic sub- ogy with Prof. Martin Bertau. Since 2012 he
strates” at Freiberg University of Mining and has headed the research group for the
Technology. Since 2012 she has worked as processing of complex raw materials. As
a research assistant at the Institute of a scholar of the Max-Buchner foundation
Chemical Technology with a focus on the (DECHEMA) he is also concerned with the
recovery of secondary raw materials as well chemical transport of GeO2 at low temper-
as on the synthesis of calixarene-based atures. He was awarded the
extracting agents. beit Prize in 2014. Since March 2016 he has
coordinated a start-up company within the
frame of the EXIST-Transfer-of-Research pro-

2546 T 2017 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2017, 56, 2544 – 2580
Reviews Chemie

2. Antimony

2.1. Economic Significance

Antimony is utilized in metallic and oxidic form as well as

in the form of various antimony compounds. Most metallic
antimony serves as an alloying element (e.g. lead or tin
alloys). It increases the hardness and corrosion resistance of
a material. In the casting industry it prevents precision
castings from shrinking while cooling down.[3]
Oxidic antimony compounds account for a large fraction
of the antimony demand (Figure 2). Firstly, there is antimony
trioxide (Sb2O3), which is mainly used as a flame retardant for
plastics, rubber, textiles, and dyes. Other fields of application
include catalysis, such as polyester production (above all
polyethylene terephthalate (PET)), in the glass and ceramics
industries (sodium antimonate), as well as in future technol-
ogies,[4] such as in microcapacitors or antimony tin oxide
(ATO) for translucent conductive coatings.[3, 5–9]
The antimony market price is largely determined by the
crude metal and antimony trioxide. Production waste has
a lesser effect on the price.[9] In June 2016, the world market
price for traded metallic antimony with 99.65 % purity was
6452.78 USD t@1, what is 53 % less than the price four years
previously (13805.56 USD t@1 in June 2012).[11, 12]

2.2. Raw Materials

Antimony is a rather rare element, which is found in

nature as a sulfidic ore. In some cases it has also been found in
its native form. The most significant primary source for
antimony is the sulfide mineral stibnite (Sb2S3) with an
antimony content of up to 72 wt %. Other industrially utilized
sources are valentinite (Sb2O3), for example, or kermesite
(2 Sb2S3·Sb2O3).
Secondary antimony sources are fly ashes, slags from lead
refineries, or anode sludges from copper refineries, as well as
scraps containing antimony.[5, 6, 13] In the future, industrial by- Figure 2. Global production of antimony and fields of application.[10]
products (e.g. dump material, production waste) from lead,
copper, gold, or antimony production may also become of
increasing interest.[14] Other activities aim at antimony Antimony reserves are estimated to be 1.8 million tonnes.
recovery from catalysts,[10] landfills, or residues from waste As a result of less-expensive substitutes being available,
incineration.[15] antimony output declined from 197 000 t in 2008 to 160 000 t
in 2014. With an annual production of approximately 9 % of
the reserves, static supply is about 11 years. The major
producing country is China, which accounts for 78 % of
Tom Lorenz graduated in chemistry at Frei-
berg University of Mining and Technology in global production (Figure 2). Since China also imports large
2011. Since December 2011 he has worked amounts of antimony, its share of antimony production is as
as a research assistant and PhD student at much as 90 %. Antimony is classified as a strategic metal, the
the Institute of Chemical Technology in export of which is strictly regulated. The Chinese export
Freiberg with Prof. Martin Bertau. Recent quota has remained unchanged at 59 400 t a@1 since
scientific research focuses on developing recy- 2014.[3, 5, 6, 8, 16]
cling processes for rare earth metals from
At present, the annual demand of more than 200 000 t Sb
fluorescent lamp scrap and end-of-life mag-
nets as well as further development of solid- (2015: 241 600 t) cannot be covered by primary production,
state chlorination. In 2014, he was awarded and secondary antimony production (2010: 39.540 t Sb)[17] is
the wissen.shaft.arbeit Prize. not sufficient to close the supply gap. The negative market
balance in combination with ChinaQs monopoly has resulted
in insecurity in terms of antimony supply, which on a short to

Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2017, 56, 2544 – 2580 T 2017 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim 2547
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Figure 3. Schematic representation of primary antimony production by pyro- and hydrometallurgical processes with integrated recycling.[3, 13, 18]

medium term can only be counteracted by intensified metal. Carbon monoxide (CO), which is provided by the
exploitation of secondary antimony sources. combustion of coke, acts as a reducing agent. The reactive
roasting process is divided into steps (1) and (2).

2.3. Extraction Technologies Roasting work : 2 Sb2 S3 þ 9 O2 ! 2 Sb2 O3 þ 6 SO2 ð1Þ

Reduction work : Sb2 O3 þ 3 CO ! 2 Sb þ 3 CO2 ð2Þ

Naturally occurring antimony minerals are often associ-
ated with copper, lead, gold, and silver. Extraction is realized
According to Equations (3) and (4), Sb2S3 is roasted
by both open pit and underground mining. Stibnite (anti-
completely before it is reduced to the metal. The latter is done
monite, Sb2S3), which is used as a source of antimony, is
in blast furnaces by smouldering with coke or charcoal in the
obtained by concentrating the crude ore, followed by pyro- or
presence of alkali carbonate or sulfate as a fluxing agent.
hydrometallurgical processing of the mineral (Figure 3).
Stibnite ores with higher levels of additional mineral Sb2 S3 þ 5 O2 ! Sb2 O4 þ 3 SO2 ð3Þ
components (gangue) are heat-treated prior to further
processing. In this way, the rather low-melting antimony(III) Sb2 O4 þ 4 C ! 2 Sb þ 4 CO ð4Þ
sulfide, Sb2S3, (m.p.: 547 8C) can drain off on a sloping surface
(segregation). The dedicated generation of Sb2O4 makes deliberate use
The choice of the best-suited pyrometallurgical recovery of the low volatility of the oxide. It serves to separate more
process depends on the antimony content in the raw material. volatile impurities under the given process conditions, such as
Concentrates with lower antimony fractions (5–40 wt %) are As2O3 (in nature, arsenolite) and PbO (in nature, massico-
treated by a roast-reduction process, which at 1000 8C produce tite).[19]
volatile Sb2O3 or nonvolatile antimony(III,V) oxide (Sb2O4, Where the roasting process is conducted under restricted
in nature cervantite).[18, 19] air flow, heat-volatile antimony(III) oxide (Sb2O3) is formed.
It is discharged together with the exhaust air, from which it is
Roast-Reduction Process subsequently recovered by condensation. The high content of
Air is blown over the red-hot sulfidic ore. In doing so, the impurities does not allow Sb2O3 to be utilized directly, and
metal sulfide, here Sb2S3, is converted into the oxidic form, thus it is converted into metallic antimony through carbo-
while the sulfide anion is oxidized to SO2. The metal oxide thermic reduction with coke or coal.[19]
formed this way, here Sb2O3, is subsequently reduced to the

2548 T 2017 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2017, 56, 2544 – 2580
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cathodic deposition producing pure antimony metal. To

Roast-Reaction Process obtain semiconductor quality, pure antimony metal is con-
The sulfidic ore is subjected to partial roasting, in the verted into SbCl3 and distilled. Antimony is subsequently won
course of which two thirds of the metal sulfide, here Sb2S3, by cathodic reduction and subjected to zone melting. Both
turns into the oxide, here Sb2O3, while one third remains pyro- and hydrometallurgical processes are still a matter of
unaltered. In a second step, the reaction material is heated ongoing research. The optimization of individual process
under exclusion of air, as a result of which the metal sulfide steps with the aim of reducing toxic waste streams (e.g.
and oxide are converted into the metal. Instead of atmos- reducing SO2 emissions) with comparably high antimony
pheric oxygen, in this case the metal oxide acts as the contents is currently the focus of research.[3, 21]
oxidizing agent for sulfidic sulfur.[15] The reactive roasting
process is divided into steps (5) and (6).
2.4. Recycling Processes
Roasting work : 2 Sb2 S3 þ 9 O2 ! 2 Sb2 O3 þ 6 SO2 ð5Þ
As a consequence of the dissipative distribution of
Reaction work : 2 Sb2 O3 þ Sb2 S3 ! 6 Sb þ 3 SO2 ð6Þ
antimony, no recycling processes exist on a technical scale
for most fields of application. It is for this reason why the
The roast-reaction process provides an alternative to
recycling rate at present is < 5 %.[22] The majority of
roast-reduction.[18] Here, stibnite is subjected to partial
secondary antimony originates from the recycling of lead
roasting, during the course of which the roast product Sb2O3
alloys containing antimony. In this context, the processing of
reacts with unconverted Sb2S3 to give antimony metal
lead-acid batteries plays an important role. After removal of
[Eq. (7)].
the sulfuric acid, the batteries are shredded by mechanical
treatment. A thermal process follows, preferably in shaft or
3 Sb2 S3 þ 9 O2 ! 6 Sb þ 9 SO2 ð7Þ short rotary furnaces, where antimonial lead and soft lead
alloys are smelted. The antimony content of the melt is rather
The oxygen supply has to be held within narrow limits in low, for which reason it is used directly for the production of
all process variants. Temperature windows also have to be soft lead after impurities have been removed. The major
adhered to, since the vaporization of Sb2S3 at high temper- fraction of impurities is captured in a slag, the further
atures constitutes a complication. processing of which leads to new antimony lead. This product
Concentrates with high antimony content (40–60 wt %) is utilized almost exclusively in the battery sector.[5, 6, 9, 23] In
are smelted at 550–600 8C in a reducing atmosphere, which is 2014, approximately 3500 t antimony were recycled this way
carried out to prevent antimony oxides (Sb2O3 and Sb2O4) in the USA.[24] The focus of current developments lies in the
from forming. recovery of antimony from printed circuit boards and lamp
The molten intermediate Sb2S3 is refined to give antimony phosphors (halophosphates).[25]
metal by applying the roast-reduction or the precipitation
process. Metallic antimony obtained this way is sufficiently
pure for subsequent use.[19] 3. Beryllium

Precipitation Process 3.1. Economic Significance

Sulfidic ores with 40–60 wt % Sb are smelted with iron at
550–600 8C in crucible or reverberatory furnaces. Iron is Beryllium is a comparatively rare element. Together with
converted into iron sulfide, FeS, and antimony is released aluminum and magnesium, it belongs to the light metals. It is
(“cast down”)[14] [Eq. (8)]. primarily (70–80 %) used for producing beryllium-copper
alloys with 0.5–2.5 wt % beryllium (curing beryllium,
Sb2 S3 þ 3 Fe ! 2 Sb þ 3 FeS ð8Þ bronzes), for example, for electric equipment. As a conse-
quence of its nuclear physical properties, beryllium is used as
Where antimony is recovered from lead ores, these ores a moderator and reflector material as well in radiography. In
have to be subjected to roast-reduction or roast-reaction to aerospace applications, beryllium is utilized as a metal and in
remove any copper. Further refining produces salt slags, the form of beryllium base alloys, in particular because of its
subsequent roast-reduction of which in turn furnishes metallic high module of elasticity and stiffness with regard to weight,
antimony (Figure 3).[20] Crude antimony is often accompanied its high tensile strength, and high degree of resistance to
by sulfur, arsenic, copper, lead, or iron. These impurities can distortion as well as its low coefficient of thermal expansion.
easily be removed by smelting the crude metal with soda In addition, it is applied as a pure metal (50 t a@1), of which
(Na2CO3) or sodium nitrate (NaNO3), in the course of which roughly 1 t a@1 are used in Germany. With its high melting
they are oxidized and driven into the slag.[19] Hydrometallur- point of 1287 8C it belongs to the high melting point metals.
gical processes in combination with electrolysis provide high- The utilization of beryllium is sometimes regarded as critical,
purity antimony, and when combined with a hydrolysis step, particularly for toxicological reasons. The technical reference
highly pure antimony(III) oxide is obtained.[3, 5, 6, 9, 14] concentration is 0.002–0.005 mg Be m@3 air. The metal is
Independent from the recovery process, further purifica- classified as indispensable for military technology.[26, 27]
tion is achieved by refining electrolysis with Sb anodes, with

Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2017, 56, 2544 – 2580 T 2017 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim 2549
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Apart from its high mechanical stability, ber-

yllium oxide displays excellent heat conductivity
and acts as an electric insulator. Beryllium is
principally traded as metallic beryllium (pure
metal and beryllium copper), beryllium hydroxide,
and beryllium fluoride.[26] The average price of
beryllium metal was approximately 214 USD kg@1
in 2010.[28]

3.2. Raw Materials

Beryllium naturally occurs in several minerals,

but economically recoverable concentrations are
rarely reached. The globally most significant
deposit is Spor Mountain, Utah, USA, with an
average content of 0.71 wt % BeO, where an
epithermal bertrandite (Be4Si2O7(OH)2) deposit
with 40–43 wt % BeO is mined. The proven
reserves there are specified as 15 000 t Be. Beryl
(Be3Al2Si6O18) from pegmatite deposits with a con-
tent of 11–14 wt % BeO is predominantly mined in
Brazil, China, and Russia, as well as to some extent
also in the USA (Figure 4). The value of beryllium
is so high, that even hand sorting can be operated
economically. There are no data for beryllium
reserves, but the global resources are estimated to
80 000 t Be. 65 % of these are located in the USA,
where they are concentrated chiefly in three
deposits: Gold Hill and Spor Mountain in Utah
as well as the Seward Peninsula in Alaska.[27]
In total, roughly 92 % of the global production
of beryllium takes place in the USA, another 7 %
in China. The beryllium recycling quota is com-
parably low and is estimated to be about 10 %.[26]

3.3. Extraction Technologies

The recovery of beryllium from beryllium ores

is tedious and energy-intensive. At present, the
Materion process is chiefly applied, which was
developed in the 1980s and is capable of processing
both bertrandite and beryl for Be(OH)2 and
beryllium metal, respectively. It is essentially
based on the Kjellgren process for beryl and the
Maddox and Foos process for bertrandite.[29, 30]
In the second case, the crude ore is wet milled
to provide a particle size of about 20 mm and
leached with sulfuric acid. After diluting with Figure 4. Global beryllium production and utilization (2015).[27]
water, the solid components are removed by
decanting. The aqueous solution is subjected to solvent further heating to 165 8C in an autoclave eliminates CO2, and
extraction with di-2-ethylhexylphosphoric acid (DEHPA) in yields Be(OH)2 as a precipitate, which is recovered by
kerosene. The re-extraction of beryllium is carried out with filtration (Figure S1 in the Supporting Information).
aqueous ammonium carbonate solution. Coextracted Al and In contrast to bertrandite, beryl (beryl process) is
Fe are precipitated by heating the re-extract to 70 8C, and insoluble in acids. Currently, it is processed according to
separated by filtration. Subsequently, the process solution is a modified Kjellgren sulfate process, which starts with
further heated to 95 8C to precipitate basic beryllium carbon- smelting the ore at 1650 8C followed by quenching with
ate, 2 BeCO3·Be(OH)2. After repulping in deionized water, water to destroy the silicate structure. This pretreated

