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A Farmer Or, The Life of a Farmer

Generally, a farmer is a poor man. Most often he has on land of his own.
So, he cultivates the land of others. He lives from hand to mouth. He
works very hard to prepare the land for planting or sowing crops. He
works in the field from dawn to dusk. Sometimes he works under the
burning sun and in the rain. For the farmers’ growing and reaping the
harvest, we can have our food. By working hard in the field, he grows a
bumper crop which helps develop our national economy. We know that
ours is an agricultural country. More than 80 percent people are directly or
indirectly engaged in agriculture. Our economy is also mostly dependent
on agricultural. So, to promote the development of national economy the
farmers should be helped with agricultural subsidies by the government.
They should be encouraged to use tractors instead of the age -old ploughs.
They should also be taught to use the modern cultivation methods. This is
how, the life of the farmers can be developed.

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