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Cherry Sebios: Final Exam

Advanced Educational Sociology with Peace Education

Examination Questions. Answers must be in paragraph form ( at least three


1. Social institutions and their functions are fairly universal, but could vary
depending one’s culture or geographic location. However, it is likely that there
be some common or overlapping social institutions, each with its relevant set
of functions, which vary somewhat depending on social values, moral
standards, and level of civilization. Discuss the importance of the following
social institutions.
a. Family
b. Education
c. Religion

A. Family
The family performs some basic functions of society. It enables children to
socialize, provides emotional and practical support for members, helps
regulate sexual activity and sexual reproduction, and provides social
identities for their members. In addition, sudden or far-reaching changes in
family structure or processes threaten their stability and weaken society.
And the family contributes to social inequality by reinforcing economic
inequality and by reinforcing patriarchy. The family can also be a source of
conflict, including physical violence and emotional cruelty, for its own
members. Also the interaction of family members and intimate couples
involves shared understandings of their situations. Wives and husbands
have different styles of communication, and social class affects the
expectations that spouses have of their marriages and of each other.
Romantic love is the common basis for American marriages and dating
relationships, but it is much less common in several other contemporary

B. Education
Every society has to prepare its young people for a place in adult life
and teach them societal values through a process called Education.
Education is an important agent of socialization and encourages social
integration, especially in countries with diverse populations, such as
the United States. Through their schools, students from a variety of
cultural backgrounds come into contact with mainstream culture.

C. Religion
Religion is a social institution that answers questions and explains the
seemingly inexplicable. Religion provides explanations for why things
happen and demystifies the ideas of birth and death. Religions based
on the belief in a single deity are Monotheistic. Those that encompass
many deities are Polytheistic. When families attend religious services
or put up decorations in honor of a holiday, they are teaching their
children about their religion and how to observe it. By engaging in
these activities and traditions, children are united with others of the
same religion around the world. In this way, families teach their own
culture as well as the culture of the society at large.

2. A stable and democratic society is impossible without widespread acceptance

of some common set of values and without a minimum degree of literacy and
knowledge on the part of most citizens. Education contributes to both. In
consequence, the gain from the education of a child accrues not only to the
child or to his parents but to other members of the society; the education of
my child contributes to other people’s welfare by promoting a stable and
democratic society. Education is today largely paid for and almost entirely
administered by governmental bodies or non-profit institutions. This situation
has developed gradually and is now taken so much for granted that little
explicit attention is any longer directed to the reasons for the special
treatment of education even in countries that are predominantly free
enterprise in organization and philosophy. The result has been an
indiscriminate extension of governmental responsibility. Explain this
statement “Education in this country is a state function”.

The institution of state came into being when people organized themselves to
live a disciplined life. The purpose was to hand over some of the important
functions of society to a mega organization or association which would be
invested with the powers to streamline the functions of various splinter social
groups for the benefit of society at large. With the passage of time, state has
come to be defined in clear cut terms and its functions have come too stated
in a comprehensive manner. The institution of State has come to be defined
by experts. According to Garner, “State is a community of persons, more or
less numerous, permanently occupying a definite portion of a territory,
independent and so of a foreign control and possessing an organized
government to which the inhabitants render a habitual obedience.”Kandel
defines State “as an organized political community with government
recognized by people.”

In other words, a very well-organized society assumes the shape of a State.

Territory, people, government and sovereignty are the essential elements of a
State. A State exists for the sake of good life. Education is one of the most
important functions of a welfare State. In olden times, it was not so. With the
coming in of democracy, this idea gained strength that education of all
citizens must become the primary responsibility of the State. This does not
mean that state will usurp the right of the family. Raymont has rightly said:
“The function of the state is to protect and promote, not to absorb or take the
place of family and the individual. In the sphere of education, it is the state’s
right, and even duty to protect the interior right of the family and the church.
… The national state can rightfully demand and ensure that the citizens have
a proper knowledge of their civil and national duties and attain a certain
standard of intellectual and moral culture.”

3. Peace education is the process of acquiring the values, the knowledge and
developing the attitudes, skills, and behaviors to live in harmony with oneself,
with others, and with the natural environment. Pursuant to DepEd Order No.
32, s. 2019, the Department of Education issues National Policy Framework
on Learners and Schools as Zones of Peace to guide the education sector
towards the creation of safe, inclusive, and conflict-sensitive learning
avenues. Being a teacher and being part of the society, how could you
promote culture of peace?
One of the best ways to encourage a culture of peace in the classroom is by
emphasizing teaching social and emotional skills.
Decades of research compiled from the Collaborative for Academic, Social,
and Emotional Learning have resulted in the creation of five goals that can
encourage Social and Emotional learning in students. That is promoting self-
awareness for all students to create the ability for each individual to reflect on
their personal feelings and thoughts. Also encouraging self-management. On
that same note, encouraging self-control and self-accountability for these
emotions and consequential actions is important. And prompting social
awareness. Building on being self-aware, a student becomes well-rounded
when they are taught to empathize with others and be conscious of differing
views, beliefs and cultures. Also developing relationship skills. Once these
three phases of awareness are learned, students should then learn how to
develop relationship skills that help them communicate with peers. And lastly
instructing responsible decision making. Teaching accountability and how to
make healthy choices help students manage their own behavior in one of the
best ways possible.

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