2550 T 2017 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2017, 56, 2544 – 2580
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material is tempered in a rotary kiln at 900–1000 8C to rious, as tritium and other radionuclide impurities have to be
increase its reactivity towards sulfuric acid. After cooling, the removed first. Again, the material is converted into BeCl2.[32]
beryl frit is wet milled before being leached at 250–300 8C Beryllium can be recovered from BeCl2 by fused-salt
with sulfuric acid, which converts the beryllium and alumi- electrolysis. The fused-salt electrolysis that had been applied
num fraction into water-soluble sulfates. The siliceous residue at the beginning of the 1940s in Germany with the system
is discarded, and the Al,Be-sulfate solution is purified by NaCl-BeCl2 was used for a while by Clifton in the USA and
solvent extraction.[29, 31] Pechiney in France. Today, this process is no longer carried
At this stage, the material flows of both processes can be out industrially. The alternative system of LiCl-KCl-BeCl2
combined and further processed to Be(OH)2. There are was used by Materion Beryllium & Composites and Kawecki
several purification steps, which follow, above all, an iron Berylco, but this one is also no longer used.[29] Instead, BeCl2
separation step, before Be(OH)2 is precipitated at pH & 12. is reduced to beryllium metal in a cathodically connected
Be(OH)2 is the starting material for beryllium-copper alloys, nickel crucible with a graphite anode at 900–925 8C. Another
beryllium oxide ceramics, and beryllium metal. option is thermolysis of gaseous BeCl2 in a SiC bed. For both
The production of metallic beryllium requires BeF2, which approaches, however, no industrial application has yet been
is obtained by the Schwenzfeier process. Be(OH)2 is added to reported.[33]
an ammonium hydrogen fluoride solution to form water-
soluble (NH4)2BeF4 [Eq. (9)], from which impurities are
removed after neutralization and addition of precipitation 4. Cobalt
reagents, such as CaCO3. The purified fluoroberyllate is
crystallized through concentration in vacuo according to 4.1. Economic Significance
Equation (10). The solid residue is heated to 900–1000 8C in
an induction furnace to afford pure beryllium fluoride. The Cobalt is rarely applied as a metal. The metallic form is
liquid BeF2 is poured into an ingot mold and further used mainly as an alloying element, especially for superalloys,
processed to beryllium metal at 900 8C with magnesium in which are characterized by high-temperature stability, good
large graphite crucibles [Eq. (11)]. resistance to wear and corrosion, as well as by its hardness. An
example is the Hanes alloy, with a cobalt content of 25 to
BeðOHÞ2 þ 2 ðNH4 ÞHF2 ! ðNH4 Þ2 BeF4 þ 2 H2 O ð9Þ 50 wt %, which is employed in gas turbines. The importance of
AlNiCo and SmCo magnets has decreased as they have been
ðNH4 Þ2 BeF4 ! BeF2 þ 2 NH3 þ 2 HF ð10Þ
increasing replaced by FeNdB magnets. The total annual
BeF2 þ Mg ! Be þ MgF2 ð11Þ production is currently about 4000 t.
The majority of the produced cobalt is used for the
The process is highly exothermic and so the crucibles are preparation of cobalt compounds, chiefly cobalt (mixed)
incrementally charged with the BeF2 and magnesium. To oxides, a large amount of which is consumed in battery
ensure good separation of molten beryllium from MgF2, production. China is the main consumer of cobalt worldwide,
beryllium fluoride is used in excess, typically, about 75 % of with nearly 75 % going into the battery sector.[35] The high
the BeF2 is reduced. demand for cobalt is one reason for the scepticism towards
the widespread use of lithium ion batteries in electric
mobility. Furthermore, cobalt oxides are employed as cata-
lysts, for example, for the hydro-desulfurization of natural gas
3.4. Recycling Processes (CoMoX catalysts, Co3O4/MoO3/Al2O3) or hydroformylation
(Co3O4). Cobalt acetate or CoBr2/MnBr2 are utilized as
Beryllium recycling mainly occurs from production waste, catalysts in the production of terephthalic acid.[26]
but other sources are WEEE (Waste Electric and Electronic In the forthcoming years demand for refined cobalt is
Equipment) and nuclear reactors.[32–34] In WEEE, beryllium is expected to increase from 50 000 t a@1 (2007) to 110 000 t a@1 in
normally present as BeO, which reacts with water to form 2030 and 190 000 t a@1 in 2050. The prognoses also show no
Be(OH)2. Reaction with CO2 furnishes BeCO3, which after shortage in supply until 2050, if the supply situation in Africa
calcination to the oxide is treated with HCl to provide BeCl2. remains unchanged.[36] The market price for cobalt with
The process steps are given in Equations (12)–(15). Alter- > 99.8 % purity was 25 USD kg@1 in June 2016 compared to
natively, BeCO3 can be introduced into the Materion 30 USD kg@1 in June 2012 (@16 %).[11, 12]
process.[32, 34]

2 BeO þ 2 H2 O ! 2 BeðOHÞ2 ð12Þ 4.2. Raw Materials

BeðOHÞ2 þ CO2 ! H2 O þ BeCO3 ð13Þ

In nature, cobalt is a rare element and occurs in a wide-
BeCO3 ! BeO þ CO2 ð14Þ spread but dispersed form in trace quantities. It is frequently
associated with nickel, copper, silver, iron, and uranium. Like
BeO þ 2 HCl ! BeCl2 þ H2 O ð15Þ all Group VIII–X elements, cobalt is a siderophile element. It
occurs in a concentrated form in Ni-laterites as well as in
Recycling beryllium from nuclear reactors is more labo- cobaltite (CoAsS), skutterudite (CoAs3), and linnaeite

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((Co,Ni)3S4). The weathering product of arsenic-containing which represents a quota of 45.3 %.[39] One fifth of the
cobalt ores, erythrite (Co3(AsO4)2·8 H2O), is less important as recycled cobalt comes from hard metals and used catalysts.[26]
an ore than as an indicator for natural mineral deposits.
Global reserves are 7.1 million t, of which 3.4 million t are
located in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and 4.3. Extraction Technologies
1.1 million t in Australia.[35] The global resources are esti-
mated to be 25 million t.[35] In addition, more than 120 mil- Since in many cases cobalt ores are often associated with
lion t cobalt were detected in the manganese-rich nodules of copper and nickel ores, these metals are often processed
the oceanic deep sea and on the ocean floor. The global together. However, the heterogeneous composition of the
production of cobalt is shown in Figure 5. crude ores (oxides, sulfides, arsenides) does not allow
The most important secondary raw materials for cobalt a standard procedure to be applied for the production of
are waste rechargeable batteries, the cathode materials of cobalt, instead it will need to be adjusted to the individual
which contain 5 to 20 wt % cobalt in the form of LiCoO2 and situation.
LiNixMnyCozO2 (x + y + z = 1).[38] In 2014, approximately Sulfidic and arsenic ores are subjected to roasting
15 000 t waste batteries and storage batteries were collected, processes during the production of cobalt. The procedural
expense is higher for arsenic ores, because of the release of
arsenic vapors, such as As2O3. Recently, this problem has
been solved by pressure leaching, in which parameters are
used to keep the arsenic components in the solid residue.[26]
Two process options are available depending on the compo-
sition of the ore (association with Ni, Cu, Fe, Ag, U):
In pyrometallurgical processes, the iron sulfide present is
partially converted in a melting furnace into iron oxide, which
forms an iron silicate slag with quartz. The so-called cobalt
rough stone produced that way contains in addition to cobalt,
Cu, Ni, Fe, as well as S and As as accompanying elements.
Alkaline roasting with soda and NaNO3 converts sulfides and
arsenides into their sulfates and arsenates, which are removed
by aqueous leaching. The remaining metal oxides are leached
with sulfuric or hydrochloric acid, whereupon Co, Ni, and Fe
dissolve and Cu remains in the rough stone. Depending on the
grade of impurity, it may be necessary to separate accom-
panying elements by solvent extraction or precipitation
before cobalt can be precipitated as cobalt oxide hydrate
(CoOOH) with chlorinated lime and separated by filtration.
Subsequent heating furnishes Co3O4, the starting material for
the carbo- or alumothermic reduction to cobalt metal.
The hydrometallurgical processes encompass leaching of
preprocessed ore concentrates and untreated crude ore
(whole ore leach, WOL). Pretreatment often involves not
only mechanical concentration but a roasting step to convert
sulfides into oxides or to strip arsenic by oxidation.
Leaching with sulfuric or hydrochloric acid provides
highly water-soluble cobalt compounds (CoSO4, CoCl2).
This is also the easiest way. When oxidic roast products are
employed (from sulfidic ores), alkaline leaching with aqueous
ammonia solution is preferentially carried out, which yields
[Co(NH3)6]2+ and avoids the formation of H2S (Caron
process). Products obtained from the oxidizing roasting are
leached with sulfuric acid or simply with water. In the Sherrit–
Gordon process, sulfidic cobalt ores are leached with aqueous
ammonia solution. Arsenic-containing ores are roasted under
oxidizing conditions at 600–700 8C to remove As as As2O3,
followed by leaching with HCl or H2SO4. Subsequent
extraction and precipitation processes, frequently under
pressure (p = 1–40 bar) and increased temperature (T = 40–
250 8C), remove the impurities.[26]
A vapor metallurgical procedure is available as an
Figure 5. Global production and applications of cobalt (2015).[24, 37] alternative to pyrometallurgical or hydrometallurgical treat-

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ment. This approach makes use of the propensity of the computers or smartphones, photodetectors, thin-film solar
elements Fe, Co, and Ni to form gaseous complexes with CO, cells, and optoelectronic devices. A further field of application
which can be separated from each other in accordance to their is the preparation of trimethyl- and triethylgallium.[48] These
boiling points. Ni(CO)4 boils at 43 8C, Fe(CO)5 at 103 8C, organometallic compounds are mainly used to manufacture
while [Co2(CO)8] is not very volatile and melts at 52 8C with epitaxial layers for the production of light-emitting diodes
decomposition. An advantage is the access to metals in highly (LED).[48–50]
pure forms as a result of the easy thermal decarbonylation of The most important gallium producers are China, Ger-
the carbonyl groups. The high process effort because of the many, Kazakhstan, Korea, and Ukraine. Currently, the
high toxicity of CO and in particular of the metal carbonyl primary production capacity of approximately 730 t (2015)
compounds is disadvantageous. For this reason, among others, significantly exceeds the global demand for gallium. Japan is
a large-scale industrial use of the vapor metallurgical route is the most significant producer of secondary gallium.[27] There
not known.[26] has been a massive increase in production capacity, for
More recent approaches are based on the use of hydrogen example, in China, from 140 t in 2010 to 600 t in 2015. As
peroxide. As an example, 90 % of the Co of a Cu-Co ore from
the Congo (Co content 1.5 wt %) can be successfully
extracted at 30 8C within 2 h by adding H2O2 to the leaching
process with sulfuric acid, whereas in the absence of H2O2
only 15 % was obtained.[40] In another case, it was shown with
the example of an Indian laterite that the presence of SO2 has
a beneficial effect on leaching with sulfuric acid. In this way,
the cobalt leaching rate climbed from 85 % to 97 %, while
impurities largely remained in the solid residue.[41]

4.4. Recycling Processes

There is no reliable data available for the total amount of

cobalt recycled, only for partial flows. In 2015, 28 % of the
cobalt contained in steel scrap was recovered. Furthermore,
the rate of recycling of end-of-life (EoL) products at 68 % is
much higher than for most other metals.[42]
Industrially established recycling processes are carried out
pyrometallurgically (e.g. VAL’EAS process from Umicore,
Inmetco process), which also recover metals other than
cobalt, particularly nickel.[43] This process is characterized by
high efficiency and high throughput, whereas the formation of
toxic gases, the high energy requirements, and dust emissions
are problematic. In addition, pyrometallurgical processes are
followed by hydrometallurgical processes for separation and
purification.[44] These disadvantages led to various alternative
approaches being studied that comprise mechanical pretreat-
ment, acid or microbial leaching, and subsequent cobalt
separation.[45] The separation of cobalt from the polymetallic
digestion solution is carried out, in particular, by means of
solvent extraction, for example, with Cyanex 272 or tri-n-
butylphosphate,[46] but also by electrochemical processes[47]
and selective precipitation, for example, as the oxalate
(CoC2O4·2 H2O).[44]

5. Gallium

5.1. Economic Significance

Approximately 75 % of the global production of gallium

(574 t in 2013) is used to produce the semiconductor materials
gallium arsenide (GaAs), gallium phosphide (GaP), and
gallium nitride (GaN; Figure 6). These materials are essential Figure 6. Worldwide gallium production (2013) and applications
for the production of integrated circuits in high-performance (2010).[48, 51]

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a consequence, 99.99 % (4 N) gallium prices have been amidoxime group is regarded as a major challenge, and
plummeting from 341 USD kg@1 (June 2012) to likewise coextraction of vanadium, which has to be separated
111 USD kg in June 2016 (@67 %).[11, 12]
prior to gallium extraction.[56] Since solvent extraction and
ion-exchange processes are the most effective ones, the focus
of research lies on improving the extraction kinetics of the
5.2. Raw Materials Kelex100 system as well as reducing vanadium coextraction.
In addition, amidoxime groups with higher stability are also
Gallium is a very common trace element. The content in sought.[56]
the lithosphere is approximately 10 ppm. Gallium does not The production of marketable gallium (4N) is typically
form its own minerals under natural conditions, but occurs as carried out by electrolyzing preprocessed and concentrated
an admixture in aluminum, zinc, or germanium ores. For this gallium-containing solutions obtained from large-scale oper-
reason, the extraction of gallium-bearing minerals is econom- ations.[56]
ically not viable, and the metal is recovered as a by-product
during the production of aluminum and zinc.[52] The most
important gallium-bearing minerals are gallite, germanite, 5.4. Recycling Processes
sphalerite, chalcopyrite, and especially bauxite.[5] The gallium
content of bauxite is up to 60 ppm, and with huge bauxite At present, with a recycling rate of < 1 %, industrial
reserves of about 27.5 billion t,[53] it represents the largest gallium recycling of EoL products is almost insignificant.[22]
primary gallium deposit (> 1 million t).[49, 54] Important secon- The very low gallium concentrations in EoL products as well
dary raw materials are fly ashes with a gallium content up to as the high requirements regarding the recycling system and
100 ppm,[55] electronic scrap, as well as gallium-containing process technology are responsible for this situation.[59] Thus,
production waste.[55, 56] compared to primary recovery there is no process in sight for
recycling gallium from electronic scrap that has the prospect
of being economically viable.[60]
5.3. Extraction Technologies In contrast, the recovery of gallium from the production
waste of GaAs manufacturing bears much more potential,
Crude gallium is primarily obtained as a by-product from since the gallium content is considerably higher (up to
the production of aluminum and zinc. Four established 48 wt %).[27, 49, 61] The following methods are in use for treating
processes are applied for separating and concentrating industrial waste: 1) thermal treatment, 2) oxidation with
gallium in the leach liquor: fractionated precipitation, elec- oxygen, and 3) nitrification with ammonia and chlorination
trochemical methods, solvent extraction, and ion-exchange with chlorine gas.[49] Membrane-based separation of gallium
processes (Figure S2 in the Supporting Information). from production wastewaters is a potential alternative.[62]
As a first step in the fractionated precipitation of gallium,
the pH value is adjusted to 10.6 with CO2. This results in
aluminum hydroxide precipitating while gallium remains in 6. Germanium
solution. The addition of slaked lime (lime method) or sodium
aluminate solution then allows the gallium to be separated 6.1. Economic Significance
from the leach liquor. In a next step, the gallate solution
obtained has to be treated to remove heavy metals and is Global demand for germanium is 150 t a@1 and, similar to
further processed to crude gallium. However, as a result of the platinum group metals, it is required in only small
high consumption of energy and chemicals, laborious multi- amounts.[7, 63] It is essential for many technology products
stage precipitation, and considerable amounts of by-products, (Figure 7). Almost half of the annual production is accounted
fractional precipitation is applied only in low-wage countries, for by optical fibers and infrared optics. Up to 20 % of the Ge
such as China.[5, 54, 56] produced is consumed in the production of PET (GeO2
Electrochemical methods such as gallium concentration in catalyst).[7] Germanium-containing alloys are also used in X-
a liquid mercury cathode (amalgam process) as well as ray detectors as well as the photovoltaic and semiconductor
cementation display significant economical deficits, as does sector. Similar to rare earth elements, the European Com-
solvent extraction with Kelex100 diluted in kerosene and 1- mission rates Ge among the elements with a high supply risk,
decanol. Major drawbacks are the use of mercury (prohibited as a result of the complete dependence on imports and the
in some countries) and the high consumption of mercury and dominant position of China regarding this element.[2, 64, 65]
extraction agent, respectively.[54, 56, 57] This was the impetus to ChinaQs share of the global annual production is currently
test new extraction agents, such as di-(2-ethylhexyl)phos- about 70 %.[7, 63, 66] In addition, recent years have seen several
phoric acid (DEHPA), for which gallium yields of up to countries increasing their national reserves. The abandon-
99.9 % have been reported.[58] ment of this practice together with the elimination of customs
The most significant industrial process to date is based on duties on exports resulted in the commodity prices for 4N
using ion-exchange resins such as Duolite ES-346 and GeO2 dropping by 23 % between June 2012 (1075 USD kg@1)
DHG586 come. Their advantage lies is their excellent speed and June 2016 (833 USD kg@1).[11, 12] Nevertheless, demand for
of extraction combined with an excellent selectivity for germanium is currently still falling slightly.
gallium over aluminum. However, the instability of the

