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Name,Short Name,Location,Location ID,Color,Livery,Political Attributes,Team

Bio,Rival,Pressure,Budget,Race Payment Offset,Marketability,Fan Base,Share of

Fanbase,Driver HatStyle,Driver BodyStyle,Expectation - Constructors' ,Expectation -
Driver 1,Expectation - Driver 2,Opinions - Manager,Opinions - Driver 1,Opinions -
Driver 2,Team Start Description,Custom Start Description,Aggression
Mercedes,Mercedes,Germany,PSG_10000948,1,11,Traditionalist,Motorsport Giants - Part
of a large company and have been around a long time to build up a winning team and
budget. More traditional
Panther Race Team,Panther,UK,PSG_10001069,2,12,Progressive,"Young Charger - Teams
who are newer to the sport and more progressive,but look to have a strong
Windsor Racing,Windsor,UK,PSG_10001069,3,9,Progressive,Strong Heritage - Private
team focussed on Motorsport who have been fighting in WMC for a long time and built
up good knowledge and a decent team even with financial struggles. Political view
tend to swing based on current financial
Scudería Ferrari,Ferrari,Italy,PSG_10000966,4,15,Traditionalist,Motorsport Giants -
Part of a large company and have been around a long time to build up a winning team
and budget. More traditional
Kitano Sport,Kitano,Japan,PSG_10000969,5,13,Traditionalist,Strong Heritage -
Private team focussed on Motorsport who have been fighting in WMC for a long time
and built up good knowledge and a decent team even with financial struggles.
Political view tend to swing based on current financial
Van Dort Racing,Van Dort,UK,PSG_10001069,6,28,Egalitarian,"Young Charger - Teams
who are newer to the sport and more progressive,but look to have a strong
Rezzato Corsa,Rezzato,Italy,PSG_10000966,7,10,Progressive,"Young Charger - Teams
who are newer to the sport and more progressive,but look to have a strong
Thornton Motorsport,Thornton,UK,PSG_10001069,8,14,Gimmicky,Strong Heritage -
Private team focussed on Motorsport who have been fighting in WMC for a long time
and built up good knowledge and a decent team even with financial struggles.
Political view tend to swing based on current financial
Vélan Racing,Vélan,Switzerland,PSG_10001054,9,22,Traditionalist,"Fallen Giant - A
team who was once a great WMC but due to varying circumstances (Finances, staff
changes, losign drivers) have fallen from the peak of competition or even down into
the lower tiers.",9,1,3,0.625,2,6,1,8,8,7,10,15,78,58,79,PSG_10007843,,0.1
Chariot Motor Group,Chariot,UK,PSG_10001069,10,8,Egalitarian,Young Team - Small
teams who are very new to the sport. A small budget and a struggling team.,10,1,-
Boa Esperança,Boa,Portugal,PSG_10001023,11,16,Traditionalist,"Young Charger - Teams
who are newer to the sport and more progressive,but look to have a strong
MacNeil Racing Team,MacNeil,UnitedStates,PSG_10001070,12,17,Progressive,"Young
Charger - Teams who are newer to the sport and more progressive,but look to have a
strong future.",14,3,4,0.4,2,3,21,0,0,2,3,6,27,64,46,PSG_10007846,,0.8
Espirit GP,Espirit,France,PSG_10000944,13,20,Progressive,Strong Heritage - Private
team focussed on Motorsport who have been fighting in WMC for a long time and built
up good knowledge and a decent team even with financial struggles. Political view
tend to swing based on current financial
MRT Valbuena,Valbuena,Spain,PSG_10001048,14,19,Traditionalist,"Young Charger -
Teams who are newer to the sport and more progressive,but look to have a strong
Team Kirov,Kirov,RussianFederation,PSG_10001026,15,20,Traditionalist,"Fallen Giant
- A team who was once a great WMC but due to varying circumstances (Finances, staff
changes, losign drivers) have fallen from the peak of competition or even down into
the lower tiers.",14,2,4.75,0.35,3,0.6,8,14,3,3,3,6,78,74,2,PSG_10007849,,0.8
Lucatelli Racing,Lucatelli,Italy,PSG_10000966,16,21,Egalitarian,Young Team - Small
teams who are very new to the sport. A small budget and a struggling
Ruiz Motorsport,Ruiz,Mexico,PSG_10000996,17,19,Progressive,"Young Charger - Teams
who are newer to the sport and more progressive,but look to have a strong
Ozu Motor Team,Ozu,Japan,PSG_10000969,18,25,Gimmicky,Young Team - Small teams who
are very new to the sport. A small budget and a struggling team.,18,1,-
Zampelli Engineering,Zampelli,Italy,PSG_10000966,19,19,Traditionalist,Young Team -
Small teams who are very new to the sport. A small budget and a struggling
