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Aside from the pandemic, the world is battling with issues that provoke the most

polarizing public debates –on views of race and inequality –violent death of black
people, deprivation of rights for rainbow community, and the subjective superiority of
religious groups compared to others. Herewith, being part of University Mobility in Asia
and the Pacific – Collaborative Online International Learning (UMAP-COIL) 2020 will
help strengthen knowledge on diversity (i.e. having extensive intercultural
understanding), to develop communication and leadership skills, and to share relevant
information and experiences to other people.

Issues around the world cover a wide and vague discussion, given that these
affairs remain taboo amidst the dominion of socio-political crisis, it is better to be
knowledgeable first as the other steps follow after it. UMAP-COIL 2020 will give
opportunity to students surpass horizon and learn variety of things from multicultural
people. Moreover, this program will provide discussions about the culture, tradition, and
beliefs of various races, not just through research but also by getting the information
from the people first handedly. According to the chairperson of UMAP, Dr. Sumate
Yamnun (2016), since its inception, UMAP has progressed and provided opportunities
to students and staff to develop and broaden their perspectives through cross-border
mobility programs and a collaboration network in the Asia-Pacific region and beyond.
Lastly, this program will help delegates to unleash and flourish even their own culture
relativist self so they can be well prepared in entering the global arena.

Along with this, experiencing this online learning can ameliorate the
communication skills for students who have problem with it. Having the chance to
interact with people who do not share the same beliefs will produce a crucial
development, not just through certain abilities but also to the person conversing with.
Thus, more compassion and empathy to other people will also be enhanced.
Furthermore, this online class will push attendees to do better and hone leadership
through working with multicultural and multinational students. This chance would allow
students to maximize their efficiency as a leader in accomplishing goals in life.

Lastly, to be able to share experiences to people and educate about the

importance of having intercultural understanding. This knowledge would not only be a
one step closer in fixing socio-political issues of the world, but it would give hope and
respect to humanity. TARAY HAHAHAHA (tanggalin mo pula HAHAHHA)

Conflict and misunderstanding may arise on discovering and making progress to

skills and abilities especially when it comes to cultural sensitivity, due to diversity. One
can argue that the world’s problem with these issues is needed to be addressed, and
one way to assess this is by starting to make small steps, like having this program.
Nevertheless, UMAP- COIL 2020 will definitely create and produce globally competitive
students as this online learning will help to discover full potential in various aspects, and
surely, the youths will take their part to contribute to these issues.

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