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germanium-content does not justify mining for it alone.[5, 63]

For this reason, germanium production exclusively occurs as
a by-product from smelting processes of sulfidic ores such as
sphalerite or renierite.
Global mineral deposits currently comprise about 9000 t
Ge, of which 40 % are located in China, 30 % in Russia, and
another 20 % in Africa.[69] Other sources of Ge are lignite or
hard coal deposits, in which Ge from plant material has
undergone a natural concentration during the formation
process. High local contents indicate an additional adsorption
of Ge from mountain waters along wall veins of coal seams.
At present, fossil germanium reserves are estimated to be
3900 t.[69] 34 % of the annual global production of 165 t (2015)
originate from fly ashes from coal combustion, while 36 %
comes from mineral deposits and 30 % from recycling
production waste from the manufacture of glass, PET, and

6.3. Extraction Technologies

Fly ashes, which occur as a by-product from processing

mineral and fossil resources, are an important source of Ge
(Figure S3 in the Supporting Information). As a result of its
excellent adsorption characteristics, Ge accumulates in the
ashes in up to 0.1 wt % in the form of GeS or GeO during ore
roasting or coal combustion.[5, 68, 70] Further processing is
carried out hydrometallurgically, typically starting with acid
leaching followed by precipitation. Germanium is precipi-
tated either as GeS2 by introducing H2S or by organic
complexing agents (e.g. tannins). The precipitate is roasted
once more, thereby producing a GeO2 crude product.
Treating the crude product with concentrated hydrochloric
acid (> 6 m HCl) forms the highly volatile GeCl4
(b.p. 86.5 8C),[71, 72] which is separated by distillation to provide
the required product quality.[73] GeO2 is subsequently pre-
cipitated by hydrolysis. Reducing GeO2 with H2 delivers the
crude metal. Further purification up to semiconductor quality
is realized by zone melting. However, precipitation has the
disadvantage that the separation of germanium is incomplete
and the costs for chemicals are high, since the precipitant gets
lost on roasting. For this reason, solvent extraction has
prevailed on a large scale since the middle of the 20th
Century. Numerous extraction agents are in use for extractive
concentration and purification,[57, 72, 74] for example quinones,
phosphonic acids, and amines.[75] New research projects take
Figure 7. Global production and applications of germanium (2015).[67] advantage of plants capable of bioaccumulating germanium
from soils, which so far were not suited for Ge recovery
(phytomining). In this approach, germanium is released from
the biomass as a by-product of biogas fermentation. Acid
6.2. Raw Materials digestion of the crude product and distillation are carried out
in an analogous manner to the fly ash process. In this way the
With a natural abundance of 1.5 mg kg@1, Ge is as common PhytoGerm project succeeded in recovering germanium as
as Zn or Cu, however, it is rarely concentrated in depos- GeO2 from reed canary grass.[76] The aim is to recultivate
its.[63, 65, 66, 68] As a consequence of its chemical similarity with contaminated soils as well as to contribute to securing the raw
silicon, germanium is incorporated in siliceous soil horizons in materials for germanium.
low concentrations. A similar trend is observed for germa-
nium-containing Cu, Zn, Ag, and Pb minerals, for which
either there are no significant deposits (argyrodite) or the

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6.4. Recycling Processes

Although secondary sources of raw materials, with a share

of 30 %, contribute significantly to annual world production,
the focus of recycling is almost exclusively on production
waste. Up to 60 % of the Ge can be reused from waste
materials from the manufacturing of photovoltaic modules,
special glasses, or infrared optics.[7] Recycling is carried out by
the same method as for germanium recovery from fly ashes. In
contrast, recycling of EoL products is still in its infancy,
because the separation from multielement mixtures is much
more complex than extraction from primary raw materials. To
date, there is no economic process available for recycling
germanium from EoL products.[77] Another problem is the
low return rates of these products, as a consequence of which
there is no possibility to bring together bulkier waste streams
for effective recycling.

7. Indium

7.1. Economic Significance

Indium is mainly used in the production of indium-tin

oxide (ITO), a mixed oxide composed of 90 wt % In2O3 and
10 wt % SnO2 (Figure 8). The production of 2090 t ITO (2013)
has resulted in roughly 90 % of the indium produced world-
wide having been consumed. The beneficial properties of ITO
are its good electrical conductivity as well as its transparency,
for which reason it is used in thin coatings for the production
of transparent liquid-crystal displays (LCDs).[78, 79] Moreover,
ITO is also a good thermal conductor and has a low melting
point. Further applications are as an alloy compound in
soldering agents or thermally conductive films. Important
indium materials are indium phosphide, which is used in
optoelectronics, and copper indium gallium (di)selenide
(CIGS), for thin film solar cells.[26, 80] According to a UN
study, the indium demand will increase by a factor of three by
not later than 2030.[81]
The indium price dropped during the course of the global
commodity price development. Between June 2012
Figure 8. Worldwide production (2015) and applications (2012) of
(505 USD kg@1 for ingots with 99.97 % purity) and June indium and indium compounds.[82, 83]
2016 it decreased by more than 50 % to 251 USD kg@1.[11, 12] In
addition, 10 % drop in the production volume to 755 t was
observed in 2015.[82] 10 000 ppm, but is commonly within a range of 10 to
20 ppm.[85]
Information on the current indium reserves is not
7.2. Raw Materials available, but in 2008, the worldwide reserves were estimated
to be 10 670 t.[82, 86] Almost 75 % of the indium reserves are
Indium occurs more abundantly in the EarthQs crust assumed to be located in China.[78] The most important
(ca. 0.05 ppm) than silver.[84] Indium-bearing minerals, such as secondary resource of indium is ITO waste, which incurs in
indite (FeIn2S4), cadmoindite (CdIn2S4), roquesite (CuInS2), substantial quantities during the production and disposal of
and dzhalindite (In(OH)3) are rare and insignificant for liquid-crystal displays.[79]
industrial extraction processes. Indium, as a chalcophilic
element, tends to associate with the base metals copper, lead,
zinc, and tin as well as bismuth, cadmium, and silver. 7.3. Extraction Technologies
Therefore, significant amounts of indium can be found in
ores such as sphalerite, chalcopyrite, galenite, cassiterite, and Approximately 95 % of indium production is a by-product
pyrite.[80] The indium content of these ores can be up to of zinc smelting. The majority of the global production (52 %)

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is attributable to China and just 1.5 % to Germany.[82] Se/Cu is carried our. Indium, which remains in solution, is
Industrial extraction processes commence with an initial precipitated as In(OH)3 in a yield of 98 % and with high purity
digestion of calcined zinc sulfide with sulfuric acid at (> 99 % at pH 3).[93]
a moderate pH value. In this way, zinc is leached, while the The recycling of EoL LCD screens is considerably more
less-soluble indium oxide remains as a solid residue. The complex, however. The indium-rich conductive layer is only
subsequent addition of more concentrated H2SO4 (25 g L@1) about 125–150 nm thick (100–400 ppm In), thus no more than
to provide In2(SO4)3, is followed by the precipitation of 230 mg In m@2 can be obtained.[79] Studies have shown that an
indium hydroxide with NaOH (Figure S4 in the Supporting indium price of about 400 USD kg@1 is required to cover
Information). Further refining steps comprise re-dissolution recycling costs.[80] In addition, more technological effort is
of indium hydroxide, removal of heavy metals as sulfides with required for treatment of LCD screens compared to ITO
H2S, indium cementation, and a final electrorefining.[5] waste, and thus indium recovery from LCD screens is not
Apart from established industrial processes, there are implemented on an industrial scale at present.
some approaches that aim to recover indium from primary At present, the recovery of indium from mobile phones
indium extraction residues. Pressure leaching of fly ash from also does not appear to be economically feasible. Although
zinc smelting with sulfuric acid, for example, gives a recovery 0.3 kg indium was obtained from one ton of mobile phone
rate of 90 % when H2O2 or KMnO4 are present.[87] displays after dismantling, leaching with acetone, grinding,
Roasting sphalerite (zinc blende, black-jack) results in the acid digestion, and subsequent ammonia neutralization, this
formation of iron ferrite, which interferes with zinc recovery required 44 m3 of 1 mol L@1 H2SO4 as well as sufficient
(depending on the iron content). In addition to the classic ammonia to neutralize it.[94]
procedure—an effective but polluting pyrometallurgical roll- A promising laboratory-scale process is the separation of
ing process—hydrometallurgical processes have been devel- ITO coatings from LCDs and polarizing filter glass by using
oped.[88] Indium-containing zinc residues are digested in water. ITO separation was 83 % from polarizing filter glasses
a reductive leaching process with sphalerite and H2SO4, the compared to 7 % from LCD screens.[95] The meagre separa-
subsequent solvent extraction of which furnishes recovery tion rate for LCD screens was increased up to 95 % at 220 8C
rates > 95 %.[89] by using 0.1 mol L@1 caustic soda. Applying this method to
In addition to the recovery of indium as a by-product from polarizing filter glass enabled 99 % ITO to be recovered at
zinc smelting, there are also processes for recovering lead, 160 8C.[96] Advantageously, the ITO layer is not only detached
copper, and tin.[5] For example, lead and indium can be from the glass surface, it can easily be separated from the
separated by adding chelators to the hydrometallurgical leaching liquor by filtration to enable further processing.
leaching process of lead smelter dust. Subsequent acid
digestion provides an indium recovery rate of 88 %.[90]
8. Lithium

7.4. Recycling Processes 8.1. Economic Significance

Recycling of indium can be divided into recovery from Lithium is a strategic metal which is most commonly
ITO production waste and EoL liquid-crystal displays. During considered as being indispensable for future technologies
the manufacture of LCDs, ITO is deposited on glass by such as energy storage, electric mobility, and cordless devices.
cathodic sputtering of ITO planar targets. However, the yield However, lithium compounds have a far broader spectrum of
is low, with only 15–30 % of the ITO being deposited on the application such as in the glass, enamel and ceramic indus-
substrate. The resulting indium-rich waste is directly recycled tries, lubricating greases, pharmaceutical products, and alu-
with high recovery rates. According to estimates, the secon- minum production (Figure 9).[97]
dary production of indium from ITO waste is 1000 t (2012), Since there is no substitute for lithium in its most
which is higher than the primary production in the same important applications, such as ceramics and glass, (recharge-
year.[84] able) batteries, as well as lubricants, the demand for this metal
Besides the industrially established processes, studies is forecasted to grow by approximately 8–11 % a@1.[99] In 2025
were carried out to process ITO production waste by using there will be a severe supply gap, since lithium demand for
H2S to precipitate and thus separate the tin. This approach lithium battery production will almost double from its 35 %
afforded tin in quantitative amounts, accompanied by a slight share in 2015 to about 70 % in 2025, while lithium demand
loss of indium that did not exceed 0.5 %.[91] Solvent extraction from other market segments will not decrease in the foresee-
was also found to be suitable for separating indium from tin, able future.[98, 100] The most important lithium compound for
since re-extraction of the organic phase with hydrochloric the production of tradable products is Li2CO3 at a total
acid is selective for indium. However, there is no strategy quantity of 46 %. In conjunction with LiOH (19 %), these two
published for the required separation of indium from the derivatives cover about two thirds of the market.[101] The
organic phase.[92] demand for Li2CO3 is expected to increase significantly up to
The first step of a process for the recovery of indium from 2025 (9–12 % a@1), and for LiOH by up to 14–16 % a@1 since it
copper indium selenide (CIS) solar cell production is leaching is also used for the production of cathode materials in
with acetic acid to separate tin acetate. Subsequently, rechargeable batteries (e.g. LiMn2O4, LiFePO4, LiCoO2).[102]
a digestion with nitric acid, followed by a cementation with As a result of the increasing demand for Li2CO3 and LiOH,

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2014, global production of Li reached roughly 32 000 t. In fact,

the theoretical static supply of Li is about 435 years.[98] Almost
60 % of the Li reserves are found in South America, especially
Chile, Bolivia, and Argentina. Approximately 4.4 million t Li
are located in North America (USA, Canada) and a further
5.4 million t Li in China. The European Li deposits
(ca. 1.1 million t Li), on the other hand, represent only roughly
3.0 % of the worldwide resources.[98]
Li deposits are divided into brine deposits and Li ores. The
most important brine for Li extraction is the Salar de
Atacama in Chile (6.3 million t Li). An even greater brine
deposit is expected at Salar de Uyuni in Bolivia (10.2 million t
Li). The altitude (3650 m), the quite low average Li content of
320 ppm, and less-favorable climatic conditions for concen-
tration, are some of the reasons that have so far prevented the
large-scale production of Li.[105–107]
The most important lithium deposits are igneous rocks
(3.9 million t Li). These pegmatites contain the minerals
spodumene, lepidolite, petalite, and zinnwaldite in particular.
Deposits are found in the USA, China, Zimbabwe, Russia,
Canada, and Europe. The greatest Li ore deposit is the
Greenbushes spodumene mine in Australia with 0.85 million t
Li.[107] Currently, two large spodumene deposits in Whabouchi
(Canada) with about 27 million t raw material (1.53 wt %
Li2O), as well as the Mt. Marion lithium deposit in Australia
(ca. 23 million t raw material, 1.39 wt % Li2O) are devel-
oped.[108] As a consequence of the huge primary reserves and
resources of Li, lithium from secondary sources has had no
significant impact on the total supply so far.[109]

