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General guidelines of the collaborative work for

developing the activity

• Each student must choose a role according to his

abilities and competences and tell it to his
 To read the unit contents taking into account the
references because they support the activities.
Planning  Each student must participate active and
activities to thoughfully in collaborative activities.
develop the  To share the appropriate contributions on time
collaborativ for each activity.
e work  To work together developing all the activities
according to this guide.
 To check continuously the time of developing
and submiting collaborative assignments
according to the Course agenda and activity
Roles to
perform by
the student
in the
Collector: Articulate the contributions of all the
participants of the collaborative group in order to
consolidate the final paper; including only those
who took part of the whole process.
Roles and
Reviewer: To verify that the final paper and
ties to
process meet all the requirements established by
produce the
the teacher.
by the
Evaluator: To verify that the final paper meets
the criteria established by the rubric. The
evaluator must inform the group about any
corrections or adjustments regarding the quality of
the document.
Submissions: To keep track and inform the group
about the submission time, upload the final paper
on time, using the link provided by the teacher or
established by the activity guide. To notify the
group members the final paper was submitted.

Alerts: To notify all the group members about

changes or news related to the submission or
elaboration of the final paper. To notify the teacher
through the collaborative forum and the course
mail that the final paper was submitted.
It is necessary to use the APA standards in order
to provide a bibliography of the sources cited in
the document
Use of
references Use this link as reference:

In the agreement 029 of December 13, 2013,

article 99, the mistakes that infringe upon the
academic order, among others, are the following:
paragraph e) “To plagiarize is to present as your
own work the whole or part of a writing, report,
task or document of invention performed by
another person. It also implies the use of cites or
lack of references, or includes cites where there is
no coincidence between them and the reference”
Plagiarism and paragraph f)”To reproduce, or copy for profit,
policy educational resources or results of research
products, which have intellectual rights reserved
for the University”.

The academic punishments that the student will

face are:
a) In case of academic fraud proved in the
academic work or evaluation, the score achieved
will be zero (0.0) without leading to disciplinary

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