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JANUARY 8-21, 2016

VOL. 38* NO. 1
* $1.75



Kevin Stickney

How to have a
happier and healthier
workplace nan

Tapping into the

pool of retired
talent phu

N.H. CEOs tout benefits

of being family-friendly

Workplace policies enable

employees to thrive, they say

What if a forum were held about family-friend­

ly workplace policies featuring New Hampshire
executives, and all of the panelists were men?

Inbound marketing, N.H. style A group of organizations did exactly that a

week before Christmas by presenting a panel
discussion entitled, “Making Cents: CEOs
Firms discuss the emerging online strategy on Building a Family Friendly Economy.”
The forum was to include one woman,
who couldn’t make it, but “we do we
BY BETH LAMONTAGNE HALL market it?”’ said Conway. He started do think it’s critical that men speak to
researching concepts like search en­ these issues,” said Karen Hicks of the
Less than 10 years ago, Michael Conway
gine optimization (SEO) and discov­ NH Campaign for a Family Friendly
was building websites at a top New Hamp­
ered the software company Hubspot, Economy, one of the organizers of
shire Web development firm. The big clients
a leader in inbound marketing strategy the event. “There was a deliberate ef­
that would come through the door paid top
and analytics. fort to bring those voices to the fore.
dollar for their beautiful, well-designed sites,
Eventually, Conway left his large firm to start Most CEOs are men, so this is reflective of
but Conway wondered if there was more that
the boutique marketing company Means-of- leadership in corporate America.”
these sites could do for the customer.
Production in Webster and made inbound The panelists extolled the poli­
“At the time, I used to ask this question
marketing a major focus for his clients, which cies that enable not just women,
frequently, ‘What’s next? We have this re­
ally great website but how are we going to INBOUND MARKETING, PAGE IS but all employees, to thrive in
the workplace. There was Gary
Hirshberg, who discussed
Londonderry-based Stony-
field Farm’s policy of paying
for six months of family leave;
Bill Whyte, who talked about
Old fr- Gilsum-based WS Badger Com-
ll,l,,|f»'ll//l»-. , M. . ..

are largely in the construction, architecture and inte­ The inbound/outbound marketing process
rior design industries.
Traditionally these companies relied on print media
to spread the word about their services, but Conway
helped his clients gain traction by posting answers to
common questions potential customers have about
building a new home, designing a kitchen space or
investing in a new heating system.
For instance, a blog about wells and water might
not sound like compelling reading, unless you’re try ­
ing to figure out why brown gunk is coming from
your faucet. Conway said one of his clients, a New
Hampshire-based well drilling company, increased
its website visitors from 120 per month to 22,000 SEO, content, Advertising, PR,
per month over a three-year period, mostly by post­ blogging, social events, direct,
media sales support
ing informative articles twice a week that answered
questions about common New Hampshire well wa­
ter problems.
“All the statistics I’ve ever read show blogging and
email marketing have a greater return on investment
than anything else,” said Conway. “Advertising is
great for big brands and small items where top-of-
mind advertising gets people to buy things. Inbound
works well for things where people need to think
Offers, registration
pages, promotion,
1 Analytics, metrics,
dashboards, activity
about it, like a big purchase.”
Source: M odern M arketing Partners Infographic
Developing trust
Inbound marketing, also referred to as content trust in the company and increasing the chances of “They were positioning themselves as experts in
marketing, has transformed in a few short years from that customer walking through the doors when it education, as opposed to just saying, ‘Come to our
a buzzword to the gold standard of online market­ comes time to make a purchase. school because it’s so great,”’ said Flaherty.
ing. The strategy utilizes a vast range of Web tools, “I think it started with Siri,” said Conway, referring
from websites to social media to email, as a way to to the iPhone voice-command program. "People Looking for a new way
provide useful information about a company that no longer put in search terms specific to what they
Stephanie McLaughlin of Savoir Faire marketing in
will eventually draw customers to their site, generate want. They started to ask search engines questions.
Manchester knows there are plenty of local compa­
leads, and convert them into sales. Inbound marketing people realized, if you answered
nies that are looking to get more out of their mar­
Think about the last time you made a big purchase, the question you will get traction.”
keting dollars. Her company’s website gets right to
like a stove. Likely the first place you went was the In­ Sarah Flaherty, director of content marketing at
this point, telling potential customers, “You had a
ternet. You browsed the big box store sites, looked at Calypso Communications in Portsmouth, sees in­
handle on it at one point. You knew what worked.
a few local retailers to compare prices, and scoured bound marketing as less about making a sales pitch
You ran ads in the industry journal or attended trade
online reviews to see what make and model was right to customers and more about providing information
shows that produced leads. These tried and (no lon­
for you. Before you even headed into a store, you and developing trust.
She pointed to one recent client, a private school ger) true methods just don’t produce the results they
had narrowed your search to tw o or three stoves.
that was looking to increase enrollment. Calypso once did.”
Inbound marketing is a way for companies to grab
“A lot of the things people know and understand
the attention of customers during this online search asked the clients about common questions they
about marketing, those things are no longer work­
process in a way that media advertising cannot do. hear from parents. They then created a series of blog
ing,” said McLaughlin. “You can no longer call people
Providing useful content on the company’s blog - posts that answered those questions and talked
and expect they will answer their phone and no lon­
such as “The five best gas stoves in 2015” - is pro­ about education philosophies and child develop­
ger send an email and expect it will get through.” >
viding a service to the customer, while also building ment.

