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‫جامعة الطفيلة التقنية‬

‫كلية الهندسة – الهندسة المدنية‬

‫م‪.‬الطرق والمرور‬

‫د ‪ .‬محمد نور المرافي‬
It is often required to know the specific gravity of straight run
and cut-back bitumen for purposes of calculating rates of
spread, asphaltic concrete mix properties, etc.
The standard specific gravity test is carried out at a temp of
25c, but in some cases the specific gravity at elevated temp’s is
required .

1- A standard pycnometer
2- Constant temperature water bath
3- 600 ml glass beaker

a) the clean dry pycnometer complete with stopper , should be

weighed , we call that reading A .
b) a 600 ml glass beaker should be partly filled with freshly
boiled distilled water which has been allowed to cool , the
beaker should then be immersed to depth of at least 100mm in
a water bath which is maintained at the required temp , for a
period of at least 30 min
c) the weighed pycnometer should then be filled with the water
and the stopper placed loosely in position , taking care to expel
all the air from the pycnometer , the pycnometer should then
be submerged in the beaker of water to a depth above the
stopper of at least 40mm and the stopper firmly pushed into
position they must remain for at least 30 min ,after which the
pycnometer is removed then dried with a cloth , prior to
weighing , weight B
d) the pycnometer is then filled about three quarters full with
asphalt , the pycnometer is rolled at an angle to extract all air
bubbles and left to cool for 40 min , after which the weight is
determined , weight C

e)the pycnometer is then topped up with water and stopper

loosely placed in position , then submerged in the beaker of
water at depth above the stopper of 40mm , they must remain
in the water bath for 30 min, we dry the outside before
weighing , weight D
The specific gravity of the asphalt is given by

S.G = (C-A)/(B-A)-(D-C)

A = 16.911 .. B = 41.67 .. C = 36.52 .. D = 43.49

S.G = 1.1023

This sample did not meet the required asphalt S.G range
which is between (1.01-1.03) , another test is followed
through to take a an average result .

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