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Faculty of Technology

BSEH 141 Software Engineering

Assignment 2

Due Date: 09 April 2020

Question one
a) What do you consider to be the best type of cohesion? Give reasons for your answer.
b) What do you consider to be the biggest problem involved in reusing existing code?
Explain [5]
c) Why are these two types of software artefacts important in software reuse?
i. Design models [5]
ii. Test cases [5]

Question two
a) Discuss how adding personnel to a project that is behind schedule
might further delay the project completion date. Give appropriate
example. [8]
b) Describe three different types of non-functional requirements which
may be placed on a system. Give examples for each type. [6]
c) What is the purpose of system requirements? How important are they
in developing a system? [6]

Question three
a) Draw a use case of an Automated Teller Machine (ATM) showing all its actors and
subsystems (processes). Explain the role of each actor [10]

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