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466 T H E J O U R N A L OF I N D U S T R I A L A N E E N G I N E E R I N G C H E M I S T R Y .

July, 1911

of the black pearlitic areas in the direction in which posed to be well understood and fully inquired into,
the punch was driven through the plate. The depth but the true state of the matter is that there is as yet
of distortion depends upon the thickness of the plate insufficient data available of a nature to determine
and the size (also the sharpness) of the punch; it can definitely the actual agencies which perform the
easily be measured, and i t has been found t h a t for a function of sizing paper, in confirmation of which be
three-fourth inch hole in a three-quarter inch plate, it said that the question has but to be raised to a t
about one-tenth inch increase of diameter of hole b y once introduce a variety of argument and diverse
reaming is necessary to remove all affected material. opinions.
Fig. 32 is a section of a steel casting cut by the Since the publication of Dr. Wurster’s treatise on
oxyhydrogen blowpipe. Passing inward from the rosin-alum sizing in 1878, our knowledge of chemistry,
cut edge, we note the burnt or oxidized portion in the relating to paper-making, has largely increased, and
blurred part immediately adjacent ; next the enlarged it is the object of the authors of the present paper to
grain of the overheated but not burnt area; then endeavor to summarize the present position of the
through a graduation of grain size t o the normal science, by setting out the results of recent exhaustive
structure of the interior. This method seems a t first researches, in company with a complete criticism of
sight to have a very detrimental effect, but is in data thereby accumulated, more particularly in con-
reality slight, since measurement shows a depth of nection with the various points concerning rosin
affected material of only four- or five-hundredths of sizing, which have long occupied the attention of
an inch. paper-makers, and paper mill chemists generally.
Numerous other instances might be cited of the I n turning to consider the present time work and
usefulness of the microscope. It has materially views of leading chemists dealing with the science of
assisted in the determinatibn of the nature of the paper-making, the question which presents itself a t
various zinc coatings for the protection of iron sur- the outset is the selection of a fitting subject-material,
faces, and we are trying it out in the study of the but it is obvious that in a treatise of this description
progression of rusting on metal specimens. the essential contents will imply so much of chemistry
But it will be necessary to conclude with a comment as is indispensable for the practical investigation,
on the probabilities of the future. While the great particular stress being laid upon the cooperation of
field of application of metallographic study has the practical and theoretical issues, which in the past
naturally been t o the metals and alloys, there is every have remained more or less independent one of the
reason to expect extension of its scope to allied lines, other.
such as the examination of complex ores and slags, In viewing a scheme of this character it becomes
t o ceramic materials and perhaps t o coal and coke. clear that in the theoretical treatment of the chemical
I n all of these instances we find good and poor ma- processes, which in many ways constitutes the most
terials of identical analysis; the probability is that the important part of the problem, the chief considera-
interrelations of the constituents are different. An tions are: firstly, the composition and properties of
interesting application along this line has just been the actual sizing agents (i. e . , the products of inter-
pointed out in the use of microscopic examination to action between rosin size and alum and auxiliary
detect iron blast-furnace slags which are suitable, or precipitants) ; secondly, their relationship to cellulose
otherwise, as a raw material for Portland cement. itself.
That vitrification which is essential in the proper slags The present generally accepted theory of sizing
is brought out very neatly. action assumes that on the addition of alum the
Finally we may look t o improvement in the micro- following reactions take place:
scope itself. We are a t present restricted to the (a) (Normal action with theoretical alum.)
study of the heterogeneous structure revealed b y
ordinary reflected light. The petrographer has the
3Ka2C44H,20, + A1Z(S04)3 =
3Na2S04 + Alz(C44Hez05)s-
advantage of being able to use transparent sections
and polarized light, and in consequence can determine Since, however, the quantity used in the mill is much
the crystal systems of the constituents of the rock greater than this proportion, the excess is supposed
under examination. When suitable apparatus is to decompose the neutral resinate of alumina with
perfected (it is now being developed) to enable us to liberation of the free acid, according to the following
determine the crystal of the constituents of a n equation :
opaque specimen by reflected light, then the metallo- (b) A1Z(c44H8205)3 + A12(S04)3 + ~HzO
graphic microscope will have a materially enlarged Free resin “acid.” +
3C4,He40, A12(A120s)(S04)3.
scope of application and utility. Basic sulphate of alumina.
XORTHERN LABORATORIES, To proceed, Dr. Wurster, from the results of his
original experimental work, took exception t o the
____-_ then current view (which it may be remarked has
THE SIZING OF PAPER WITH ROSIN COMPOUNDS. till now remained unsettled) that the actual sizing
B Y J STEWART REMIXGTON. DOUGLAS A. BOWACK AND PERCY DAVIDSON. agent is a resinate of alumina, formed as above rep-
Received April 10, 1911 resented, and asserted that the free rosin acids were
The sizing of paper, from the standpoint of the the active sizing agents. He drew his conclusions
chemist, is a problem which is not uncommonly sup- from the results he obtained by extracting rosin-sized
July, 1911 T H E J O U R N A L OF I N D U S T R I A L A N D E N G I N E E R I N G C H E M I S T R Y . 467

