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you have decided that this year you will

start your own business for months you

have searched for a business to create

but you have been unsuccessful in your

attempts in this video you will learn

one of the top 20 best business ideas

for 20 20 20 back massager back pain

affects nearly 80% of Americans and the

most common form is low back pain

because you rely on your back for almost

every move you make it is vulnerable to

injury back pain can even be disabling

it is one of the most common problems

prompting a visit to your doctor and for

missing work in fact it is the second

highest cause of disability in persons

under the age of 45 if you are

specialized in massaging and especially

in back massage then you can begin with

this business in this new year 19 beard

oil and beard care products

the biggest trend right now and has been

for the last couple of years is beards

beards have become socially more

accepted as much as tattoos have become

of course there are a few people out

there who object to the idea of either

the biggest product out there being used

by the beard community is beard oil you

can manufacture beard oil and other

beard care products to target specific

size of target market 18 power bank

making business this idea was conceived

due to the fact that so many people use

their smartphones for different things

including business this is on a daily

basis and we don't like to use a

smartphone the whole day it is nothing

that should shame us because smartphones

have actually made life easier in terms

of how we communicate with the world and

for purposes of entertainment you can

start with power bank manufacturing

business in 20 2017 SmartWatch

manufacturing basically a SmartWatch is

like a small computer which you can wear

on your wrist according to some people a

SmartWatch is the

proved form of another mobile device

known as personal digital assistant

smartwatches can be synchronized with a

lot of other devices like a smartphone

through a Bluetooth connection this is

the best business idea that you can

begin in this year 16 web designer as

the demand for websites is burgeoning

all around the world web design business

becomes one of the favorable businesses

in this modern age web design business

if handled properly can really take you

far and help you make loads of profits

in quick time you just need to

understand the process of handling it

and once you do this you will be able to

generate some fine results on-the-go

have a lot of fun and enjoy yourself 15

website - app conversion company the

iPhone operating system and Android are

two global market leaders among other

mobile operating systems these two OS

platforms have already revolutionized

the way businesses or individuals used

to communicate mostly all business

owners are looking for converting those

business website into mobile application

format so if you have application

development experience then you can

begin with this business 14 IT as a

service company an information

technology business can be a goldmine in

the right hands

but IT is an extremely crowded field so

you need to make sure that you take the

right steps in order to make your

business a success you can start digital

advertising digital agency software

development services cloud based

services IT equipment and so on 13

corporate security services corporate

houses are among the most vulnerable

sites to a variety of threats that can

cause loss of business information and

reputation the demand for corporate

service providers has increased in the

past decade the firms offering security

guard services for corporate houses -

have improved their services to meet the

growing demands NX

affectations 12 WordPress themes

developer if you've ever built a website

on your own or are fluent in many

different programming languages then you

might be able to benefit from designing

your clients WordPress themes having a

web development background will

certainly give you a starting point as

far as being able to develop WordPress

themes goes but there are some specifics

that you have to be concerned about 11

online teaching membership website

starting your own paid site is a great

way to build residual income online

before you do so you must be able to

provide quality content or products that

will keep people wanting to maintain

their membership many of the membership

sites provide information that teach

people how to earn income online others

involve fitness and diet tips online

dating in sites like those 10 event

planning business if you are ready to

start planning events and get paid for

it then turn your passion into profit

with the most important steps you'll

need to be successful just research your

market create a business plan register

your business set up your business

structures establish your event planning

fee structure enroll in an event

planning program volunteer to gain

experience and promote your event

planning business 9 career coaching

business if you're already in human

resources department or a career

services from your local library or in

an educational establishment then you

already have been confronted in being a

career coach wherever you've done to

help others find a better job or to

better themselves and get fulfilled in

their pressing career then you've again

been confronted with this kind of

coaching career eight anti-aging spa

staying young these days doesn't come

cheap from anti-aging products that cost

as much as a car payment to anti-aging

spa treatments that you have to finance

it seems that maintaining yield is only

for the rich and famous there are some

affordable treatments out there but if

you have experience in this field then

you can begin with this business idea

seven lead generation for small

businesses lead generation for small

business is one of the simplest and

quickest ways to increase the number of

customers and generate more revenue this

may sound like a bold claim but in fact

it's borne out by facts from the real

world numbers of sales six Amazon FBA

business Amazon FBA or to give it its

full name fulfillment by Amazon is a

program set up by Amazon that allows you

to use Amazon to warehouse and then send

out your items and also allows you to

sell your items on the Amazon site

Amazon FBA is very simple but at the

same time is a very powerful and can

take your business to the next level for

very low costs five marriage counseling

and therapy a family is the building

block of a society and happy families

make a healthier society marriage

counseling helps the married couple

build a stable bondage it assists in the

reconciliation of the differences

marriage counseling is a form of

psychotherapy given to married couples

to resolve marital problems most

problems can be solved with a short

counseling session for yoga and

meditation studio Yoga is a practice of

synchronizing the body and the mind

through movement breathing and

meditation that has been around for over

5000 years there are many different

types of yoga including hatha vinyasa

Iyengar Ashtanga and prenatal yoga you

can also open a yoga and meditation

studio and make a good amount of income

from this business 3 vertical farming

vertical farming is a fairly new farming

principle proposed by scientists and

agriculturalists as an alternative way

of growing crops this proposed technique

would utilize agricultural methods such

as green housing aeroponics and

hydroponics and would store everything

in an agricultural structure like that

every high-rise building which will be

called a farm scraper - 3d printing 3d

printing is used to manufacture molds

for making jewelry and even the jewelry

itself 3d printing is becoming popular

in the customizable gifts industry with

products such as pur

analyze models of art and dolls in many

shapes and metal or plastic or as

consumable art such as 3d printed

chocolate you can start 3d printing

business in this new year one DNA

analysis the DNA of a person is

responsible for providing information

regarding who and what the person is

since it contains the design of the

genetically past traits taken from both

parents a lot of information may be

attained when one carefully studies the

DNA and relates it to possible other

discoveries about the person such as

parentage disease predisposition etc if

you are in medical firm then you can

start a DNA analysis business in 2020 do

you want to write a business plan then

we have one specific and detailed video

on how to write a business plan

step-by-step so watch that video video

link is in video description if you

found this video helpful then like share

and subscribe our channel for more



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