8.3. Extraction Technologies

Currently, lithium is predominantly (ca. 60 %) recovered

from the salt lake brines Salar de Atacama (Chile) and Salar
de Hombre Muerto (Argentina). Lithium production from
brines profits considerably from lower manufacturing costs
combined with less technological effort compared with that
for lithium ores.[110] The standard process steps for a large-
scale production of lithium derivatives from salt lakes, also
called Salar in South America, comprises an initial evapo-
Figure 9. Worldwide lithium production and applications (2015).[98] ration of a lithium-containing solution in artificial ponds and
removal of crystallizing salts. Subsequently, impurities and by-
products are precipitated and lithium derivatives are recov-
the market price is expected to significantly increase in the ered.[111, 112]
future. Some even expect to see a price jump in the current A number of different approaches for industrial lithium
market price of 6063 USD t@1 (June 2016) to 25 500 USD t@1 extraction has been developed because of the different
not later than 2020.[10, 103] The concerns to some extent became compositions of brines and regional conditions of the saline
reality in December 2015 in China, where the spot price was lithium deposits.[110] For example, because of an unfavorable
more than 20 000 USD t@1 tg-Li2CO3 (technical grade, Mg/Li ratio of 20.3 at the Salar de Uyuni in Bolivia (c.f. Salar
> 99.0 %).[104] However, the price of tg-Li2CO3 has dropped de Atacama: 6.3), magnesium hydroxide is precipitated by the
by approximately 15 % in the last four years (June 2012, addition of lime prior to evaporation.[105] On the other hand,
7187 USD t@1).[11] the climatic conditions do not favor facile evaporation. They
are compensated for by devices to aid evaporation (evapo-
ration cones), which are almost similar to a falling film
8.2. Raw Materials evaporator in terms of their mode of function. The brines are
heated by solar power to a temperature that allows for an
The estimated reserves (ca. 14 million t Li) and resources evaporative concentration of the Li brines under the given
(34 million t Li) show that Li is not a scarce commodity. In wind speed.[112, 113]

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The most commonly applied processes for the recovery of have mainly only been tested on laboratory and pilot-plant
lithium from siliceous lithium ores are pyrometallurgical scales.[110] A battery recycling company which also recovers Li
roasting with H2SO4 and limestone digestion with CaCO3.[114] is Accurec Recycling GmbH (Heissen, Germany), with an
Both methods have significant drawbacks, since 1) the high- annual recycling quantity of 4000 t a@1 of spent batteries. By
temperature thermal conversion of a- into b-spodumene (T + combining pyrolytic and hydrometallurgical process steps,
800 8C) is associated with considerable energy consump- Li2CO3 is recovered in addition to the high-priced metals.[43]
tion,[115] 2) roasting with H2SO4 also requires large amounts of Another process aproach is the “hybrid lithium recovery”,
base for precipitation of the hydroxide, as well as the developed in Freiberg, Germany. It is currently the only
combined by-product Na2SO4 being of very low value because known process which is capable of processing both primary
of an over-saturated market, 3) the limestone digestion (zinnwaldite) and secondary lithium sources (black mass from
requires substantial amounts of CaCO3. In fact, the CaCO3 spent lithium-ion batteries). Besides Li2CO3, the market-
to ore ratio is 3:1 for lepidolite and even 5:1 for zinnwaldite established by-products CoOOH, a-FeOOH, and
under optimized conditions.[116] (Na,K)3AlF6 are recovered in this integrated, holistic
A number of alternative approaches, particularly for approach. However, the processing costs are quite high, so
spodumene, but also for petalite, lepidolite, and zinnwaldite the approach is economically viable only at the current price
were more recently developed (summarized in Figure S5 in level for Li2CO3.[124]
the Supporting Information). They comprise a direct chlori- At present, the most promising Li recycling approach is
nation with Cl2 (T = 1000–1100 8C) to yield gaseous lithium a selective, direct carbonation treatment of black mass with
chloride,[117] an autoclaved digestion process for b-spodumene CO2/H2O. After an electrodialytic concentration process,
carbonatization with Na2CO3,[118] and leaching with HF (7 %) Li2CO3 is precipitated in battery-grade quality (bg-Li2CO3,
followed by separation of the by-products sodium cryolite > 99.5 %).[125]
(Na3AlF6) and sodium fluorosilicate (Na2SiF6).[119] However,
these approaches have not yet been scaled up to a commercial
scale. 9. Magnesium
An alternative approach is a direct carbonation process of
siliceous lithium ores (spodumene, lepidolite, petalite, and 9.1. Economic Significance
zinnwaldite) with supercritical CO2. The basis is a thermal
treatment for defluorination (lepidolite, zinnwaldite) and When considering the economics of the chemical element
simultaneous decomposition of the lithium-bearing mineral magnesium, one has to distinguish between pure, metallic
phases to b-spodumene. Leaching with CO2/water results in magnesium and its compounds. Metallic magnesium is rarely
a dilute LiHCO3 solution, which is enriched by means of used in technical applications, while magnesium alloys are
electrodialysis. Subsequently, the solution is heated and increasingly used in electronics and electrical engineering as
Li2CO3 is precipitated under release of CO2. Follow-up well as in mechanical and automotive applications. In
activities aim at optimizing the sintering process under particular, the low density in combination with a high strength
consideration of the mineral phase formation to increase and resistance to corrosion makes magnesium alloys a versa-
the subsequent lithium mobilization.[120] tile metallic material for construction. Another advantage is
A promising alternative for processing sulfuric acid the practically unlimited availability because the alloys can be
digestion solutions is an electrolysis or electrodialysis process easily recycled. Magnesium metal, especially in combination
to obtain LiOH from purified solutions.[121] At present, with aluminum, is of great economic significance[51] since it
Nemaska Lithium Inc. (Quebec, Canada) plans to scale up improves the strength, toughness, and corrosion resistance of
the process to a production volume of 28 000 t a@1 LiOH at the the materials. Approximately 45 % of the magnesium metal
Whabouchi lithium deposit in Canada.[122] However, the main produced is used in the production of aluminum alloys, with
challenge is the multistep pretreatment of the lithium- a further 35 % being used in other magnesium alloys
containing solution to separate multivalent cations (e.g. (Figure 10).[126] Magnesium is used in the iron and steel
Fe3+, Al3+) partially down to the ppb range to prevent the industry to desulfurize pig iron (13 %). Other applications
precipitation of hydroxide in the membrane process. (7 %) comprise use as a reducing agent in metal production
processes or as a sacrificial anode in electrochemistry or
cathodic corrosion protection.[127–132]
8.4. Recycling Processes At an estimated 8 million tons (Mg equivalent), magne-
sium compounds have by far the largest market share. The
At present, no extensive industrial recycling of Li is most important industrial magnesium compound is magne-
carried out, and even optimistic scenarios forecasted that only sium oxide (magnesia), which is produced as dead burned
25 % of the supply would be substituted by secondary lithium magnesia (DBM), fused magnesia (FM), and caustic calcined
in 2050.[109] The greatest potential lies in recycling lithium-ion magnesia (CCM). DB and F-magnesia are predominantly
batteries. However, the methods currently employed, such as used as refractory materials in the iron and steel industry, but
the pyrolytic VAL’EAS process (Umicore, Brussels) or low- also in the ceramics and building materials industry. The main
temperature separation (TOXCO Inc., Anaheim, USA), application fields for CC-magnesia are for environmental
mainly aim at recovering other valuable metals, particularly protection (water treatment, flue gas desulfurization), agri-
cobalt and nickel.[123] Processes with the aim of recycling Li culture (feed and fertilisers), and the chemical industry.[134]

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(MgCl2·6 H2O), and kieserite (MgSO4·H2O), as well as salt

lakes, brines, and seawater. By contrast, siliceous magnesium
compounds, such as olivine ((Mg,Fe)2[SiO4]) and forsterite
(Mg2SiO4), are used only rarely as raw materials.[5, 134]
An important secondary source of magnesium is casting
alloys. During their manufacturing process, large quantities of
new scrap are produced as by-products (Figure S6 in the
Supporting Information). The most significant resource for
secondary magnesium is lightweight components of the
automotive industry.[127, 128] In addition, current approaches
deal with the recovery of magnesium from waste streams of
lignite combustion. However, the suitability of magnesium-
rich lignite fly ashes (+ 15 wt % Mg) as a secondary raw
material depends on the mineralogical composition of the ash
(bonding form, accompanying components), which signifi-
cantly influences the extractability of magnesium.[135] The
development of the Latrobe process (Australia), based on the
Hydromet process developed by EcoEngineers Pty Ltd. in
2013, is highly advanced.[136] In this procedure, the S, Fe, and
Si levels in lignite fly ashes are reduced to a level[137] at which
the MgO concentrates can feed into the Pidgeon Pro-
cess.[132, 138]
As a consequence of the high price (see below), magne-
sium is increasingly being replaced by substitutes. For
example, aluminum and zinc are used in forged and cast
products, even though the benefit of the light metal alloy in
terms of the material weight is lost. Calcium carbide (CaC2)
serves as an alternative for desulfurization in the production
of iron and steel. Nevertheless, magnesium is preferred in this
case despite its price, because of the potential formation of
acetylene when CaC2 and water are brought into contact.[139]
As a result of development in its main fields of applica-
tion, the global demand for magnesium metal has more than
doubled since 2000, with an annual growth rate of 6.6 %. The
global production of primary raw materials for 2014 is
estimated to be 970 000 tonnes, with China clearly dominating
the market.[24] Magnesium metal is currently traded at a price
of 2030 USD t@1 (31.03.2016).[140] Primary magnesium has not
been produced in Europe since 2002.[133, 141]

Figure 10. Global production and applications of magnesium

9.3. Extraction Technologies

A distinction is made between the dry and the wet process in

Furthermore, the average price of metallic magnesium (purity the production of the industrially most important magnesium
99.8 %) fell by 38 % (2000 USD kg@1) from June 2012 to June compound, magnesium oxide. In the wet process, magnesium
2016 (3242 USD kg@1).[11, 12] chloride is precipitated as magnesium hydroxide from sea-
water, brines, or even residual liquids of the lime industry by
adding calcined dolomite or lime. As an alternative, lime milk
9.2. Raw Materials is added and the precipitate subsequently calcined to MgO
[Eqs. (16) and (17)]. As a result of the high expenditure of
Magnesium is the second most abundant alkaline-earth energy, aqueous electrolysis [Eq. (18)] has instead become
metal, the eighth most abundant element in the earthQs crust, common in chemical technology.
and the third most abundant one in seawater. As a result of its
high reactivity, magnesium only occurs in an ionic form in MgCl2 þ CaðOHÞ2 ! MgðOHÞ2 # þCaCl2 ð16Þ
nature. Magnesium is primarily extracted from dolomite
(CaCO3·MgCO3), magnesite (MgCO3), and brucite (Mg- MgðOHÞ2 ! MgO þ H2 O ð17Þ
(OH)2). Other primary sources are salts rich in magnesium,
such as carnallite (MgCl2·KCl·6 H2O), bischoffite MgCl2 þ 2 H2 O ! MgðOHÞ2 # þH2 þ Cl2 ð18Þ

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Today, magnesium is typically produced by the dry energy consumption and to achieve a process intensification
method, in which magnesite (MgCO3), occasionally brucite by continuous or semicontinuous process management (Fig-
(Mg(OH)2), is calcined to MgO in a high-temperature ure S9 in the Supporting Information).[5, 132, 143–145, 147]
furnace. Depending on the temperature, CCM (800 8C), A first approach in this direction was the Magnetherm
DBM in one or two phases (1600 and 2200 8C), or FM process, which was developed in 1963 by Pechiney-Ugine-
(> 2800 8C) is formed.[134] Kuhlmann in France. The method belongs to the silicothermic
There are two industrial processes for the production of processes and is carried out in an electric arc furnace, as
magnesium metal, the fused-salt electrolysis of magnesium typically used for the Wçhler process for the production of
chloride and the thermal reduction of magnesium oxide white phosphorus (P4). The reaction mixture of dolomite and
(Pidgeon process). The Pidgeon process proceeds according ferrosilicon is mixed with alumina or bauxite to keep the slag
to Equations (19) and (20), and is today the most important liquid. The magnesium production is carried out at 50 mbar
and 1600–1650 8C. The magnesium vapor is fed into a surface
2 ðCa,MgÞCO3 ! CaO ? MgO þ 2 CO2 ð19Þ condenser, where it solidifies to form magnesium metal.
When the condenser is filled, the process is interrupted and
2 CaO ? MgO þ ðFe,SiÞ ! 2 Mg " þCa2 SiO4 þ Fe ð20Þ the condenser is replaced by an empty one. The process is
conducted in a batch mode with cycle times of 10–12 h. In
method. It was developed at the Canadian National Research practice, the high vacuum proves to be expensive.
Council (NRC). The first plant was operated in 1941 by A further development of the Magnetherm method was
Dominion Magnesium in Haley, Ontario, Canada, where developed in South Africa by Mintek in the early 1980s and is
magnesium was produced until 2008. The process is used known as the silicothermic Mintek Thermal Magnesium
chiefly by the market leader China, where significant process (MTMP or Mintek process). Analogous to the
quantities of ferrosilicon are available because of the high Pidgeon process, it works with calcined dolomite and
steel output. The energy-intensive process is on the one hand ferrosilicon, but is operated in a DC open-arc furnace. It is
cost-effective and variable regarding the feedstocks, but on essential to work at atmospheric pressure, which requires
the other hand associated with high CO2 emissions (42 kg per a significantly higher process temperature of 1600–1750 8C.
kg Mg; Figure S7 in the Supporting Information). In compar- The volatilized magnesium is captured in a surface condenser,
ison, CO2 emission from steel production is 0.5–2.0 kg per which is operated above the melting point of magnesium
kg@1 steel.[142] In addition, the unwrought magnesium is often (650 8C), thus keeping the metal in the molten state for
contaminated with Ni, Cu, and Si. The starting point is almost further processing, refining, and finally ingot casting. The
always dolomite ((Ca,Mg)CO3), which is reduced after MTMP can be operated continuously or semicontinuously
a calcination step to pure magnesium by ferrosilicon at and was implemented in a pilot plant with a capacity of
1160–1200 8C and at reduced pressure (13–67 Pa) in a con- 100 kg Mg h@1. In contrast to the Pidgeon process, the
tainer made of chrome nickel steel.[5, 26, 132, 143–145] required amount of energy is 8.5 MWh per t Mg instead of
The calcium oxide fraction forms a basic calcium silicate 35–40 MWh per t Mg. To date, the design of the condenser has
slag, whereas magnesium is discharged overhead as vapor and not been finally resolved. In particular, the materials cause
condensed in a water-cooled condenser outside the furnace. problems, because the storage of the molten magnesium leads
The magnesium is obtained batchwise and can be further to an entrapment of impurities from the condenser material
purified by vacuum distillation (see Section 9.4). into the product.
The production of magnesium by wet electrolytic methods The Bolzano process, developed in Bolzano (South Tyrol,
is based on magnesium chloride, which is obtained from sea Italy), is also based on the Pidgeon process and is operated
water by precipitation with lime milk and reaction with today by Brasmag (Brazil). Pulverized calcined dolomite is
hydrochloric acid. The complete or partial dehydrated salt is pressed with ferrosilicon into ingots, which are electrically
then fed into the electrolysis cells. heated by resistance heating. In this way, only the reaction
Fused-salt electrolysis (Figure S8 in the Supporting Infor- mixture and not the entire furnace is heated. At 1200 8C, the
mation) at T = 700–800 8C and U = 5–7 V is carried out in the temperature is rather low, but the vacuum of 4 mbar is
presence of KCl and CaCl2, thus decreasing the melting point. demanding. The energy consumption is , 7.3 MWh per t Mg
The rod-shaped anodes are made of graphite and inserted and the magnesium yield was reported to be 71 % compared
from above. At the tips they are surrounded by ring-shaped to 77 % (Pidgeon). The Bolzano process is intended for
cathodes made of steel. The cathodically deposited, metallic implementation in the Tami-Mosi project in Nevada (USA),
magnesium collects on the molten salt, from where it is which is currently in the state of planning.[5, 148, 149]
skimmed off. The anodically formed chlorine co-product is A recent development is the Zuliani process (Canada),
used in the I.G. Farben process to produce anhydrous MgCl2 which can be conceived of as a further development of the
from MgO according to Equation (21).[5, 132, 143, 146] Bolzano process. In this procedure, the supplied energy
originates from a combination of electrical hydropower and
MgO þ Cl2 þ C ! MgCl2 þ CO ð21Þ natural gas. The magnesium yield is reported to be approx-
imately 90 %, but a large-scale implementation does not
Nevertheless, the Pidgeon process dominates the world currently exist.[150]
production of magnesium metal. Various process variants An alternative to the silicothermic methods are alumi-
have been developed with the objective to drastically reduce nothermic processes, the essential advantage of which is the

