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Should I try Reiki?

After witnessing Reiki for the first time, I said: so, it’s a massage, right?
Not exactly. Reiki is a therapy which creates a warm environment full of comfort and
support, optimal for healing. A practitioner lightly places their hands on the patient’s
body to transfer pure energy, that’s why it’s often referred as “palm-healing”.
The word Reiki comes from the Japanese Rei which means “spirit” and Ki, or “vital
energy”. After a session, patients describe a heat emitting from the practitioner hands,
and a tingling or melting sensation. Despite this, science has little to no prove that this
form of energy healing actually works.

What to expect from a session?

To a person that has never heard of Reiki, the practitioner may start with a simple
explanation: it’s a technique that brings relaxation and harmony; and then continues
to guide them through every step of the process.
It starts when the patient is laid out in a comfortable surface, usually a bed. First, the
practitioner feels the energy, and slowly transmits it to the person through various
techniques -some use touch, while other just hover their palms above the body; and
some work from top-down or in no particular order, depending on which area they
consider needs the most healing.
The only item of clothing the patient will be asked to take off are their shoes and any
jewelry, so they don’t interfere with the process. Also, it’s recommended that they wear
loose clothes to improve breathing.

Where do I book a session?

Most Reiki practitioners work in a hospital, clinic, or at home. If you decide you’re up
for a session, check out social media to see if there are any near your area, and ask
around your neighborhood! Practitioners love sharing their healing abilities.

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