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NAME: ________________________________________________________ SCORE:

GRADE AND SECTION: ____________________________________________ 65

INSTRUCTION: Read carefully, choose the best answer.

1. Examines the title, the meaning of it changes throughout the novel and it contributes to the theme.
A. Symbolism B. Imagery C. Figurative Language D. Tone and Theme
2. Identify sensory details. The readers can visualize what is happening in the literary text.
A. Symbolism B. Imagery C. Figurative Language D. Tone and Theme
3. Writers use figures of speech such as similes, metaphors, personification, allusion and irony to form images.
A. Symbolism B. Imagery C. Figurative Language D. Tone and Theme
4. Analyze the author’s word choice in the novel. What language, diction, word choice is used in passages that
contribute to our group’s theme of the novel
A. Symbolism B. Imagery C. Figurative Language D. Tone
5. This process will help you perceivewhat insights about life the author is revealing about each subject.
A. Symbolism B. Imagery C. Figurative Language D. Theme

CAMERA SHOT TYPES: Write the correct shot type below the picture. 6-21(2 pts.)

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Sentence Types: Read and analyze each sentence. Circle the predicates and underline the subjects. Draw a line separating the
clauses in the sentence. Write the sentence type on the line. 22- 45
SENTENCE TYPES: Simple Sentence Compound Sentence Complex Sentence Compound-Complex
GUIDE: Coordinating Conjunctions: for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so.
Subordinating Conjunctions: as, because, although, since, before, when, once, if, even if, whatever, whenever, during, until,
unless, wherever, whether, while, as if, even if, that
23. When Danica gets home from school, she is going to take a nap.
25. I got in trouble so I can't go to the party, but it would have been fun.
27. Being alone can be scary unless you keep yourself busy.
29. Ms. Akihla, the best reading teacher in the world, taught me sentence structure.
31. Suchi, Breeia, and Lyle bought donuts and ate them down by the river.
33. Margarette left early so that I could get some work done, but I'll be back soon.
35. Crossing the street is dangerous if you don't look both ways before you cross.
37. If you don't want to study, you should stay home, but you may regret it.
39. Every time Diana goes to mall, she spends all of her money on things that she doesn't need.
41. Mom said that I can go to the museum with you but I have to be home early.
43. Mobile Legend is a fun game but no game is better than Patintero.
45. Reylene and Janice are eating chips and salsa on a park bench before dinner.
46. If you are given a chance to study in Singapore, will you accept or grab the chance?
A. No, because I only love Philippines.
B. Yes, because I hate the Philippines due to low quality of Education
C. Yes, because by studying in country which is more develop, I could be able to learn usefu ideas that I can use to
help our country progress.
46. How can you use social media to improve our country economically?
A. By bashing people
B. By promoting Philippines tourist attractions
C. C. By spreading fake news.
47. Who is the narrator of the story Singapore Sojourn?
A. Author B. Reader C. Both
48. How does the author feel about Singapore?
A. Sad b. miserable c. astonished
49. As a student, how are you going to help the Philippines to be developed?
a. Study better and use your knowledge for the betterment of our country
b. Study better and make yourself rich as you can.
c. Stop studying and marry someone.
50. The anatomy of the Filipino talks about the innate qualities of?
A. True American b. True Filipino c. True Korean
51. Who wrote the Anatomy of the Filipino?
A. Felix Bautista b. Tami Mendoza c. Felix Buenavista
52. What did the King felt when he saw an islan?
A. Fascinated b. happy c. shock
53. In the lesson “Disagreeing Politely”, SAP stand for____.
A. Show, aplogize, pretend
B. Show, access, pretend
C. Shock, apologize, pretend
54. What is the purpose of SIFT Method/
A. To critically analyze the poem
B. To summarize a poem
C. To write a poem
55. What do you think is the emotion of the author while writing the poem?
A. Sorrow b. despair c. regret
56. In the poem Telephone Conversation, what is the color of the caller?
A. Dark b. brunette c. light
57. What is the Spanish term of Pearl Of The Orient Seas?
A. Perla de oriente
B. Perlas de torente
C. Perlas de silante
59-65. What is the difference between Transactional and Interacational Language? 6 pts.

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