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Alyssa Collins

EDU 299

Professor Wycoff

12 June 2020

Praxis Core Analysis

We have to take the Praxis Core Exam to be accepting into the teaching program because

they need to make sure that we are ready. The Praxis Core Exam will let instructors know that

we have successfully learned the basics that we need to know. To pass the exam we must score a

150 in math, a 162 in writing, and a 156 in reading.

I studied for this exam before taking it. I went onto the Khan Academy website and did

practice tests. I even set up a practice test schedule. I also have Praxis Core study books that have

been helping me. I am almost done at CSN and will be transferring to UNLV or NSC and would

like to get the best score possible on this exam. I did look over exam requirements before taking

the test. I have not read a lot about the exam, but I am preparing myself in the best way that I

know I can. I have people in my life that are teachers now that will also help me study for this

exam. I have not studied as much as I should be doing. I feel that finishing my summer semester

is important and I need to finish this first.

In Reading, I scored 39%. I have never been very successful in reading and

comprehending things. Some of the passages were a little tough to understand. Since I do have a

study book, I am hoping that this will help me understand some of the questions that are being

asked. If I do not study more for the reading portion then I will not pass this exam. In Writing, I

scored 73%. This is borderline for passing. I was surprised that I scored this high on this portion.
I do not think that my writing is excellent but more mediocre. One of the study books that I have

is a grammar and punctuation book. This will help me score higher on more practice tests that I

take and the Praxis Core Exam. In Math, I scored 65%. This score needs improvement, but itis a

score that I expected. Some of the questions were a little difficult. I have already taken Math 120

and I remembered some of the things from there, but a lot of the questions I have seen since high

school. The study book that I am using has practice tests in them, which include full math tests. I

will use these to help me.

To study further for the exam, I am going to dedicate myself to this exam once my

summer classes are over. I find it difficult to complete 4- week courses and study for a huge

exam. I want my mind to be fully focused on the exam. I will continue to use the practice tests on

any websites that I can find. I would like to get as much practice before I have to take the exam. I

only want to take the exam once, so I am going to try my best and use every single resource


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