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Compendium of Design Office Problems—Volume III

Committee on Design of Steel Building Structures of the Technical Administrative Committee on Metals1

Abstract: This is the third in a series of papers aimed at resolving structural engineering issues faced by the designers of steel building
structures. The emphasis is on practical solutions that the designer can use directly, without extensive further research. Each issue is listed
separately, with a technical discussion of the problem followed by a suggested solution, and references provided where appropriate. In
addition, topics currently under study by the ASCE Committee on Design of Steel Building Structures are listed, as are subjects identified
by the Committee as being in need of investigation.
DOI: 10.1061/共ASCE兲0733-9445共2002兲128:5共559兲
CE Database keywords: Structural engineering; Steel structures; Building design; ASCE Committees.

Introduction gested solutions, and references where appropriate. Problems in

the other two categories are presented, without solutions, to in-
The Committee on Design of Steel Building Structures of the form designers that they are being addressed by the Committee,
Committee on Metals of the Structural Division of ASCE was or probably will be addressed in the near future, and that solutions
formed in 1981 with the purpose of studying problems that are are likely to appear in future volumes of the compendium.
uniquely associated with the design of the overall structural steel
building. There are committees that address individual aspects of Problems that have been addressed
structural behavior, such as stability or fatigue, while others deal This section presents problems for which the ASCE Committee
with problems related to certain classes of structural components on Design of Steel Building Structures has developed solutions
and assemblies such as compression and flexural members or tu- since the previous volume of the compendium went to press in
bular structures. However, many of the technical problems faced 1996. Most of these problems were listed in the previous volume
in the design office involve the overlap of these established areas as ‘‘Problems Currently Being Addressed’’ or ‘‘Problems Needing
of specialization and are not addressed by other committees. De- to be Addressed.’’
signers have been largely on their own, with little organized sup- The Committee’s intent is to provide practical state-of-the-art
port from the academic and research communities, when faced knowledge that the designer can use directly. References are pro-
with these problems. The ASCE Committee on Design of Steel vided where appropriate, but the designer is not expected to en-
Building Structures is addressing problems of this type in a com- gage in extensive additional research before using the information
pendium, which will be published as an ongoing series of papers. presented. Of course, the designer’s own professional judgment
The first volume of the compendium was published in Decem- remains the final arbiter of the applicability and appropriateness
ber 1992 in ASCE’s Journal of Structural Engineering under the of the suggested solution in each particular situation.
title ‘‘Compendium of Design Office Problems.’’ That paper pro-
vides a general overview of the work of the ASCE Committee on Lateral Bracing of Continuous Beams
Design of Steel Building Structures and describes the genesis of
Does a point of inflection constitute a safe ‘‘lateral bracing point’’
the compendium, the process by which it is being developed, and
for computation of the lateral-torsional buckling flexural strength
its organization. The second volume was published in February
of a continuous beam? Are there any other guidelines for this
As explained at greater length in the first paper, each volume
of the compendium presents design office problems organized
into three categories:
A flexural point of inflection occurs in a beam where there is a
• Problems that have been addressed, change in curvature from negative to positive. Even though at this
• Problems currently being addressed, and point the value of the moment is zero, it is not equivalent to a
• Problems needing to be addressed. brace point.
Problems in the first category are presented together with sug- The American Institute of Steel Construction 共AISC兲 共1994兲
notes this distinction in the commentary 共Section F1, ‘‘Design for
ASCE Structural Engineering Institute, 1801 Alexander Bell Dr., Flexure,’’ pp. 195–199兲 where it states that ‘‘the length between
Reston, VA 20191. E-mail: braces, not the distance to inflection points, and C b is used in the
Note. Associate Editor: C. Dale Buckner. Discussion open until Oc- resistance equation.’’ Also, Ricles and Walsh 共1993兲 note the ne-
tober 1, 2002. Separate discussions must be submitted for individual pa-
cessity for providing bracing at the point of inflection.
pers. To extend the closing date by one month, a written request must be
filed with the ASCE Managing Editor. The manuscript for this paper was Section B.6 of the AISC specification requires ‘‘at points of
submitted for review and possible publication on . This paper is part of support, beams, girders and trusses shall be restrained against
the Journal of Structural Engineering, Vol. 128, No. 5, May 1, 2002. rotation about their longitudinal axis 共AISC 1994兲. In addition,
©ASCE, ISSN 0733-9445/2002/5-559–568/$8.00⫹$.50 per page. lateral or rotational restraint must be provided along the beam
length if the beam is assumed to be fully braced. For continuous


beams, restraint is necessary for that portion of the bottom flange,
which is in compression. Restraint may be provided by the joists
themselves depending on the relative proportions of the assembly.
A procedure for calculating the restraint is described by Essa and
Kennedy 共1995兲 and Rongoe 共1996兲.


AISC. 共1994兲. LRFD manual of steel construction, Vol. 1, 2nd Ed., Chi-
Essa, H. S., and Kennedy, D. J. L. 共1995兲. ‘‘Design of steel beams in
cantilever-suspended-span construction.’’ J. Struct. Eng., 121共11兲,
Rongoe, J. 共1996兲. ‘‘Design guidelines for continuous beams supporting
steel joist roof structures.’’ Proc., 1996 National Steel Construction
Conf., AISC, Chicago, 23.1–23.44.
Ricles, J. M., and Walsh, D. 共1993兲. ‘‘Is your structure suitably braced?’’
Structural Stability Research Council, Lehigh Univ., Fritz Engineering
Laboratory, Bethlehem, Pa.