paper with ether and other solvents, the residue, and rapidly washed with water, until the washings no
after evaporation, being almost entirely composed longer contain salts of sulphuric acid.
of free rosin acids. He also found the alumina in the The air-dried substance has the approximate com-
paper before and after extraction to be the same in position (mean result of twenty-five determinations),
amount. “ A12(C,4HE206) 3.”
Again, as recently as February, 1907,in The 1Vorld’s
Paper Trade Reziew, Mr. Edward F. Moody made the 1.000 grams of anhydrous alumina resinate gave
following statement in a n article on the same sub- 0 . 0 4 j 6 gram alumina, A1,0,.
ject-‘‘ the free rosin being absolutely insoluble in A1,0, = 4. j 6 per cent.
water is a much better sizing agent than the pre- The aluminum derivative of abietic acid,
cipitated and more or less soluble alumine resinate.” A12(C44HE206)3, requires A1,0, = 4.94 per cent.
From a large number of experiments we have found It will be seen from the above results that the
t h a t alumina resinate is very slightly soluble in water figure for the equivalent of alumina in aluminum
at ordinary working temperatures. Mr. Moody further resinate is rather lower than that which theory requires
states t h a t “there is no doubt t h a t a pound of free for aluminum abietate. Although as a general
rosin is as effective as two pounds of alumina resi- statement “ Al,H, ” holds good for aluminum resinate,
nate.” Our results do not coincide with this. i t must be borne in mind t h a t commercial rosin itself
Thus we rapidly reach a fundamental stage in the is a mixture of rosin acids and certain other sub-
principles of sizing with rosin soaps. To take the stances, which are not present in constant proportions
simplest case, What is the best form in which rosin can and have been found on experiment to possess equiv-
be applied? One school teaches us t h a t the free rosin alents varying in a greater degree than that which
is the most valuable constituent of the size-in other has hitherto been supposed. Consequently, the com-
words, the more free rosin the size contains, the better position of the mixture of aluminum resinates pro-
the results obtained, upon which theory the custom duced during the reaction with alum and neutral rosin
has developed of making sizes very rich in free rosin, differs with the type of size used.
sometimes in the form of a n emulsion, containing a n The anhydrous compound aluminum resinate con-
exceedingly high percentage of finely divided free sists of a n amorphous powder: it is of a light buff
rosin particles. On the other hand, some well-known color, resembling rosin, but usually much softer. It
experts maintain that the alum precipitates the size dissolves very readily in cold benzene and chloro-
from its solution, producing a complex mixture con- form, and it is also readily soluble in hot acetic an-
sisting of alumina resinate and free rosin emulsion. hydride, but it is only moderately and sometimes
Again, the use of a considerable excess of alum- partially soluble in oil of turpentine, petroleum, ether,
often more than four times the necessary quantity- acetone, ether and alcohol. The solvent effects of the
is usually recommended. Beyond this important two latter bodies we have dealt with fully, later.
stage, except for the suggestion that the requisite The alumina resinate melts a t 135-140’ C., and
excess has been determined rather b y experience than yields on ignition a mineral ash consisting of alumina,
by theoretical calculations based upon scientific only traces of foreign bases being present.
grounds, nothing more appears t o be known. We propose to show in the following discussion t h a t
Having duly considered the various aspects of this the absence of alumina in the “ether-extract’’ of a
extremely important inquiry, we next approach the rosin-sized paper is not direct evidence in support of
details of our work and conclusions on the subject. the claims brought forward by the exponents of the
Any attempt to investigate this problem b y experi- I ‘ free-rosin acid ” sizing theory. According to
ments conducted on finished sized paper alone is t o Wiirster’s well-known treatise, t o which reference
endeavor t o do, a t least a t this early stage, what is has already been made, i t is the free rosin acids which
almost impossible. Consequently, we have divided are the effective sizing agents. Wurster’s observations
the work of this investigation into three entirely with regard to the extraction and composition of the
distinct sections, viz.: a the theory of the constitution size obtained from paper with various solvents are
and general properties of the active sizing agents; perfectly true, and have been repeatedly confirmed
( b ) their reactions under the influence of varying during the course of this investigation. The con-
conditions in the beating engines, more especially clusions arrived a t , however, are not a t all in accord-
with regard t o their ultimate sizing efficiency; (6) the ance with the outcome of our present and more ex-
behavior of cellulose towards such substances, with panded inquiry. As far as Wurster’s experimental
observations on the deviations from simple additive determinations g o , the conclusions arrived a t are
relations. I n the first place, therefore, we will con- natural and in order, but a new factor must now be
sider the question of the composition and activity of taken into consideration, which is-that both ether
alumina resinate. and alcohol readily cause the decomposition of alumina
In order t o isolate the resinates of alumina, the resinates to take place, even in the bone-dry condition,
neutral brown size is dissolved in luke-warm water, the solvents removing some of the products of dissocia-
diluted to a convenient bulk, and the molecular tion formed during the rearrangement of radicals,
proportion of pure alum, previously dissolved in water, which occurs during what is known as sizing. More-
is gradually added t o the solution. The compound over, i t is t o be remembered that in practice the free
resinates of alumina, which soon separate, are collected rosin already contained in the size used will naturally
468 T H E J O U R N A L OF I N D U S T R I A L A N D E N G I N E E R I N G C H E M I S T R Y . July, 1911