Krüger Motorsport,Krüger,Germany,PSG_10000948,20,18,Traditionalist,"Fallen Giant -
A team who was once a great WMC but due to varying circumstances (Finances, staff
changes, losign drivers) have fallen from the peak of competition or even down into
the lower tiers.",24,3,4.25,0.45,3,3.2,25,19,8,1,1,2,45,12,41,PSG_10007854,,0.8
Eastwood Motorsport,Eastwood,UK,PSG_10001069,21,24,Egalitarian,Young Team - Small
teams who are very new to the sport. A small budget and a struggling
Garuda Racing,Garuda,India,PSG_10000960,22,19,Progressive,"Young Charger - Teams
who are newer to the sport and more progressive,but look to have a strong
Octane Racing,Octane,Canada,PSG_10000914,23,23,Progressive,"Young Charger - Teams
who are newer to the sport and more progressive,but look to have a strong
Vexala Motorsport,Vexala,Finland,PSG_10000943,24,24,Traditionalist,"Fallen Giant -
A team who was once a great WMC but due to varying circumstances (Finances, staff
changes, losign drivers) have fallen from the peak of competition or even down into
the lower tiers.",23,2,3,0.225,1,0.8,19,0,1,1,1,4,85,81,50,PSG_10007858,,0.2
Firebird MRT,Firebird,RussianFederation,PSG_10001026,25,20,Traditionalist,Young
Team - Small teams who are very new to the sport. A small budget and a struggling
Silva Racing,Silva,Brazil,PSG_10000906,26,16,Egalitarian,Young Team - Small teams
who are very new to the sport. A small budget and a struggling
Dragon Race Team China,Dragon,China,PSG_10000920,27,18,Progressive,"Young Charger -
Teams who are newer to the sport and more progressive,but look to have a strong
Predator Racing Group,Predator,Australia,PSG_10000891,28,25,Gimmicky,Young Team -
Small teams who are very new to the sport. A small budget and a struggling
ZRT Autosport,ZRT,UnitedStates,PSG_10001070,29,19,Traditionalist,"Young Charger -
Teams who are newer to the sport and more progressive,but look to have a strong
Archer BMR,Archer,UK,PSG_10001069,30,20,Egalitarian,Young Team - Small teams who
are very new to the sport. A small budget and a struggling
Hammer AMR,Hammer,UnitedStates,PSG_10001070,31,60,Traditionalist,Motorsport Giants
- Part of a large company and have been around a long time to build up a winning
team and budget. More traditional
Spartan MRT,Spartan,UK,PSG_10001069,32,63,Traditionalist,"Young Charger - Teams who
are newer to the sport and more progressive,but look to have a strong
Otsuno Racing,Otsuno,Japan,PSG_10000969,33,57,Progressive,Strong Heritage - Private
team focussed on Motorsport who have been fighting in WMC for a long time and built
up good knowledge and a decent team even with financial struggles. Political view
tend to swing based on current financial
Oranje GT,Oranje,Netherlands,PSG_10001007,34,67,Traditionalist,Motorsport Giants -
Part of a large company and have been around a long time to build up a winning team
and budget. More traditional
Wolfhagen Racing,Wolfhagen,Germany,PSG_10000948,35,61,Progressive,Strong Heritage -
Private team focussed on Motorsport who have been fighting in WMC for a long time
and built up good knowledge and a decent team even with financial struggles.
Political view tend to swing based on current financial
Lockhart Motorsport,Lockhart,UnitedStates,PSG_10001070,36,64,Egalitarian,"Young
Charger - Teams who are newer to the sport and more progressive,but look to have a
strong future.",35,2,0.65,,2,0.6,5,4,2,5,8,11,61,71,91,PSG_10011431,,0.1
Toruń GT,Toruń,Poland,PSG_10001022,37,58,Progressive,"Young Charger - Teams who are
newer to the sport and more progressive,but look to have a strong
Dogtooth Lake Motor Group,DT Lake,Canada,PSG_10000914,38,66,Gimmicky,Strong
Heritage - Private team focussed on Motorsport who have been fighting in WMC for a
long time and built up good knowledge and a decent team even with financial
struggles. Political view tend to swing based on current financial
Oberhof Racing Team,Oberhof,Germany,PSG_10000948,39,68,Gimmicky,"Fallen Giant - A
team who was once a great WMC but due to varying circumstances (Finances, staff
changes, losign drivers) have fallen from the peak of competition or even down into
the lower tiers.",41,2,0.55,,1,1.2,1,8,5,7,10,15,78,58,79,PSG_10011434,,0.1
Vittorio Corsa,Vittorio,Italy,PSG_10000966,40,59,Egalitarian,Young Team - Small
teams who are very new to the sport. A small budget and a struggling
Skanström GT,Skanström,Sweden,PSG_10001053,41,72,Traditionalist,"Young Charger -
Teams who are newer to the sport and more progressive,but look to have a strong