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lower process temperature of 900 8C. Similar to the silico- distillation, where contaminating elements, with the excep-
thermic variants, the majority of the total energy demand tion of zinc, can be separated from magnesium as a result of
results from production of the reducing agent. The Heggie their different vapor pressures. Magnesium is vaporized
process as a process variant is carried out at 1500 8C under an in vacuo (10@3 bar) at approximately 600 8C and subsequently
argon atmosphere in a plasma arc furnace. The energy recondensed. The distillation can be applied to all magne-
required is 6 MWh per t Mg.[148] sium-containing residues and has the added benefit of
Carbothermic processes require very high operating retaining expensive alloying elements (e.g. Y, Ce, Nd).
temperatures of approximately 2000 8C. As a consequence However, disadvantages are the high technical input and
of their high energy demand, they are no longer operated. the energy consumption.[127, 130, 131, 153]
A rather recent development is the solid oxide membrane
(SOM) process (Figure S10 in the Supporting Information).
The energy efficiency is at approximately 10 MWh per t Mg 10. Niobium
slightly higher that of the Mintek approach. The operating
temperature is 1100–1300 8C, but unlike the carbo- and 10.1. Economic Significance
metallothermic methods the reduction is realized electrolyti-
cally. The anode and cathode, immersed in a fluoride-based Niobium is mainly used as a material in high-strength low-
electrolyte melt (MgF2-CaF2-MgO) with dissolved MgO, are alloy (HSLA) and stainless steels (Figure 11). Approximately
separated by a membrane of yttria-stabilized zirconia (YSZ). 94 % of the global niobium demand is required solely for the
Application of a voltage results in oxygen anions migrating production of steel. HSLA steels contain about 0.05 wt % Nb,
through the membrane to the anode under oxidation to give and stainless steels 0.04–0.08 wt % Nb. The most important
O2. At the cathode, magnesium vapor is formed, which is niobium alloy is ferroniobium (Fe-Nb alloy), which contains
condensed separately, in analogy to the metallothermic approximately 60 wt % Nb. As well as the alloys, metallic
processes. The high selectivity of the membrane towards niobium is also used in the aerospace industry.[16] Further
oxygen anions prevents halides from passing. This in turn applications are superconductor wires, in catalysts for the
allows low-melting halogen-based fluxes to be used.[132, 151] production of hydrochloric acid and biodiesel synthesis, as
well as niobium(V) oxide (Nb2O5) as an anode material in Nb-
electrolytic capacitors.[154]
9.4. Recycling Processes In 2014, global Nb production was 55 900 t Nb, with Brazil
(89 %) and Canada (10 %) accounting for almost 99 % of the
Rising production and increasing use of magnesium alloys global production of niobium.[7] The fact that niobium is listed
has led to an increasing volume of waste magnesium. as a critical metal can not be explained on the basis of existing
Recycling without a loss of quality is in principle possible, reserves, but is attributed to Brazil having virtually
but extremely demanding because of the susceptibility of a monopoly as a supplying country for primary Nb.[2] Current
magnesium to oxidation. Therefore, contaminated magne- market prices are not publicly available, since Nb is not traded
sium is, in general, not reused to produce new, purified freely. The US import price of ferroniobium was listed at
magnesium alloys. One exception is the in-plant remelting of 40 000 USD t@1 in 2014.[156] In addition, Nb2O5 (purity 99.5 %)
clean production waste. Thus, magnesium recycling is mainly has lost approximately 56 % of its value within the last four
limited to the recycling of magnesium scrap in the production years. Nb2O5 was listed at 64 USD kg@1 in June 2012 and at
of aluminum alloys, as a desulfurization agent in the steel present at 28 USD kg@1 (June 2016).[11, 12]
industry, or in the production of cast iron as an additive to
promote the formation of spheroidal graphite. These are pure
downcycling processes. 10.2. Raw Materials
The first reason for magnesium recycling is an energy
saving compared to primary production. Magnesium produc- Large reserves in Canada (0.2 million t Nb) and Brazil
tion by remelting of low-contaminated magnesium scrap (4.1 million t Nb) render niobium a nonscarce commodity.[156]
requires roughly 30 % less energy.[152] By contrast, highly The most important niobium minerals are columbite,
contaminated magnesium residues are often discarded.[128] (Fe,Mn,Mg)Nb2O6, and pyrochlore, Ca2Nb2O7. Columbite is
There are many nontrivial challenges in magnesium found in granites and syenites, while pyrochlore occurs in
recycling, such as its susceptibility to oxidation, the poor carbonatites and alkaline rock bodies.[157] The similarities of
severability of impurities (e.g. Fe, Cu, Ni, Co, Si), and lower the ionic radii of niobium and tantalum results in columbite
corrosion resistance and strength. Depending on the degree forming a mineral series with tantalite, (Fe,Mn)(Ta,Nb)2O6.
of contamination, a salt-free (low degree of contamination) or The solid solutions of both minerals are known as Coltan
salt-based (high degree of contamination) remelting is (columbite/tantalite).
applied. The salt-free remelting removes undesirable ele- As a consequence of the main usage of Nb as an iron-
ments in a two-step process (melting, pouring) under an inert niobium alloy in stainless steels, steel scrap is a particularly
atmosphere by introducing gases (e.g. SO2/N2). In salt-based good secondary resource. Since the Nb concentration in
remelting, chlorine-based cleaning salts are used to remove stainless steels is low and the life cycles long, Nb from
the impurities. Cover fluxes serve to protect magnesium from secondary resources has had no significant impact on the total
oxidation. Another method for recycling magnesium is supply.

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solvent re-extraction with methyl isobutyl ketone (MIBK).[158]

Besides MIBK, a variety of other extraction agents, such as
DEHPA, 1-octanol, tributylphosphate (TBP), and cyclohex-
anone, have been investigated for separating the fluo-
ride.[159, 160] In the case of tantalum-poor niobium ores, Nb is
precipitated as K2[NbOF5] by adding KF, or as Nb2O5 with
aqueous ammonia.[161] Three methods are applicable For the
extraction of niobium metal: 1) fused-salt electrolysis of
K2[NbOF5]/NaCl, 2) by reduction with sodium, and 3) by an
aluminothermic process.[159] However, industrially more
important is the production of ferroniobium. It is carried
out by aluminothermic processing of Fe2O3 and Nb2O5 with
aluminum. Subsequently, electron beam melting is carried out
to achieve higher product purities.[162]
The release of HF during the conventional Nb/Ta-
digestion process led to alternative methods being examined.
A promising approach is the chlorination and subsequent
fractional distillation of NbCl5 and TaCl5.[159] Further pro-
cesses are, for example, pressure digestion with sulfuric acid
(10 mol L@1, 98 % Nb yield),[163] as well as roasting at 400 8C in
the presence of KOH and subsequent water leaching (98 %
Nb yield).[164] Despite the higher Nb yield, both methods have
significant drawbacks, which up to now have prevented them
from replacing the H2SO4/HF digestion process. The pressure
digestion with sulfuric acid is hardly justifiable economically
and the roasting process consumes prohibitively high amounts
of KOH.

10.4. Recycling Processes

Niobium is mainly used in steels, where the Nb content is

less than 0.08 wt %. This is the reason why Nb recycling from
EoL steels is economically not viable. However, the recycling
rate of stainless steels is high, and concomitantly also that of
the contained Nb, and there is an overall recovery rate of Nb
of more than 50 %.[165]
Industrially established processes for Nb recovery were
developed for production and target scrap. H. C. Starck
GmbH (Goslar, Germany) runs an integrated thermal and
chemical recycling process, which recovers niobium as a metal
or oxide in high purities.[166] However, detailed information of
the process is not available.
Nb recovery from EoL products was only successfully
achieved in niche applications. For example, approximately
Figure 11. Worldwide niobium production and applications 47 % of the contained niobium is recycled in addition to gold,
(2015).[16, 155] silver, and copper from computer circuit boards in a labora-
tory-scale sodium cyanide leaching process.[167]

10.3. Extraction Technologies

11. Platinum Group Metals
Niobium and tantalum are extracted from tantalum-
containing niobium ores. Firstly, the ore is digested with 11.1. Economic Significance
concentrated H2SO4/HF, whereupon the soluble fluoride
compounds H2[NbOF5] and H2[TaF7] are formed. Secondly, Platinum group metals (PGMs) comprise the lighter
a fractionated precipitation of slightly soluble potassium metals ruthenium, rhodium, and palladium as well as
heptafluorotantalate K2[TaF7] is conducted by adding potas- osmium, iridium, and platinum, which are termed the heavy
sium fluoride (KF).[5] In recent years, fractionated precipita- platinoids. Since 2014, the European Union has classified
tion has been replaced almost completely by a selective PGMs as critical commodities, as a result of limited produc-

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tion capacities and various applications, such as automotive

exhaust catalysts, jewelry, and pharmaceuticals (Figure 12).
Although one exhaust catalyst requires no more than 1–3 g of
the PGMs,[168] the overall demand is high because of the sheer
number of automobiles. Furthermore, stricter emission stand-
ards (Euro 6, LEV III, ULEV) further promote an ever-
increasing amount of valuable metals.[169]
At present, there is increasing demand for platinum in the
medical sector, as a result of a growing number of pharma-
ceuticals produced with hydrogenation catalysts, as well as
platinum-based cytostatic drugs for cancer therapy.[170]
Osmium is generally used as a catalyst. The worldwide
production of osmium barely exceeds 120 kg.[171, 172] Figure 13 Figure 13. Application of the six platinum group metals Pt, Pd, Rh, Ru,
depicts applications for all the PGMs as well as the individual Ir, and Os (primary and secondary production, as well as stock
share of production capacities. The trend in the commodity material).[170, 172]
prices of the PGMs varies according to the element. Between

Table 1: Average commodity prices for platinum group metals.[11, 12, 173]
Element Purity Price June 2012 Price June 2016
[USD oz@1] [USD oz@1]
platinum 99.95 % 1447.14 984.32
palladium 99.95 % 612.34 551.32
rhodium 99.95 % 1325.00 659.77
ruthenium n.a.[a] 112.26 42.00[b]
iridium n.a.[a] 1066.23 525.00[b]
osmium n.a.[a] 450.00[c] n.a.[a]
[a] n.a.: not available. [b] April 2016. [c] 2010.

2012 and the middle of 2016, the price of Pd dropped by only

10 %, whereas Rh lost approximately half of its value
(Table 1).[11, 12]

11.2. Raw Materials

There are three categories for PGM-containing ores:

native metals, sulfides, and intermetallic compounds.[174] The
most important deposits are located in the so-called Bushveld
complex (South Africa), which comprises the Merensky Reef,
Upper Group 2 (UG2), and Platreef deposits. Sulfides,
tellurides, and arsenides (Braggite (Pt, Pd, Ni)S, Cooperite
PtS, Mocheite PtTe2 etc.) can be found in the Merensky Reef,
whereas Norilsk in Russia comprises mainly intermetallic
compounds (Atokite, Pd3Sn; Paolovite, Pd2Sn; Rustenbur-
gite, Pt3Sn; Zyvagintsevite, Pd3Pb; Plumbopalladinite,
Pd3Pb2).[174] Apart from South Africa, which produces
almost 95 % of the PGMs,[175] Russia, Zimbabwe, Canada,
and the USA also contribute noticeably to world produc-
tion.[176] The Stillwater complex (Stillwaterite, Pd8As3) in the
USA has the highest content of PGMs (23 g t@1). Finland and
Botswana play a minor role, as PGMs are only produced as
by-products from Ni-containing ores.[35] In Figure S11 (Sup-
porting Information) squares mark deposits with PGM
Figure 12. Worldwide production of platinum and palladium (2015).[24] contents above the average concentration of the EarthQs
crust, although, only a few of them allow PGMs to be
obtained economically under current market conditions.[177]