Floor Vibration Criteria

Currently floor vibration criteria are based on heel-drop impact
excitations. Criteria using walking excitation may provide more
reliable results. Current criteria seem to provide more reliable
results for steel beam framed floors than for steel joist floors.
Better floor vibration criteria are needed and reasons for the dif-
ference cited need to be found.

The AISC Design Guide No. 11 共1997兲 is a comprehensive docu-
ment, which provides solutions to most floor vibration design
problems. The Design Guide provides basic principles and simple
analytical tools to evaluate steel framed floor systems and foot-
bridges for vibration serviceability due to human activities. Both
human comfort and the need to control movement for sensitive
equipment are considered. Criteria for both walking and rhythmic
activity induced vibrations are given along with example calcula- Fig. 1. Skewed connections to beams
tions. Special consideration is given to open web joist supported
floors. Criteria to minimize the adverse effects of floor motion on
sensitive equipment are presented and applied to typical floor beams use single plates and end plates as shown in Fig. 1. Single
framing systems. Guidance on developing remedial measures for plates are the most versatile and economical skewed connection
problem floors is also included in the guide. with excellent dimensional control when using short slotted holes.
While capacity is limited, this is usually not a problem because
skewed members generally carry less tributary area. Using the
Reference standard 3 in. hole gauge from the AISC manual connection
tables, single plates can be utilized for intersection angles of 90°
Murray, T. M., Allen, D. E., and Ungar, E. E. 共1997兲. ‘‘Floor vibrations to 30°. Single bent plates also work well at very acute angles but
due to human activity.’’ Design Guide No. 11, AISC, Chicago. involve two eccentricities. Snug tight bolts are preferred because
they are more economical and greatly simplify installation when
there are adjacent beams.
Design for Skewed Connections
End plates designed for shear only are able to provide more
Standard connection details assume that the members being con- capacity than single plates and, if horizontal slots are utilized with
nected frame at right angles to each other. In most structures there snug tight bolts in bearing, some dimensional adjustment is pos-
will be some members that do not meet at right angles. These are sible. Tables for eccentric bolt groups 共AISC 1994兲 may be used
referred to as skewed connections. What are the recommended to size eccentric end plates. Hole gauges can be adjusted to pro-
design approaches to achieve safety and economy in this type of vide bolt access for more acute skews. The only real constructa-
connection. bility problems arise when there are opposing beams that limit
access to the back side of the connection.
Configurations for Skewed Connections to Columns. Skewed
Configurations for Skewed Connections to Beams. Considering connections to wide flange columns present special problems.
both economy and safety, the preferred skewed connections to Connections to webs have very limited access and, except for


Fig. 2. Skewed connections to column webs

columns where the flange width is less than the depth, or for skew
angles less than 30°, connections to flanges are preferred.
When connecting to column webs, it may be possible to use
either a standard end plate or an eccentric end plate as shown in
Fig. 2. Single plate connections should not be used unless the
bolts are positioned outside the column flanges.
Skewed connections to the column flange will also be eccen-
tric when the beam is aligned to the column centerline. However,
if the beam alignment is centered on the flange, the minor axis
eccentricity is eliminated, and the major axis eccentricity will not
generally govern the column design. Fig. 3. Skewed connections to column flanges
When the beam is aligned to the columns centerline either
single plates, eccentric end plates, or single bent plates can be
used as shown in Fig. 3. The eccentricity for each of these con-
nections is again similar to that for the same connection to a beam Astaneh, A., Call, S., and McMullin, K. 共1989兲. ‘‘Design of single plate
web. The column may need to be designed for the eccentric load. connections.’’ Eng. J., 26共1兲, 21–32.
A more detailed discussion of the design of this type of con- Kloiber, L., and Thornton, W. 共1997兲. ‘‘Design approaches to shear con-
nection including a discussion of the eccentricities and design nections for skewed members in steel structures.’’ Proc., Structures
procedures for welds in skewed connections can be found in the Congress XV, ASCE, New York.
references below.
Simple-Beam Connections with Shear and Axial Load
References and Bibliography How should simple-beam end connections that must transmit
shear and beam axial force be designed? The connection must not
AISC. 共1994兲. LRFD manual of steel construction, Vol. 1, 2nd Ed., Chi- provide much more rotational restraint than ‘‘standard’’ simple
cago. beam shear connections, yet the connection should be quite stiff