Sources to improve Internet marketing knowledge Most invested in inbound marketing

O Business O w ner/P artner
O C EO/Exectutive Mgmnt.
G Vice President
O Director of Marketing
O Marketing Manager
O Marketing Operations
• Sales
O Other
100% Source: HubSpot

Source: Moz’s 2013 Industry Survey

JANUARY 8-21. 2016 19

switch from traditional advertising, Fla­ not committed to writing a blog a week, has to be onboard with doing it in some
herty said presenting the strategy should or hiring someone to write a blog once a way,” said McLaughlin. “A lot of expertise
Providing useful focus on outlining business goals and find­ week, and handling the emails that go out and what sets you apart from competitors
ing ways to achieve them using all the tools and come in each week, then you’re going is locked up in your people.”
content online, like inbound marketing offers. to fail.” Having those in-house experts sit down
a company blog, not “People want to know, ‘Why should we “When it comes to producing the con­ with a writer for 45 minutes once every few
have a blog?’ They think ’it's nice to have tent, we will ask if they have the resources months will eventually result in blog posts
only aids the customer but how does it affect my bottom line?”’ in-house, but many clients find it is really that show off the company’s expertise. You
said Flaherty.
but also builds trust Another big hurtle for companies is pro­
time-consuming to produce posts,” said
Flaherty. "It can be a good choice to work
need that time spent to make sure the qual­
ity is there, she said.
in the company and ducing the large amount of content need­ with an outside resource to produce that Another asset of inbound marketing is the
ed to run a successful inbound marketing content. You need momentum over time to lasting power of the Internet. We all know
increases chances campaign. Conway said it takes about a make it work and see results.” that whatever goes online stays there forev­
of a purchase. year to see results, which can seem terribly Producing quality content also requires er. Same goes for all those blog posts pop­
long to some clients. that all employees, from the company pres­ ping up in Google searches, even years later.
“The Achilles heel to this kind of market­ ident to the college intern, be willing to par­ “When you put information online, it’s al­
FROMPAGE18 ing is the quantity of this kind of content ticipate, said McLauglin. ways there and always generating leads for
“ Now your website can literally be your
that needs to be written,” he said. “ If you’re "This must be a cultural thing. Everyone you,” said Conway. I7TTIBR
best salesperson 24/7/365,” said McLaugh­
lin. “ It can develop leads and nurture them
through purchase process. You can no lon­
ger demand somebody physically come to
you and ask those questions and get that
information. If they can't find it from you
online, they're going to get it from some­
one else.”
If done well, the results of inbound market­
N ew Hampshire H ome
ing can be compelling. McLaughlin said she
increased one client’s business by $5 million,
doubled the number of fans for another cli­
ent’s social media page, and increased a cli­
ent's click-through rate on an email newslet­
Saluting our most talented residential designers, with waster of ceremonies
ter from 0.5 percent to 5 percent.
James Aponovich, internationally renowned visual artist andformer
These concrete numbers come from an­
alytical software and are what many say New Hampshire Artist Laureate.
are inbound marketing’s greatest asset.
Hubspot has become a particularly popular
choice. This rapidly growing Boston-based
company opened a Portsmouth office in Tuesday, January 12,2016 N E W H A M P S H I R E
2015 and raised $125 million in fresh capital
at its 2014 initial public offering. Analytical
tools are integrated into a company’s web­
5:30-8:30 p.m. HOME8 m a <; a i i n i:

site and can show how many people are (sh o w date: January 19,2016)
looking at your blog, social media pages,
and, most importantly, who is signing up Manchester Country Club
for newsletters or to get more information. AWARDS
“That’s where it gets exciting,” said Fla­ 180 South River Road, Bedford, NH
herty. “When I put out this e-book and five
people downloaded it, it may not seem like
a big number, but if you have 20 people visit
the site, that’s a 20 percent conversion rate.” Meet and mingle with your peers, and enjoy hearty appetizers,
Once those clicks are made, analytical
software can show clients what landing
scrumptious fare, delicious cocktails and live entertainment.
pages and blogs are drawing more atten­ $55/per person • Includes drink ticket • Discounts available for tables of 8
tion, what kind of tweets and Facebook
posts are driving clicks and whether that For more information and to purchace tickets
product video you posted caught the at­
tention of customers. This process can be visit NHH om eM agazin /D esign Awards
followed through from identifying leads all
the way to sales, showing the client what
topics and messages bring in customers
Sponsors include:
and sell products best.

The virtue of patience c o ^ pdint:

While most companies today accept that I). R. DIMES Landry.
a Web presence is important, not all com­
fiatQuality <Autum Cabiuctry
Hm&nfifirf lur VWEntire Home i
panies are sold on the wonders of inbound
“Generally, I get one of tw o reactions,” SSI yagSgncmske i>ium ij a f e s s i y
said Conway. The almost knee-jerk reaction
is, ’Oh, I don’t want to spam people,’ or the X
light bulb goes off and they understand the
importance of sharing quality information , ; 1 .
about their services to people.” j
Because inbound marketing is such a
:______!_________ i___
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