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In 2015, the four major suppliers of refined PGMs were agent. Ores from the UG2-deposit are never solely smelted
South Africa (4465 koz), Russia (715 koz), Zimbabwe due to the necessity to produce a matte. Therefore, UG2 ores
(405 koz), and North America (385 koz).[178] Since PGMs are always mixed with ores originating from the Merensky
have extraordinary high chemical resistance, any treatment of Reef. These mattes are subsequently desulfurized and sepa-
their ores requires laborious, energy-intensive, and thus rated from iron impurities. After separating all non-ferrous
expensive processes.[174] heavy metals, all PGMs are recovered by solvent extraction.
Therefore, secondary raw materials contribute signifi- The world’s largest platinum producer, Anglo-Platinum,
cantly to security of supply. Depending on the type of waste, employs a process by which these mattes are slowly cooled
these secondary sources of PGMs are divided into two groups. down. As the temperature decreases large crystals of PGM
1) Metal materials such as sheets, crucibles, dental alloys, and containing Cu-Ni alloys are formed, which are subsequently
castings represent the most valuable waste, whereas 2) non- ground prior to magnetic separation. The resulting residue is
metal wastes (e.g. solutions, salts) contain PGMs only in small used for further treatment to produce pure PGM metals. In
amounts together with various extraneous elements. At Norilsk, the ores (manly intermetallic compounds) are
present, most of the secondary Pt, Pd, and Rh is recycled crushed, fed to gravity separation, and floated. The resulting
from exhaust catalysts. These catalysts consist of PGMs solid phase is wet-milled and separated by high-pressure
applied to a ceramic support made of cordierite, leaching to yield concentrates of Ni, Cu, and Co.[177]
(Mg,Fe)2Al4Si5O18.[179] PGM recycling in Europe currently Concentrates from both primary and secondary origins
suffers from the large-scale export of used vehicles, which are separated to give the pure metals.[20] The conventional
removes the potential source material.[180] process used to separate the individual PGMs in the concen-
trate as well as from accompanying elements commence with
digestion by aqua regia. Typically, Au, Pd, and Pt are in
11.3. Extraction Technologies solution, while Rh, Ru, Ir, Os, and Ag remain in the solid
residue (Figure 14). The solution is treated with Fe2+ (or
Both underground and open-pit mining are used for worked up by solvent extraction) to yield Au. The addition of
extracting PGM-containing ores. The worldQs deepest mine in NH4Cl precipitates (NH4)2PtCl6, subsequent calcination of
South Africa delivers ores from 2.2 km beneath the EarthQs which provides platinum sponge. Adding NH3 followed by
surface.[177] The mining is work-intensive, classically involving HCl to the deplatinated solution gives Pd(NH3)2Cl2, calcina-
blasting the ore and transport with a mine railway. Sometimes tion of which furnishes palladium sponge.
both types of mining are combined to exploit different parts The solid residue of heavy PGMs is smelted with PbCO3
of the deposit at the same time (South Africa; Lac des Iles, and coke, followed by leaching with nitric acid, upon which
Canada). Only open-pit mining is used in Ethiopia and parts Ag and Pb are dissolved. After filtration, the residue is
of South Africa. Depending on each deposit and the ores digested with NaHSO4, which selectively converts Rh into
found therein, different strategies of processing may become water-soluble Rh2(SO4)3, before it is precipitated as Rh(OH)3
necessary (Table 2). Methods differ as the ores are crushed, with NaOH and further processed to rhodium metal. Ru, Ir,
floated, separated by gravity, or subjected to pyrometallurgic and Os remain in the solid residue. Heating the residue with
treatment in varying order to first concentrate the PGMs.[177] sodium hydroperoxide at 500 8C converts Ru and Os into their
Many facilities work according to the MF2 scheme, which water-soluble ruthenates and osmates, thus allowing them to
conducts grinding and floating twice in a row. This method be separated from insoluble IrO2, which is further processed
aims to reduce loses of PGMs because of the varying to give iridium metal. The separation of Ru/Os is achieved by
compositions of minerals. Afterwards the concentrate is chlorination in a Cl2 atmosphere and subsequent distillation.
dried until the moisture decreases below 0.5 wt % and fed Gas scrubbing with hydrochloric acid produces water-soluble
into an electric arc furnace (> 1300 8C) to separate the OsCl4 and [RuCl6]2@. The addition of nitric acid yields volatile
valuable metals as matte from the siliceous slag. Limestone OsO4. The remaining chlororuthenate is further processed to
serves as the fluxing agent. Limestone serves as the fluxing Ru metal.[174]

Table 2: platinum group metal content of selected, important deposits.[177]

Deposit Pt con- Pd con- Examples
tent tent
[g t@1] [g t@1]
Merensky 5–7 (Pt&Pd) Merensky Reef, (South Africa); Great Dyke (Zimbabwe); Stillwater (USA); Munni Munni
PGM domi-
Contact deposits 1–4 (Pt&Pd) Bushveld complex (South Africa); Duluth complex (USA); Lac des Iles (Canada);
Portimo (Finland)
Chromitite 4–8 (Pt&Pd) Stillwater Complex (USA)
Impact associated 1–10 (Pt&Pd) Sudbury (Canada)
Ni-Cu domi- Rift/continental 7.31 1.84 Jinchuan (China)
nant basalts
Komatiite < 1 (Pt&Pd) Australia, Russia, Canada

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Figure 14. Recovery and refining of ores containing platinum group metals and secondary raw materials originating from Cu production.[5]

11.4. Recycling Processes a first measure.[181] In addition to WEEE processing, pyrolysis

is being discussed as an alternative to combustion.[182]
In the recovery of PGMs from secondary raw materials, In contrast to PGM-containing ores, these wastes are
classical pyrometallurgical, hydrometallurgical, and electro- mixed with a collector metal, such as Cu and smelted in a shaft
lytic steps are combined within one process. As a consequence furnace to extract the PGMs from the waste material by
of the low PGM contents of the source materials and the high forming an alloy with the added metal (Figure 14). The
organic impurities, both catalysts and WEEE are calcined as resulting Cu alloy contains up to 20 wt % PGMs. Slag-forming

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agents are fed into the furnace to remove oxidic impurities. 12. Rare Earth Elements
Afterwards, the Cu-PGM alloy is cast into anodes and
subjected to electrolysis, whereby PGMs accumulate in the 12.1. Economic Significance
sludge. Alternatively, the alloy can be leached with sulfuric
acid, with the PGMs remaining completely in the solid, Between the discovery of the first rare earth metal in
undissolved residue. Afterwards the residue is treated anal- ytterbite in 1887 and the advent of nuclear technology in the
ogously to primary raw materials, starting with aqua regia 1940s, scandium, yttrium, and the lanthanides were only of
leaching.[183] scientific interest.[20] Rare earth metals then gained in
Ion exchange and solvent extraction have, in particular, importance since they are produced during the fission of
recently been used for separating PGMs from each other, uranium, and may serve as neutron absorbers (157Gd, 147Sm).
since fractional precipitation proved to be laborious and The production of individual rare earth (RE) elements
uneconomical to achieve yields > 95 % (Figure S12 in the subsequently led to the development of efficient separation
Supporting Information). Only the precipitation of (NH4)2- techniques, for example, ion exchange.[195] Demand as well as
[PtCl6] is still used to separate Pt.[184, 185] For example, the use economic significance increased massively as the fields of
of Lewatite S100 as an ion-exchange resin easily removes application increased. Today, RE metals can be found in
> 96 % of the Fe and Ni. Excess acid is recovered by various high-tech products such as permanent magnets,
distillation. Solvent extraction processes employ conventional electric engines, hard drives, wind power plants, and smart-
compounds, such as triisobutylphosphine sulfide (TIBPS) and phones (Figure 15). In addition, RE metals are essential for
di-(2-ethylhexyl)phosphoric acid (DEHPA), which reliably industrial products such as alloys, fluorescent lamp materials,
transfer > 99 % of the Pd into the organic phase. In principle, ceramics, and glasses (Table 3).
the same applies to Pt, when thiosulfate is added for re-
extraction. Finally, Rh is recovered by applying ion-exchange
resins.[185, 186]
Besides conventional methods, Rh may also be recovered
with the help of microorganisms, for example, Shewanella
algae.[187] This bacterium is able to reduce RhIII to metallic Rh
in the presence of lactic acid as an electron donor. Analogous
to Rh, Enterococcus faecalis recovers Pd in the presence of
sodium formate instead of lactic acid.[188] These microbial
recycling approaches yield PGMs in the form of nanoparti-
cles, which have been tested as catalysts for the reduction of
It is even possible to separate Rh and Ir in concentrated
hydrochloric acid by extraction with organic amines (Ali-
quat 336). Re-extraction with thiourea dissolved in water
provides high separating factors of up to 82.5 for Ir.[189] Figure 15. Application and demand of rare earth elements for 2006,
2012, as well as 2017 (predicted).[196, 197]
Another approach deals with removing Ru from acetic
acid solution using E. coli immobilized on filaments made of
polyethylene imine/polysulfone composites. These filaments
showed higher capacities for ion exchange than conventional As a consequence of the large worldwide deposits of
resins, and have been applied to recover Ru from waste water approximately 130 million t (Figure 16) and comparably low
originating from the production of acetic acid.[190] production rates of 130 000 t a@1 (2015),[24] there is no doubt
Osmium-based catalysts (Lemieux–Johnson reaction) can that the static supply of RE metals could last for several
be recycled by reductive extraction. Subjecting these catalysts centuries.[20] However, both the European Commission[198]
to a 2-propanol/KOH solution reduces OsVIII selectively to and the Deutsche Rohstoffagentur (DERA)[199] consider RE
OsO42@, which can be removed thereafter from the organic metals (particularly the elements Nd, Dy, Tb, and Eu that are
phase without any side reactions.[191] necessary for the production of magnets and lamp materials)
Besides the different ways of extraction already used in to be most critical commodities with the highest risk of price
industrial separations (Figure S12 in the Supporting Informa- fluctuations and delivery shortages. This obvious contra-
tion), ionic liquids, in particular, have recently attracted diction is caused by the unilateral distribution of exploitable
increased attention.[192, 193] Ionic liquids allow only one or at deposits and production capacities. China dominates the
most a few elements to be separated selectively. For example, market, with about 50 % of the worldwide reserves of RE
1-butyl-3-methylimidazole hexafluorophosphate (([Bmim]- metals (55 million t) and vast production facilities supplying
[PF6]) proved suitable for extracting PtIV and PdII from 85% of the annual world production (105 000 t rare earth
a solution of AuIII. Extraction rates for platinum are reported oxides in 2014).[24] Therefore, any shortage of supply is
to reach 80 %.[193] However, the production of ionic liquids is connected to economic decisions rather than to actual existing
still too expensive to justify an economic application in reserves. For example, the announcement by China in 2010 of
industrial processing.[194] an upcoming reduction in RE metal exports down to
35 000 t a@1 caused the commodity prices of rare earth oxides

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Table 3: Commodity prices and applications of all 17 rare earth elements classified according to their use in a) metallurgy, b) magnets, c) catalysts,
d) polishing agents, e) glasses, f) illuminants, and g) ceramics.[5, 11, 12, 20, 63, 174, 196, 201]
Element Application Prices for SE2O3
examples 2012–06 2016–06 a b c d e f g
[USD kg@1] [USD kg@1]
scandium light alloys with Al and Mg 3991.38 1468.39 + @ + @ @ @ @
traces: catalysts, metal vapor lamps (99.5 %) (99.5 %)
yttrium alloys for electrodes, Y2O3 :Eu flourescent material 135.55 3.65 + + @ @ @ + +
traces: FeNdB magnets, YAG laser (99.999 %) (99.999 %)
lanthanum LaCo5 magnets, glasses with high refractive index, polish, FCC catalysts, LAP
25.43 1.90 + + + + + + @
fluorescent material[a] (99 %) (99 %)
cerium Al and Fe alloys, polish for glasses, support of automotive catalysts 25.40 1.53 + @ @ + + + +
(99 % (99 %
CeO2) CeO2)
praseodymium UV-absorbing glasses, Pr-Fe-Co magnets 97.50 51.50 @ + @ @ + @ @
(99 %) (99 %)
neodymium FeNdB magnets, colored glasses (violett) 111.70 40.30 @ + + @ + @ @
(99 %) (99 %)
promethium traces: permanent luminous paint, radionuclide batteries (147Pm) n.a. n.a. @ @ @ @ @ + @
samarium SmCo5/Sm2Co17 magnets, IR-absorbing glasses, catalysts for hydrogenation 65.61 1.93 @ + + @ + @ @
(99 %) (99 %)
europium three-band fluorescent material (ScAp, BAM, Y2O3 :Eu), safety color (50 E bank 2450.00 63.79 @ @ @ @ @ + @
note)[a] (99 %) (99 %)
gadolinium Gd-Fe-Co alloys, MRT contrast agent traces: CRT fluorescent material 92.00 32.00 + @ @ @ @ + @
(Gd,Ce,Tb)MgB5O10[a] (99 %) (99 %)
terbium FeNdB magnets, Tb-Fe-Co-alloys, fluorescent material, safety color (100 E bank 2147.50 428.81 + + @ @ @ @ @
note) (99.9 %) (99.9 %)
dysprosium FeNdB magnets, Tb-Dy alloys, special glasses 1127.50 190.43 + + @ @ + @ @
(99 %) (99 %)
holmium Ho-Fe-Ni-Co alloys for magnetic bubble memory, special glasses; traces: doping n.a. n.a. + @ @ @ + @ @
for YAG laser
erbium IR-absorbing glasses 149.95 26.29 @ @ @ @ + @ @
traces: Er:YAG laser (99 %) (99 %)
thulium traces: activator in fluorescent materials, special glasses n.a. n.a. @ @ @ @ + + @
ytterbium Yb2Co13Fe3Mn magnets, steel alloys n.a. n.a. + + @ @ @ @ @
traces: Yb:YAG laser
lutetium traces: scintillator material, Lu-garnet fluorescent material for LEDs n.a. n.a. @ @ @ @ @ + @
[a] BAM = Eu -doped Ba-Mg aluminate, CRT = cathode ray tube, FCC = fluid catalytic cracking, MRT = magnetic resonance tomography, LAP = Tb3+-

doped La-Ce phosphate, ScAp = Eu2+-doped Sr-Ca-Ba phosphate, n.a. = not available.

(REOs) to increase up to 10 times the level of the year

Secondary raw materials show a very similar situation.
One has to be aware that outside China less than 1 % of the
RE metals are recycled.[22] Fluorescent lamp scrap containing
up to 20 wt % RE elements are forced by German law (KrW/
AbfG) to be disposed of as hazardous waste, since EoL scrap
is typically contaminated with about 0.5 wt % Hg. Before
2011, the recycling of spent NiMH accumulators focused
solely on Ni and Co, while fully ignoring the anode material
containing high levels of RE elements. During pyrometallur-
gical treatment, the RE elements were enriched in the slags
and were disposed of afterwards. The development of
efficient recycling strategies is badly needed to counteract
the current situation.