Team Nordhagen,Nordhagen,Norway,PSG_10001013,42,57,Progressive,"Young Charger -
Teams who are newer to the sport and more progressive,but look to have a strong
Grand Slam Autosport,Grand Slam,Belgium,PSG_10000899,43,68,Progressive,Strong
Heritage - Private team focussed on Motorsport who have been fighting in WMC for a
long time and built up good knowledge and a decent team even with financial
struggles. Political view tend to swing based on current financial
Nakata Performance,Nakata,Japan,PSG_10000969,44,73,Egalitarian,"Young Charger -
Teams who are newer to the sport and more progressive,but look to have a strong
Marshall GT,Marshall,UK,PSG_10001069,45,69,Traditionalist,"Fallen Giant - A team
who was once a great WMC but due to varying circumstances (Finances, staff changes,
losign drivers) have fallen from the peak of competition or even down into the
lower tiers.",47,2,0.35,,1,0.5,8,4,0,3,3,6,78,74,2,PSG_10011421,,0.8
Orléans AMR,Orléans,France,PSG_10000944,46,61,Egalitarian,Young Team - Small teams
who are very new to the sport. A small budget and a struggling
Yuma Race Team,Yuma,UnitedStates,PSG_10001070,47,70,Progressive,"Young Charger -
Teams who are newer to the sport and more progressive,but look to have a strong
Magyar Engineering,Magyar,Hungary,PSG_10000958,48,58,Gimmicky,Young Team - Small
teams who are very new to the sport. A small budget and a struggling
Nicholson Racing,Nicholson,UnitedStates,PSG_10001070,49,65,Traditionalist,Young
Team - Small teams who are very new to the sport. A small budget and a struggling
Oakham MRT,Oakham,UK,PSG_10001069,50,60,Gimmicky,"Fallen Giant - A team who was
once a great WMC but due to varying circumstances (Finances, staff changes, losign
drivers) have fallen from the peak of competition or even down into the lower
Pamplona Racing,Pamplona,Spain,PSG_10001048,51,88,Traditionalist,"Young Charger -
Teams who are newer to the sport and more progressive,but look to have a strong
Shimizu Boom,Shimizu,Japan,PSG_10000969,52,84,Progressive,"Young Charger - Teams
who are newer to the sport and more progressive,but look to have a strong
Bexbach Sport,Bexbach,Germany,PSG_10000948,53,81,Traditionalist,Strong Heritage -
Private team focussed on Motorsport who have been fighting in WMC for a long time
and built up good knowledge and a decent team even with financial struggles.
Political view tend to swing based on current financial
Montpellier Motorsport,Montpellier,France,PSG_10000944,54,87,Progressive,"Young
Charger - Teams who are newer to the sport and more progressive,but look to have a
strong future.",54,1,0.35,,4,2.4,13,9,10,1,1,4,71,68,77,PSG_10012950,,0.55
Equipe Milesse,Milesse,France,PSG_10000944,55,85,Egalitarian,"Fallen Giant - A team
who was once a great WMC but due to varying circumstances (Finances, staff changes,
losign drivers) have fallen from the peak of competition or even down into the
lower tiers.",57,2,0.375,,1,3.2,8,4,0,3,3,6,78,74,2,PSG_10012952,,0.4
Lancaster Performance,Lancaster,UK,PSG_10001069,56,80,Gimmicky,Young Team - Small
teams who are very new to the sport. A small budget and a struggling
Kandersteg EP,Kandersteg,Switzerland,PSG_10001054,57,81,Egalitarian,"Young Charger
- Teams who are newer to the sport and more progressive,but look to have a strong
Tony Zang Motorsport,Tony Zang,China,PSG_10000920,58,91,Gimmicky,Young Team - Small
teams who are very new to the sport. A small budget and a struggling
Russian Oil Racing,Russian
Oil,RussianFederation,PSG_10001026,59,79,Traditionalist,Young Team - Small teams
who are very new to the sport. A small budget and a struggling
Sangju Tigers,Sangju,SouthKorea,PSG_10001046,60,90,Gimmicky,"Fallen Giant - A team
who was once a great WMC but due to varying circumstances (Finances, staff changes,
losign drivers) have fallen from the peak of competition or even down into the
lower tiers.",60,1,0.1,,2,1.4,1,18,5,1,1,2,45,12,41,PSG_10012957,,0.6
Le Roux Compétition,Le Roux,France,PSG_10000944,61,89,Traditionalist,Young Team -
Small teams who are very new to the sport. A small budget and a struggling
Lampang Endurance,Lampang,Thailand,PSG_10001058,62,86,Progressive,"Fallen Giant - A
team who was once a great WMC but due to varying circumstances (Finances, staff
changes, losign drivers) have fallen from the peak of competition or even down into
the lower tiers.",62,2,0.2,,1,6.5,1,16,5,1,1,2,45,12,41,PSG_10012959,,0.1

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