be found in the contents of the preliminary ,ethereal basic alumina is involved. From the results of a large
extract. number of experiments conducted on the precipitation
The results of some experimental determinations of alumina resinate with neutral alum, and also of
concerning the action of solvents on anhydrous alumina excess of alum in various proportions, and further, the
resinate are given in the following table: influence of acids and alkalies, salts and other alums
TABLEI. in these same reactions we have invariably found t h a t
Ether. Alcohol. aluminum resinates exist in more than one form or
per cent, of Per cent, if per cent, of Per cent, condition, and also in Conjunction with cellulose
niumina, A1203,alumina, -41203, alumina, ~ 1 2 % alumina. ~ 1 2 0 3 , itself: hence the observations which we have ad-
in residue. in extract. in residue. in extract.
vanced above, concerning these precipitated mixtures.
1... . . . . 6 01 1.38 5.40 1.71
2. . . . . . . 6.51 1.28 6.92 1.52
Reference has already been made t o the condition of
3.. . . . . . 6.78 1.25 6.40 1.68 the anhydrous alumina resinate which remains when
4....... 7 40 1.33 8.72 1.41 the substance dissolved in ether or alcohol is separated.
5..,,, , . 6.66 1.30 6.62 1.51
I t is evident that some of the sodium resinates con-
Alumina resinate was shaken up in the cold with tained in neutral size are too weak t o react with
excess of ether and allowed to stand for about half a n equivalent dilute solutions of alum, but certain un-
hour. The filtrate was then decanted off and the stable compounds are formed in the presence of t h e
residue dried. The filtrate was in turn evaporated t o slightest excess of this precipitant. I t is in t h e
dryness and both extract substances analyzed for capacity of these two kinds of substances for uniting
alumina. t o form an active homogeneous compound, or rather,
The above preliminary tests led to the quantitative the opportune and consequent effective transforma-
investigation of the amounts in which the two ex- tion of the sodium resinates present into certain
tracts are present, with the results given below: modifications of resinous compounds, t h a t the rea1
TABLE11. secret of the efficient and perfect sizing of paper lies.
Percentage of ash When anhydrous alumina resinate is treated with
Percentage Percentage of -41203 in filtrate cold ether (the same applies in a lesser degree t o
Exp. of residue. of extract. in residue. extract. alcohol) for a considerable time, or even extracted in
1. . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 0 . 1 0 59.90 10.40 1.20
2.. . . . . . . . . . . . 39.40 60.60 9.05 0.67
the ordinary way in a Soxhlet separator for about
3.... . . . 33.50 66 . 5 0 8.41 1 30 half a n hour, i t appears to have undergone an unusual
4.... ... 40.00 60.00 7.41 1.01 process (possibly pre-existent) of dissociation which
5 . . . . . . . . . . . . 34.15 65.85 6.16 1.27
6.... . . . 37.10 62.90 9.22 1.10 may be regarded as caused b y an uncertain distribu-
7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37.35 62.65 8.30 1.41 tion in the first place of the aluminum base between
8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30.00 70.00 9.16 1 .06
the various resin acids present, especially since the
. . . . . 33.3 66.70 10.64 0.30
68 .OO 8 80 1.10 total quantity of the latter is greater than that re-
11. ............ 30.50 69.50 9.53 1.02 quired for neutralization (see Table 11). As regards
12 ..... 35.10 64.90 9.02 0.86
the properties of the residual compound (aluminum
I n dealing with the question of the reaction which resinate) X : the substance is a hard amorphous body.
really does take place between alums and rosin size, I t has no definite melting point, but shrinks and
it cannot be denied t h a t much confusion is liable to darkens a t a temperature above 300' C. This deriv-
arise, inasmuch as it is a matter of great significance, ative does not give the (Liebermann-Storch) reaction,
and of a n intricate and complicated nature, such as is acetic anhydride H,SO,, nor is i t attacked by a n y
rarely encountered in technical investigation. I t of the usual solvents. Further, it is but little affected
has been found during the course of the present in- b y mineral acids. Hot chloroform, how'ever, has the
vestigation, t h a t contrary t o the general belief, prac- peculiar property of causing this new compound t o
tically no free rosin acids are liberated during inter- take the form of a characteristic jelly-like substance.
action with both neutral and excess of alum; that is, I t seems plain that all available evidence points
provided that there are no active foreign bodies to the necessity of recognizing the important part
present, such as other metallic salts, and more espe- played by aluminum resinate during the process of
cially free acid. The last named is a n essential con- sizing paper. With a view to further justifying a new
sideration, seeing that many technical difficulties, for position, in advocating the value of aluminum resinate
instance the discoloration and the deterioration of the as the real sizing agent, the influence on paper of a l l
strength of paper, can primarily be traced t o the un- the existing sizing materials used in connection with
favorable coriditions under which it was sized. Up engine-sizing have been investigated, and the results
to this point we have assumed that all the alumina obtained are in complete harmony with those pre-
molecules attaching themselves t o resin acids are held viously arrived a t .
in the ratio of alumina resinate. I t is equally con- Before turning to the data derived from the various
ceivable, however, t h a t two units of affinity are united paper trials some explanation must be forthcoming
with the resin acids in some cases, and t h a t the alumina t o account for the behavior of solvents during t h e
resinates may not only be formulated on the basis estimation of rosin in paper by the ordinary methods.
of the simplest attachment, but t h a t , in others, where It has long been known that ether alone does not
a higher alumina equivalent in proportion to the resin extract all the resin from paper, and the course in-
acids, is contained a' firmer union of these acids with variably recommended is to acidulate the ether with