12.2. Raw Materials

At the moment, five different minerals serve as the raw

material for the primary production of RE elements, namely,
loparite-(Ce) ((Na,Ce,Sr)(Ce,Th)(Ti,Nb)2O6), monazite-(Ce)
Figure 16. Worldwide production of rare earth metals (2015).[24] (Ce(PO4)), bastn-site-(Ce) ((Ce,La)(CO3)F), xenotime-(Yb)

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((Yb,Y,Er)[PO4]), and gadolinite-(Y) (Y2Fe2+Be2Si2O10 ; drives and electric engines, because of their high magnetic
Table 4). Since the 1980s, ion-adsorbing clays have been energy densities (BH)max of 450 kJ m@3. Above all, current
added to this list.[174] China has access to all RE elements from challenges consist of collecting distinct magnetic alloys
various deposits: Light RE elements (Sc, La-Eu) are, for separately as well as in removing magnets from electronic
example, contained in bastn-site deposits in Inner Mongolia. waste.[205] Only in 2010 did Hitachi announce the first
Deposits containing heavy RE elements (Y, Gd–Lu), such as process for separating magnets mechanically from old
various RE-rich clays, are located in Lognan, as well as in hard drives.[206]
a monazite deposit found in Guandong.[63] Further extensive 2) Permanent magnets consisting of Co and Sm are used in
deposits are found in Russia (Tomtor in Siberia), Brasil, India, the form of SmCo5 and Sm2Co17 alloys. Compared to
Australia, Greenland (Kvanefjeld and Kringlerne), and the Nd2Fe14B magnets, they suffer from lower magnetic
USA (Figure S13 in the Supporting Information). Many of energy densities (BHmax = 160–260 kJ m@3) and higher
these deposits still remain unexploited because of harsh costs of production, but their extraordinarily high Curie
climate conditions, low commodity prices, and missing infra- temperatures of 700–850 8C allow for applications above
structure.[202] 150 8C.[63, 205] However, at present, less than 2 % of the
Apart from China, countries such as the USA, India, spent magnets consist of SmCo alloys, thus leading to
Russia, Australia, and Thailand contribute to the world comparable small material flows of 2000–3000 t a@1.[207] It
production of rare earth oxides (Figure 16). However, mining seems reasonable to collect and recycle both kinds of
often suffers from Th and U being associated with the RE alloys together. Besides Sm and Nd, additional RE metals
minerals. Monazite from Australia typically contains 4– may be part of magnets. Pr serves as a cheap substitute for
8 wt % Th and 0.01–0.1 wt % U. The same applies for deposits Nd, while Dy and Tb enhance the temperature stability of
in India (8–10 wt % Th), the USA (0.02 wt % Th, 0.002 wt % Nd2Fe14B alloys. Furthermore, Gd and Ce increase the
U), and Greenland.[174, 202, 203] Both elements require additional temperature stability as well as corrosive resistance of
treatment, as they have to be separated from the RE elements SmCo magnets.
by precipitation and have to be treated as hazardous waste. 3) In 2009, when the regulation EG 245 had come into force,
Although there are vast fields of application that generate higher standards for light quality became effective, which
various secondary raw materials for the recycling of RE the older and rare-earth-free halophosphate fluorescent
elements, only a few of them are actually fed into recycling materials are unable to meet. Within three years these
processes for economic reasons. Commodity prices for rare halophosphates had to be fully replaced by three-band
earth oxides have dropped rapidly since 2011, thus making fluorescent materials containing RE elements.[208] Subse-
many recycling processes uneconomical. For example, recy- quently, the RE metal content of production wastes has
cling spent polish agents containing 90 wt % CeO2 has risen to 22 wt %. Alhough EoL fluorescent lamp scrap
become unprofitable, as CeO2 prices decreased from amounts to a much lower content, its levels of RE metals
25.40 USD kg@1 to 1.53 USD kg@1 within four years.[5, 11, 12] are also increasing and have reached 7 wt %. EoL wastes
Another issue considers high-tech materials, for example, comprise a special challenge for hydrometallurgical recy-
YAG lasers, catalysts (Sc), and fluorescent materials, which cling, since Hg has to be separated first to avoid any
contain RE metals only in trace concentrations. It is contamination of process streams. Additionally, the ratio
conceivable that these RE metals could be recycled as a by- of three-band to halophosphate fluorescent materials
product, while focusing on valuable metals of higher concen- varies over a wide range. The same applies for the levels
tration. At present, recycling only makes use of secondary raw of RE elements. The six RE elements of three-band
materials with the highest RE contents available, namely: fluorescent materials always appear together. Of these,
1) Nd2Fe14B magnets from wind power plants contain up to 70–75 % is Y, which occurs jointly with Eu3+ in the form of
35 wt % RE metals. Rotor segments of only one 3 MW the only red-emitting fluorescent substance Y2O3 :Eu3+
wind power plant use not less than 500 kg of these (Table 5). The remaining RE elements Gd (2–3 %), Ce
magnets.[204] Nd2Fe14B alloys are also preferred for hard (8–10 %), Eu2+ (4–6 %), and Tb (4–6 %) are essential

Table 4: Rare earth content of selected deposits in % rare earth oxide.[63, 174]
Bastn-site Clays Monazite Loparite Xenotime
REO Bayun Obo, Montain Xunwu, Lognan, Mt. Guandong, Steenkampskraal, Lovozersky, Malaysia
China Pass, USA China China Weld, China South Africa Russia
La2O3 23.0 33.2 43.3 1.8 25.5 23.0 20.7 28.0 0.5
CeO2 50.0 49.1 2.4 0.4 46.7 42.7 45.8 57.5 5.0
Pr6O11 6.2 4.3 9.0 0.7 5.3 4.1 5.1 3.8 0.7
Nd2O3 18.5 12.0 31.7 3.0 18.6 17.0 17.7 8.8 2.2
Eu2O3 0.2 0.1 0.5 0.1 0.6 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.2
Tb4O7 0.1 < 0.1 < 0.1 1.3 0.1 0.7 0.2 0.1 1.0
Dy2O3 0.1 < 0.1 < 0.1 6.7 0.2 0.8 1.0 0.1 8.7
Y2O3 < 0.1 0.1 8.0 65.0 0.4 2.4 4.2 < 0.1 60.8

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Table 5: Selected three-band fluorescent materials. element content (Figure S14 in the Supporting Information).
Fluorescent material Emission color Sulfuric acid is used preferably to dissolve the REh elements
from monazite ores, in which high levels of siliceous
Y2O3 :Eu3+ (YOE) red
impurities appear together with comparably low levels of
La(PO4):Ce3+,Tb3+ (LAP) green
(Ce3+, Tb3+)MgAl11O19 (CAT) green RE elements. In the case of ores rich in RE elements, the
(Gd3+, Ce3+, Tb3+)MgB5O10 (CBT) green alkaline process using 12.5 m NaOHaq is applied to yield
BaMgAl10O17:Eu2+ (BAM) blue Na3PO4 ·12 H2O as a marketable by-product and to uniformly
(Ca, Sr, Ba)5(PO4)3Cl:Eu2+ (ScAp) blue transfer RE elements to their hydroxides.[20, 174] To separate
them from Th(OH)4 and Fe(OH)3, the precipitate is leached
with hydrochloric or nitric acid at pH 3–4.[5, 20, 63] Since Th
components of green- and blue-emitting fluorescent reacts to form radioactive Ra through a decay, Ba2+ and
materials. La (5–10 %) solely appears in LaPO4 :Ce3+,Tb3+, sulfate ions are added to precipitate any dissolved 228Ra
which is used as a green-emitting material.[209–211] together with BaSO4. Alternatively, Th may be separated
4) In NiMH accumulators, La, Ce, and Nd form part of the from RE elements by solvent extraction after dissolving the
anode materials and appear either as type AB5 alloys or hydroxides in dilute nitric acid. For example, Solvay applies
more seldom as type AB2 (A = SE and B = Ni, Co, Al). this variant for monazite sands in their facilities in La R-
Every year 35 000 t of battery scrap is produced within the ochelle.[20]
EU.[212] The mixture of RE metals (Mischmetal) used for With the exception of the Molycorp process (Mountain
manufacturing these anodes consists of 50–55 wt % Ce, Pass, California, USA), all the processes suffer, in general,
18–28 wt % La, and 12–18 wt % Nd.[213] Thus, the levels of from their high consumption of chemicals (Figure S14 in the
RE elements depend strongly to what extent the accumu- Supporting Information). This applies, in particular, when
lators are disassembled. In general, NiMH accumulators there are multiple changes between strong acid and basic
are made up of nine different parts, namely: cathode, pH values.
anode, separator, seal, venting mechanism, isolating PVC At the end of each winning process, the RE elements are
disk, electric contacts, protective cover, and metal hous- separated, which can be very laborious because of their
ing.[214] The anode easily achieves levels of RE metals similar physical and chemical behavior. As the atomic
above 30 wt %.[213] If the whole accumulator is ground, this number increases, the 4f orbitals become increasingly occu-
content decreases to 2.5–10 wt %.[207, 215] The latter is state pied, but since the f orbitals are strongly shielded by the
of the art, since accumulator recycling focuses on recover- atomic core, any chemical bond is formed with the 5d or
ing Ni and Co for steel production rather than on RE 6s orbitals instead. Subsequently, the main oxidation state
metals.[207] (+ 3) is the same for all the RE elements. However, Eu2+ (half
occupied 4f7) and Ce4+ (unoccupied 4f0) provide an oxidation
state different from + 3 in aqueous solution. This property
12.3. Extraction Technologies allows EuSO4 to be precipitated selectively, whereas CeO2
remains untouched by hydrochloric acid, because of its high
Processing of RE metals starting from primary raw acid resistance (Figure S14 in the Supporting Information).
materials always follows the same three steps: 1) mining, There are three fundamental methods for the separation of all
2) hydrometallurgical treatment, and 3) separation.[63] Cur- 17 RE elements: 1) fractional precipitation (hydroxides,
rently, all ores containing RE elements are mined in opencast double sulfates) as well as crystallization (double nitrates),
mines (Table 4). At first, the ores undergo several steps of 2) ion exchange, and 3) solvent extraction.
flotation, magnetic separation, or gravity separation to Fractional precipitation and crystallization are only of
remove the gangue.[5, 20] In the case of monazite, the ore is historic interest.[216] Only double sulfates are still used for
crushed, wet-milled, and depleted of siliceous impurities separating light rare earth elements from the heavy ones in
(ca. 2.6 g cm@3) by using jigs, shaking tables, or washing one step.[217, 218] Unfortunately, double sulfates are not a mar-
processes. By this means, minerals of higher density, such as ketable product and require further treatment, which proves
monazite (4.6–5.4 g cm@3), zircon (ZrO2), rutile (TiO2), ilmen- to be disadvantageous compared to simply precipitating with
ite (FeTiO3), and cassiterite (SnO2) remain as the heavy oxalic acid. The first step involves leaching with NaOHaq to
part.[20] Further treatment using strong magnetic fields yields yield hydroxides followed by either diluting in hydrochloric
a concentrate of > 95 wt % monazite.[63] The same steps are acid to yield the corresponding chlorides or drying at > 100 8C
applied for hematite-containing bastn-site deposits in Bayun to yield the oxides.
Obo (China) to concentrate rare earth oxides above 65 wt %, In the 1950s fractional separation of RE elements was
whereas uranium- and thorium-contaminated bastn-site ores replaced by ion exchange, thereby allowing them to be
from Mountain Pass (California, USA) have been subjected produced with the highest purity (> 99.9999 %). However,
to hot flotation, before the resulting concentrate is treated laborious recovery of chelating ligands and low concentra-
with hydrochloric acid to remove any remaining alkaline tions of the RE elements in the resulting eluate (2–10 g L@1
earth metals. The objective is a concentrate with approxi- RE element) made this method much more expensive than
mately 68–72 wt % rare earth oxides.[20] solvent extraction.[5] Acidic cation-exchange resins such as
Further processing involves several hydrometallurgical polystyrene-divinylbenzene copolymer or phenol-formalde-
processes and varies depending on the ore, impurities, and RE hyde resins are commonly used for the separation.[20, 219] The

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adsorption of RE elements is far from being selective. The narily high levels of RE elements, such as permanent magnets,
separation is conducted by eluting with increasing concen- fluorescent materials, and NiMH accumulators.
trations of hydrochloric acid (often accompanied by NH4Cl)
and by adding different complexing agents, for example, citric 12.4.1. Permanent Magnets
acid, lactic acid, hydroxyethylenediaminetriacetate
(HEEDTA), and ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA). In contrast to spent magnets of EoL products, production
Different complex and solution equilibria are able to yield waste can be recycled in many different ways (Table 6).
separated RE elements after 15–34 exchange columns.[20, 219] Approximately 10–30 % of the source alloys leave the
The NH4Cl serves as a regenerating agent for the ion- manufacturing process as a slurry, powder, or chips. Pyrome-
exchange resin. Current research is based on selective ion
exchange using steric distortion of an organic lattice structure
Table 6: Selected recycling processes designed for Fe14Nd2B magnets.
to separate RE elements according to their ionic radius.[220]
Since the 1960s, solvent extraction has primarily been Company Process/source material Yield of Ref.
RE ele-
used for the separation of RE elements. Nowadays, the
organic phase used is kerosene containing 1-decanol to [%]
accelerate phase separation.[218] Chelating ligands, such as
carboxylic acids (EDTA) or phosphoric acids and esters are Shin Etsu[a] blending and melting of produc- n.a. [222]
(Japan) tion waste with FeNdB alloys
commonly used as extracting agents. Typical phosphorus-
(chips) at 1550 8C
based chelating agents are tributyl phosphate (TBP), di-(2- Showa Denko[a] blending and melting of produc- 86.5 [223]
ethylhexyl)phosphoric acid (DEHPA), 2-ethylhexyl hydro- (Japan) tion waste (powder) with new
gen-2-ethylhexylphosphonate (PC-88A), and bis(2,4,4-trime- alloy powder at 1550 8C in an
tylpentyl)dithiophosphinic acid (Cyanex 302). Both the electric arc furnace
extraction and re-extraction are conducted in mixer settler Pure Etch Compa- hydrometallurgic treatment for 95 [224]
ny[a,b] (USA) recovery of RE elements from
systems with a countercurrent flow. They strongly depend on
slurries and chips
the pH values of the aqueous phase (Figure S15 in the Santoku Metal hydrometallurgic treatment for 95 [225]
Supporting Information). Industrya,b) recovery from production waste,
As the pH value is decreased, the light rare earth elements (Japan/USA) precipitation of RE elements
are re-extracted before the heavier elements.[20, 174, 217, 218] using oxalic acid
Product purity is lower than that from ion-exchange process- Panasonic[a] organic solvents remove the n.a. [226]
es, but is somewhat higher than 99.99 %.[219] In contrast to ion (Japan) plastic mantle, blending and
melting of production waste with
exchange, solvent extraction is conducted continuously and
FeNdB alloys at 1550 8C
achieves 10–50 times higher concentrations of the RE ele- Hitachi[a,b] (Japan) mechanic separation of magnets, 95 [206]
ment in the extracts and raffinates.[5] combination of pyrometalluric
With the exception of three RE elements, subsequent and hydrometallurgic recycling
reduction to the metals is conducted by fused-salt electrolysis [a] Sufficient for production waste. [b] Sufficient for EoL waste). n.a.: not
from a chloridic (La-Nd) or fluoridic melt (Gd-Lu).[20] The available.
chlorides serve as the source material for the electrolysis of
light rare earth elements. Moreover, NaCl as well as CaCl2, tallurgical processes are used preferably, thus avoiding the
BaCl2, NaF, and rare earth fluorides are also added. The expensive reduction, but these processes are insufficient when
presence of fluorides lowers the melting temperatures to 700– it comes to recycling EoL materials. Corrosion, adhesives,
900 8C and results in the melts having lower viscosities. plastic sockets, as well as accompanying elements such as Ni,
However, the melting temperatures of the chlorides of the Co, and Zn (corrosion protection) hinder any pyrometallurgic
heavy rare earth elements Gd–Lu are too high. Instead, their recycling and contaminate the recovered RE metals. New
fluorides and oxides are mixed with LiF and BaF2 to yield magnets would subsequently suffer from decreased rema-
a fluoridic melt of comparable temperature. For the elements nence. Wet chemical treatment is more suitable to remove
Sm, Eu, and Yb, for which fused-salt electrolysis is inappro- these impurities.
priate, metallothermic reduction is applied. The oxides or Approaches using mechanical recycling have also been
fluorides are reduced at 1300–1400 8C by adding other RE examined, but have so far failed to meet the requirements for
metals (e.g. La). electric engines. This applies to reusing undamaged magnets
for assembling new engines as well as for blending new
starting alloys with ground EoL magnets during manufactur-
12.4. Recycling Processes ing. Mixing 30 wt % EoL magnet powder with 70 wt % of the
starting alloys resulted in remanence loses of only 3 %, which
As a consequence of the extensive deposits and low was enough to already miss the high standards.[217, 218, 221]
commodity prices, only a few processes are currently capable In the case of wet processing, old magnets are first crushed
of recycling RE elements economically. Furthermore, most of and ground, before mineral acids dissolve the resulting
them focus only on production wastes. Economic concepts for magnet powder completely. In general, hydrochloric
the much more challenging EoL recycling are quite rare and acid,[217, 218, 227] nitric acid,[225] sulfuric acid,[225, 228] or acetic acid
exist exclusively for secondary raw materials with extraordi- are used for leaching.[224] The combination of leaching with

