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General RPA Interview Questions

Can you briefly tell me about yourself?

How many years of experience you have in Robotics Process automation?
How many project you have worked?
What do you know about RPA?
What type of automation you�re doing in organization? Or in other words, Can you
briefly explain me difference between Attended Automation vs Unattended Automation?
What�s your current project and explain about it?
What are the Automation Tools did you worked and how it different from one to
Did you have any Programming experience?
What is the SDLC Process followed in your project and what is your contribution
every stage of SDLC?
What are documents you used for created for your RPA process?
How you will test your RPA automation task?

Basic RPA Interview Questions

How will manage the changes in the existing process?

How will you identify particular process is automatable or not?
How will you calculate effort and estimation for process to automate (i.e., FTE
What are the deployment methods you�re following in your process?
Explain about RPA Source Code Management?
Can you explain about Code Standards and folder structures that you follow in your
How will you handle secure data�s such as user passwords in your automation
How will you integrate Third party API/ DLL�s or Code into you automation? Do you
have any experience on integrating API�s or DLL?
What are challenges or difficulty faced while automation in your projects or
How implement the Risk and Disaster Management in your automation process?

Advanced RPA Interview Questions

What is the RPA Tool did you used and explain the architecture of the Tool?
How will you do the Data Migration in-case of any Risk happens in your existing
automation process?
How do identify if the Process is good candidature to automation or not?
What are the common parameters used/decides if the process is automateable or not?
How to define simple , medium and complex process in RPA perspective?
How you are handling the logs in terms of process exception/ failures?
How you are handling Infrastructure failures in RPA enabled environments?
Which complex scenario do you automated and what is the savings realized in terms
of FTE as well as Cost?
What are common buzzwords currently used in the RPA world?
Do you have experience in AI & Machine Learning capability? where you implemented?
Do you have any scripting experience (such as Javascript/ Vb script)? where did you
used it in your project and why you used it?
How will handle the frequent changing or dynamic web site/ GUI application?.
How will retry the failed cases in your process?

RPA Interview Questions For Experienced

How will you update some data into the two application simultaneously using your
RPA tool?
How can you get the last updated file from folder using your RPA Tool?
Do you have experience in calling Web/ Rest Services in your RPA Process.?
How will pass the data from one system to another or one RPA Tool to another?
How will track the Success\failure Reports for your RPA Process and how do you
expose those data to BI & Analytic tools.
How do you write your format/ Processed Excel Data into specific format PDF?
Explain the steps to achieve the Email Automation?
Explain the steps for sending alert to the user for new folder/ file is created in
a shared path using RPA Tool?
How do handle the String Operations in your RPA Process?

RPA Scenario Based Interview Questions

HOW Automated assistant work?

What are IT support and management in accordance with robotic process automation
What are Process automation?
What are Recruitment when we comes to robotic process automation tools?
What is Control Room?
How to add/remove Clients in control room?
What is development and run time client?
Which version of AA you have used?
Explain different recorders in AA?
Difference between Manage Windows and Object Cloning?
What is ExcelConnector in OpenSpan?
Difference in Path and Target Path?
What RPA tools are you certified in?
How are you at organizational analysis and impact of robotics on work?
How many full enterprise project have you done?
How many functions have your done?
What ideas do you have about new roles and res-killing?
How will you conduct change management prior, during and after implementation.

Blue Prism - RPA Interview Queuestions

Hi Friends,

The below are the some of Blue Prism RPA Interview Questions...

1)Tell me about all your process as mentioned in your profile?

2)Difference between SDD and TDD?
3)At what phase you have used TDD?
4)About Test Plan & Test Startegy in Blue Prism?
5)Your role in supporting UAT?

6)About Agile methodologies?

7)About your best practices as a tester?
8)About Tester accessibility in Blue prism?
9)Types of Exceptions?
10) About User stories designing and understanding?

11)Brief Explanation On SDD Document?

12)Do you have Knowledge on .Net Code and C#?
13)In Which Scenario You have used The Code Stage and Tell me the Exact situation
why did you go for Code stage?
14)How do you provide security for files of Client?
15)What is Active Queue and where do you use?

16)Tell me about all your process as you mention in the profile?

17)How much time have you taken to develop each process?
18)How do you Integrate Excel data to Blue Prism?
19)What Exceptions and challenges did you face in your Process?
20)Have you Created any Documents In Blue Prism and If yes how?

21)Detail explanation from SDD to Deployement Phase?

22)Contents in SDD Document?
23)Brief Explanation of your Practical challenges faced In design Part i.e from SDD
to Deployment?
24)What would be the Runtime Resource time if you run from process/Object which
would be better?
25)Which Domains you have worked and if it is banking, How do you provide the
security and how do you give assurance that your data is secured?

26)How about the knowledge on .net and rating?