either acetic or hydrochloric acid, in order to permit gone a change. The substance itself possesses entirely
of complete extraction. I t has also been noted b y different physical and chemical properties from those
many observers that the partially extracted paper is of the normal alumina resinate, which a t once con-
not altogether absorbent ; in other words, not entirely firms our previous impression, that either a process of
desized. The experimental data collected and sum- condensation has taken place, or that the molecular
marized in the following table goes to show that the relations of the alumina and rosin acids have been
free rosin in paper is not the most important sizing submitted to a rearrangement. The fact that the
agent. The sample papers used for this research change is accompanied by a kind of dissociation of
were manufactured from specially prepared stock, the resin acids is very significant, and is the opening
with a view to distinguishing between the added rosin of an entirely new field of research, on and around
and resinous bodies pre-existing in the pulp furnish the, constitution of resin acids.
df the paper. Moreover, the papers were sized with To resume: we believe that the explanation of many
known quantities of certain market brands of rosin of the vagaries of sizing lies here, and the essential
soaps. sequence is, therefore, to make plain, by means of
TABLEI11 -TABLE OF EXTRACTS SOLVENTETHER data derived from practical experiments and observa-
tions, the full effect of sizing agents under all known
conditions. The details of the sizing of trial sheets
are given in the following table, in condensed form, in
order to render results convenient for the purposes of

