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Stanza 20. � Bhavas can be considered to have two significations, viz., external
internal. The external ones are as mentioned in the stanza Thanu, etc., and the
internal ones are
as given in the stanza Kala, etc.
Here is a new method of classification of Bhavas into bahya or external and antara
internal ones. The author is a great admirer and follower of Varahamihira. The
thanukutumba sahotta, etc., given in Brihat Jataka explains the external things
while in the same
book the verse kalyaswa vikrama, etc., gives the internal attributes.
Bhava External Internal
I Thanu Kala
II Kutumba Swa
III Sahotta Vikrama
IV Baudhn Gruha
V Putra Pratibha
VI Ari Kshata
VII Patni Chitotta
VIII Marana Randhra
IX Subha Guru
X Aspada Mana
XI Aya Bhava
XII Ripha Vyaya
The exact significance of the external and internal division of the Bhavas can be
understood only after considerable experience in horoscopic interpretation. The
'internal' always
refers to the abstract while the 'external' actually refers to concrete events.
Thus the external
significance of the 5th house is children, a physical entity while the internal
significance is
pratibha which is only an abstract quality meaning intelligence.
Stanza 21. � If the Bhavas are in any way connected with their lords, they indicate
internal attributes. Otherwise they refer only to the external aspects.
For example, if the 5th house is conjoined with or aspected by the 5th lord, then
denotes the internal significance of the Bhava, viz., Pratibha. Otherwise, the
external significance
of the Bhava, viz., children, becomes prominent. Hence we should be careful in
reading the
Stanza 22. � Beginning from the Lagna, the twelve houses represent (1) head, (2)
(3) neck, (4) shoulders, (5) heart, (6) stomach, (7) waist, (8) sexual organs, (9)
thighs, (10) knees,
(11) legs, and (12) feet, respectively.
According to Varahamihira's classification, the 4th rales the heart, the 5th
stomach, the
6th waist and the 7th lower stomach and the 11th buttocks.
Stanza 23. � The different limbs of the body will be long or short according as the
representing them are of long or short ascension.
If, for example, Lagna is a sign of long ascension, the head will be long. If it is
then the head also will be small. In this way, the nature of the other limbs of the
body as
indicated by the other Bhavas may be noted.
Stanza 24. � The ascending sign is the 'querist' and the other Bhavas are the
wealth, brothers, etc. According as the Bhavas are connected with benefics or
malefics, they will
be well or ill-disposed.
The significance of Bhavas suggested in natal astrology ate here extended to Prasna
Horary astrology.
Stanza 25. � Whether in Prasna or horoscopy, such Bhavas as are associated with or
aspected by their appropriate lords or benefics are said to thrive well. Those
conjoined with or
aspected by malefics will suffer annihilation.
This stanza is from Shatpanchasika of Prithuyasas. Most principles of boroscopy so
far as
strength of Bhavas, etc., are concerned, are also applicable to Prasna charts. But
the astrologer is
expected to use much discretion in the manner of adapting rules of natal astrology
to horary
charts and vice versa.
Stanzas 26 and 27. � In Prasna, good results should be predicted in respect of
aspected by or conjoined with their respective lords or by Jupiter or Mercury or
Venus. Bhavas,
which have benefics in the 2nd, 7th and the 12th or 4th and 10th from them, can
also be
considered as favourable.
If the lord, Jupiter, Mercury or Venus joins or aspects a Bhava, its indication
will be
fortified or promoted. Similarly good results will flow in respect of a Bhava which
has benefics
disposed in the 2nd, 7th and 12th or 4th and 11th from it. These are general
principles of
astrology. Bhavas generally get strengthened if subject to subhakaratariyoga or if
Kendras are
occupied by benefics.

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