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Key Points

Scrum Pillars

Scrum Values (5 values - CCOFR)

Scrum definition



Empirical Process Control Theory




SCRUM Events - Four Formal events

Other Recommended events

Old Name for Events
Scrum Roles


Product Owner

Development Team
Scrum Master

Scrum Events (Timeboxes) Events and Rules


Sprint Planning Meeting

Daily Scrum

Sprint Review

Sprint Retrospective

Release Planning Meeting

General on Events

Scrum Artifacts

Releasable Product Increment

Product Backlog Refinement

Prioritising the Backlog

Release Burndown
Sprint Backlog

Frozen Sprint Backlog

Monitoring Sprint Progress

The Increment

Artifact Transparency

Definition of Done (DoD)

Definition of Done (DoD) for Multiple Teams

Description Column1
Transparency, Inspection and Adaptation
Agile is not Scrum
Agile is an Umbrella under which many iterative processes are available
One such methodologies / framework is SCRUM

Commitment; Courage; Openness; Focus; Respect

Is a Framework within which people can address complex adaptive problems, while
productively and creatively delivering products of the highest possible value
Scrum is a framework for developing and sustaining complex products
Scrum is mainly effectie for complex products

Is a framework
and Delivering (and often)

Test Driven Development

IT is NOT a process for building products; rather it is a FRAMEWORK within which you can
employ various process and techniques

Scrum is founded on empirical process control theory (or) empiricism.

Learn from past mistakes
Making New Decisions
Making Changes (adapting)

Asserts that knowledge comes from experience and making decisions based on what is
Scrum employs an iterative, incremental approach to optimize predictability and control risk

Task is Really "DONE"

Definition of Done - Task is not complete until ...
Inspection shouldn't be so frequent that it comes in the middle of the work
Define frequency of inspection
2 weeks perfect based on experience
Setting the Sprint Length is very important
IT gives enough changes for inspection

Sprint Planning
Daily Scrum
Sprint Review
Sprint Retrospective

Product Backlog Grooming

Scrum Team is : Scrum Master; Product Owner; Development Team
The Team model is designed to optimize flexibiity, creativity and productivity
Incremental delivery of Done products ensure a potentially useful version of working product
is available
Responsible for maximizing th value of the product and the work of the development Team
PO is responsible for monitoring the progress of the release
Responsible for promoting and supporting Scrum as mentioned in the Scrum Guide
They help in making everyone u/s scrum theory, practices, rules and values
SM 1) Facilitates 2) Makes sure Scrum is understood and enacted; 3) Setup a meeting (but not
always present) ; 4) Teams Self Organise; 5) SM is Servant Leader (by serving the Team you are
Leading the Team)

Removing IMpediments to the Development Team;

Authority to Coach & Lead anyone in the Organisation;
Be the Authority on the SCRUM;


Usable piece of product is created during each sprint
New Sprint starts immediately after the previous sprint
Only the PO has the authority to cancel the sprint
Maximum length of a sprint is one calendar month (it can be any number of days less than a

Team Plan the Work for the Sprint

8 hrs for a one month sprint (4 hrs for a two weeks sprint)
Two topics discussed: What and How
PO gives the Features to deliver -> Team decides what they can deliver -> Team divides into

No more than 15 mts

Three questions:
1) What was done yesterday
2) What I am going to work on today
3) Any Blockers
No discussions from members outside the TEAM

End of each Sprint.

Demo the product to the PO and the Stakeholders.
What worked in this sprint?
What could be improved in the next Sprint ?
Not officially a Scrum event …. But often used in Scrum
Failure to include any events results in reduced transparency and a lost opportunity to inspect
and adapt.
Product Backlog
Sprint Backlog & Sprint Burndown
Release Backlog & Burndown (not officially a Scrum Artefact)
Releasable Product Increment

is a Functionality delivered by the Team in Each Sprint

Meets Definition of Done (High Quality)
Is the act of adding detail, estimates and order to the items in the Product Backlog.
Discuss KEY points with PO and gain understanding of upcoming features.
Keeping Items READY (DOR) for Planning
READY means stories are clear to the Team and small enought to be completed in one sprint
using the Team's DOD.

Highest priority is the stuff that the Team will work

Break items into smaller manageable chunk
Refinement leads to high priority items to be clear
PO compares this with the amount with work remaining in previous Sprint reviews
Set of Product Backlog items selected for the Sprint
Plus a Plan for delivering the Product increment and realizing the Sprint Goal
Only the Development Team can change its Sprint Backlog during a Sprint by negotiating with
the PO
Task can be changed by the Dev. Team on its own.

Sprint Burndown - monitors the Sprint Progress

A releasable product
Increment shows what has been done.
End of the sprint, New increment must be done
Not clear
SM must work with the PO, DT and other involved parties to u/s if the artifacts are completely
DT should watch the Burndown to track progress and improve chances of meeting the sprint
Burndown should be visible in the Daily Scrum

Shared u/s of DONE is Key in Scrum

Development Team must define the DOD
Bear in mind of STANDARDS
Date Day Ceremony Day Time in hrs In MTs
7/8/2020 Wed Sprint Planning 1 4 240
7/9/2020 Thu Daily Scrum 2 0.25 15
7/10/2020 Fri Daily Scrum 3 0.25
7/11/2020 Sat Holiday 0
7/12/2020 Sun Holiday 0
7/13/2020 Mon Daily Scrum 4 0.25
7/14/2020 Tue Daily Scrum 5 0.25
7/15/2020 Wed Daily Scrum 6 0.25
7/16/2020 Thu Daily Scrum 7 0.25
7/17/2020 Fri Daily Scrum 8 0.25
7/18/2020 Sat Holiday 0
7/19/2020 Sun Holiday 0
7/20/2020 Mon Daily Scrum 9 0.25
7/21/2020 Tue Daily Scrum 10 0.25
7/22/2020 Wed Daily Scrum 11 0.25
7/23/2020 Thu Daily Scrum 12 0.25
7/24/2020 Fri Daily Scrum 13 0.25
7/25/2020 Sat Holiday
7/26/2020 Sun Holiday
7/27/2020 Mon Daily Scrum 14 0.25
7/28/2020 Tue Daily Scrum 15 0.25
7/29/2020 Wed Daily Scrum
7/30/2020 Thu Daily Scrum
7/31/2020 Fri Daily Scrum
8/1/2020 Sat
8/2/2020 Sun
8/3/2020 Mon Daily Scrum
8/4/2020 Tue
8/5/2020 Wed
8/6/2020 Thu
8/7/2020 Fri
8/8/2020 Sat
8/9/2020 Sun
8/10/2020 Mon
8/11/2020 Tue
8/12/2020 Wed
8/13/2020 Thu
8/14/2020 Fri
8/15/2020 Sat
8/16/2020 Sun
8/17/2020 Mon
8/18/2020 Tue
8/19/2020 Wed
8/20/2020 Thu
8/21/2020 Fri
8/22/2020 Sat
8/23/2020 Sun
8/24/2020 Mon
8/25/2020 Tue
8/26/2020 Wed
8/27/2020 Thu
8/28/2020 Fri
8/29/2020 Sat
8/30/2020 Sun
8/31/2020 Mon
9/1/2020 Tue
9/2/2020 Wed
9/3/2020 Thu
9/4/2020 Fri
9/5/2020 Sat
9/6/2020 Sun
9/7/2020 Mon
9/8/2020 Tue
9/9/2020 Wed
9/10/2020 Thu
9/11/2020 Fri
9/12/2020 Sat
9/13/2020 Sun
9/14/2020 Mon
9/15/2020 Tue
9/16/2020 Wed

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