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8, AUGUST 2014 1379

Generalized Frequency Division Multiplexing in a Gabor Transform Setting

Maximilian Matthé, Luciano Leonel Mendes, and Gerhard Fettweis

Abstract—This letter shows the equivalence of the recently tively, which offers the possibility to apply the vast mathe-
proposed generalized frequency division multiplexing (GFDM) matical background of Gabor analysis to the study of GFDM.
communications scheme with a finite discrete critically sampled Two main results that follow from the application of Gabor
Gabor expansion and transform. GFDM is described with the ter- analysis to GFDM are analyzed. Primarily, Gabor analysis
minology of Gabor analysis and the Balian-Low theorem is applied
to prove the non-existence of zero-forcing receivers for certain brings theoretic reasoning to the existence and performance
configurations, having strong impact on the system performance. of certain receiver configurations. Secondly, although efficient
An efficient algorithm for calculation of specific GFDM receiver algorithms for the practical implementation of GFDM exist [3],
filters is derived and numerical examples confirm the theoretical still a concern is the derivation of employed filter coefficients,
results. which requires a huge matrix inversion. Here, the Gabor trans-
Index Terms—Gabor transform, multicarrier modulation, form structure of GFDM can be exploited to circumvent the
GFDM. matrix inversion requirement and provide a fast algorithm for
calculation of GFDM receiver filters.
I. I NTRODUCTION The remainder of this work is structured as follows:
Section II describes GFDM from the conventional point of view
N EW waveforms are being proposed for the future mobile
communication physical (PHY) layer [1] and Filter Bank
Multicarrier (FBMC) [2] is a main candidate due to its ad-
in terms of a filtered multicarrier system. In Section III the
discrete Gabor transform is introduced. Section IV puts GFDM
vantageous properties of, among others, spectral shaping and into the notation of Gabor analysis and consequences resulting
robustness against time and frequency offsets. However, its from Gabor theory are pointed out. Numerical examples are
long filter tails required to filter each subcarrier hinder burst provided in Section V and conclusion is drawn in Section VI.
transmissions for low latency applications.
GFDM [3] is another waveform candidate for 5G networks. II. GFDM P RINCIPLES
Among its proposed advantages are low out of band radiation,
robustness against time and frequency offsets and flexibility The block-based communication scheme GFDM is described
to accommodate a variety of channels and applications. Its in [3] as an innovative modulation technique suitable for the
block based structure enables burst transmission for low latency air interface of 5G networks. The block diagram of a GFDM
applications [3]. transmitter is shown in Fig. 1. In a GFDM block with length
Gabor analysis and time-frequency analysis originated in of N = M K samples, M complex valued subsymbols are
1947 when Dennis Gabor published his Theory of Communi- transmitted on each of the K subcarriers. The M data sym-
cation, where he proposed to transmit an arbitrary signal as bols dk [m], m = 0, 1, . . . , M − 1 on the kth subcarrier are
the linear combination of time- and frequency-shifted Gaussian upsampled by factor K and filtered with a circular convolution
impulses. Since then, mathematicians and engineers have put with the transmitter filter g[n]. The signal is upconverted to the
research effort into the study when such an expansion is possi- frequency of the kth subcarrier to yield the transmit signal xk [n]
ble and which properties arise from it. A detailed mathematical of the kth subcarrier by
introduction to the foundations of time-frequency analysis is    

M −1 
given in e.g., [4], while a broad overview of current topics in    kn
xk [n] = g[n ]  dk [m]δ[n − mK]  exp j2π ,
Gabor analysis is given in e.g., [5].  K
m=0 n
The main contribution of this paper is to show that GFDM (1)
transmission and linear reception are equivalent to a critically
sampled finite discrete Gabor expansion and transform, respec- where  denotes circular convolution with respect to the block
length N and n is the convolution index variable. Expressing
Manuscript received March 31, 2014; revised June 13, 2014; accepted
the convolution explicitly and superpositioning all xk [n], the
June 14, 2014. Date of publication July 11, 2014; date of current version transmit signal is given by
August 8, 2014. This work has been performed in the framework of the FP7
K−1 −1
K−1 −1