in the axial force direction if it is to act as a stability brace. Axial strength is required. An estimate of this stiffness can be deter-
tension would generally be the more severe case. mined as follows. A strut with its connections can be considered
to be a set of linear springs arranged in series. If the stiffness of
Response the connections is denoted by k a and that of the body of the strut
In building design, it is not uncommon for a simple-shear con- by k S , then the stiffness, K, of the series of these springs repre-
nection to be required to transfer both shear 共due to the gravity senting the connections and the body of the strut is
loads兲 and direct axial force 共tension or compression兲 due to lat-
eral loads or as required for stability. In addition to adequate K⫽ (2)
strength for gravity and lateral loads, the connection must also 1 1 1
⫹ ⫹
provide a degree of rotational capacity to accommodate the end k ai k s k a j
rotation due to the gravity loads and a predictable degree of stiff-
where i and j refer to the two ends of the strut.
ness for the axial loads.
The above formula assumes that the end of the strut that is not
A paper by Thornton 共1997兲 covers much of this subject in
attached to the member requiring lateral support, is attached to a
detail. The following response is a summary of this paper.
rigid support. If the end connections are double angles of leg
thickness t and length L, the stiffness of the angles can be written
Strength. As its name implies, a simple-shear connection is in-
tended to transfer shear load out of a beam while allowing the
beam to act as a simply supported beam. The most common
simple-shear connection is the double-angle connection with
angles shop bolted or welded to the web of the carried beam and
k a ⫽EL␣ 冉 冊

field bolted to the carrying beam or column. This response will where E⫽Young’s Modulus⫽29,000 ksi, b ⬘ ⫽b⫹k⫺(t/2), and
deal with these connections. Other shear connections, such as ␣⫽1 when the angle leg length b ⬘ is in single curvature and ␣⫽2
shear end plates and Tees, can be treated in a similar manner. when it is in double curvature.
Under shear load, the double-angle connection is flexible re- The true curvature state of the angle leg will lie between the
garding the simple-beam end rotation, because of the angle leg limits of single and double curvature and a lower bound stiffness
thickness and the gauge of the field bolts in the angle legs, the estimate would be obtained by using the single curvature formula.
angle is allowed to flex. The AISC manuals 共AISC 1989, pp. 4 –9; The stiffness of the strut of cross-sectional area A 共squared
AISC 1994, pp. 9–12兲 recommend angle thickness not exceeding inches兲 and length l 共inch兲 is
5/8 in. with the usual gauges to provide for ductility. AE
Thornton 共1996; 1997兲 shows that this ductility limitation is k s⫽ (4)
justified for 3/4 in. diameter A325 bolts, and provides a ductility
guideline that can be used in lieu of the 5/8 in. ‘‘rule of thumb,’’
when thicker angles and larger bolts are used.
For shop and field bolted double clips, the ductility guideline References
AISC. 共1989兲. ASD manual of steel construction, 9th Ed., Chicago.

d b min⫽0.163t 冑 冉 冊
Fy b2
b L2
AISC. 共1992兲. ASD 9th Ed./LRFD 1st Ed: manual of steel construction,
Vol. 2, Chicago.
AISC. 共1994兲. LRFD manual of steel construction, Vol. 2, 2nd Ed., Chi-
where d b min is the minimum bolt diameter 共A325 bolts兲 to pre- cago.
clude bolt fracture under a simple beam end rotation of 0.03 ra- Thornton, W. A. 共1996兲. ‘‘A rational approach to design of tee shear
dian, and t⫽angle leg thickness 共inches兲; b⫽distance from the connections.’’ Eng. J., 33共1兲, 34 –37.
field bolt line to the k distance of the angle 共inches兲; L⫽length of Thornton, W. A. 共1997兲. ‘‘Strength and ductility requirements for simple
the connection angles 共inches兲; and F y ⫽yield strength of the shear connections with shear and axial load.’’ Proc., AISC National
angles thousand pounds per square inch. This formula can be used Steel Construction Conf., Chicago, 38-1–38-17.
for allowable stress design 共ASD兲 and load and resistance factor
design 共LRFD兲 designs in the form given above. Practical Design of Unbraced Moment Frames
The design of double angle connections subjected to shear and with ‘‘Leaning’’ Columns
axial tension, can be accomplished as shown in the following
AISC publications: The typical steel building frame includes a combination of col-
1. AISC 共1989, pp. 4 –94, Ex. 34兲 where the beam web plays umns rigidly connected to beams and columns pinned to beams.
the same role as the gusset of this example; The rigidly connected columns form moment-resisting frames,
2. AISC 共1992兲 Vol. II, pp. 7-123–7-126 and pp. 7-167–7-170; which provide lateral stiffness for the building while the pinned
and columns, referred to as ‘‘leaning’’ columns, provide no lateral
3. AISC 共1994, pp. 11-38 –11-42兲. stiffness. Since this situation is an extremely common one in
While the design is being completed in the usual way, as shown in building structures, these leaning columns must be addressed
these publications, the ductility guideline given earlier can be regularly by most designers.
consulted to guide the design and maintain ductility, if appropri- The leaning columns just described not only provide no lateral
ate. stiffness, they actually increase the stiffness demand on the re-
maining members of the lateral system. Thus, the lateral stiffness
Stiffness. In order for a strut to enforce a node, i.e. a point of of the frame that is available to resist applied load is reduced due
lateral support at which there is no lateral displacement, in a to the presence of these leaning columns. Guidance is needed for
member which is known to have a stability limit state 共such as a the designer faced with the task of designing frames, which in-
column兲, a certain magnitude of axial stiffness as well as axial clude these leaning columns.


