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From: juliana.vanegas.2006@gmail.



Sent: Monday, March 4, 2020 at 10:30 am

Dear friend

How are you? How has this quarantine been for you? and the virtual classes, how are you? I have to
admit that I did not like the idea of being on a computer all day long, also not being able to go out is
making me a little crazy; however, I liked sharing this time with my family. However, it is something
that all of us must fulfill.

Otherwise the virtual classes for me have been horrible since it is not the same and I hardly learn
what is due, simply some teachers do not understand what they are talking about they just put and
put topics for us to practice but this is not it serves no purpose it just stresses the students.
Hopefully this will be over soon, don't you think?

I hope you are perfectly and also that you manage to meet these virtual classes so distressing for
many, I send you a giant hug and a kiss.


Juliana Vanegas

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