project ICT-619555 RESCUE, which is partly funded by the European Union. kn
Partial funding for this work was also provided by CNPq-Brasil. The associate x[n] = dkm g0m [n]ej2π K = dkm gkm [n],
editor coordinating the review of this paper and approving it for publication was k=0 m=0 k=0 m=0
K. K. Wong. (2)
M. Matthé and G. Fettweis are with Vodafone Chair Mobile Communi-
cations Systems, TU Techniche Universität (TU) Dresden, Dresden 01062,
Germany (e-mail:;
where gkm [n] = g[(n − mK) mod N ]ej2π(kn/K) are circu- larly time-frequency shifted versions of the prototype transmit
L. L. Mendes is with Instituto Nacional de Telecomunicações (Inatel), filter g[n] and dkm = dk [m]. Note that, as a GFDM corner case,
37540-000 Sta. Rita do Sapucai-MG, Brazil (e-mail:
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online
(2) reduces √ to the IDFT expression of OFDM if M = 1 and
at g[n] = 1/ K. On the other hand, GFDM reduces to SC-FDE
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/LCOMM.2014.2332155 (Single-Carrier Frequency Domain Equalization), when K = 1

1089-7798 © 2014 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See for more information.

1) Matched Filter (MF) Receiver: The MF receiver matrix

is given by B(hMF ) = AH g where Ag = A(g). It maximizes
the signal-to-noise ratio per subcarrier, but introduces self-
interference due to the possible non-orthogonality of the trans-
mit filter.
2) Zero-Forcing (ZF) Receiver: The ZF matrix is given by
B(hZF ) = A−1 g . It cancels out all self-interference at the cost of
Fig. 1. Block diagram of the GFDM transmitter. increasing the noise power. Furthermore, there are cases when
A(g) becomes singular and no ZF receiver exists.
3) Linear Minimum-Mean-Square-Error (MMSE) Receiver:
The matrix for the linear MMSE receiver is given by
 −1 H
B(hMMSE ) = AH g Ag + σ w I
Ag (9)

where σw is the variance of the AWGN and I is the identity
matrix. It balances self-interference and noise-enhancement
Fig. 2. Block diagram of the GFDM receiver. and outperforms both MF and ZF receivers at the cost of an
increased complexity due to the necessary estimation of the
and g[n] = δ[n] [3]. Equation (2) can be reformulated into a
noise variance.
single matrix equation [3] by

where (·) denotes transpose, A(g) is a N × N matrix contain- In its traditional form the Gabor expansion expresses a time-
ing gkm [n] from (2) as its (k + mK)th column and d is a vector continuous signal x(t) in terms of a linear combination of
containing dkm at the corresponding rows. Note that A(g) is a time-frequency shifts of a prototype window g(t) [6]. A finite
linear mapping according to discrete version of Gabor analysis is obtained by periodization
and sampling of the time-continuous signal, as is described
αA(g) + βA(h) = A(αg + βh), (4) in e.g., [7]. The resulting signal x[n] is constrained to be
discrete in time and periodic with the period of N samples or,
where g, h are arbitrary windows and α, β ∈ C. equivalently, of finite extent of N samples. x[n] is expanded
Assuming an additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) chan- from T F functions, which are circular time-frequency shifts
nel the received signal is given by uf t [n] of a prototype window u[n] by
y[n] = x[n] + w[n] (5) 
F −1 T
x[n] = af t (x)uf t [n] (10)
where w[n] is AWGN with variance σw . f =0 t=0
The block diagram of the linear GFDM receiver is shown
in Fig. 2. Each subcarrier is shifted to the DC subcarrier, with
circularly convolved with a specific receiver filter h∗ [−n] and  
downsampled to the symbol rate. At the kth subcarrier the mth ΔF
uf t [n] = u [(n − mΔT ) mod N ] exp j2π fn (11)
received subsymbol dˆk [m] is therefore given by N
kn  where N = ΔT T = ΔF F ; F, T, ΔF, ΔT ∈ N+ equals the
dˆk [m] = y[n ]  h∗ [−n ] exp −j2π  . (6)
K  length of the discrete transform and ΔT and ΔF/N describe
the step size for time- and frequency-shifts, respectively. The
which is expressed with the standard scalar product in CN by corresponding discrete Gabor transform with a window ν[n] is
defined by [7]
dˆkm = y[n], hkm [n]CN (7)

