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SYM SCI 2020-21



MADHAV: Good morning esteemed judges, respected teachers and my dear participants
today we are going to present before you our power point presentation on the topic industry
innovation and infrastructure. But today we are focusing mainly on the topic INNOVATION
and a little bit info about industries.

But first let me introduce you to the most trendy and well known AI of the modern world
ALEXA. Thank you so much Alexa. Before starting today’s presentation let us go through
our agenda for today.

Now lets come over to quite an interesting topic: industries, about which my team mate
sidharth jain will tell you about:

Sidharth: Good morning everyone before coming to the main topic lets discuss what an
industry is ?
An industry can be defined as a group of companies that are related based on their primary
business activities.

Now let us talk about the growth of industries throughout humankind. First let’s come over to
Industry 1.0

In the 1800s, water- and steam-powered machines were developed to aid workers. As production
capabilities increased, business also grew from individual cottage owners taking care of their own.

Dhruv: By the beginning of the 20th century, electricity became the primary source of power. It was
easier to use than water and steam and enabled businesses to concentrate power sources to individual
machines.This period also saw the development of a number of management programs that made it
possible to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of manufacturing facilities

In the last few decades of the 20th century, the invention and manufacture of electronic
devices, made it possible to more fully automate individual machines to supplement or
replace operators. This period also spawned the development of software systems to capitalize
on the electronic hardware

Sidharth: Industry 4.0 presupposes integration of manufacturing automation and data

exchange to encourage innovations and smart factory. Such factories will be controlled by a
virtual production line that runs systems and monitors and completes their physical processes

Madhav: Now lets move over to the heart of our Power point presentation innovation. To
understand innovation better here’s short video that you’ll like. Why do we need innovation?
One of the major benefits of innovation is its contribution to economic growth. Simply put,
innovation can lead to higher productivity, meaning that the same input generates a greater
output. As productivity rises, more goods and services are produced – in other words, the
economy grows.
Humankind has dedicated its whole life in inventing essentials in every field imaginable. One
of the greatest innovations known was the invention of Artifical Intelligence.

In computer science, artificial intelligence (AI), sometimes called machine intelligence,

is intelligence demonstrated by machines,

Artificial Intelligence as a Revolution of Innovation

A further step towards the development of modern AI was the creation of The Logic Theorist.
Designed by Newell and Simon in 1955 it may be considered the first AI program. The
person who finally coined the term artificial intelligence and is regarded as the father of AI is
John McCarthy.

Sidharth: Now let’s talk about the first robot EVER to get the citizenship of UAE everybody
knows her name its SOPHIA THE HUMANOID

Sophia is a social humanoid robot developed by Hong Kong-based company Hanson

Robotics. Sophia was first turned on February 14, 2016

Lets hear it from Sophia now can you tell us about some of your functions? That’s not it she
can also

Dhruv: Now let us introduce you all to the most trending ai of the modern world and you’ve
all met her already she is ALEXA Amazon Alexa, also known simply as Alexa, is a virtual
assistant AI technology developed by Amazon,
It is capable of voice interaction, music playback, making to-do lists,etc.
NOW LETS see how she worksAlexa,
what is the value of π ?
Alexa, how far is Christmas?
Alexa, tell me a joke
Alexa, where is the nearest bank?

Madhav:- Now-a-days the world is developing very fast and machines have started to replace
human beings an appropriate example of this is the creation of the “floating” robot HEAD
named CIMON which stands for Crew Interactive MObile CompanioN. CIMON (Crew
Interactive MObile CompanioN) is the first form of artificial intelligence on an
International Space Station mission CIMON–the AI-powered crew companion


• First Robot to go to space

• First Robot to be a crew member of any project

• One of the biggest invention in field of Astronomy

and by NASA

Coming over to the main topic of the day SDG9 so what is SDG9 Industry, Innovation and
Infrastructure. Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable
industrialization and foster innovation.


The device is modelled after the character of Professor Simon Wright, "the flying brain,"
from the anime series Captain Future.

In the 1960s, researchers emphasized developing algorithms to solve mathematical problems

and geometrical theorems. In the late 1960s, computer scientists worked on Machine Vision
Learning and developing machine learning in robots. WABOT-1, the first 'intelligent'
humanoid robot, was built in Japan in 1972.

The four different types of innovation mentioned here – Incremental, Disruptive,

Architectural and Radical


SO IN CONCLUSION I WOULD LIKE TO SAY THAT We live in the era of constant

transformations. Ability to be flexible and agile is one of the key qualities for success.
Product and process innovation have been altering manufacturing already for decades.
It goes without saying that the future will witness even more breathtaking technological
disruptions, as research around nanotechnology and analytics start to impact
numerous manufacturing applications. THANK YOU…

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