Imitation parchment 3 1 66 0 47 HCI 2.13 i7 93

1 The trials are numbered approximately in the order
2 3 1 96 0 36 -4cetic 2 . 3 2 54 40
3 3 1 86 0 35 “ 2.21 84 10 of importance which they occupy in this scheme of
4 3 1 77 0 41 “ 2.18 81 20 classification. The majority of the papers of this
5 3$, 1 87 0 22 “ 2.09 90 00
4 1 85 0 23 HC1 2.08 88 90
series were made from bleached sulphite and soda
Manila insulating 3 1 92 0 27 Acetic 2 . 1 9 89 60 pulp, and subjected, as nearly as possible, to similar
8 3 1 89 0 28 HC1 2.17 87 10 treatment in the beaters. “Neutral size” (column
9 Brown wrapper sized 5 0 22 0 08 (‘ 0.30 73 30
2 ) refers to a solution of sodium resinates, containing
10 3% 0 21 0 08 Acetic 0 . 2 9 72 40
11 7 0 18 0 07 (( 0.27 66 60 no free rosin, while the term “ordinary size” indicates
12 4 0 20 0 09 0.29 69 00 that a stock size, containing about 6-8 per cent. oE
13 3 0 22 0 09 ” 0 31 72 90
14 2 0 19 0 04 HCI 0.23 82 60 free rosin, was used.
15 3 0 20 0 10 “ 0.30 66 60 An explanation of the signs employed in the pre-
ceding table are herewith given:
I n all cases the papers extracted according to the
column showing results with ether alone were only
partially desized and still ink-resisting. Further-
= Extra free beater pulp.
= Extra wet pulp.
more, according to the existing methods of analysis, The following is a brief summary of the chief de-
a certain proportion of the remaining alumina resinates, ductions made from the results of this investigation.
though their functions are destroyed, are left behind. I t is obvious that in making a relative comparison
I t has been shown in the preceding sections, on the of the respective merits of the two sizing agents which
basis of many experimental results, that alumina have in the past been considered of primary im-
resinate exists in more than one form and much in- portance, the part played by “free rosin” can lay no
formation has been collected towards the solution of claim to any particular scientific value. The most
these sizing problems from the behavior of the alumina general conclusion t o be drawn is that nascent alumina
resinate in the nascent state. A careful considera- resinate already fulfils the essential conditions of a true
tion of the facts pointed out in the following dis- size, and that, both theoretically and practically speaking,
cussion will show that these influences may be re- the neutral resinate is a highly effective sizing agent.
garded from two different standpoints, &., that of I n actual practice the reaction is in accordance with
the stable form alumina resinate, and that involving the general rule above stated, the excess of alum re-
the formation of still more complicated compounds. quired being only slight, in order to counteract the
The freshly precipitated or hydrated neutral resi- hardness of the water, and any large excess unneces-
nate of alumina is readily soluble t o a clear solution sary. Further, the excess alum has no effect what-
in the usual solvents. On continued digestion with ever upon the alumina resinate first formed, and the
ether and alcohol, a n extremely interesting and im- idea that alumina is precipitated by the soda of the
portant reaction takes place. I n the cold, no essential rosin soap, when reaction with alum takes place, has
change is noticeable but, on warming, a white flocculent nothing to recommend it. It is true that papers
precipitate gradually settles out, which substance, on made from moderately wet beater stuff possess a
analysis, is found to be identical in composition with natural resistance t o water, and when sized with free
the residue previously obtained by extraction of the rosin in sufficiently large quantity they become hard-
anhydrous alumina resinate, already described. I t sized, solely by virtue of a mechanical surface action
contains a higher molecular proportion of alumina, on the basis of the fact that the heat of the drying
and the resinous components appear to have under- cylinders serves to melt together the small particles
470 T H E J O U R N A L OF I N D U S T R I A L A N D E N G I N E E R I N G C H E M I S T R Y . July, 1911