N −1
where hkm [n] = h[(n − mK) mod N ] exp(j2π(kn/K)) is af t (x) = x[n]νf∗ t [n] = x[n], νf t [n]CN (12)
the prototype receiver filter h[n] circularly shifted to the cor- n=0
responding subcarrier and subsymbol. Again, (7) reduces to
the DFT expression
√ of the OFDM receiver, when M = 1 and with
h[n] = 1/ K The reception of all symbols at the same time  
can be combined into a single matrix equation ΔF
νf t [n] = ν [(n − mΔT ) mod N ] exp j2π fn (13)
d = B(h)y = B(h)A(g)d + B(h)w,
i.e., the scalar product of the signal x[n] with the corresponding
where B(h) = (A(h))H is the N × N matrix that contains time-frequency shift νf t [n] of the window ν[n]. A main concern
h∗km as its (k + mK)th row and (·)H denotes conjugate trans- in classical Gabor analysis is, if for a given u[n] the expansion
pose. From (3) three standard linear receiver types are readily coefficients af t (x) in (10) exist for every x[n]. Furthermore,
available [3]: what is the corresponding ν[n] to calculate them?

Wexler and Raz [7] proved that the coefficients for (10) are
calculated by (12) if and only if

N −1
u−f,−t [n]ν ∗ [n] = δ0f δ0t (14)

is fulfilled for every 0 ≤ t < ΔF , 0 ≤ f < ΔT , which is Fig. 3. Modulus of the CTZT of a RC with rolloff 0.7 and 0.2 and the sampling
positions for K = 128 and different M . For M = 6 the DZT contains a zero,
known as the prominent Wexler-Raz duality condition. The for M = 5 the zero is not sampled and the values of the DZT are high. With
corresponding ν[n] is called the dual window to u[n]. M = 31 also small values are contained in the DZT, which increases the norm
The choice of the step sizes ΔT and ΔF significantly influ- of the ZF receiver filter and, hence, its NEF.
ences the existence and uniqueness of ν[n]. Dual windows exist
A. Calculation of the ZF Receiver Window
only if ΔT ΔF ≤ N , where equality is referred to as critical
sampling. In the oversampled case ΔT ΔF < N multiple dual A main concern for the application of the GFDM ZF and
windows may exist for a given u[n], whereas in the critically MMSE receivers is that it requires the numerically intensive
sampled case, existing dual windows are unique. inversion of Ag of size KM × KM . Since current communi-
cation systems can have thousands of subcarriers and subsym-
bols (e.g., LTE TTI: K = 2048, M = 15) this matrix may even
IV. GFDM IN A G ABOR T RANSFORM S ETTING hardly fit into memory of current hardware. Dual windows,
When setting ΔT = K and ΔF = M with M K = N a crit- and hence ZF and MMSE receiver filters, can be efficiently
ically sampled Gabor transform and expansion pair is obtained. calculated with the help of the discrete Zak-Transform (DZT)
Furthermore, when the transmit filter g[n] of GFDM is iden- [8] without requiring the inversion of A(g). The DZT is derived
tified with the Gabor window u[n], the transmitted data dkm from the continuous-time Zak-Transform (CTZT) [9]
with the Gabor expansion coefficients akm , and the receiver 
(Zg)(t, f ) = g(t + l)e−j2πlf (19)
filter with some h[n] it is obvious that GFDM transmission
is a critically sampled Gabor expansion with window g[n] and
GFDM reception is a critically sampled Gabor transform with by sampling the time and frequency components [8] accord-
window h[n]. ing to
The receiver filters for MF, ZF, and MMSE receivers can    
n k
therefore be described in terms of a Gabor transform window. Z (K,M ) g [n, k] = (Zg) ,
1) MF Receiver: The receiver matrix of the MF GFDM K M
receiver is given by B(hMF ) = AH g . Therefore the window of n
+ l e−j2π M .
= g (20)
the corresponding Gabor transform is equal to hMF = g. K
2) ZF Receiver: The ZF receiver matrix is given by
B(hZF ) = (Ag )−1 . Accordingly, when looking at the first row This discretization assumes that g(t) is sampled with an interval
of B(hZF )Ag = I we have 1/K and is made periodic with the period M [8]. For the critical
sampling case, as in GFDM, the relation [10]
 ∗   1
gkm [n] hZF [n] = δ0k δ0m (15) Z (K,M ) γ [n, k] =  (21)
n=0 K Z (K,M ) g ∗ [n, k]