Response F bx ⫽0.6F y (6)
Numerous approaches have been proposed in the literature to deal
with the design of frames including the effect of ‘‘leaning’’ col- The axial force, which can be carried eccentrically 共i.e., reserve
umns. The Commentary to the LRFD Specification for Structural moment capacity兲 for loading about the strong axis 共x-axis兲, was
Steel Buildings includes a discussion in Section C2. A paper by found to be
Geschwindner 共1994兲 reviewed the approaches that were origi-
nally presented by LeMessurier 共1977兲, Lim and McNamara
共1972兲 and Yura 共1971兲 and form the basis for the commentary
P x⫺e ⫽2.4W 冉 冊
b 2f

discussion. where, W⫽column weight in pounds per foot; D⫽nominal col-

umn depth; and b f ⫽column flange width. Alternatively, a more
precise expression for P x⫺e was found to be

Geschwindner, L. F. 共1994兲. ‘‘A practical approach to the ‘leaning’ col-

P x⫺e ⫽7.5W 0.75 冉冑 冊
b 1.5

umn.’’ Eng. J., 31共4兲, 141–149. For loading about the weak axis 共y-axis兲 and assumed eccentricity
LeMessurier, W. J. 共1977兲. ‘‘A practical method of second order analy-
of e y ⫽e c , Ioannides found the following equation for the portion
sis.’’ Eng. J., 14共2兲, 49– 67.
Lim, L. C., and McNamara, R. J. 共1972兲. ‘‘Stability of novel building of the force, which can be carried eccentrically
system.’’ Structural design of tall steel buildings, Vol. II-16, Proc., Wt
ASCE-IABSE Int. Conf. on the Planning and Design of Tall Buildings, P y⫺e ⫽1.8 (9)
ASCE, New York, 499–524. b 0.75
Yura, J. A. 共1971兲. ‘‘The effective length of columns in unbraced frames.’’ Note that P x⫺e and P y⫺e are the portions of the total load which
Eng. J., 8共2兲, 37– 42. can be carried eccentrically and not additional axial load capaci-
Minimum Eccentricity for Simple Columns Finally, analyses of all column sections 共W8 through W14兲,
revealed that the minimum reserve capacity about either the
For the design of simple 共laterally braced at floors兲 columns sup- strong or weak axis is 12 kips.
porting simply supported beams, should one design the column
for some minimum gravity bending moment about at least one
axis? References
More and more, columns are being designed automatically AISC. 共1989兲. ASD manual of steel construction, 9th Ed., Chicago.
with computer programs. The computer will design to the limit, Goverdhan, A. V. 共1983兲. ‘‘A collection of experimental moment-rotation
unless programmed differently, and will provide some columns in curves and evaluation of prediction equations for semi-rigid connec-
which f a /F a ⫽0.999. Does such a column have any reserve mo- tions.’’ MS thesis, Vanderbilt Univ., Nashville, Tenn.
ment capacity due to the actual end conditions providing a re- Ioannides, S. A. 共1995兲. ‘‘Minimum eccentricity for simple columns?’’
straint? For columns which have been selected assuming pin Proc., 1995 Structures Congress XIII, ASCE, New York, 349–352.
ended conditions 共i.e., simple columns兲 should one consider de-
signing for a minimum eccentricity? Partial Fixity from Simple Beam Connections
Response Are there simple rules for utilizing the fixity of simple beam
Gravity columns, braced against side sway at the top and bottom, connections at service loads for calculating deflections?
are typically designed for an effective length factor 共K-factor兲 of
1.0. However, even simple connections provide a certain amount Response
of rotational restraint, thereby reducing the effective length of the Serviceability design often controls the selection of steel beam
column. Ioannides 共1995兲 reviewed the assumptions made in the sizes. In calculating deflections for simply supported beams 共with
design of simple columns and evaluated whether typical construc- standard shear connections at the ends兲 the rotational stiffness of
tion provides a ‘‘reserve’’ moment capacity. In his analysis, Ioan- the connections is usually ignored. Rigorous inclusion of semi-
nides assumed that simple beam connections provide sufficient rigid connections in the analysis requires advanced computer soft-
restraint to the column to produce an effective length factor of 0.8 ware and moment-rotation properties, which are usually not avail-
and, on this basis, developed simple equations for the reserve able to the average designer.
moment capacity. These equations are cast in the form of reserve The minimum connection stiffness required to produce a de-
axial force, which is that portion of the total axial load that may sirable reduction 共say 20%兲 in the simple beam deflection was
act at the assumed connection eccentricity. Goverdhan 共1983兲 pre- presented in a paper by Ioannides 共1996兲. Determination of the
sented moment-rotation curves for most types of bolted connec- minimum connection stiffness is based on a method for predicting
tions, which could be used to derive more exact effective length the amount of deflection reduction for beams with semirigid con-
factors if required. nections with known stiffness 共Geschwindner 1991兲. The reduc-
For loading about the strong axis 共x-axis兲, the eccentricity of tion in deflection is given by
loading, e x , was taken to be 4

冉 冊
R⫽ (10)
d EI
e x ⫽ ⫹e c (5) 5 2 ⫹1
2 nL
where d⫽column depth and e c ⫽connection eccentricity which where R⫽reduction in simple beam deflection; E⫽modulus of
Ioannides assumed to be 3 in. The allowable bending stress was elasticity; I⫽beam moment of inertia; and n⫽connection stiff-
assumed to be ness.