Material used. N


GI t
1 Unbleached Neutral size 3% Chemical equiva- .4lumina resinate Very hard 410
soda lent
2 4 %% 450 Excellent surface
3 Bleached soda* 5% Extra hard Over
4 5% Hard 205
5 Unbleached 3% Medium 45
6 5% 55
7 Bleached soda 5% Slight excess Hard 200
8 Unbleached 5% .Medium to 120 Loaded with kaolin
sulphite hard
9 6% Hard 220 Excellent surface
10 3% Large excess Medium 35
11 1 5% 45
12 Ordinary size 3% Chemical equiva. Alumina resin and 30
lent free rosin 30
13 Unbleached 5% Slight excess Alumina resinate Hard 110 Good surface
sulphite and free rosin
14 12% Large excess 165 Sizing properties are
not entirely rela-
tive t o quantity
15 Neutral Aluminum h y 3 70 Chemical equiva- Not sized 2
&ate lent
16 5% C'*
17 57 0 Excess I'*
18 Nil 3% Nil ri* 1
19 Ordinary size 6% ,'* 4
20 Neutral Sulphuric acid 3% 3% Free rosin 2 Causes weakening of
the pulp
21 Ordinary size ' ' I
6 '70 6% 7 B r i t t l e a n d
22 Nil Xi1 6% ci*
Slightly 10 Parchmentized and
23 Large excess cc* Not sized 4 General rotting
,24 Unbleached Nil Alum 10% cr* 2 Hardened
25 20% ',* 3 Hardened
26 Caustic soda 10% 'l* 1 Softened
27 Free rosin Nil 3% Nil ll* 4
28 5% '#* 4
29 8% I* 5 Speckled
30 s o h . of free rosin 4% .* 1
in alcohol
31 12% Free rosin Slightly 10 Heavily speckled
32 Free rosin Alum 3% 3% Not sized 5
33 Rosin in alcohol 6 70 10% Free rosin Slightly 15 Speckled
34 121% 15% Hard 100 Varnished, unevenly
sized, and brittle
35 Sulphuric acid 6% 3% Not sized 5 Speckled
36 12370 37c Hard 180 Varnished, unevenly
sized, and brittle
37 Unbleached Free rosin 57 c 3% a<* Not sized 1
38 Nil Aluminum hydrate Nil 4% I'* 1
39 Free rosin 3% Chemical equiva- "* 1
lent one-half
40 5% 1% I
41 Nil Nil Nil Nil 1
42 Froth oil 1
43 Unbleached Nil 1
44 Froth oil "* 1
43 Free rosin Nil 3% "* 1
46 57
0 "* 3 Speckled
r,. 2
41 Unbleached Alumina resinate 3%
sulphite (anhydr.)'
48 Alumina resinate 5% ,'* 3
49 Unbleached Alkaline s o h . of Nil 5% Nil t'* Not sized 1 Softened
sulphite alumina resinate
50 Alumina resinate Alum 5% 3% Alumina resinate Slightly 7 Hardened
1 The aluminum resinate was applied under ordinary conditions. The papers were run off on a model Fourdinier machine, all being of equal thick-
ness. b u t not glazed or calendered.

of free rosin, forming what may be best described as a I n conclusion, it can be anticipated from the fore-
varnish, continuously, though unevenly distributed. going remarks that the hope of a speedy and definite
Moreover, it has been repeatedly stated by a number settlement of this question will be justified when the
of observers that free rosin particles are the effective chemical changes which take place between cellulose
“sizing agents:” consequently, i t occurred to us to and alumina resinate are more widely known and
try the effect of dispensing with the double operation t h a t the importance of righting these doubtful issuas
as carried out in our modern beating engines, and will be recognized.
going one step further, to use an all free-rosin emulsion hYh’SOhlE ‘L-ECHNICAL LABORATORIES.

in place of the usual high free-rosin sizes. The re- LANCASHIRE. ENGLASD.
March 29, 1911
sults of many attempts, however, were unsatisfactory
and conclusive.
Under ordinary circumstances, using normal quan-
tities of size, rich in or entirely composed of free rosin, OF COMMERCIAL OXYGEN.’
however intimately the free rosin may have penetrated
into the fiber, it will not hard-size it. B y CHARLES BASXERVILLE

The conclusions which have been arrived a t by the A critical study of the many chemicals used for
sizing tests on a practical scale, and also those based anaesthetic purposes and the modern methods of
upon entirely different considerations, i. e . , the be- administration involves the use of oxygen. This
havior of alumina resinate itself, seem t o be in strik- paper records the results of the examination of com-
ing opposition t o much of the doctrine hitherto for- mercial “C. P.” oxygen of the various kinds procur-
mulated, and we are brought now to the question of able on the market, for its strength and medicinal
the part played by cellulose in the order of reactions and chemical purity.
in relation to sizing. Now, Messrs. Cross and Bevan TABLE O F CONTENTS.
(see work 1900, etc.) suggest t h a t cellulose would
decompose the neutral resinate by combining with
A . B I B L I O GR A P H Y .
I. Afethods of Preparation.
alumina, and also simultaneously with the rosin acids.
2. Methods of A n a l y s i s .
From this, one may presume that compounds of
“ cellulose-alumina resinate ” may possibly exist, which

would conveniently explain away some of the previous I.hfethods of A n a l y s i s .