for 0 ≤ k < K, 0 ≤ m < M . This is exactly the Wexler-Raz between the DZT of the Gabor window g[n] and its dual γ[n]
duality condition from (14) when identifying g−k,−m [n] = holds. Accordingly the ZF and MMSE receiver windows can be
gK−k,M −m [n]. Hence, the Gabor window of the ZF receiver calculated with numerical efficient algorithms [10].
is exactly the window that is dual to g[n], denoted by hZF =
D(g). The noise enhancement factor (NEF) of the ZF receiver B. Singularity of Ag
is given by ξhZF =
3) MMSE Receiver: Equation (9) can be rewritten as fol- In previous works [3] it has been mentioned without reason-
lows, when AH ing that Ag becomes singular with certain configurations of M ,
g is included into the matrix inversion
K, and g. In these cases no ZF receiver exists and MMSE and

 −1 H −1 MF receiver perform worse in terms of bit error rate. In this
B(hMMSE ) = Ag + σw 2
paper, Gabor analysis is employed to develop the theoretical
−1 background to the question of singularity of Ag . As is evident
= A(g) + σw A(hZF ) (16) from (21) the dual window γ[n] will not exist if the DZT of g[n]
has zeros [8]. Hence, Ag will be singular in these cases.
and with linearity (4) it simplifies to
The Balian-Low theorem (BLT) states that, at critical sam-

2 ZF −1 pling, functions that are well localized in time and frequency
B(hMMSE ) = A g + σw h . (17)
cannot constitute a Gabor frame and, accordingly, their CTZT
Accordingly, the window for the Gabor transform of the MMSE has at least one zero [4]. In previous works [3] GFDM mostly
receiver is equal to employs time-frequency well localized raised cosine (RC) or
 root-raised cosine transmit filters. By the nature of the CTZT,
hMMSE = D g + σw 2
D(g) . (18) these real symmetric windows g(t) fulfill (Zg) (1/2, 1/2) = 0

Fig. 4. (a) NEF for K = 128, RC filter with different rolloffs α. Only odd M are depicted since no ZF receiver exists for even M . (b) Symbol error rates under
AWGN. All systems are simulated with K = 128 and use a RC with α1 = 0.2 or α2 = 0.7 and 16-QAM modulation. (a) Noise enhancement factor. (b) Symbol
error rate performance.

[9]. Consequently, (Z (K,M ) g) [K/2, M/2] = 0 when K, M the ZF receiver exists and MF and MMSE perform better. When
are even and no dual window and ZF receiver exist. Hence, the noise enhancement is small (small M , small rolloff), the
only odd M or K should be considered for practical implemen- system is nearly orthogonal and ZF detection performs close to
tations. However, even though the ZF receiver exists for odd K FBMC and optimal linear MMSE detection. With higher noise
or odd M , the DZT of g[n] contains smaller values when K or enhancement, orthogonality is lost and performance degrades
M increase due to the finer sampling grid. Hence, the DZT of in general but the MMSE receiver outperforms the ZF receiver.
hZF [n] contains growing values, constituting an increased noise
enhancement. Additionally, filters with wider rolloff contain VI. C ONCLUSION
lower CTZT values in overall. Fig. 3 illustrates these results.
From a more general point of view, every transmit filter whose This letter has bridged the current understanding of GFDM
DZT contains values close to zero shows reduced performance as a novel multicarrier transmission scheme and the mathe-
due to an increased noise enhancement, which can lead to a matical theory of Gabor analysis. It was shown that GFDM is
design criteria for GFDM filters. equivalent to a critically sampled Gabor expansion and analysis
Although the non-symmetric Xia filters [11] can be used pair. Gabor analysis was used to efficiently calculate the ZF
as prototype filter for GFDM [3], simple calculation shows and MMSE receiver filters without requiring a matrix inversion,
that (ZgXia ) [1/4, 1/2] = 0 which again leads to singularity making it possible to provide receiver filters for large systems.
problems. Additionally, in [3] the use of a periodized version Insight into the singularity conditions of GFDM was obtained
of the sinc-function as the transmit filter is suggested. Due to by investigating the zeros of the DZT of the transmitter filter. It
its bad time-localization, this orthogonal filter does not suffer was proven the fact that certain parameter configurations lead
from the BLT and its CTZT has constant modulus. Hence, the to singular systems which eventually influences system design
NEF does not increase with a finer sampling, but the bad time- and practical implementations. The obtained theoretical results
localization can make the system more vulnerable to timing- were confirmed by numerical examples.
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