27)what all languages you are good? and How your work starts from SDD to
28)What after TDD you will do where do you use ODI,PDI?
29)What will SDD gives?
30)How many process did you get Involved and challenges you faced?

31) Difference between Development Build, UAT build and Production Build
32) How do you do the debugging in BP?
33) How are the environments set up in a RPA project?
34) What are the different levels of access that can be provided to user in BP?
where you restrict the access?
35) How will you manage if there is no test environment of any applications?

Automation Anywhere Interview Questions and Answers.

1. Explain about Automation Anywhere Architecture?

2. What is Control Room?
3. How to add/remove Clients in AA Control Room?
4. What is AA Development and Run Time Client?
5. Which version of AA you have used?
6. Explain different recorders in AA?
7. Difference between Manage Windows/Web controls and Object Cloning?
8. How to Lock, Shutdown and Restart a machine using AA?
9. How to call a Bot Inside a Bot?
10. How can I connect to database in AA and explain different AA Database commands?
11. What are the various ways to capture errors in your Automation Anywhere?
12. What is the use and meaning of Wildcards in AA?
13. What kind of Scripts AA supports?
14. What is App Integration commands in AA?
15. What all Subversion Versions are supported by AAE?
16. Is it possible to read PDF through AA and if yes, please explain the steps?
17. What is Workflow Designer?
18. How can we read CSV Files through Automation Anywhere?
19. How to do logs in AA?
20. AA Web Control Room's Dashboard Component displays the number of registered
clients what does this indicate?
21. Which System variable is used to read the data from your CSV/ Text File?
22. What are looping commands are available in AA and explain difference between
23. How will prevent capturing secure information through your AAE Client object
24. In WebCR, what does the number of active users reflect in Dashboard?
25. Which AA command is used to download a file and explain the steps to do?
26. Explain the steps to send and read the email using your Automation Anywhere
Enterprise client?
27. Which of the WebCR options allows to view the list of all client machines along
with their status in read-only form?
28. Explain about different types of Recorders available in Automation Anywhere?
29. What are the different types of variables available in the Task editor?
30. What are the different types of variables available in the MetaBot?
31. What are the different types of variables available in the Workflow Designer?
32. What is the AA MetaBot file extension?
33. What is the AA TaskBot file extension?
34. What is the AA Workflow file extension?
35. What is the AA Report Designer file extension?
36. What is default value of System variable 'ErrorLineNumber', in case of error is
not occurred?
37. Which ROI setting can we able to modify?
38. How will you connect or read two or more different excel files in a same AA
39. How will get the AA Array Element Row and Column Count?
40. What are the different types of files we can able to schedule in AA?
41. Which of the different types of reports are generated by the Report Designer?
42. Which of the Clients is accessible to a user with Admin role/rights?
43. How will you compare the tasks in Automation Anywhere?
44. In a looping, what is the starting initial value of Counter system variable?
45. While editing a task, the screenshots are not appearing under Visualize Tab.
What could be the possible reason?
46. Which one of the command is �highly� not recommended to use if the application
is local and offers full support of objects for automation?
47. which system variable format can be changed?
48. What are the various options available for error handling when an error occurs?
49. what are the important checks we need to do when using AA Web Record command?
50. Explain about AA Credential Vault?
51. How to assign a new set of permissions to a group of users in AA?

Robotics Process Automation (RPA) General Interview Questions

1. Can you briefly tell me about yourself? (As usual Question )

2. How many years of experience you have in Robotics Process automation?
3. How many project you have worked?
4. What you know about RPA?
5. What type of automation you�re doing in organization? Or in other words,
Can you briefly explain me difference between Attended Automation vs Unattended
6. What�s your current project and explain about it?
7. What are the Automation Tools did you worked and how it different from one
to another? (Asked when if you having experience in several RPA tools)
8. Did you have any Programming experience? (Ask when required minimum
knowledge in OOPS and Database SQL Queries)
9. What is the SDLC Process followed in your project and what is your
contribution every stage of SDLC?
10. What are documents you used for created for your RPA process? (This asks is
about Business Requirement document, High level and low level documents).
11. How you will test your RPA automation task?
12. How will manage the changes in the existing process? (Ask is about Change
Management and Reusable components development.) � (This Q may be asked for
experience candidates).
13. How will you identify particular process is automatable or not?
14. How will you calculate effort and estimation for process to automate (i.e.,
FTE calculation)?
15. What are the deployment methods you�re following in your process?
16. Explain about RPA Source Code Management?
17. Can you explain about Code Standards and folder structures that you follow in
your projects?
18. How will you handle secure data�s such as user passwords in your automation
19. How will you integrate Third party API/ DLL�s or Code into you automation? Do
you have any experience on integrating API�s or DLL?
20. What are challenges or difficulty faced while automation in your projects or
21. How implement the Risk and Disaster Management in your automation process?
(This question is asked when required concurrent systems to the risk of system