Using Eq. 共10兲, Ioannides computed the connection stiffness pact of column stiffening requirements at strong-axis beam-to-
required to produce a 20% reduction in simple beam deflection column moment connections be lessened?
for wide flange sections ranging from W4⫻13 to W36⫻300. In
an attempt to find a simple expression for n in terms of commonly Response
known section properties, he found that There is a significant potential economic benefit when transverse
n⫽3•W•d (11) stiffeners and web doubler plates can be eliminated. Therefore,
the designer should consider alternatives that eliminate the need
where W⫽beam weight 共pound/foot兲 and d⫽beam depth 共inch兲.
for column stiffening, when possible.
Despite its simplicity, Eq. 共11兲 approximates the exact results
within roughly 20%. Furthermore, since the independent variables 1. Specify column material with a yield strength of 50 ksi, such
are the weight per foot and the depth of the section 共parameters as A992 steel. The increased minimum yield strength will
always known兲, the minimum connection stiffness required to increase the design strength of the column, yet there will be
produce 20% reduction in the simple beam deflection can easily little or no impact on the material cost. Mill grade extras for
be calculated. 50 ksi wide-flange material are largely nonexistent in shapes
In addition, Ioannides illustrates that most ‘‘standard shear that weigh as much as 150 lbs/ft. Even for W-shapes in
connections’’ are capable of developing a stiffness of roughly weight ranges that have grade extras, these nominal cost dif-
5,000 ft-kip/rad at a rotation of 0.01 radians. ferences are negligible when compared to the advantage
gained in detail material savings. Column material with even
higher yield strength, such as ASTM A913 Grade 65 mate-
References rial, is also available; however, the associated material cost
differential is greater.
Ioannides, S. A. 共1996兲. ‘‘Partial fixity from simple beam connections.’’ 2. Consider a different column section that has a thicker flange
Connections in Steel Structures III, R. Bjorhovde, A. Colson, and R. and/or web, as appropriate. This increase in material cost,
Zandonini, eds., Pergamon, Tarrytown, N.Y.
given today’s typical mill price for common grades of steel,
Geschwindner, L. F. 共1991兲. ‘‘A simplified look at partially restrained
beams.’’ Eng. J., 28共2兲, 73–78. is in most cases easily offset by the savings in labor costs.
3. Consider a deeper cross section for the beam that is con-
nected to the column. Increasing the depth of the beam de-
Composite Beams with Adjacent Slab Openings creases the flange force delivered due to the increase in mo-
Are there any guidelines to determine the effect of local slab ment arm between the flange-force couple. If it were
openings on composite beams? Up to what point can the openings possible to replace a W16⫻50 with a W18⫻50, the material
be neglected in design? How should the openings be considered cost would not be increased; if a lighter, deeper shape were
in design? suitable, the material cost would in fact be decreased. Even
if there were an increase in material cost, it would in most
Response cases be easily offset by the savings in labor costs. Note that
The effects of slab openings may be neglected when 共1兲 all open- when the moment connection is designed to develop the
ings are located near end共s兲 of the beam, not farther from support strength of the beam this approach may be undesirable be-
than 1/8 the distance from end support to point of maximum cause the flange force is essentially a function of the flange
moment, and 共2兲 distance from center of beam web to edge of any area.
opening is not less than the larger of span/80 or 6 in. 4. Increase the number of moment-resisting joints and/or
A procedure for calculating effect of one or more slab open- frames to reduce the magnitude of the moment delivered to a
ings on composite beam strength and stiffness is given by given joint to a level that is more compatible with the design
Wiesner 共1995兲. The procedure is applicable to simple span com- strength of the column section.
posite beams loaded so as to have maximum bending moment In some cases, the need for column stiffening may not be avoid-
near midspan, and with at least one essentially opening-free slab able. When this is the case, the following suggestions may help
span on each side of the slab span共s兲 containing openings. This minimize the cost impact for building structures in nonseismic
procedure establishes effective slab widths at several points along applications:
the beam, and requires calculating the beam bending capacity at 1. Where allowed by governing building codes, design col-
those points, relative to the applied bending moment. It also re- umn stiffening in response to the actual moments and re-
quires checking the approximate slab in-plane bending stresses, sulting flange forces rather than the full moment resistance
and providing adequate reinforcing in the slab next to the open- of the cross section; the latter simply wastes money.
ings to resist tensile stresses.
2. If designing in allowable stress design, take advantage of
the allowable stress increase in wind-load applications
共load combinations in LRFD inherently account for such
concurrent occurrence of transient loads兲.
Wiesner, K. B. 共1995兲. ‘‘Composite beams with adjacent slab openings.’’ 3. Properly address reduced design strength at column-top ap-
Proc. Structures Congress XIII, ASCE, New York, 523–526. plications. The typical beam depth is usually such that the
reduced design strength provisions for column-top applica-
tions apply only at the top flange force.
Alternatives to Column Stiffeners and Doubler Plates 4. Increase the number of moment-resisting joints and/or
Transverse stiffeners and web doubler plates are expensive detail frames to reduce the magnitude of the moment delivered to
materials that increase the cost of fabricated structural steel con- a given joint to a level that is more compatible with the
struction, needlessly in many cases. How can the economic im- design strength of the column section.


