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The Templar Seals, Zeta Seal and the J-Seals

Historical Genetic Manipulations

Before an understanding of this work can be had one must realize and be aware of the
fact that Extra-terrestrial races have been involved with the course of evolution on this
planet since life was seeded many millions of years ago. This involvement includes both
benevolent guardianship and malevolent interference from self-interested races. As a
result of this intervention humanity have had to integrate many genetic alterations which
are now present in nearly all genetic lineages. A study of the pre-ancient history of Earth
and an understanding of multi-dimensional anatomy is required to more completely
understand how this affects us in today’s world. Below is a brief introduction as to how
these blockages have come about and what it means for us as individuals. Additionally,
this information is not meant to scare anyone – it is simply intended to bring awareness to
the greater reality that we exist within and thereby empower individuals to make
conscious choices in line with their highest good and freedom.
The Templar and Templar-Axion Seals are sixth and seventh dimensional genetic alterations
implemented 10’000 and 3’500 years ago (respectively) by the Ra Confederacy (Amonite
and Azurite gestalt families) and the Axious Entity Family in order to protect the Earth and
Tara/Terra from unevolved beings ascending through the Halls of Amenti stargate portals to
the higher harmonics. The Templar Seals have been past on genetically over time and now
effect the majority of the population making physical ascension impossible. More
specifically, the Templar Seal involved the removal of the 6 th base tone of DNA Strand 2, the
6th overtone from strand 4 and the 12th overtone of strand 5 which created massive
distortions within the astral, mental and emotional bodies locking consciousness into the D3
time cycles of HU 1. In short; for biological transmutation (“ascension”) to take place, we
require to braid the 12 magnetic base tones with the 12 electrical overtones within each
DNA strand corresponding to the dimensional frequencies we are inhabiting and this results
in an ‘up-folding’ of the physical form to then reappear in the next harmonic. If there are
fragments of the DNA base-magnetic and electrical overtones missing, this is not possible. A
qualitative way to consider this is by comparing it to the way we do up a “zip”. If there is
one section of the zip missing this will result in the two tracks dividing and not braiding
together properly. If the genetic ‘zip’ can not be ‘done up’ we can not complete the
integration of dimensions 1, 2 and 3 of HU 1 and therefore must remain locked in this time
continuum. Genetic manipulations can be undertaken by advanced races whom are aware
of the workings of the energetic grid system of the Earth. Because we are all connected to
this system as we live on the Earth, these manipulations are automatically transferred to our
own energy fields and personal energetic anatomy when we are born.

The seventh dimensional Templar-Axion Seal (of 1’500 BC) involved the removal of the 6th
base tone of the 1st DNA strand, the 6th base tone of the 5th strand and the 6th base tone of
the 6th DNA strand. This is the original meaning of the symbolic 666 – “number of the beast”
in that genetic codes carrying this distortion can not assemble their DNA adequately to
“qualify” for the next harmonic universe. This is one of the reasons why so many people are
“not waking up” during this ascension cycle. People who have had these seals energetically
removed can then begin to rapidly integrate the higher dimensional frequencies of the
higher harmonics in preparation for biological transmutation and ascension during the
current Stellar Activations Cycle (SAC) of 2000 – 2017 AD (peaking between 2012 – 2017
AD). This information became distorted into the religious dogma of a “judgemental God”
and that we would be “punished for our sins” yet this was only ever a confused distortion of
the truth: We must remain incarnate within the first harmonic universal experiences which
include: war, pain, suffering etc (“Hell”) until we have evolved our consciousness sufficiently
to align with the 2nd harmonic (truth, love and wisdom). If you are drawn to this information
and resonate to it this indicates you are ready to continue through to the second harmonic
universe and ascension. People still working through the lower 3 dimensional reality fields
of Earth (physical, emotional and mental bodies) may not resonate to this understanding
because the intuitive astral body connection – 4th DNA strand integration requires to be
active to understand the meaning of this and therefore “feel” aligned with it. Everyone is
evolving as they are meant to be according to their conscious evolution so if you do not
resonate to this information we do not desire to convince anyone otherwise. Things simply
are as they are and people still locked in the 3 rd dimensional mental body (ego) will likely
have to remain here until a higher understanding and acceptance has been made.

