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tuples - > data structures, like lists

-> immutable in nature, you cannot change contents once defined like string.
-> you cannot append, extend, insert, del, pop anything
-> 10 times faster in accessing elements as compared to lists
-> storing imp information - adhaar card, SSN, passport no

lists []
tuples ()

dictionaries - key value pairs

- they are not sequential like lists, tuples and strings
- keys are unique
- values can be duplicated
- randomly stored in memory

d.items() - gives us key value pairs

d.keys() - gives us all the keys
d.values() - gives us all the values
d['new key'] = value - will add new key value pairs
d.pop(key) - value will be poped on screen and key value pair will
be deleted

question :-
1. create dictionary having keys as emp ids and names as emp names
till the time user enters -999 for emp id

{201:'Amit',202:'Sumit',203:'AMIT', 204:'Suman'}

2. take emp id from user and check if it exist in dictionary

print name of emp if it exist, else print not found

3. take emp name from user and print all emp ids in a form of list
if emp name does not exist print not found. name search should be case

empid = 0
d= {}
while empid!= -999:
empid = int(input("Enter the empid:"))
if empid != -999:
empname = input("Enter the emp name:")
d[empid] = empname

empno = int(input("Enter the empid to search:"))

if empno in d.keys():
print("Employee name is", d[empno])

list1 = []
flag = 0
emname = input("Enter the employee name to search:")
for k,v in d.items():
if v.upper() == emname.upper():

if flag ==0:
print("Employee not found", list1)

functions can be reused again and again.
make our code more modular
we need to define function first then only call it

write a function take_input to take input radius of a circle and return to main
write a function area to return area of a circle
write a function perimeter to return perimeter of a circle

import math
def fun():
rad=int(input("Enter Radius: "))
return rad

def area(rad):
return math.pi * rad * rad

def perimeter(rad):
return 2*math.pi*rad

print("area is ",ar)
print("perimeter is ", pr)

write a function to take an input from the user CP and SP and return to main
write another function which should calculate profit /loss / no profit no loss
along with amount of profit /loss
and return it
in the main program, print amount of profit or loss or no profit no loss

def input_price():
cp = int(input('Enter CP'))
sp = int(input('Enter SP'))
return cp,sp

def prof_loss(price):
if cp > sp:
return "Loss",cp-sp
elif sp>cp:
return "Profit",sp-cp
else :
return "No Profit, No loss",0

price = input_price()

profit_loss = prof_loss(price)

write a program of guessing game.
if user enters number which is odd, divisible by 3 and divisible by 5, you win the
you will get 3 chances to reinter your input
after 3 failed attempts print message "lost the game"
do not return any value from function instead main program should print Win or Lost
the game

def game():
global win
while count<=3 and win==0:
print("Attempt", count)
num=int(input("please enter a number:"))
if num%3==0 and num%5==0:

if win==0:
print("you lost the game")
print("you won the game")


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