5. Give preference to the use of fillet welds instead of groove supports...required for the erection operation. These temporary
welds when their strength is adequate and the application is supports shall be sufficient to secure the bare structural steel
appropriate. framing or any portion thereof against loads that are likely to be
6. When possible, use a partial-depth column stiffener, which encountered during erection . . . .’’
is more economical than a full-depth stiffener because it AISC Design guide 10, 共Fisher and West 1987兲 addressed the
need not be fitted between the column flanges. Select the design requirements for the temporary bracing for low rise steel
partial-depth stiffener length to minimize the fillet weld buildings. The Design Guide consists of two parts. In Part one,
size for the stiffener-to-column-web weld. information is provided for the determination of loads that act on
7. While transverse stiffeners are required in pairs when the the structure during erection. Load combinations for the design of
limit states of local flange bending or local web yielding are the temporary support system are discussed. Design procedures
less than the required strength, a single transverse stiffener are provided for the determination of the resistance by the perma-
is permitted and should be considered when either the limit nent structure and the temporary bracing components. In Part two,
state of web crippling or the limit state of compression prescriptive temporary bracing requirements are provided. The
buckling of the web only is less than the required strength. requirements are based on various bay sizes and eaves heights.
8. In cases when the flange force is only compressive, allow Although the Design Guide was written for low-rise buildings,
the option to weld the stiffener end or to finish it to bear on many of the items presented are applicable to high-rise construc-
the inside flange. In most lateral load resisting frames, how- tion as well.
ever, moments are reversible and the design flange force
may be either tensile or compressive. References
9. Use a single web doubler plate up to a required thickness of AISC. 共2000兲. Code of standard practice for steel buildings and bridges,
3/4 in. If thicker web reinforcement is required consider the Chicago.
use of two plates, one on each side of the column web. This Fisher, J. M., and West, M. A. 共1987兲. ‘‘Erection bracing of low rise
practice may be more economical and is likely to reduce structural steel buildings.’’ Design guide No. 10, AISC, Chicago.
heat input, weld shrinkage, and member distortion.
10. Recognize that in the concentrated-flange-force design pro-
Eccentricities in Truss Members
visions in AISC LRFD Specification Section K1, it is as-
sumed that the connection is a directly welded flange or In the AISC specification 共1989, 1994兲, the designer is allowed to
flange-plated moment connection, not an extended end- provide bolted or welded connections at the ends of statically
plate moment connection. All else being equal, column loaded single-angle, double-angle, and similar members without
flange and web strength is generally higher when extended aligning the center of gravity of the bolt or weld group with the
end-plate moment connections are used as discussed in the center of gravity of the member 共LRFD Specification Section
AISC LRFD manual 共AISC 1994, pp. 10-35–10-40兲. J1.8; ASD Specification Section J1.9兲. The corresponding com-
11. Limit the number of different thicknesses that are used mentary indicates that ‘‘slight eccentricities . . . have long been
throughout a project for transverse stiffeners and web dou- ignored as having negligible effect on the static strength of such
bler plates. Production economy is achieved when many members.’’ However, the eccentric effect in some members con-
repetitive elements can be nested within the fewest number stitutes an appreciable increase in stress when comparing P/A to
of source materials. 共P/A⫹Pec/I兲, even for slight eccentricities. Is it also permissible
In seismic applications, the use of transverse stiffeners is recom- to neglect eccentricity in the design of the member?
mended in the AISC Seismic Provisions for Structural Steel Build-
ings 共AISC 1997兲 unless testing indicates they are unnecessary. Response
Earlier stated economy suggestions 5, 6 共when a moment connec- Two types of eccentricity that result from the above conditions
tion is made to one flange only兲, 9, 10 and 11 remain applicable in are illustrated in Fig. 4. First, one case in which eccentricity re-
such cases. sults in the truss chord is illustrated in Fig. 4共a兲. This case was
addressed previously 共Nair 1988兲. Second, eccentricity results in
the truss web member itself under axial load as illustrated in Fig.
References 4共b兲. This latter case is the subject of this discussion.
For tension member design, the slight eccentricity that result
AISC. 共1994兲. LRFD Manual of steel construction, Vol. 1, 2nd Ed., Chi- when the centroid of the end connection is not aligned with the
cago. centroid of the member need not be considered. Based upon the
AISC. 共1997兲. Seismic provisions for structural steel building, Chicago. results of testing by Gibson and Wake 共1942兲, it is far more im-
Carter, C. J. 共1999兲. ‘‘Stiffening of wide-flange columns at moment con- portant to consider the effects of shear lag in the perpendicular
nections: Wind and seismic applications.’’ Design guide 13, AISC,
direction on the effective net area.
Ricker, D. T. 共1992兲. ‘‘Value engineering and steel economy.’’ Modern
For compression member design, however, the eccentricity
steel construction, Chicago. must be considered and the designer has two options. The mem-
ber itself can be designed for the eccentric axial load while the
end connection is designed for a concentric end reaction. Alter-
Design of Temporary Bracing natively, the member can be designed for a concentric axial load
What criteria are appropriate for the design of temporary bracing if the end connection and the chord are designed to transmit the
for steel structures? eccentric end reaction.