The Zeta Seal is a deliberate interference in the course of our

evolution to serve the needs of the Collective Zeta Mind. The Zeta
“Greys” from the Zeta Reticuli (neighbouring star system to Orion)
are primarily responsible for the human abductions and “cattle
mutilations” which have been occurring and documented by
researchers for many years now. The Zeta are a fragmented race
that span many dimensions and which have both enlightened
factions and unenlightened factions; meaning some who respect
and honour the evolution of other races and others who do not. There is far too much
information to cover regarding the Zeta motive but in short, they feel they need our planet
to continue their own evolution because they destroyed their own home planet through
inter-dimensional blending experiments that were beyond their understanding to
undertake. They have been instigative in such things as the Philadelphia Project and the
Montauk Project here on Earth to serve their agenda – unbeknownst to the secret service
governmental officials they have been manipulating. Of significance to us as individuals is
the genetic mutation; Zeta Seal which all people – unless they have had it removed –
currently have expressing in their energetic physiology in some way. This genetic
manipulation (introduced in 1748 AD) involved the removal of the 2 nd base tone and second
and third overtones of the 4th DNA strand which created a hidden frequency fence on Earth
since 1748. The result of this has been that people have been unable to access their soul
identity “Higher Self” – intuitive body which would otherwise serve to direct them along a
more favourable pathway of choices in their lives. This is also one of the main reasons why
people are not “waking up” and recognising what is transpiring on Earth right now. As a
result of this interference the sleeping masses continue their lives completely unaware of
the cosmic events unfolding around them as they remain focused within the 3-dimensional
reality fields of HU 1. In 1902 Guardian Alliance (benevolent ET races) began “poking holes”
in the Zeta Mind Control Frequency Fence by activating certain individuals in the population
essentially reversing this genetic blockage. Since then this released collective have been
gaining momentum through higher light-work to awaken the remaining dormant
population. When a minimum of 8% of the population (“critical mass”) have successfully
activated their 4th DNA strand this will result in an energetic override of the Zeta Seal in the
planetary grids which will result in an awakening within in the greater collective in which
case the dawn of a new age; “The Golden Age of Enlightenment” will occur for humanity.
We are not at this stage yet however and require to as individuals, undertake sufficient light
work and DNA Activation to contribute to the momentum of light for the greater good of
the all.

The Seven Unnatural Jehovian Death Seals or “J-Seals” are energetic implants that were
placed in the Earth’s energetic anatomy (which can be activated by the Nibiruian Diodic
Crystal Grid Network which interfaces via access point at Stonehenge) in 24’500 BC by
Jehovian Annunaki from the planet Nibiru. This planet is on a 3600 year orbital cycle around
our Sun and therefore only comes into visibility and interaction with the Earth every 3600
years. There are records of this interaction in ancient Sumerian tablets – carved in stone.
This information has been translated and validated by modern academic scholars. To
understand how this affects us on a personal level we require to understand the processes a
planet goes through during Stellar Activation Cycles. During SACs the planets primary energy
vortices (equivalent to our “chakras”) open up as the stellar wave infusions from other
galactic and universal locations align with the Earth. If these energy vortices or “Stargates”
can not open correctly then the planet can not integrate the incoming higher frequency
energies from the higher dimensional locations and therefore, not ascend out of the current
harmonic. It is through the integration of higher dimensional energies that we are able to
clear the distortions in our lower physical/emotional/mental “ego” mind and align with
these higher locations.

It is not within the Annunaki Agenda to allow the planet to ascend because as soon as
humanity has transitioned into HU 2 we will no longer be within the frequency bands that
would allow their manipulation. As to the details of what that is (the manipulation) this is far
too much to include here in this sort summary so if you are interested, you are encouraged
to do your own research regarding this. What is relevant for us is the energetic implants that
have been placed in the Earth’s energetic anatomy and therefore; our energetic anatomy if
we were born on the Earth. There is likely not too many people who can say this do not
include them! These implants were placed along axiatonal line number 7 of the planetary
grid which corresponds to energy vortices (Planetary Templar): 1, 2, 3, 8, 9, 10 and 11. As
the planetary energy vortices open up in preparation for the incoming stellar spirals, these
seals block the frequencies from being integrated and instead cause them to function in the
reverse sequences resulting in the activation of black holes within the planetary and
personal energetic fields. There are far-reaching consequences for such a thing to occur
which will not be covered here but needless to say that we should clear these distortions on
as many people as possible asap. Because of these blockages the higher frequency wave
infusions now reaching the planet are not being integrated by many people. The D-4 Solar
wave infusion started 5/5/2000 with the D-5 Pleiadian and D-6 Sirian infusions starting
6/2004 and 6/2008 respectively. The D-7 Arcturian, D-8 Orion and D-9 Andromeda infusions
are still yet to come although if our energetic physiology is not equipped to integrate these
frequencies this will result in progressive molecular compaction which is one of the reasons
why pain and disease continues to be on the rise. If you have health issues along the left
side of your body this may be related to the J-Seal blockages along axiatonal line 7 which
runs vertically along the para-sagittal axis of the left hand side of the body.

How Do We Clear These Blockages?

Both Zac and Jake have been trained specifically to target and resolve these blockages non-
locally through a form of distant energy healing. This training was conducted by Swami
Shivananda (Toby Alexander) whom has been instructed by the immortal master Mahavatar
Babaji Nagaraj – instigator of the Kriya Yoga lineage.

During the session we connect to your Higher Self through the quantum field by which we
are all connected and then through the power of what is called the Violet Flame, activate all
energies, Ids and soul fragments associated with karma related to the J-Seals, Templar Seals
and the Zeta Seal before facilitating the transmutation of these energies. During the session
we also target any cell death programs and metatronic implants if necessary also. This
results in the polarizations merging on a quantum level and thereby clearing the
corresponding lower dimensional and eventually, physical manifestation also. These are
among the most powerful Energy Field Clearings your will ever experience because of the
nature of these despicable blockages. All you will require to do is set your intention to
release these blockages and preferably go into a meditative state while surrendering into
the healing session. We encourage you to also invoke the Violet Flame to assist in the
clearing but you may do whatever you feel is best to assist in facilitating this. Following the
session your body will require deep integration as your light body accretes the energies that
have been blocked for so long by these higher dimensional seals. We therefore encourage
you to allow yourself as much rest as necessary and also drink as much water as you can for
at least a week following the sessions.

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