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Four Year Plan

Hannah Ferreira
FCS 101
July 10, 2020
Graduation Plan
Yearly Plan
 2020:
o Personal Goals:
 Save at least 20% of all income
 Maintain healthy weight and lifestyle with exercise and homemade meals
 Daily spiritual habit upkeep
o Professional Goals:
 Become a manager at work
o Educational Goals:
 Get all A’s
 Networking with my professors
 2021:
o Personal Goals:
 Save at least 20% of all income
 Make one project for myself
 Grow our family
 Receive green card
o Professional Goals:
 Find an internship with bridal company
 Start my own business
o Educational Goals:
 Get all A’s
 Finish all classes required for the major before December
 2022:
o Personal Goals:
 Save 50% of all income to put towards a mortgage
 Grow relationship with my husband with weekly date night
 Be a stay-at-home mom
o Professional Goals:
 Grow my business
o Educational Goals:
 Begin Internship in January
 2023:
o Personal Goals:
 Apply for my husband’s citizenship
 Run a half marathon
o Professional Goals:
 Run business from home for personalized wedding gowns
o Educational Goals:
 Learn a new skill each year. (example; baking, CNA, exercise class, etc.)
Monthly, Weekly, and Daily Goal Plan
This will be the key. The big picture will ultimately come together when I start small.
First, I will start big and go down the list; taking my yearly goals and determining what will need
to be done on a monthly basis in order to fulfil them by December. Then, I would take those
monthly goals and break them up into what needs to be done on a weekly basis, and then the
weekly goals will be broken up into the daily goals to make sure I’m doing a small part each day.
Another key to my success will be ordering my priorities. The Lord and my family are my
priorities. I know that I will only find success after I am putting first things first.

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