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Name: María Teresita Cadena Hernández
Grade: 1106
Teacher: Leonardo Garavito
• My history with technology in covid
■ At the beginning of all this pandemic I thought it would be a
very long vacation but I did not count on having virtual
classes, when we started to communicate by WhatsApp, I had a
very old computer which had no camera and no sound I
thought that since it served to do homework would be very
good, it was very stressful because some teachers sent the work
by Edmodo and others by Classroom was very complicated to
be aware of the two platforms and besides that my sister
worked on the computer so I had to share and adjust my time
according to hers.
■ Some teachers began to dictate class by different means such as
Zoom or Google Meet, sometimes we did not know what day we
had class and what classes, but everything began to change, thanks
to practice and being orderly I mean that we were starting to get
used to and to look at the applications and have communication
with some teachers through the course director, I had to change my
computer, those days without the computer were very complicated
because it was very difficult to work on the cell phone, then we
were told that the computer was very expensive to fix, so I bought
a laptop with my savings, I could improve the quality of my studies
and to leave the room where the computer was because it was
something that frustrated me to be all day in a room doing nothing,
now I can study wherever I want and not feel so alone, so
■ many good things happened, I was able to share a lot of time
with my family, especially with my sister and my dad, and
despite everything I could spend another school year, I could
learn more about technology, change computers and learn new
apps like edmodo and classroom, this year 2021 last school
year I did not think it would be virtual, I thought it would be
face to face, that I would be with my friends, that everything
would be easier, but life changes from one moment to another,
we started this year with the right foot, we already have a fixed
platform where all teachers assign us tasks and give us a
schedule of classes and we no longer have the same problems
that there are different apps and we did not know the class
schedules but now everything is much simpler.
■ in the middle of the year 2020 teams was used but some
teachers used Zoom so there was no order as there is today,
today each teacher dictates his class and sometimes leaves a
task regarding the subject sometimes you let yourself
accumulate many jobs and it is more difficult because while
you do one and you leave two new jobs, so I always try to do
the ones that are due faster so you can go out a little at a time,
Sometimes it is very complicated to understand a subject
because it takes a lot of time and attention, and personally I am
someone who can not be so concentrated but I have improved I
always try to be focused in class, personally I think that this
pandemic has left many lessons and I feel that if we need to see
each other and study together.
■ in conclusion I think that if I have learned in these classes,
virtual, I am very happy that the school is organized and
structured for the virtual classes both for the progressive
return, my family has been at first as all somewhat stressed out
by what is going to happen, my sister is already working in
person, and everything is slowly returning to normal, I hope
we can go back and graduate and share the last year with all
teachers and colleagues, and hopefully we can all pass this
grade and go out and fulfill our dreams, it was complicated and
unexpected but everything is already improving and I think we
are all proud of everything we have done these two years since
no one was ready for these times.

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