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1.When were you born?

I was born in 22 december in 1999

2. What did you use to do when you were at the school?

I used to study almost always and i used my free time to play video games

3. Describe your neighborhood

my neighborhood is a residential complex ubicated in the bogota`s south, it has some parks
and many trees

4. How do you save money?

I usually save money in my daviplata account but when i have cash i keep enough for my
necessities and the rest i give to my mom or my brother to that they keep it and they give it to
me for when i need it

5. Did you buy something very expensive recently?

The last thing expensive that I did buy was my motorbike, it did cost two millions and half

6. What culture do you like? why?

I like the Mexican culture cause it has delicious food and many beautiful places

7. What do you have to do to graduate?

I have to finish 6 subjects in the next semester and do my graduation project

8. What should someone do if he/she wants to be rich?

I think that the way to be rich is work hard, you should study a lot and search a way to make
money in an intelligent way

9. How should you save the plant?

To save a plant you shold give it water and a lot of sun

10. What was the best subject that you took at the school? Why?

The best subject when I was at the school was computing because the teacher did teach to me
HTML and how does the internet works.

11. Who was the best or worst teacher? Why?

My worst teacher when I was in the school was my chemistry teacher, because she never did
teach something important to me and she used to waste the time in other activities

12. What are your plans for the future?

In the future I am going to finish my career, I am going to search a job and save my money to
can buy a house

13. Where will you probably live in the future?

I will live in Canada or Mexico, just if I could get a good job as software developer
14. How could your home be in the future?

My home will be a apartment with 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 1 kitchen and 1 garage. It will be
an intelligent house cause I will integrate home automation in it

15. Will the human being disappear? Why?

I don’t think that the human will being disappear cause the technology has been advanced in a
fast way giving to the humans many ways to survive in difficult

16. How are you going to be your graduation?

My graduation is going to be in a auditory, and I am going to be with my parents and my


17. Why did you choose your career?

I chose my career because I always interested understand how does work the internet, the
computers and the telecommunications

18. What is the best invention in your opinion? Why?

The best invention in the history is the electric energy because without it the live currently
couldn't work, also, the electric energy gives the possibility for the machines to work

19. How do you imagine the Distrital University will be in coming years?

The university will has more careers and open more spaces for new students. Maybe in the
future the managers will be honest.

20. What kinds of inventions will scientists create?

The scientists will create new ways to create energy and maybe, will create new ways to
process information in a fast way

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