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Riverside Site
The site is located in Kuala Selangor Park. The site is a wetland
with high amounts of mangrove trees. The site contains different
tide levels throughout the day, which is why its considered one of
the harder sites to work on.

This passively designed shelter is functioned to house 4 people on a weekend retreat in the riverside site of Kuala Selangor nature park. The main objective of this design was to instate a sense of connectivity between the
residence and its surrounding wetlands and mangrove trees. The shape of shape of this design floor plan was shaped after a natural leaf. As you walk into the structure, you are greeted with a light well directly above and a
large glass panel to your left, which allows you to oversee all the surrounding mangrove trees, this creates a blend between the indoor space and outdoor. The step down platform which directs you to the pantry area
reminds you that you are now within the structure, where the glass panels are no longer visible u start to notice the phenomenal concrete architecture within the structure. This experience creates a strong sense of balance
and also creates the perfect experience for a weekend retreat, where the surroundings are the main star of the trip.

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