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Assignment 1

a. Mark needs to check whether or not he is registered for his College Algebra course, but
the lines are much too long at the advisement center. What should he do?

Mark should follow the BYOD acronym, for Bring Your Own Devices, to surpass the long line
at the advisement center. From there he can access his registration information himself. For Mark
to check whether or not he is registered for his College Algebra course at Georgia State
University I would recommend for him to log into GoSOLAR. In GoSOLAR, Mark should click
on the tab labeled “Registration,” then “View Registration Information,” then from there he will
be able to view or look up his schedule for the semester.

b. Mark needs to do a literature review for a paper that will be due next month in World
History. What are three digital resources that could help him do this?

Some resources that could help Mark do his literature review in World History are the online
University Library, Evernote, and Endnote. The Georgia State University library not only
provides an online library catalog but also a section where they provide research help and can
provide help for the literature review. Evernote is a software where you can take notes,
brainstorm, and collect web pages, images, and links and organize them and share them via the
Cloud, which makes it easy to work across multiple devices. Endnote is a bibliographical
software that helps to format citations and bibliographies. After making the citation, you can
organize them by project and attach the article to reference later. All of these digital resources
can help with writing a literature review.

c. Mark’s Economics professor has flipped his classroom. The professor has provided an
economics e-book and a series of recorded lectures to review at home on topics that will
be discussed and worked on in class. What are some other online resources that Mark
might be able to use to supplement the book and videos?

Some other supplemental online resources are Khan Academy, a Massive Open Online Course,
and the online University Library. Khan Academy is an open education resource where
instructors post educational videos for students to watch. It is helpful if Mark wants to hear a
topic explained in a different way, learn about a specific topic more in depth, or just wants to
hear an explanation again. A Massive Open Online Course are free online courses taught by
college professors. To look to enroll, Mark can use a platform such as Coursera that has a large
list of courses that can be searched by topic. Another resource is the online University Library,
where Mark can find supplemental reading material for topics that he does not understand.

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