Response References
The AISC Code of Standard Practice, Section 7.10 共2000兲, states AISC. 共1989兲. Specification for structural steel buildings—Allowable
‘‘the erector shall determine, furnish and install all temporary stress design and plastic design, Chicago.


Fig. 4. Eccentricites in truss members

AISC. 共1994兲. LRFD manual of steel construction, Vol. 1, 2nd Ed., Chi- • How should the ASD Code interaction formulas be applied?
cago. Use composite r x to calculate F ⬘ex , but what ‘‘r’’ value to use
Gibson, G. J., and Wake, B. T. 共1942兲. ‘‘An investigation of welded for KL/r and Fa calculations? 共Note: Concrete stress may well
connections for angle tension members.’’ Welding J., January.
be controlling.兲
Nair, R. S. 共1988兲. ‘‘Secondary stresses in trusses.’’ Eng. J., 25共4兲, 144.
• How should required number of shear connectors be deter-
• How is connection designed?
Problems Currently Being Addressed

The design office problems dealt with in this section represent Problems Needing To Be Addressed
current studies of ASCE’s Committee on Design of Steel Building
Structures. Solutions to many or most of these problems can be Listed in this section are unresolved issues that have been identi-
expected to appear in future volumes of the compendium. fied by the ASCE Committee on Design of Steel Building Struc-
tures as being within the scope of the ‘‘Compendium of Design
Office Problems.’’ The Committee expects to address these issues
Composite Beams as Struts
in the future, either directly through the efforts of its members or
In steel-framed buildings with two or more basement levels, com- by referral to organizations that sponsor research. Additional
posite beams are often used to support below-grade floors. The items are continually being added to the ‘‘needing to be ad-
earth pressures against basement walls produce large horizontal dressed’’ list. It is anticipated that the eventual resolution of these
compressive forces in these floor framing systems, which result in issues will be disseminated to the profession through subsequent
significant compressive stresses in the slab as well as the steel volumes of the compendium.
beams. How should one design such composite beams for axial
force plus bending?
Shallow Depth Floor Systems
Questions, such as the following, arise:
• What concrete modulus (E c ) should be used to assess the dis- In commercial, industrial, and institutional building construction,
tribution of compressive force between slab and steel beams? depth of floor construction is not usually a disadvantage for struc-
• What concrete modulus (E c ) should be used to compute tural steel since the conventional steel joist/girder or steel beam/
composite-beam section properties? girder and concrete slab floor system accommodates a suspended


