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Name: Date:

Section: Subject/Teacher:

I. Identify and explain in detail what type of research the study is all about.

Checklist of Questions Yes or No Explain why.

Does the study follow the
process of inductive or
deductive research?
Is it basic or applied

Is it qualitative or
quantitative research?

Is it exploratory descriptive
or explanatory?

II. Matching type: Match the items in column A with the items on column B.

1.Basic Research a. Is also called theory-building research

2. Applied Research b. Discovers new phenomena or new ideas

of general interest.

3. Inductive Research c. Is also called theory-testing research

4. Exploratory Research d. To scope out the magnitude or extent of

a particular phenomenon
5.Deductive Research e. When it contributes to the solution of
specific practical problems
6. Exploratory Research f. to generate some initial ideas about that
7. Explanatory Research g. is directed in making careful observations
and detailed documentation of a
phenomenon of interest
8. Descriptive h. Seeks to explain observed phenomena,
problems, or behaviors
9. Exploratory Research i. pertains to the nature or object of social
10. Ontology j. seeks to test the feasibility of undertaking
a more extensive study regarding a
particular phenomenon
III. Essay: What makes research scientific (15pts)

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