difficulties. Experimental work goes to prove to us 2. Results.
that, although such compounds undoubtedly exist, 3. Conclusions.
they are only formed under certain circumstances, or, C. STANDARDS O F PURITY
one might say, special conditions, which, under the A. BIBLIOGRAPHY.
existing ‘‘ modus operandi ” of paper mills, are liable
to be overlooked. As a general statement, it is ad- I, T h e N e t h o d s of Preparation o j Oxygen.
mitted t h a t when the condition of the pulp in the The alchemists’ were probably acquainted with
beater is basic the alumina resinate is partially oxygen, perhaps also the Greeks3 in the fourth century,
broken up, and the cellulose, when in the right state, and the Chinese,4 long before Priestley’s experiments.
displays a strong affinity towards it, the evolved com- In 1630, Jean Rey5 knew t h a t certain metals, when
pound becoming more active b y virtue of the union heated, fix a portion of the air, and in 1674 Mayow
of the cellulose with the resinates of alumina. This prepared oxygen from niter. In 1771, Scheele’ pre-
subject we propose to treat with in detail in a later pared a gas by heating several oxides, including the
publication. I t is worthy of note t h a t this type of black oxide of manganese, and, a t about the same
reaction cannot be said to be constant for all varieties time, Cavendishs studied oxygen. To Priestley,e
of cellulose, as it has been frequently observed that the however, has been given the honor of discovering
completeness of the interactions vary considerably oxygen as a constituent of the air. Davylo and La-
with different kinds and conditions of cellulose. The voisierll later studied the preparation and nature
study of the compound celluloses ( s o far as this in- of this gas.
vestigation has taken us) regarding their reactions 1 Read a t the regular March meeting of the A-ew- York Section of the
with alumina resinate has led t o their division into American Chemical Society, 191 1 .
2 Bolton, A m . Chem., 4. 170.
two classes. For example, according t o the previous
Hoefer. Histoire de la Chimie, 2, 271.
“ conditioning ” one can obtain two very dissimilar 4 Duckwood, Chem. N e w . 63, 250.
sizing effects on the same pulp, though using exactly 5 Jean Re?, Essai sur la recherche de la cause pour laquelle l’eslain et
le plomh augmentent de fioids q u a d on les calcilte. Bazas. 1630.
the same proportions of size. I n one, predominating, e Mayow, Rodwell, Chem. News, 8, 113.
the distinctive properties of alumina resinate may be 7 Scheele, Chemische Ahhandlung von der Luff und dem Feuer. Upsala
easily recognized. In the other mixture, many of u. L e i w i g . 1777.
the properties of the chief components are changed,
* Cavendish, Trans. Roy. S o c . , 56, 4 3 2 ; 74, 119, 170; 76, 372.
Q P r i e s t l e y , Ibid., 62, 147; 66, 3 8 4 ; 7 3 , 3 9 8 : 75, 279; 78. 147,
which can beyond all doubt be affirmed t o be due t o 3 1 3 ; 79, 7 , 2 8 9 ; Experiments and Obseruaiioms om Different Kinds of Air.
the formation of a new chemical We are London, 2, 29 (1775-1777); S, 1 ; Experiments and Observations Relafinq to
Various Branches of Natural Philosofihy, London, 1, 192 (1779).
thus disposed t o consider the distinction between the Trans, R o y , sot,, lol,
various mixtures and chemical compounds, produced 1 1 Chem. J . (Crell), 4, 4 4 0 ; 5. 125; Chem. A n n . (Crell), 1, 33, 136 (1786);

during the course of enginemsizing, as be& only 1, 354. 441. 5 2 8 , 550, 552 ( 1 7 8 8 ) . 2, 55, 262, 431, 433 (1788); 1, 145, 162,
260, 323 ( 1 7 8 9 ) ; 2, 68, 145, 433 ( l 7 8 9 ) , 1, 69, 518 ( 1 7 9 0 ) , 1, 71 (1791);
relative to the primary condition of the cellulose. 1, 29 (18031.

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