1. Can you draw anchor tag?

2. How can you create work queues?
3. Can you explain how action tag can be used?
4. Difference between IR and If? What is use of IR? And how and where you used in
your project explain?
5. What are Excel commands and its sub commands?
6. What is the basics use of excel command? Explain technically.
7. What is the diff between email automation and send mail?
8. Tell me port no you if you used on your project?
9. Dom x purpose, how and when we will used?
10. If you are not using then what will be error?
11. Tell me about tag, caption, path, value? (According to your project).
12. Given scenarios based on excel and web manages control and object cloning
13. Different between patterns based data & regular data.
14. What is the difference between tabbed menu and navigate menu?
15. Difference between manage web control, window control & object cloning.
16. Terminal emulator if u used in project?
17. About repository & control room process.
18. Basics diff keystrokes, mouse click? &where we can use?
19. Version of tool? What is the new thing, in comparison to previous version?
20. About production version explain?
21. can we connect excel file as a database If yes...Then how? If no then why not?
22. Difference between Delay and wait?
23. What is Auto Login?
24. How to read the Email massages by using Email Automation?
25. How to send an Email?
26. How will you read the data from Excel?
27.What are the system parameters for EXCEL / XML / CSV?
RPA Interview Questions

1. How can u write a data into a note pad by using variable?

2. What are the commands we can use in ocr?
3. How can u work on error handling?
4. What is the use of image reorganization?
5. How can u connect to the database?
6. What the extension for database?
7. What are the main commands we use to work with ocr?
8. How can u display second highest salary person details based on the id using 2
9. Explain about terminal emulator?
10. What are the challenges u have faced while developing RPA?
11. How can u encrypt the Data?
12. What r the commands we can perform in object cloning?
13. What�s your current project and explain about it?
14. What are the lists of tools for robotic process Automation?
15. What is special about RPA tools?
16. Can you draw calculation, Decision, Page, Action symbols?
17. Can you explain how can you open a login page?
18. What are the commands you are using for login page?
19. Can you explain work queues?
20. Can you draw block, exception, recovery, resume symbols?


Question: What is Control Room?

Question: How to add/remove Clients in control room?
Question: What is development and run time client?
Question: Which version of AA you have used?
Question: Explain different recorders in AA?
Question: Difference between Manage Windows and Object Cloning?
Question: What is Image Recognition and what about different modes?
Question: How to lock, shutdown and restart machine using AA?
Question: How to call a bot inside a bot?
Question: Can I connect to database in AA?
Question: How many types of variables are there?
Question: What are the various ways to capture errors?
Question: How to do Excel Integration in AA?
Question: What is the use and meaning of Wildcards?
Question: Is it possible to read PDF through AA?
Question: What is workflow designer?
Question: What kind of scripts AA supports?
Question: What is App Integration?
Question: Can we read csv files through AA?
Question: How to log in AA?

UiPath Interview Questions

What is RPA � Robotic Process Automation?
What is UiPath Automation?
Difference between UiPath vs Selenium?
What is Workflow in UiPath?
What are Activities in UiPath?
What are Variables in UiPath?
How many data types are available in UiPath?
What is Value and Scope of data types in UiPath?
What are arguments in UiPath?
What are properties in UiPath?
What is Flowchart in UiPath?
What are Flowchart activities in UiPath?
What is Flow Decision in UiPath?
What is Flow Switch in UiPath?
What are sequence activities in UiPath?
How many types of control diagrams are there in UiPath?
What is state machine in UiPath?
What is branching in UiPath RPA?
How do you create a project in UiPath?

Advanced UiPath Interview Questions

When you create a new project in UiPath Studio, which folder is created with your
custom name?
What is publishing an automation project means in UiPath?
What is project debugging in UiPath?
What are the types of projects in UiPath?
What is a single block activity in UiPath?
What are the key features of sequences in UiPath?
How do you activate UiPath Studio licence?
How do you install chrome Extension for UiPath Studio?
How do you connect your project to a Source Control System like SVN and TFS in
What is tracing and how do you enable tracing in UiPath?
What is package manager in UiPath?
What is a namespace and how to import them in UiPath?
What are Control Flow Activities in UiPath?
What is the Assign Activity in UiPath?
What is the Delay Activity in UiPath?
What is the Do While Activity in UiPath?
What is the If Activity in UiPath?
What is the Switch Activity in UiPath?
What is the While Activity in UiPath?
What is the For Each Activity in UiPath?
What is the Break Activity in UiPath?

UiPath Interview Questions For Experienced

Explain about Recording in UiPath Studio?
What are Recording Types in UiPath?
What is Automatic Recording in UiPath?
Give us a example of Automatic Recording with Basic and Desktop versions?
What are UI Activities Properties in UiPath?
How do you perform Data Scraping in UiPath?
What are Selectors and Wildcards in UiPath?
How can you enable image and text-based process automation?
What is Citrix Automation in UiPath? Do you have any experience in virtual machine

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