ceiling within which HVAC, electrical fixtures, fire sprinklers, References
and fireproofing can be located. In residential-type construction
共hotels, apartments, condominia, assisted living, etc.兲 however, Meng, R. L., and Murray, T. M. 共1997兲. ‘‘Seismic performance of bolted
the need for suspended ceilings disappears 共utilities supplied run end-plate moment connections.’’ Proc., AISC National Steel Construc-
vertically兲 and flat plate concrete is often the choice due to its tion Conf., AISC, Chicago.
shallow 8- to 10-in. depth of floor construction. For taller residen-
tial buildings 共10 to 20 stories and higher兲 owners can gain sev- Thermal Analysis of Steel Structures
eral additional floors of usable space if there are imposed height
The analysis and design of steel building structures, particularly
restrictions. Even if the steel-framed building is the least expen-
those involving long spans, often times requires consideration by
sive 共construction cost兲, fastest to build, and the best choice for
the designer of stresses and deformation caused by thermal load-
other reasons, concrete may be selected. This also occurs in hos-
pital additions when the existing floor system to be matched is During the erection phase, the exposed steel framework will
concrete. be subjected to direct sunlight that could significantly raise the
What conventional and innovative concepts are available to effective temperature of the steel cross section of the members.
design professionals for minimizing depth of structural steel floor This exposure could affect member stresses and elongations
systems in cases where depth is a major factor in selection of the which may, along with other load conditions 共e.g., dead, live,
framing system? lateral load兲 influence member sizes and detailing of connections.
Considering outside air temperature and direct exposure to
sunlight, what are the factors that affect the selection of a tem-
Bolted End-Plate Moment Connection—Seismic
perature loading appropriate for design and how can the designer
determine the appropriate thermal loading to use in the design?
The Massachusetts State Building Code 共6th Edition兲, in effect
since February 1997, is perhaps the first in the Eastern United Seismic Moment Connections: Beam-to-Column Weak
States to require welded beam-to-column moment connections in Axis
all buildings framed with structural steel to be fabricated and
In areas where seismic forces are moderate or low, engineers are
erected in accordance with an ‘‘enhanced’’ pre-Northridge detail;
designing buildings with some beams moment connected to the
column weak axis. Such connections generally occur in the end
• Use of high-toughness weld metal; bay of a multibay frame, where the end column web is oriented at
• Removal of bottom backing bar; 90° to the end bay due to participation in an orthogonal frame.
• Backgouging and rewelding at the root; The problems of steel moment connections discovered after
• Reinforcing fillets, top and bottom of bottom flange; and the 1994 Northridge earthquake are being heavily researched for
• Reinforcing fillet at top of top flange. beam-to-column strong axis conditions. What are appropriate and
As Massachusetts, along with most of the East, is generally be- prudent engineering guidelines for beam-to-column weak axis
lieved to be of low to moderate earthquake risk, these require- moment connections?
ments represent substantial changes to the standard practice with Specifically
which these connections have been constructed for many decades. 1. What minimum plastic rotation angle must be achieved for
Moreover, the added costs and uncertainties are forcing engineers 共a兲 ordinary moment frames? and 共b兲 special moment
toward braced frames—where braced frames are not functionally frames?
acceptable—to less desirable alternatives for structural framing. 2. Is the strong column/weak beam concept mandatory?
The excellent results of published research by Meng and Murray 3. If not mandatory, under what conditions is it allowable to
共1997兲 at Virginia Tech on bolted end-plate moment connections have a plastic hinge form in the column 共weak axis兲? How
has excited both structural engineers and fabricators/erectors as to should the beam to column connection be designed and de-
the promise of an economic, labor-saving alternative connection tailed?
that appears to resolve all of the issues exposed by the poor per- 4. If the engineer does make the column weak axis strength
formance of the welded pre-Northridge connection. However, the larger than the beam strength, how should the connection be
use of the end-plate connection in Massachusetts, even for ordi- designed and detailed so as to achieve the necessary connec-
nary moment frames in low-rise applications for seismic hazard tion rotation capacity?
5. What research studies have been conducted on beam-to-
exposure group I and II buildings, has been questioned by some
column weak axis moment connections, and have any of
Massachusetts code authorities who believe that the only accept-
these been made after the Northridge earthquake?
able alternatives are those endorsed by FEMA and the SAC Joint
Venture, or established by testing programs recognized by those
agencies. Others question the acceptability of end-plate connec- Acknowledgments
tions only for metal building rigid frames and not for structural
steel. This ‘‘Compendium of Design Office Problems’’ is part of the
The 1997 AISC seismic provisions, incorporated into the In- continuing effort of the ASCE Committee on Design of Steel
ternational Building Code, will likely have similar provisions to Building Structures to bring practical structural engineering solu-
Massachusetts and will thus impact many other states. Is there tions to the design profession. The editors of Volume III of the
enough information available to recommend acceptance of the compendium are John L. Gross and Louis F. Geschwindner. The
basic bolted end-plate moment connection, as tested by Meng and present and past members of the Committee who have made
Murray 共1997兲, as an alternative to the enhanced pre-Northridge major contributions to the development of this volume of the
moment connection in states of low to moderate seismicity? compendium are as follows:


William F. Baker, Skidmore, Owings & Merrill, Chicago Enrique Martinez-Romero, Enrique Martinez-Romero, S.A., Mexico City,
Reidar Bjorhovde, The Bjorhovde Group, Tucson, Ariz: Committee Mexico
Chairman, 1982–1987 Thomas M. Murray, Virginia Polytechnic Inst. and State Univ., Blacks-
Lew Burgett, Consultant, Lilburn, Ga. burg, Va.
Charles Carter, AISC Chicago R. Shankar Nair, Teng & Associates, Chicago; Committee Chairman,
Robert O. Disque, GNCB, Inc., Old Saybrook, Conn.; Committee Chair- 1993–1996
man, 1987–1990 David T. Ricker, Consultant, Payson, Ariz.
Michael F. Engestrom, Nucor-Yamato Steel, Weston, Fla. James J. Rongoe, Consultant, Darien, Conn.
John L. Ruddy, Structural Affiliates International, Inc., Nashville, Tenn.
James M. Fisher, Computerized Structural Design, Inc., Milwaukee;
Jack Stecich, Wiss, Janney, Elstner Associates, Inc., Chicago
Committee Chairman, 1990–1993
William A. Thornton, Cives Steel Co., Roswell, Ga.
Louis F. Geschwindner, Pennsylvania State Univ., University Park, Pa.;
Emile W. J. Troup, Consultant, Canton, Mass.
Committee Chairman, 1999–present Kenneth B. Wiesner, LeMessurier Consultants, Inc., Cambridge, Mass.
Lawrence G. Griffis, Walter P. Moore & Assoc., Austin, Tex. Nabih F. G. Youssef, Nabih Youssef & Associates, Los Angeles
John L. Gross, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithers-
burg, Md.; Committee Chairman, 1996–1999 Many associates and professional colleagues of the committee
Socrates A. Ioannides, Structural Affiliates International, Inc., Nashville, members have also offered suggestions and comments for the
Tenn. material presented. Sincere appreciation is extended to all com-
Arthur J. Julicher, Consultant, Gaithersburg, Md. mittee members and all the others, too numerous to name indi-
Larry Kloiber, LeJuene Steel Co., Minneapolis vidually, for their contributions and interest in the development of
James O. Malley, Degenkolb Engineers, San Francisco this compendium.


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