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1. Interview Science Teacher....

Primarily, this question was answered by a Science teacher. Otherwise, in accordance to the
query, what science lesson objectives that they are able to pursue successfully? And Why?

In her statement, "First, our target as a Science teacher was to insert not only knowledge but
understanding ,and expanding the students imagination because science has a broad topic or
scopes. Actually, The objectives I've able to pursue successfully was , students were able to
describe all the things surrounding them and also duplicate the tackled lessons.. In specific way,
for example, our lesson is all about earth sciences-let's say Earthquake and movement of plate
tectonics. Well, describing includes students capability to understand and familiarize the topic;
the fact that Earthquake and movement of Plate Tectonics is happening in our world. And yet, if
students might understand and describe those, they will not rely on cultural beliefs about
Earthquake. Therefore, students might be enlightened through their imaginations. And that was
a big pleasure for me on my profession and I've pursue it so well."

2. Reflect on your own exp......

Our world was filled with modern discoveries, technologies, and spectacular dimensions of
Technology products. I can say that young people right now were already exposed to it and; in
my own observation, most of them wasn't able to do their homework job. Now the question is,
were you able to develop values that you consider worthwhile for the young? Why or why not?
Honestly, I will. It's not a matter of being persona nan grata for the future but to clearly restore
the good values that we have done before. How will you develop? As a student, we know that
it's really hard to develop values due to its nurturing processes. Nevertheless, I can develop
through going back to the good values and practices we had before because if I start developing
on my self , I might be a model for the young. Maybe I can influence others through this.
3. Comment on objectives.....Are the measurable?

The descriptions of objectives that had been given was not measurable. To develop
understanding and appreciation has no limitation, it could be deep, deeper and deepest
understanding and so on. Even if it's not measurable, it could be seen and observable to
students. Goals help people know what is expected of them and also helps people identify the
resources they'll need to reach the goals. Goals also make it possible to quantify the results and
ascertain the extent to which the goals have been successfully achieved. However, non-
measurable goals are vague and often result in the inability to identify successful
delivery.Therefore, Many worthy goals might be non-measurable. Because some goals are not
quantifiable does not automatically make them less valuable; it just makes it harder to
determine the level of success.

4. Rank the .....

I presented my objectives of science teaching to the science teacher. Then she agreed with it. In
my own Ranking, this will be the order:

The aims of the teaching and study of sciences are to encourage and enable students to:

 develop inquiring minds and curiosity about science and the natural world
 acquire knowledge, conceptual understanding and skills to solve problems and make
informed decisions in scientific and other contexts
 develop skills of scientific inquiry to design and carry out scientific investigations and
evaluate scientific evidence to draw conclusions
 communicate scientific ideas, arguments and practical experiences accurately in a
variety of ways
 think analytically, critically and creatively to solve problems, judge arguments and make
decisions in scientific and other contexts
5. Of the 5....

Out of the five Goals, the easiest to achieve is the first one, upon presenting science lesson,
hopefully students will eager to think and build inquiry and curiosity; that will be depends on
the motivation and strategies I may be use.Yet I believe that each students has the "art of
questioning " in order for them to open their flexible mind.

While the most difficult one is the Goal no. 2 where students acquire knowledge, conceptual
understanding and skills. This goal is non measurable and we can say if they probably learn or
not. Yet as a teacher we can insert knowledge to them but the students has a memory
limitations. We don't know if they gain all the lessons that had been discussed.

6. Why there are less students....

That's a good question, why there are less students that pursue science carriers than social
sciences? As I know, Science is the reservoir of Social Science wherein Science is a knowledge
based while Social Science is basically a social based. In my own experience, honestly, I can say
that science is quite boring career due to its depth topic and lessons. This might be the reason
why there are less students who enters science careers. I can't say that science is more difficult
than social science, it depends on the students ability and competency. All of those matters was
basically based on interests of the students. As an observation, students have chosen social
sciences due to its topic features where it concerns of Social issues, communication, history and
more.As of now, students are extrovert and extrinsically motivated.

7. Why should science inclined....

First, as I said in item no. 6 that Science is the reservoir of Social Science, now, the social
science of well-being should further acknowledge the significance of social life — the ways in
which humans interact with and support each other and their institutions — and how the
features of social life are critically important for subjective well-being. Why do we need to
develop desirable values? Our values are important because they help us to grow and develop.
They help us to create the future we want to experience. Every individual and every
organisation is involved in making hundreds of decisions every day. The decisions we make are
a reflection of our values and beliefs, and they are always directed towards a specific purpose.
That purpose is the satisfaction of our individual or collective (organisational) needs. There are
disciplines of sciences which includes ethics and norms, if we don't develop this, we are not
applying or inclined in sciences.

8. In order to become.....

As a scientist, humility is so much important not only for science inclination but as human
being. Humility can be practiced by everyone in the workplace. Its presence makes for a more
harmonious and collaborative work environment because people feel they can share their ideas
without fear of being “one-upped” or put down. For example, if you are not humble as their
science teacher, students has no freedom to give ideas and of course they will experience fear
because you are corrupting their confidence to recite. If so, humility is to be equal to others;
not above or below them. Humility is also to be compassionate, patient, calm and to recognize
that you are a part of the force that created all things and I assure that if you are humble then
your students learns to respect you in your position.

9. How do you model.....

In my every day life, I am employing the ability of science through observing, classifying,
communicating, interfering, measuring and predicting. We can't deny the fact that those are
interrelated with our senses. Observation, is the most basic skill in science. Observations are
made by using the 5 senses. Good observations are essential in learning the other science
process skills. Communicating is important to be able to share our experiences. This can be
done with graphs, diagrams, maps, and spoken word. Classifying, after making observations it is
important to notice similarities, differences, and group objects according to a purpose. It is
important to create order to help comprehend the number of objects, events, and living things
in the world. Interfering is an inference is an explanation based on an observation. It is a link
between what is observed and what is already known. Measuring is important in collecting,
comparing, and interpretting data. It helps us classify and communicate with others. The
metric system should be used to help understand the scientific world. And Lastly, Predicting
what do you think will happen? It is an educated guess based on good observations and
inferrences about an observed event or prior knowledge.

10. Why there are great.....

Practically, there are many countries that had been considered as developed country. What
makes them fully developed? It's because science and technologies. United States, China, Japan
and Singapore etc. are the most accurate and developed country through modern technologies.
They continue to research and make any inventions for them to find easiest way, for example,
in economy, they produce machines for them to produce more goods, they make robots or AI
controlled appliances. Moreover. these are great nation in terms of Science and technologies
because people believe that science and technology might be a great help to them to achieve
better lifestyle, economy and etc.

However, there are countries which are not great in Science and technology because they
focuses on other fields such as manual lifestyle, simple agriculture like manual farming and also
they have lack of resources and Facilities in Research. Not like just First World Country that they
continue focusing on developing their nations through Science and Technology.

But, there are countries that had already left behind just like Mid Africa, North Korea and etc.
These countries are considered as poor country because they have lack of resources and they
are living with the control of their culture.

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