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reactive grinding results in the NaOH added previously 12.4.2 Fluorescent Materials
transforming the metals to hydroxides. This compensates for
the lower acidity of the acetic acid used subsequently. Approximately 250–300 t of mercury-contaminated fluo-
Accompanying elements such as Ni, Co, and Fe can either rescent lamp scrap with average levels of RE metals of about
be retained by keeping the pH values > 3 or removed from 10 wt % are disposed of in Germany every year.[230] Prior to
the leaching solutions by precipitating insoluble sulfides (Ni, a wet chemical recovery process, such as used by Solvay Rare
Co) or jarosite and goethite (Fe).[225, 228] Both methods have Earth in La Rochelle, Hg has to be fully removed by
their own disadvantages. Selective leaching at pH > 3 will not distillation at > 357 8C. In addition to EoL lamp scrap, there
entirely leach RE metals without additional pretreatment. are also Hg-free production wastes with rare earth metal
Any Fe retained during the leaching partially shields the RE contents up to 22 wt %. Since 2008, both waste materials have
metals, which causes lower yields. On the other hand, been partially recycled in wet chemical processes for the
precipitating these elements from strongly acidic leaching recovery of rare earth oxides (Figure S17 in the Supporting
solutions also needs an adjustment of the pH value, with Information). At the moment, Solvay is capable of recycling
excess acids having to be almost completely neutralized. about 3000 t of Hg-free energy-saving lamps per year,[230]
Furthermore, impurities also co-precipitate with the RE whereas FNE Entsorgungsdienste Freiberg treats production
metals, which subsequently reduces the yields. For example, wastes with the SepSELSA process.[231] For recycling of the
CoS precipitated in the MORE process consisted of about more demanding EoL products, a process has been developed
3 wt % RE elements.[218] at Freiberg University of Mining and Technology, which
Apart from dissolving magnets, the following treatment realizes the selective digestion of Y and Eu by solid-state
generally uses state of the art process steps already applied for chlorination, while bypassing any additional step of Hg
extraction technologies, such as precipitating rare earth metal removal.[209–211]
oxalates,[224, 227] fluorides,[224, 228] and double sulfates[217, 218, 228] or Compared to the processes applied by Solvay and Osram,
separating rare earth metal ions directly by solvent extrac- both the wet chemical recycling practised by FNE as well as
tion.[217, 218] Depending on each element and how it was the solid-state chlorination by Freiberg University of Mining
precipitated, the reduction to the RE metals may require an and Technology avoid costly changes in pH values (acid/basic)
additional halogenation step. and require less production steps. In addition, diffusion
In recent years alternative recycling methods have, there- dialysis allows up to 85 % of the excess hydrochloric acid to
fore, gained in importance, for example, solid-state chlorina- be recovered. Furthermore, Eu is separated by cementation
tion with NH4Cl (Figure S16 in the Supporting Information). with Zn to reduce Eu, which is precipitated as water-insoluble
This method aims to produce nonvolatile, water-soluble metal EuSO4 on adding sulfate to the solution. This approach results
chlorides by thermally decomposing NH4Cl at 338 8C, with the in the costs for chemicals, processing, as well as disposal being
gaseous HCl released reacting with the secondary raw reduced significantly. The dry chemical digestion through
material. NH4Cl is a much cheaper source of HCl than solid-state chlorination provides further advantages: Hg
conventional applied mineral acids, as it represents a waste removal, selective chlorination of red phosphor Y2O3 :Eu3+,
material itself (e.g. from polysilane production).[229] More- and production of ammonia as a marketable by-product
over, solid NH4Cl contains almost twice as much HCl as proceed simultaneously in one single-process step. In the
concentrated hydrochloric acid. As the name implies, solid- following leaching step, up to 99 % of the Y and 96 % of the
state chlorination produces undissolved, dry metal chlorides Eu can be separated from La, Ce, Tb, and Gd with
instead of strongly acidic solutions. Therefore, dilute acids or selectivities > 99.7 %.[210] However, solid-state chlorination
buffer solutions at moderate pH values of 3–4 are sufficient to requires a specially designed rotary kiln with different heating
dissolve the formed chlorides. The gaseous NH3 also origi- zones and full control of the gaseous phase. The development
nating from the decomposition of NH4Cl leaves the reactor and construction of such a kiln is a matter of current research
without affecting the chlorination. If transferred to a scrubber, activities.
the NH3 can even yield a marketable by-product, if the
resulting ammonia solution meets the purity requirements. In 12.4.3. NiMH Accumulators
addition, thermal decomposition is reversible, which allows
unreacted NH4Cl to be recovered in a subsequent step by NiMH accumulators provide high Ni contents of 36–
allowing the gaseous phase to cool down. In summary, this 42 wt % and thus serve as cheap Ni sources for the steel
technique is characterized by extraordinary low costs of industry.[207, 232] After mechanical treatment, Ni and Co are
chemicals and has been successfully examined for Fe2Nd14B separated from the accumulator scrap as a melt that leaves the
magnets as well as fluorescent lamp scrap from production electric arc furnace. The 2.5–10 wt % RE metals remain in the
wastes and EoL products.[209–211] In this way, EoL recycling slag and are lost for recycling. Since La and Ce constitute up
and pyrometallurgic processes achieved comparative yields of to 80 % of these RE metals, and since low commodity prices
RE metals of 84–95 %, depending on which method was render individual recycling uneconomical, the recycling of RE
used.[209–211, 217, 218, 224] metals is based on the slags obtained from Ni recovery.[213]
Purely wet chemical treatment of the accumulators or the
separated anode materials with mineral acid, chiefly
H2SO4[213, 214] or HCl, have not been transferred to a technical
scale so far.[233, 234, 234] The process which has been applied since

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2011 is pyrometallurgical treatment with subsequent slag material for sodium-ion batteries.[235, 238] The average market
processing, as used by Umicore and Solvay Rare Earths.[212] price for metallic tin (purity 99.85 %) was 16980 USD t@1 in
Umicore recycles Ni and Co from up to 7000 t a@1 accumu- June 2016.[12]
lator scrap. The slags are handed over to Solvay for further
purification and separation. The individual rare earth oxides
are the final products, but the demanding reduction to the 13.2. Raw Materials
metals has not yet been realized.[221]
In nature, tin is most abundant as cassiterite (SnO2), which
with a tin content of 78.8 wt % is the most significant primary
13. Tin raw material for tin mining. A distinction is made between
solid rock and alluvial deposits. Further primary deposits
13.1. Economic Significance contain sulfidic minerals, above all stannite (Cu2FeSnS4) as
well as skarn deposits. Global mining production amounted to
In 2012, 337 500 t refined tin were produced world- 294 000 t in 2015, an increase of nearly 3 % compared to
wide.[235, 236] The main producers were China (ca. 45 %), 2014.[27] China has been the main producing country with
Indonesia (ca. 17 %), Malaysia (11 %), Peru (7 %), and 34 % of the worldwide production, followed by Indonesia
Thailand (7 %). GermanyQs import volume is about with 17 % (Figure 17). Taking into consideration that a large
22 300 t.[235, 236] There is an additional estimated amount of part of the tin mining in Myanmar and Indonesia is destined
6000 t secondary tin, which is available for German indus- for export to China, one gets an idea of tin demand there.
try.[235] It is assumed that tin demand will grow by 1 % per Worldwide reserves are estimated at 4.8 million t.[27] The
annum on average until 2020.[235] The main field of application tin price has increased by approximately 11 % in the last six
is the electrical and electronic industry as well as the house months in contrast to the general trend, but it is at about 51 %
installation sector. With a share of 52 %, more than half of the of the price level of 32 830 USD t@1 in 2011. The backdrop to
tin is used for the production of tin solder, an alloy from tin this is adjustments in mining production in Indonesia in
and lead with low a content of iron, antimony, copper, and response to price drops resulting from increased production in
nickel, which melts below 330 8C. As soft solders, they are Myanmar. Tin belongs to the conflict minerals.
used, for example, for the fine-welding of thin sheets as well as
for fixing and connecting components on printed circuit
boards. The current legal situation, according to which lead- 13.3. Extraction Technologies
containing soft solders have to be replaced by lead-free
(copper- and silver-containing) alternatives, further increase The choice of the manufacturing process depends on the
the demand for tin. Tin use for the production of tinplate is type of ore used. Primary ores are often depleted from sulfidic
also of major significance. About 15 % of the tin is required admixtures by flotation, followed by gravity sorting as a next
for the production of inorganic and organic tin compounds in step. As additional purification steps, sulfur and arsenic are
the chemical industry. Examples are tin(IV) oxide (SnO2) for removed by roasting and iron minerals by magnetic separa-
the production of indium tin oxide (ITO) for flat screens, as tion. Metallic tin is obtained by thermal reduction of
well as extremely thin glass coatings on windscreens, electro- cassiterite with carbon above 1000 8C[239] in shaft or reverber-
luminescent displays, and less-energy-permeable window atory furnaces. However, additional purification steps are
panes (e-glass), tin stannates as flame retardants, and catalysts required to remove iron impurities from crude tin (Figure S18
for the production of polyurethanes. Thermal stabilizers in in the Supporting Information). For these purposes, tin is
PVC manufacture is another important field of application, as smelted in contact with air and separated in liquid form
is the bronze and brass sector with a share of about 5–6 %. (segregation process).
Float glass production, in which a particularly smooth surface Tin ores from alluvial deposits are concentrated by density
is formed by the surface tensions of tin and liquid glass, separation and subsequent magnetic separation, before
accounts for roughly 2 %. There are many other special reduction smelting is carried out in a reverberatory furnace
applications for tin with a total share of about 9 %, which or rotary kiln. Low-grade tin ore concentrates are smelted in
underpins the economic significance of tin. Examples are water-jacket or volatilization furnaces, thus avoiding multi-
substitutes for graphite in anodes for lithium-ion batteries or stage roasting, smelting, and converter refining. Electric
for Ni and partially Cr in some special steels, where a further furnaces or rotary converters are suitable for smelting
strongly increasing potential is expected. Tin dioxide is also secondary raw materials. Finally, tin can be refined in dry
used for the production of enamels and white glazes as well as form or electrolytically.[26]
inorganic pigments.[26, 235] The recovery of cassiterite-containing production residues
In 2015 alone, about 14 000 scientific publications for tin from mining dumps is an issue in current research. One
appeared, of which the vast majority dealt with applications of approach is to react cassiterite with hydrogen as a reduction
the metal in the energy sector. This includes the battery sector agent, which allows for a fast and nearly quantitative output
(lead-acid or magnesium-ion batteries), fuel cells, solar of tin.[240] However, pyrometallurgical development to opti-
energy, power-to-gas (synthetic natural gas, SNG), but also mize tin recovery is seen only sporadically today. The focus of
catalysts for clean fuels.[237] Tin has recently received partic- these research activities lies in decreasing the temperature
ular attention as an electrode material, especially as an anode levels as well as exploiting residues with very low tin content

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cally in hot caustic soda, when aluminum-free. However, as

tin coatings become continuously thinner, it becomes increas-
ingly difficult to operate de-tinning plants economically. For
this reason, the de-tinning of tin solder is no longer carried out
in Germany. The Kayser Recycling System (KRS) is a thermal
process which has been developed to process copper-contain-
ing residues (e.g. WEEE scrap) by pyrometallurgical meth-
ods. This process produces a tin-lead slag, which is further
processed to a tin-lead alloy in a directly connected mixed tin
furnace. Tin from bronzes and red brass is completely
recycled. In contrast, recovery from chemicals is possible
only to a partial extent, because of the highly dissipative
distribution of tin as well as consumption during application
(e.g. in PVC coatings). Tin used in the float glass process is
continually reused as long as it does not dope the bottom of
the produced glass. The rate of tin recycling has increased
during the last few years and is estimated to reach far beyond
the 30 % estimated by the International Tin Research
Institute (ITRI).[235]

14. Summary

Securing raw material supplies has always been one of the

key issues for the chemical industry. Industrial organic
chemistry has impressively succeeded in improving resource
efficiency (not least driven by the oil crises of the 1970s and
1980s), but this is not readily transferable to the inorganic
chemical industry. This is due to the rather modest number of
raw materials utilized in the organic chemical industry, above
all oil and gas. This feedstock is diversified to the required
base chemicals in a demand-oriented way. In contrast, the
inorganic chemical industry works with the entire range of
elements, producing goods with even higher complexity. In
the case of metals, one has to consider that metals typically
are utilized, not consumed. This is diametrically opposed to
the situation regarding organic raw materials. The economic
and financial crisis of 2008 and the following years have
demonstrated, though, that there is also a need for action in
the field of inorganic raw materials. In particular, volatility of
Figure 17. Global tin production and use (2015).[24, 235] the commodity price has chiefly boosted discussions on
valuable metals. A prime example is the rare earth metals.
The term raw material criticality has spread, but requires
economically.[241] Additives (e.g. Na2CO3, Na2CO3/NaNO3, or differentiated consideration. In some cases, criticality is less
Na2CO3/NaOH) for the carbothermal reduction are being attributable to the raw material situation itself, but to the
investigated with the objective to reduce the working temper- dependence on an individual supplying country. The outflow
atures below 900 8C by using fused salts.[242] The cementation of production capacity from Europe is at least as much
of tin is no longer pursued.[243] a reason as the demand situation. In the case of platinum
group metals and indium, criticality is determined by given
reserves and the resulting static supply. The recycling
13.4. Recycling Processes activities undertaken provide a reliable single measure
thereof. Germanium criticality results from element avail-
Tin recycling is carried out to its fullest extent. In its main ability on the one hand and the dominant position of
field of application, the production of tin solder, tin metal a supplier country on the other, and so no final statement
oxide residues (tin solder skimming, solder paste) are almost can be made here. Rare earth metals, Sn, Sb, Nb, Ga, and Li
completely recycled, thus allowing up to 70 % of the tin alloys are metals where criticality is given by complete dependence
to be recovered. This is supported by the current practice of on supplying countries. This also applies to magnesium.
substituting lead-based solders and collecting selectively However, in this case, European production capacity has been
separated material. Tin plates can be de-tinned electrolyti- completely removed, which is responsible for the dependence

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