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Azhari Hanafi




Agriculture is one of the sectors that needs to be developed by the government. The entire
world will always depend on the agricultural sector. This is because the agricultural sector is
the only source of food production. Not only that, agriculture is a sector that can support the
country's economy significantly. Plus, Indonesia is an agrarian country rich in agricultural land.
Therefore, the government should start developing national agriculture in order to create
domestic food security. If the country's food needs are fulfilled, then the welfare of its people
will be improved.

In its development, the field of agriculture have a lot of obstacles. That obstacles come
from complicated bureaucracies, difficult access, and environments that are damaged by human
activities. This has a bad effect on farmers because commodity prices when harvesting often
fall. Therefore, it is necessary to upgrade the market in order to improve the welfare of farmers.
The government can play a role by establishing policies that support farmers in producing food.

Communication between farmers and governments needs to be built to implement a new

policy that supports agriculture. The government needs to know the real conditions on the
ground. In addition, the education of rural communities also needs to be improved so that
agriculture can be understood in a complex manner with the approach of various disciplines.
This community education is done as an effort to communicate the government to the village
farmers. So that the mindset of farmers is no longer just high-yields, but there is an environment
that must be maintained in order to apply the principles of sustainable agriculture. Thus,
agriculture can be comprehensively transformed towards a more environmentally friendly

According to FAO, at 2050 the human population will increase by 9.1 billion. The
increase in the earth's population requires the agricultural sector to boost its productivity by
69% of current productivity. If the agricultural sector in the world cannot meet these numbers,
then the world will be hit by famine. This is then reinforced by the presence of food waste.
Based on data, there are 44% of waste in Indonesia consisting of food waste, some of which
are still worth eating. People's habits of throwing away food cannot be underestimated. The
country should have self-sustaining food security. Not only by increasing agricultural
productivity, but also minimizing food waste. Minimizing food waste can be done by
processing it into organic fertilizers for agricultural crops.

The role of food for human is crucial. Food provides nutrition, energy sources, tools for
negotiation, and forming a prosperous society. Narrow land does not limit productivity. in the
last 2 decades, indonesia's rice production has grown by 0.56 %, while the growth of paddy
fields has grown -0.03 %. Some indonesians work as farmers. However, 49% of farmers in
Indonesia are over 50 years old. So, it should be regenerated by farmers so that agricultural
land in Indonesia can be utilized by young people who are full of innovation. In addition,
currently farmers in Indonesia are dominated by poorly educated people who only graduated
from elementary school (74%).

Agriculture is a complex system. In managing agricultural land, not only focus on large
yields, but there are other aspects around it that also need to be maintained. Plants, land, water,
ecology, microbiome, climate, and soil are aspects of agriculture that need to be considered.
By paying attention to these aspects, sustainable agriculture can be realized. Moreover, in the
era of technology and the advancement of disciplines, agriculture can develop even further.
Even agriculture can reach the entire world with marketing distribution techniques that utilize

In conclusion, countries in the world cooperate to create a world food security as an effort
to prevent famine. World food security can be reached if the policy is applied on 3 things, they
are avalability, accessibility, and affordability. Availability means the availability of natural
and human resources. Accessibility means the ease of getting food through equitable
distribution. Affordability means it can be purchased at an affordable price. If world food
security can be reached, the country's economy will also increase. Thus, people's poverty can
be eliminated so that the public can live in prosperity.

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